Lumieri Chronicles: Rise of t...

By Janxxed

628 102 62

"You can't beat the dragon. You must heed my warning. Let them be, you will lose in the long run there's no e... More

Chapter 1 The Two Brothers
Chapter 2 General Hunting
Chapter 3 The Start of the Journey
Chapter 4 Chance Encounter
Chapter 5 The Princess and The Two Princes
Chapter 6 The General of Ravage Rock
Chapter 7 - The General's Challenge
Chapter 8 Leo's Skill
Chapter 9 Frederick's Terror
Chapter 10 The Capital and Surprises
Chapter 11 The Weak and the Strong
Chapter 12 The Coronation
Chapter 13 Who's The King
Chapter 14 Promises, Promises
Character Information Part One- Lumieri Royal Family
Character Information Part Two
Map of the Continent
Chapter 15 Four Years Later
Chapter 16 Lumiere's Reclamation
Chapter 17 The Territories
Chapter 18 Frederick's Diplomacy
Chapter 18.1 Threats From A King
Chapter 18.2 Execution and The Innocent
Chapter 19 A King's Fury
Chapter 20 Bloody Diplomacy
Chapter 22 Lumiere's Fire
Chapter 23 Outplayed

Chapter 21 The Gates of Vellia

12 1 3
By Janxxed


A week has passed as the Lumieri Army arrived on the outskirts of Vellia. A force of fifty thousand Lumieri, most of whom had yet to complete their training were pulled by Leo to begin an offensive against Vellia. The first move he made was to capture the surrounding towns and villages to encircle the city, most of these simply let the Lumieri in without a fight. Others tried to form some sort of resistance but they were just swept away by the advancing Lumieri Army under the joint command of Leo, Robert, and Frederick.

The speed at which the Lumieri took the towns by storm was a sight to behold as within a week, Vellia lost the towns it claimed as theirs and is now currently surrounded on all sides by Lumiere.

Vellia, in this time has been a powder keg ready to explode. The lower levels were put under strict guard as rumors began to fly about Lumieri supporters within the citizenry have been planning to start a revolt inside the city so as to help Lumiere with the siege. Platoons of guards roam the streets and archers place themselves on the roofs watching the streets for suspicious movements.

The defenses meanwhile have been continuously reinforced. Catapults lined the outer walls in preparation for the siege. Vellia's military was in a rush preparing to receive their larger Lumieri counterparts.

As these events unfold in the lower levels below, the upper levels had a different activity.

"The Lumieri are at our doorstep!" A voice booms through the meeting hall as the man slams his hands into the table. The force was enough to vibrate the hall as the other attendees flinched. The meeting, being held at the largest table in the hall where all fifteen heads of the nobility sat. "What have you been doing to stop this General Ainhar?"

The man, Ainhar, eases back into his chair, disinterested. "Preserving our forces Sir Eisentrop. We won't be able to beat the Lumieri in open battle with their numbers. Which is why I allowed this siege to happen so as to slaughter them more easily than it would fighting in the field and possibly getting overwhelmed. Not to mention the presence of the Dragon General, Frederick Hulls who is virtually unstoppable when mounting a cavalry charge. Forcing him here negates his ability to charge straight at us thereby decreasing our casualty rates and increasing our chances of victory."

"So you planned on using our city as a battlefield!?" Another man yells out. "Why were we never informed of this!?"

"Because you louts would start complaining and we'd never find an alternative in time."

The new voice has the attendees present stand as they look at the entrance and find the current leader of Vellia, Gilbert Fayne. The man that overthrew the Agincourt family off Vellia's seat of leadership, and the man who triggered the war with the Lumieri.

"Sir Gilbert..."


The entire hall is brought to silence as their leader strolls inside, every step seemingly increasing the discomfort of the attendees. This was because Gilbert is a man of low tolerance. Executions would be commonplace for those who irked him in the slightest and would be carried out on the spot.

Gilbert heads to the middle chair and places himself next to both Ainhar and one of the noble heads. "Now then, shall I continue before all of you yell out your misgivings?"

The question is met a wave of nods demanding for the reason as to why their primary city is to be used as the main battlefield.

"The reason I decided to make the decisive battle a siege, is because time is on our side."


The confused looks of the nobles present made Gilbert click his tongue in irritation. "Attrition you idiots! Attrition! I've been stockpiling supplies underneath the keep for a good long while and we can sustain ourselves for at least a few years. The Lumieri meanwhile have a timetable. They can't starve us to death because of one factor..."

"You talk of the Coalition..." Eisentrop mutters


From this one word, the entire hall booms on angered and panic shouts.

"Are you insane!?"

"What kind of idiocy are you spouting!?"

"This better be a joke Sir Fayne, and it's not funny!"

"You would invite the Coalition at our doorstep!?"

The collective shouting has Gilbert stand up, grab a nearby bottle of whine and smash it on the table, breaking into shards with the contents oozing out. This action has the entire hall silenced as they all look at him in confusion, anger, and curiosity.

"Now that you're done with your tantrums, allow me to explain. The Lumieri are in a race against time. It's pretty obvious that their growing power will reach the nations of the Coalition soon which would most likely be a cause for concern for them. If this happens, Leo will have to focus on the Coalition first and foremost and this will be our opportunity to strike. Whilst he's busy with the Coalition, we move and occupy the nearby lands and bolster our forces, and aid the Coalition so as to bring ourselves on the negotiating table for terms. We grow our power and lose our most powerful rival. Which is why I've been gathering supplies and bolstering our defenses against them. So we can hold until they arrive which I'm certain they will. Killing their diplomats was simply a way to provoke King Leo into action, which he most splendidly fell for."

"And how are you certain that the Coalition will keep their word?"

"General Ainhar here is originally from Disvachi. Even better, he's a cousin of Disvachi's king. And we've been given terms so as to help in taking down Lumiere in exchange for more land."

At this, the entire hall was filled with awes and praise. Their previous feelings of fear and nervousness surmounted by relief and joy.

"If you're connected to one of the Coalition's leaders then perhaps we can trust you!"

"It's not like we have much of a choice to defeat Lumiere...very well, no turning back now."

"Please be sure you won't fail us General Ainhar!"

"We leave it to you then General!"

"The Lumieri won't know what hit them gahahaha!"

Among all the praises and celebrations, there was one man in the corner who simply scoffed at the entire affair. "Idiots..."

He looked on at his celebrating comrades acting as if they've already won the war before it even began. He on the other hand was nervous. He was the only one that continuously kept watch of Lumiere and analyzed their strength. He watched as Lumiere expanded and regained it's former territories. And what frightened him of this event was the sheer speed at which Lumiere reconquered everything. He noticed the Lumieri went for tactical points in each region. How both diplomacy and military might was used to great effect. How he watched as Lumiere rapidly closed in on them from all sides.

And he especially took note of one particular army, the one being led by Leo. Out of the three armies that broke off, he noticed Leo's army as the one that had the least number of men and the most number of towns and villages to subjugate. And he did it at such a frightening speed that he was the first to arrive outside Vellia for the siege whilst the others were still advancing.

As he witnessed all of this, he came to one conclusion. Lumiere's current king is a frightening entity. At this thought, his stomach twisted and turned and his head ached, having to remain on his seat as the nobles around him were standing up and preparing to head to the main hall to celebrate.

"Sir Mashester, what are you waiting for? Come! Join us celebrate."

The man, Mashester, just shook his head. "No thank you, Sir Linstrop, I fear I'm not feeling well and must depart. Plus my wife's waiting for me back home."

"Ah, well another time then. Perhaps after our victory!" His companion enthusiastically yells as he runs to catch up to the others.

"After victory...I fear there may not be a victory..." He whispers to himself. As he exits the palace, he heads to the walls of the upper levels and observes the surrounding fires at the outskirts. "I fear, what's to come may not be victory, but death..."

At the Lumieri camp...

"So all of you know your roles?" Leo asks both Frederick and Robert.

"Aye lad."

"Yes sir."

At their response, Leo nods. "Good, well then gentlemen, prepare your troops and rest up. It's a big day tomorrow."

The two nod and leave the command tent to their own camps. Leo meanwhile steps out and looks around his encampment. The sentries, the men eating, sleeping, chatting, he looks at them and burns their faces into his memory. Because he knows he won't see the faces of some of them when it's over.

He then turns and takes a look at the torches atop Vellia's walls. "Why couldn't you just surrender?"

At Vellia's Lower Levels...

Vincent is performing patrol duty. He wanders the pathways with torch in hand he wandered the pathways of the Lower Levels, making sure all the citizens were home. As he crossed through one alley, something came into view from the side. He twists and hold his sword as he came face to face with the figure whose face is hidden in the shadows.

"A bit jumpy tonight Captain Agincourt? Or should I say "Aren" when out in public..." The figure asks in a playful tone.

Vincent gives a sigh of relief as he lowers his sword and gives a smile to the figure. "You scared me there miss. And yes, please use "Aren" or Captain when addressing me out in the open. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I'm one of the agents. King Leo wants to make sure you know your part."

At the figure's statement, the smile from Vincent's face washed away and switched with a look of seriousness. "Yes, I'll be sure to perform my part. Though it would be easier if he told me the entire plan..."

The woman chuckles at Vincent as she slowly emerged from the shadows, her head obscured by a robe and mask encompassing the entire face. The only thing he could make up were the woman's light blue eyes. "King Leo wants to make sure his plan doesn't leak out. By any means necessary."

"He doesn't trust me that much...huh?"

"No, no he does not. Maybe after this battle you'll have earned it."

Vincent sighs in slight annoyance. Though he understands the reasoning behind it, it's giving him a hard time to efficiently do his job as he can't form a multitude of alternatives out of fear that it would clash with Leo's plan. And a little bit frustrated at the seeming lack of trust Leo has in him.

"Now now Captain, don't worry, so long as you do what King Leo orders, he'll be satisfied." The woman states in her still playful tone

"Yes, I know. Thank you, I'll make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Very well then, keep it up Captain."

As the figure turns to leave, Vincent calls her. "May I at least know your name miss?"

The woman stays still for a few moments before turning back at Vincent slightly raising her mask to reveal a smile within. "Perhaps after the battle Captain if you live, then I'll tell you. Be sure not to get stabbed or beheaded if you wish to know."

"Y-yes, I'll endeavor not to Miss, I promise."

The woman's smile widens before she places her mask back into place. "Then it's a deal then Captain." She states as she disappears into the shadows.

Once the woman disappeared, Vincent looks up at the sky, pondering as to how the battle will go. "We're walking a thin line between life and death...I wonder which side we will fall on after all this?

The next day, Vellia finds itself surrounded on three sides, the south, east, and west walls. The east was besieged by Frederick with his troops lined up with battering rams, ladders, and catapults. Each man had a savage feeling to them as they stare at the Vellian walls with bloodshot eyes.

"Is it time yet General!?" One of the officers shouts with savagery as the rest of his soldiers give a sharp breath in anticipation.

"Calm down boys, King Leo hasn't given the signal yet. Do you really want to act ahead of the king?"

At the mention of Leo's name, the soldiers tense, knowing what might happen if they charge without his orders. "N-no sir, we can wait... discipline above all else... right?"

Frederick howls in laughter at the soldiers' reaction "That's right boys, discipline above all else."

After his conversation with his men, Frederick then faces forward, to the direction where forces besieging Western wall should be. "Now then me why I can consider you worthy of my daughter's hand..."

In the vicinity of the Western wall, Robert and his men were all positioned along with their siege equipment. Each man looked at Vellia's defenses with bated breath. None were too eager to charge into the heavily fortified walls of the city once known as the "Gem of the South". Yet despite this, their training and discipline kept them steady for the most part.

Robert looked at his men and sighed in slight disappointment. He knew many of the ones he had were yet to complete their training but he didn't expect them to look this unprepared. He was the type who'd take pride in the readiness of his men. And what's in front of him now is simply unacceptable. What makes him feel even worse is the fact that Frederick told him that he'll evaluate Robert on whether he's good enough for his daughter.

Not long after, one of Robert's officers approach him with a slightly perplexed look."General Robert, the men wish to ask when we'll attack? It seems that the longer we wait, the more they'll lose their nerves."

Robert looks at the men he suspects were the ones who asked. The newbies in his army by the looks of their fidgeting. He gives them a glare and they all stand straighter and  look away from the glowering general.

"Until King Leo gives the order, we'll hold positions." Robert replies to the officer.

"Yes sir, I'll go inform the men." The officer excuses himself to tell his men and Robert turns to look at the South, specifically where Leo's army is positioned.

On the outskirts of the Southern Wall, Leo watches his men gathered up and facing the walls with siege equipment in hand. Each and everyone of his soldiers were perhaps one of, if not the most disciplined men in the Lumieri Army. Robert drew the short straw and had many rookies in his army but his army comprised of the largest, Frederick had lesser men than Robert but they comprised of his personal army which made each man have his savage tendencies. Whilst Leo commanded the least number of men but are the most disciplined. Though not having the destructive power of Frederick's men, Leo is confident that the discipline of his soldiers makes them more superior.

He gives a contented nod at their constant readiness despite the length of time that they've been positioned and sits back into his chair as he enjoys a small glass of wine.

As he pours a second glass, one of the officers of his army, Captain Deceus arrives and gives him a short bow. "Pardon sire, messages from both General Frederick and Robert, they wish to ask as to why we haven't began our assault on Vellia yet."

Leo sips some of the wine before answering, "We wait for a little bit, for things to be just right Captain Deceus."

"Just right sire?" Deceus asks in confusion.

Leo nods. "Yes, when it's just right, I'll order the attack to begin."

"Very well sire, I'll be sure to tell them what you said and-"

Deceus wasn't able to complete his statement as shouting is suddenly heard from the Vellian walls.

"What's going on?" Deceus questions as he looks at what's happening to the wall. Leo also watched what's happening and sees Vellian soldiers in a panic up the walls. The flag atop the tower of Vellia's gate starts waving and Leo smirks.

"Captain!" Leo shouts which startles Deceus.

"Yes sire?"

"Tell the generals that it's time, commence the attack."

Deceus's eyes widens for a moment before snapping out of the trance. "Yes sire, right away!" He salutes and runs to his men. "Quick! Sound the horns, it's time to attack!!"

At the outskirts Eastern Walls, the sounds of a horn could be heard. Frederick's ears perk up at the sound and he has a wide smile on his face. "Finally!"

"General Frederick, is that-" one of his officers didn't even finish when Frederick interrupted.

"Yes! It's time, order the men to attack! Now!"

Frederick's officers start scrambling to their men as each and every one of them have the eyes of beasts in them. They know exactly what the commotion is about and are excited for what's to happen.

"All troops, charge!"

On the outskirts Western Walls, the horns are heard which immediately gets a reaction from Robert. "It's time..."

"The signal..." One of Robert's officers mutter. "It's the signal! Get to your positions now! Ready the men to move!"

Robert's officers scatter to their positions as Robert places himself on a high ground to be in full view of his army. "All troops ready?"

"Yes sir!" Comes a unified boom from his soldiers which earns a nod from Robert. "Very good! All troops, forward!"

In the Southern Wall, Leo's officers have positioned themselves as Leo observes them from the high ground.

"Is everyone ready?"

The beating of shields respond to his question as his men use their spears and swords to bash the shields in acknowledgement.

Leo smiles at the reply. "Excellent. Well then, all troops, march forward!"

And so, the Battle of Vellia has begun...

Battle of Vellia

30,000 infantry
10,000 archers
10,000 cavalry

Total: 50,000

10,000 infantry
7,000 archers
3,000 cavalry

Total: 20,000


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