An Adventure of a Lifetime

By SASPred

100K 1.8K 756

Follow Ash and his Pokémon as he and Serena begin a new adventure together after his victory in the Alola Lea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 16

2.9K 62 31
By SASPred

***Warning! This chapter might get a little dark for some of you! ***

It's been four days since the start of the Kalos League and Ash has won all three of his matches. His last match was against Sandra and her Mega-Absol where Pikachu dominated and earned the victory. After the match, much like the two before, Ash and Serena hugged at the railing beside the entrance to the tunnel and the crowd loved it, well most did.

One person did not, and he was battling Ash next. Calem was furious that Ash would put his hands on the girl he was supposed to be with. It's what he had been told. "If you become strong, you can have any woman you want. You just have to pick." Those were his fathers words of wisdom.

He had been raised to view women and Pokémon as objects, not as living beings with feelings and desires of their own. He saw Ash as being weak and inferior. Champion or not, Calem was sure he would defeat the Kanto reject and claim Serena for himself. Calem laughed as he just found the word "reject" to be so fun to use.

Ash had only used two Pokémon: Pikachu and Lucario. Calem was confident he could beat them both as well as what ever Pokémon Ash had as his third. Calem was using a very powerful team, one he had never lost with and other trainers were scared to battle.

Calem sat in the trainers tunnel and waited for his time to get what he thought was rightfully his.

Ash on the other hand was thinking about the match as well but in a different manner. He remembered Calem as the arrogant boy who caused Serena to freeze up and become scared. He also knew that Calem had three very powerful Pokémon with him. He had watched how battles, noting the moves and strength of his Mega-Charizard, Salamance and Dragonite. All three were strong but Ash was quietly confident his team would best what ever Calem brought to the battlefield.

This was more than just a battle though. For Ash, it was a lesson to be taught and someone to be put in their place while learning their mistakes. At least he hoped his opponent would learn. If he didn't , then it wouldn't be pretty at all.

Ash had decided to use Pikachu, Lucario and possibly Greninja keeping his three others a secret until later if he needed them.

The last two days, like the days before, he and his team had been training since before sun up and every day Gladion asked him if he was ok.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first match of the day is about to begin! Trainers, prepare yourselves!" The announcer said, making the wait just a little bit more unbearable.

At last minute Ash and Calem had been swapped for their end of the field, so Ash was on the far side while Serena and his friends were closer to Calem now and Calem would be coming out of his tunnel first.

"Our first trainer in this quarter finals battle hails from Vaniville Town, give it up for Calem!"

Calem ran out of his tunnel amid cheering that was spattered with boos. Calem didn't care about being popular, he just wanted to be the best. He looked up to the stands near the handrail and there she was, the girl who he was going to make his. He jumped up pulled Serena into a hug before she could stop him or move away.

"What the...what are you doing?!" Serena said loudly, trying to push Calem off her.

"Come on beautiful, just give me a kiss. Your going to be mine after I mop the floor with that reject anyway so might as well get used to it!" Calem stated matter of factly.

Before Calem to react, Gladion and Kukui arrived beside Serena and pried his arms off her. Burnet pulled Serena into a protective hug.

"I wouldn't touch her again if I were you boy." Kukui said, looking Calem in the eyes. "Serena clearly doesn't want to be touched by you, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to cause any problems."

Calem just glared at the group and jumped down, walking into the trainers box like nothing happened.

Back in the stands, Burnet, Kukui, and Gladion escorted Serena back the main group where Grace and Delia comforted her. Gladion was looking like he was calm but really he was ready to do something foolish. He knew, however, that Ash wasn't going to let that incident go unpunished.

"It's ok sweetheart, we are here." Grace said, holding Serena as she cried softly. "We won't let him come near you again."

Burnet looked over at Gladion and saw the anger in his eyes. "Are you ok Gladion? You look like your as mad as a Charizard after it gets its tail stuck in a door."

"I'm fine Professor Burnet. I'm just trying to figure what Ash is going to do to that creep." Gladion said without looking up.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Gladion. "What do you mean what Ash will do?" Serena asked softly.

"Ash has not shown his full power yet, he has been battling at only a small fraction of his and his Pokémon's capabilities. I have a feeling we are going to see a change in him now, and Calem is going to be on the receiving end."

True to Gladion's words, Ash was fuming, as were his Pokémon who could feel his displeasure. Seeing someone else hug Serena set something off inside him, something that he hadn't experienced before. He was jealous, and it wasn't a fun feeling but he was going to use it to destroy Calem as well as the other trainers who stood in his way.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the second trainer in this match is Alolan Champion, Ash Ketchum!"

Instead of walking out with a smile like normal, Ash walked out of the tunnel with a look that made everyone who saw it concerned. His eyes seemed to have darkened to almost black and he radiated power that made Calem uneasy.

Once Ash reached his box he looked at the referee who gulped visibly. "Uh...trainers, chose your...uh...Pokémon..." he stammered.

Calem called out Salamence with a wicked grin. Ash wasn't impressed. He reached for a pokeball from his belt, tossed it into the air and watched as Lucario landed in front of him. Lucario was glowing, but it wasn't the typical glow of Aura that the Pokémon used for attacks. This glow was a dark red, verging on almost a deep wine colour.

The spectators were silent. No one had seen anything like this before. Only Gladion was smiling as he knew what was about to happen.

While all this was happening in the stadium in Lumios, a mysterious Pokémon felt the power that was being wielded. It's eyes were wide with shock and concern. It knew that the Aura user was strong, but this level of power it felt was on a whole other level.

The Pokémon would have to risk being seen if it was to get to the user of the power before something bad happened but it still wasn't absolutely sure where the user was. It closed its eyes and tried to pinpoint the energy source.

Back in the stadium, the match had begun with Salamence using Draco Meteor but it failed to even hit Lucario who was using Close Combat to effectively swat away every rock that came near it.

"Lucario, use Dark Aura Sphere." Ash called out, almost sounding relaxed.

Lucario began to prepare its Dark Aura Sphere but instead of a medium sized ball of energy, this one was about the same size as Lucario its self. As the ball of pulsing purplish black energy was released, a second was already formed and released right behind the first, just a second or two separating the attacks.

The orbs slammed into Salamence, the resulting explosions crackling with energy and throwing a cloud of dust so high that it was visible from all corners of the city surrounding the stadium.

It took some time before the dust settled down, but when it did, Salamence had collapsed, unable to battle any longer. Calem looked on in shock. His Salamence hadn't lost a battle in months. He had underestimated Ash and was now genuinely concerned he had made a very powerful trainer mad.

"Salamence is unable to battle, the victory goes to Lucario!" The referee called out. "Trainer, please send out your next Pokémon!" The referee called out to Calem.

He shook his head and recalled Salamence before sending out his second Pokémon. "Let's go Dragonite!"

Dragonite bellowed when it materialized from its pokeball and took up a battle stance. Once it laid eyes on Lucario though it's face betrayed that it was feeling a little concerned. Dragonite was not a push over, but seeing the power being exuded from Lucario made it cautious.

Ash looked at Dragonite with a bit of respect. He didn't think Calem could have the trust of such an amazing Pokémon. He also didn't think Calem was good enough as a trainer or a person, his behaviour in Vaniville showed Ash what he really was like.

In the stands, Gladion was having to explain what was happening with Lucario. "Ash and Lucario have a very close bond, a very special one. It's the bond of Aura. Lucario can sense when Ash is angry and will take on that anger, changing its power as needed. Right now, Lucario is using more power than I have ever seen him use but it's still not their full power."

"How can you tell though?" Serena asked quietly, concern for Ash and Lucario evident in her voice.

"The colour of the Aura surrounding Lucario would be golden white if he was using his full power. Right now the dark red is showing that Lucario, like Ash, is very angry. Should Lucario be in just a typical mood and fighting with full power it would be the golden white. Should he fight with full power as he is now, it will be pitch black in colour. I have never seen this colour or the black before, but I have seen Ash very angry."

This caused everyone to be concerned. Serena was concerned because Ash was in pain, that's what anger is, it's pain being felt in a different way but still pain. The others were concerned because they didn't fully understand what was happening on the field.

Ash looked at Dragonite and just as the referee finished announcing the start of the battle. "Lucario, use Close Combat and Bone Rush."

Lucario's speed was astonishing as it seemed to vanish from where it was and reappear all around Dragonite, striking the dragon Pokémon with fists and bone clubs created from its Aura.

Ash grinned as the attacks sped up, causing more and more damage. The crowd was shocked at the ferocity of the attacks.

After a few minutes, Lucario backed off and took up position beside Ash once again. Dragonite was barely standing, it's energy and strength being held up by sheer determination.

Ash smirked and was about to command Lucario to finish it with a Dark Aura Sphere when a voice popped into his head.

"Ash, I know this isn't you. The Ash I know isn't vindictive or monstrous, nor vengeful or hate filled. The Ash I know is full of love for all Pokémon, full of joy and wonder, awe at the world around you and willing to do anything for those he cares about." The voice said. "When first we met, I was sceptical of you and your Pokémon. You showed me how much love there is in this world. How much hope I should have instead of hatred."

Ash didn't notice the crowd gasp as a Pokémon appeared beside him in the trainers box. He was too ashamed of what he had been doing so far during the battle.

He started when he felt a hand on his shoulder. When he turned to see who it was, his eyes took in the purplish tint of the skin on the face, the eyes that were brimming with tears. His own eyes reflected the same, a single tear escaping down his cheek.

"Be the Ash I know you are, the one who showed me what love is, who showed me respect. Be the young man I know you are capable of being. Only you can bring the joy that so many know and love. Only you can be the one we all need when times are dark."

Ash hung his head, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. The Pokémon pulled him into a hug much time everyone's surprise. "You carry so much wait on your shoulders Ash. After you win this battle, we must talk."

Ash sniffled a little and smiled back at the Pokémon. "Thanks MewTwo, it means allot to me. After the battle?"

MewTwo looked at Calem and Lucario. He noticed Lucario's Aura had changed to a more golden hugh and his eyes were more expressive than before.

"Ash, may I ask you a question?" MewTwo asked hesitantly.

"Sure MewTwo, what would you like to ask?"

"May your partner for the last battle?"

Ash's eyes went wide with shock. He never expected MewTwo would even want to battle at all.

"I would be honoured my friend." Ash said. He recalled Lucario, and this made everyone gasp. Lucario hadn't taken any damage.

The referee looked at Ash expectantly. "Your next Pokémon please trainer!"

Ash smiled and looked at MewTwo. "MewTwo, I choose you!" Ash called out, causing the whole stadium to gasp.

MewTwo took his place on the battlefield much to Calem's dismay. The ref called the match to order and everyone in the stands held their breath.

"MewTwo, use Psychic to finish up Dragonite!"

The dark psychic attack hit Dragonite and flung it backwards, causing it to slam into the wall behind Calem.

"Dragonite is unable to battle, MewTwo is the winner! Trainer, send out your last Pokémon!"

Calem called out his last Pokémon and a Charizard appears. Once again, even before Calem can say anything, Ash calls out an attack once the ref counts the round in.

"Use Hyper Beam!"

A beam of energy slams into Charizard and once again one of Calem's Pokémon is slammed into the wall behind him, knocked out in one hit. It was an easy win but also a lesson to be taught.

Calem slumped to the ground as MewTwo floated over to him. "You have every reason to hang your head in shame you man. There is nothing honourable with how you have lived your life, nothing manly about it." MewTwo said. "You have so much to learn and so much to ask forgiveness for having done in the past. Let this be a lesson that you are not worthy of anyone until you learn from your folly."

With that, MewTwo and Ash walked together towards the tunnel but stopped and looked for Serena who was standing at the rail, like normal.

"Go to her Ash, she needs you and she needs to hear how much she means to you." MewTwo said.

Ash nodded and climbed up the wall, gently taking Serena into his arms as she started to cry from the ordeal that had happened earlier with Calem.

"I'm here Serena, I'm not going to let anything happen to you again." Ash whispered, holding her close. "You are my everything Serena. You give me strength when I have none, and you give me hope when I need it. Seeing Calem do to you what he did made me furious. I thought I was lost, but seeing how worried you were helped me come back to myself."

"Oh Ash..." Serena started to cry harder, letting her fear and pain flow from her.

Ash picked Serena up and gingerly got down from the wall, then carried her down the tunnel with MewTwo walking beside him.

Ash knew that Serena needed to get away from everyone for a little while and knew that he and MewTwo needed to talk.

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