NaruHina: Postscripts

By WaterRolls

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[REQUESTS CLOSED] Drabbles of the NaruHina kind. A collection of unrelated short stories prompted by the wo... More


One Hundred

1.5K 39 41
By WaterRolls

I know your closing soon, but considered this a request before you close. In boruto opening 9, the uzumaki family including Kawaki are going to a picnic. Can you do a drabble about that?


Hai, I was wondering if there's still slot for a drabble request? If yes, would you mind writing a drabble in which Kawaki calls Hinata "Mom" for the first time? Or calling Naruto "Dad"?


I have a drabble request. I was really mesmerized by the cover picture and wanted to request a fluff drabble where Hinata kisses Naruto's forehead and he hugs her tightly and smiles cause he loves it. He feels like he finally found someone who cares about him

"Please?" Himawari asked.

She was doing that thing with her eyes again, making it wide and shiny as she pleaded with him.

"Tch!" Kawaki said as he looked away. But then he snorted and said, "Fine."

"Thank you!" she yelled then she leaped forward and hugged him around the waist. "Yay! It'll be fun, you'll see!"

He felt the breath knocked out of him, but then he patted her head awkwardly.

"Tell your mother I said I'll go with everyone to the picnic."

"She's not just my mother, Kawaki," Himawari said as she looked up at him with her sunny smile. "She's yours, too."

Then she gave him one more squeeze and traipsed off to go tell Hinata the news, leaving Kawaki staring at her, suddenly unable to breathe.



And by that extension, Nanadaime...


He felt his knees weakening so he dropped down on his butt and sat staring at nothing in front of him, reeling from the words.

Mother. Father.

The minutes passed as he sat in the middle of the Uzumaki's backyard and listened to birds fly over him, the flapping of the sheets hung outside to dry, Hinata vacuuming inside the house.

These past few months with the Uzumakis, he'd been up and down with his emotions and he still didn't know how to process his feelings. Everyone was always up in his business, so boisterous, and loud, and crazy, and nice, and friendly, and accepting.

Just plain...loving.

Kawaki still couldn't wrap his head around it. That they would open their home to him despite knowing his past. That they'd let him sleep on a comfortable bed, eat some of the best food he's ever had.

But what made him even more rattled was that they'd not only accepted him, they'd treated him as if he'd always been one of them. As if it was the most natural thing in the world.

He was a stray, something to be thrown away when he'd served his purpose. Something to be used and easily discarded.

But here they were, folding him into this intimate circle they called a family—and expected nothing from him.

And now, Himawari was saying he could have a mother and a father.

Real parents.

He blinked rapidly, not knowing why he suddenly felt this way, this burning in his lungs, this ache in his chest, this—

"There you are!" A voice suddenly yelled out.

"Kawaki! What the hell?! If you're going on the picnic then you have to help out! Don't just sit there! Get your lazy butt in here and do something!"

Boruto's head was out the window and he was glaring at him.

Kawaki shook himself and stood up. "Don't call me a lazy butt, asshole! And what the hell are you doing yelling your lungs off so early in the morning?! You're so freaking loud!"

"Haaah?! I'm not the only one yelling!"

"You are!"

"Shut your mouth! And hurry up!"

"Tch! Alright! I'm coming!"

. . . .

Hinata smiled to herself as she heard the boys bickering. She was putting away the vacuum cleaner in the closet when Naruto and Himawari came to inform her that the picnic basket was packed.

"Thank you," she said and followed them back into the kitchen to make sure that they hadn't forgotten anything.

"Oh, Papa! I love that we're all going. And Uncle Shikamaru let you off from work and said you could go, too!"

Naruto laughed. "Himawari! Shikamaru's not the boss of me, you know. It's the opposite!"

"Really"? she asked dubiously. But then she turned to her mother. "Did we do everything right?"

Hinata patted Himawari on the head. "You did, Hima!"

Himawari whooped. She looked at the door when the boys came in. "Come on! Hurry up! I want to go now!"

She went to the table to grab the picnic basket and attempted to lift it up, but it was too heavy for her so she put it down with a thud. There was a pout on her face.

Naruto laughed, ruffled her hair, and picked up the basket. He then walked over to Kawaki and said, "Here, you hold this since you didn't help in the packing."

Kawaki looked at it, but then he held out his arm and accepted it. He grunted, placed a hand inside his pocket. He didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say.

Himawari grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled her to the entranceway. "Let's go! Come on, let's go, everyone!"

"Hima! What's the rush?" Boruto said with a laugh. "The park's not going anywhere. And when we get to Senju Park, there's nothing to do there."

"But Nii-san! It's a family picnic! We haven't gone in a while! And it's Kawaki's first one! It's so exciting!"

She ran to the entranceway. Himawari was quick at lacing up her shoes and waited for Hinata and Naruto to slip on theirs. Naruto finally did and picked her up. Still carrying her in his arms, they both stepped out of the doorway so that everyone else could put on theirs in the tiny space.

Naruto shaded his eyes as he looked up at the sun, smiling. He hadn't missed the way Kawaki had stiffened in surprise when he'd heard Himawari say those words. The boy had blinked and then frowned.

Yes, Kawaki, he thought to himself. Get used to it, kid. You're part of the family now.

There was an annoyed huff. "God, why are you dilly-dallying around so much today! Come on, Kawaki! Put your shoes on already. I can't put mine on if you're taking up all the space in the entranceway!"

"All the space?! There's room for two in here!"

Naruto grinned and Himawari giggled as she looked up at him.

"They're so silly, Papa," she whispered. "Always fighting, pretending they don't like each other."

"Let them have their fun, Hima," he answered back.

Hinata was smiling, too, when she joined them. Her purple scarf slipped from her shoulder and Naruto reached out to place it back on her shoulder, his arm drifting down slowly to the small of her back.

"Thank you, dear," she said as she smiled up at him.

"Yup," Naruto said before he leaned down to press a quick kiss on her mouth.

"Bleagh! Tou-chan! Stop that!" Boruto yelled as he burst out of the door, Kawaki following right behind him.

Naruto ignored it and smiled at Hinata, whose eyes were flashing with amusement, but she asked the boys, "Is everyone ready then?"

Kawaki nodded, still holding the picnic basket in his hand.

Himawari slipped down from her father's arms and grabbed Hinata's then Boruto's hand. She looked at Boruto expectantly.

He frowned at her. "What?"

She smiled then said, "Aren't you going to hold Kawaki's hand?"

"What?! Why?!" he yelled as he shot a quick, embarrassed look at Kawaki, who was looking just as disgruntled.

"Because," Himawari explained.

"No way!"

Naruto laughed and grabbed Boruto's hand. "You can hold my hand, Boruto."

Boruto felt his father's larger hand squeeze his smaller one and he shrugged as nonchalantly as he could. His voice resigned, as if he had no choice, he mumbled, "I guess. No help for it then."

Still, he didn't let go of Naruto's hand and held on.

"Right, let's go then before Himawari gets really angry," Naruto said as he slung an arm around Kawaki's shoulder.

Kawaki's body tightened for a moment, still unused to Naruto's reassuring touch. But he remembered the time that Nanadaime had reached out to hug him when they'd gone to look for a vase at Ino-san's store and his heart calmed down.

He looked up to see Naruto's eyes on him. "You ready?"

Kawaki nodded and didn't fling off the arm draped over his shoulder.

Together, they all walked to the park.

. . . . .

Naruto sighed and looked up to the sky, his head pillowed on Hinata's lap. He could hear them, their voices carrying to where they were settled on the picnic blanket.

She was watching the children play, a smile on her face. Boruto was weaving hand seals and showing them to Kawaki, who was trying his best to remember the sequence.

"You can do it, Kawaki!" Himawari's voice was gently encouraging.

Naruto sighed again when he felt Hinata unconsciously brush at his hair.

He was happy.

First, he had two days off, which was a blessing in itself.

Then today, the whole family was out in Senju Park. The weather was fine, the kids were having fun, and Hinata was beside him.

He laughed, he couldn't help it. It felt like he was dreaming, his life was filled with so much joy and love.

Hinata looked down on him with a quizzical smile on her face. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said.

Then she leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"Kaa-chan!" Boruto cried out. "Not you, too!"

"Nii-chan! Leave them alone!"

A giggle soon followed the words. "Just go away or don't look! Or you can just tell Papa you want him to watch you show off your ninjutsu."

"Himawari! That's not it at all!"

There was a growl and they heard Boruto stalk away, grumbling angrily. "God, at their front of embarrassing...enough to make me barf..."

Himawari was laughing.

"Nii-chan! You're such a spoilsport."

Hinata glanced down at Naruto, who met her eyes. They both laughed.


Naruto slowly sat up and looked at Kawaki, who had approached them and was looking solemn. He smiled at the boy. "No need to be so formal. Tou-chan is fine. Or if you want, Papa, the way Himawari does it."

Kawaki drew back in surprise.

Naruto patted the space in front of him and Kawaki sat down without a word, but he was frowning at Naruto.

Naruto kept the smile on his face. "You don't have to, of course, Kawaki. But it would make me feel better if you thought of me as a father. I hope you don't mind that I already think of myself that way."

This time, Kawaki blinked.

Hinata scooted over and sat next to Naruto, the smile on her face gentle. "I hope you don't mind that I also think of myself as your mother, Kawaki."

"Oh," he said, looking at the kind faces gazing back at him.

Hinata reached for his hand and squeezed gently. "But like Naruto said, you don't have to. Only if you really want to. Just know that we'll do everything in our power to protect you and love you like our own child."

Kawaki nodded, then looked down on the hand holding his. He nodded again. "Okay."

Then he glanced up, looked at them and tried it. Slowly, he opened his mouth to say, "Kaa-chan. Tou-chan."

Then he grimaced. "Yeah, no. I don't like that I sound like Boruto. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

Naruto laughed while Hinata raised a hand to press her hand to her mouth.

"Kawaki!" came a frustrated voice. "What are you doing sitting on your butt when you're the one who asked me to teach you some ninjutsu?!"

Kawaki, embarrassed, stood up.

"Tch! Slacker! Let's do this before we eat lunch!" Boruto complained.

Naruto reached over and placed a hand on Kawaki's shoulder. He grinned. "Boruto wants to play, so you should head off and spend time with them. No pressure, Kawaki. Take your time, son."


And Kawaki flashed him a brief, genuine smile.

"Okay, I'll think about it, Nana—" He shook his head and thought for a moment. "Otou-san."

Naruto beamed at him. "That's right. Something that's only yours."

Kawaki smiled again, softly this time as he turned to Hinata. "Okaa-san."

Her smile was just as radiant. "Kawaki."


Kawaki sighed. Then he shot Naruto and Hinata a self-conscious smile. "I don't think I'm ready to use it in front of Boruto, though. I'll keep on trying."

Naruto nodded and then grinned. "Of course. I know exactly what you mean."

Kawaki then turned around and yelled, "Boruto! Stop being an asshole! And stop bossing me around!"

He then ran towards the other two kids. "I'm freaking taller than you are!"

Hinata and Naruto watched as he reached Boruto and Himawari. The boys were still arguing and Himawari was egging them on

Naruto smiled and placed an arm around her.

"Hinata, he called you Okaa-san."

"He called you Otou-san."

He sighed. "Yeah. I'm glad and I'm looking forward to the day that he can say it naturally."

"Me, too, dear."

Then he laughed and plopped down back on the picnic blanket.

Mindful that the children might be watching, Hinata leaned over his chest, brushed at the hair on his forehead, and kissed him there instead of on his mouth.

Naruto closed his eyes at the gentle caress.

"Hinata, I don't think I need anything more than this. Life is perfect."

She smiled, her lips still pressed to his skin.

"Yes, dear."

Author's Notes:

And that's a wrap, guys. 100 drabbles in 100 days. Holy crap.

Thank you so much for letting me spam you with these stories! And apologies to those of you who sent in requests that I wasn't able to fulfill. I hope you guys can understand that my time and focus is limited.

So I'm very curious, if you have one and are so inclined, would you share with me your favorite one?

Mine is probably the youkai version with Naruto as the Fox Demon and Hinata as the Yuki-onna :)

As always, much love to all of you💕

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