
By Treacletoes

2M 85.7K 19.4K

Sang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Ma... More

Sang's Discovery
To the shock of Mr Blackbourne
The Second Immaculate Conception...
Carry on as normal...
Completely innocent
Family Meeting
First lesson..
Pulling back
Nine guys?
Google would have been easier...
What's Oral Sex?
Making plans...
Tree Surfing
Shot to the heart...
We're human, not robots!
A North and Silas Sandwich...
Ye, of little faith.
Toe in tap.. but we do love you.
Murder in the dark...
Oh, believe me, it was us who won...
Trick or Treat
Perfect but not infallible
Pancakes with no sugar
Mr Blackbourne's House
Fire alarms and fights
Figuring it out...
Getting away with it
We never leave one of our own alone...
Meeting with Mr Hendricks
Dresses and dance lessons
"Well, how did you kiss him, Mr Griffin?"
Synchronized kissing
Graffiti and Pizza
More dance lessons and detention
We can be Yak Herders
You scrub up good
Talking it out
At the lodge
A short walk
Spiders and Showers
Mr Blackbourne
Dr Green
How did you know?
Caves, Condoms and Echoes
Bus trip
Ivory towers and showers
Kathy and Alice
Gabriel's Birthday
Shopping with Mr Blackbourne
The Olive Tree
Unknown Caller
Ghost Bird
Sword of Damocles
Korean Messages
Coffee and cake
We've lost her
Roller Skating
Food Prep
Bathing Mr Blackbourne style.
Group texting
Family Meeting
Decorating and Devastating
Kissing with hands - Gabriel
Clean up
Mr Hendricks
More Conversations
Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green
Mr Biggles
Emergency Family Meeting
Gift Giving
Spoils of war
Packing up
Mr Griffin
Too far away
Damage Control
"You are my fresh air"
Treadmill of Doom
Magazines and Eye Tests
"Nothing comes between us, ever."
Please read.
I'm not gay
Tony Taylor
Professor Dakota Jameson Lee
Called in
I can't.....
A Double, Secret Agent
Thomas Drew
Swimming pools and baths
Talking to Tom
The Sang Schedule
Mission accomplished
"You just made my year,"
Son of a Preacher
Show of Sass
No Regrets
Not a prank.
Not Guilty
Double Standards
You're not listening!
Stockholm Syndrome
Over at Nathan's...
Texting Blake
All it takes is seconds...
Neither required nor wanted...
Sunday Evening
"I really do love you, Owen Blackbourne"
An Idea
A different kind of blackmail....
Not going to plan
The calm before
The Storm
Three Ring Circus
Efharisto' poli', North.
Ghost of a smile
Thrown under the bus
She's a minor!
United We Stand
Dr Roberts
Not for him
Blood on fire
A bruise is a bruise
Karate Kid
Actions speak louder than words
Family Meeting
Rush of Sweet Fire
A brother's sins
Ties are useful items.
This isn't a test
Family First, Family Always.

Welcome home

12.5K 490 74
By Treacletoes

Part Forty Four

Mr Blackbourne's POV

This was going to be hard. We were five minutes out from the school and twenty minutes late. We were due to arrive back at the school for 12.30 pm, but a hold up on one of the highways has delayed us.

I knew that Sang would be there with the rest of my brothers and I knew that Silas was the only one who could be demonstrative with her. The rest of her would have to wait until we were out of sight of everyone else and that was going to be very hard. Especially when we knew exactly what she'd gone through only minutes after we left her on Friday.

Kota had rung us this morning with an update, telling us that she'd had an incident with Gabriel when he had been checking the fit of the gown she was to wear tonight. He'd explained that Gabriel had walked her through it and it had resulted in her crying for a good ten minutes, but she seemed to have moved past it.

She had also educated herself, I'm not sure why that had surprised me at first. When we'd had five minutes to ourselves, Sean and I had googled Polyandry and while some of it was negative, a lot of it was interesting.

I didn't particularly care what anyone thought, outside of my family. I didn't even care what the Academy would think, I just cared about my family. Anderson's team had shown me that the Academy would accept our family anyway, as long as we could prove that Sang was willing to stay with us. Love wouldn't be a problem, but trust was still something we had to build in her. The week coming up in the lodge would prove helpful for that. It had been an excellent way of bonding in the past and I hoped it would prove to be the same this time as well.

If Sang didn't fully trust us when the Academy came calling, we could well lose her. They could tempt her away. I had talked this over with Sean last night and I don't think he was completely joking when he said that the Tibetan Mountains might well be an option. I knew that when we thought there was a possibility the authorities would take her away, North and Silas had sorted out a way of leaving the country. That told me a lot. That told me that every one of them would give up the Academy for her. When I found out that Silas had sorted it for ten to leave, including me, I had realised that I too, would give up anything to keep her safe and with us.

"Nearly there," Sean sighed from beside me. He was tired and I knew he had a shift tonight starting at midnight at the hospital. He was burning the candle at both ends again. The reservation I had made tonight was for 6.30pm and I debated whether to get him to try and sleep until it was time to leave. Gabriel had arranged it that he and Sang would go to my house and she'd get ready there. The others would get ready independently and then meet up at mine for 6pm. If Sean got ready at five, and we got home by two, it would give him a couple of hours.

"When we get back, lie down till five," I told him and he snorted.

"Yes, dad," he teased me, we were both watching out of the window now. We were turning into the road that would lead to the school.

"You can't keep going all day and all night and then turn up at school tomorrow."

"Kota said she didn't sleep well last night, maybe I can get her to settle down with me for an hour," he said.

"Good idea," I agreed. Kota had said that she'd spent the better part of the night awake, claiming that she was too excited to sleep knowing we were coming back today. It made my heart constrict.

"Here we go," he said and I heard North and Silas move behind us until we were all looking out of the windows. There was quite a few parents and students here to welcome home the conquering heroes, but there was only six faces I was interested in seeing.

"Hold back to the end before we get off," I told them. "We don't want to be jumped on the minute we get off by the wrong people."

"Oh, for god's sake, Owen, look at that banner at the back... not only is it upside down, but they've spelt "Ashley Waters" wrong! Is there any point turning up tomorrow?" Sean groaned and spotting the offending banner I shook my head.

"Miss Sorenson will be there," I whispered and he looked at me sideways with a big grin.

"Good enough reason for me," he chuckled and then pointed. I followed his line of sight and saw them stood as a group towards the back, slightly stood apart from everyone else. Sang was bouncing on the balls of her feet, she spotted us and waved, tugging Kota's sleeve at the same time. I saw her make a move forward but Kota caught her shoulder and held her back. Victor leant over her and whispered in her ear and she nodded and for a few seconds she looked crestfallen.

"I think they just reminded her that it would be unwise to jump on Silas or her teachers," Sean said and I heard the regret in his voice. "We're always going to have to be careful in public, but I'll be glad when we're out of here and don't have to pretend to be her teachers"

"Well, we can always skip here and go for the yaks," I said and he shook with laughter.

"It's worth bearing in mind," he chuckled and then the bus was stopping, the doors opened and the students were getting off. The noise rose to unbearable as the second bus arrived behind us and the cheerleaders were getting off at the same time.

We got off last and I waved North and Silas on as we went to get our bags. I was itching to see her, to touch her but I had to be so careful here. There were too many people around, too many eyes. I looked at Sean and saw that he was thinking the exactly same thing.

"M B, Doc," Kota came up beside us. "Good to have you back. Need a hand with your bags?"

"Thank you, Mr Lee," I said and picked up North's from the pile and handed it to him. Victor had come down with him and reached for Silas' bag. I grabbed my own and saw Sean take his from the pile of bags that the driver was carelessly slinging to the floor. I was glad my ipad was in my briefcase along with the others.

I turned and saw Silas had reached Sang, he had her up in a hug, her feet dangling from the floor by a good ten inches, her arms around his neck and her face buried in his shoulder. I was rarely, if ever, jealous of my brothers, but I was now.

"Ever wanted to be a Korba?" Sean whispered into my ear and I snorted in reply.

We made my way towards them.

"Mr Blackbourne, Dr Green," I heard Mr Hendrick's voice and I schooled my features in time.

"Mr Hendricks," I said quietly and waited for him to get to us through the milling of student and parents.

"Excellent result," he said and nodded, making no effort to shake hands. But then both my hands were full with bags. "I need a word..."

Before either of us could reply, Mrs French was coming over.

"Mr Hendrick's, may I have a quiet word please," she said and nodded at both of us acknowledgement.

"Certainly, Mrs French."

"Is this about Miss Thomas?" I asked her quietly and she nodded firmly.

"It is indeed, Mr Blackboune, but she's one of my girls. I'll deal with this now."

"Of course," I said and nodded at them both and without another look I moved away, Sean at my elbow.

I was more than happy to let them deal with Jade. Left up to me she'd be expelled, but I knew that wouldn't happen. She was their best cheerleader and was their captain. They entered the state competitions yearly and I knew they had good results, although they never outright won.

We approached the rest of them and my eyes sought out Sang.

"Good to see you all," I said, I ran my eyes over her. I knew she was physically unharmed but I had still needed to see that with my own eyes and now I had, I was relieved and settled again.

"Mr Blackbourne, Dr Green," she breathed and her eyes sparkled with happiness. I wanted to grab her and kiss her breathless but I settled for inclining my head and giving her a smile.

"Mr Blackbourne!" Mr Hendrick's came over and I just managed to resist rolling my eyes. "I wanted a word with you... I don't see your or Dr Green's names on the rota for tonight's supervision of the Homecoming dance. I assume it's just an oversight on my secretary's part."

"No, Mr Hendrick's, I'm sure your secretary is completely competent. We are unable to supervise tonight due to prior arrangements."

"Really?" He looked very put out about it but I was unwilling to give an inch on this one. I kept my eyes on his and allowed nothing to show on my face.

"That's a shame," he said and turned to North and Silas. "Of course you boys will be there, won't you? All the team have to turn up after all, it's a requirement," he laughed but there was no humour in his voice.

"No, Mr Hendrick's, both Mr Taylor and Mr Korba are also detained due to prior arrangements."

"I bet they are," said and his smile turned dangerous and his eyes fixed on Sang.

"Miss Sorenson is also unable to make it tonight," I cut in before he could say anything. "It is a Sunday, Mr Hendrick's. If it had been in school time, then naturally we would be attending. Out of school hours..." I let it hang, he didn't need me to tell him that he had no say over what happened outside of school hours.

"Hphmmm, I take it, Sang, that you had no problems getting all those newsletters together with Timothy," he said and I saw her stiffen slightly. Silas was holding her hand which was a good thing.

"No, Mr Hendricks," she murmured and her voice was low and hesitant. I hadn't heard the tone of voice from her for awhile now and anger shot through me that he'd managed to regress her back. I stepped forward effectively blocking his view of her.

"We're heading off now, Mr Hendrick's. We will see you tomorrow."

He grunted and without another word he turned and walked away.

"Odious man," Sean muttered and Nathan snorted.

"Have you spent the weekend reading bad romance novels, Doc? Odious?" he asked.

"How would you know that odious is used in bad romance novels, Nathan?" Sean inquired smoothly.

"Same way he knows what red satin panties feel like," Luke chuckled and just dodged the punch Nathan sent his way.

Sang started to giggle and I knew they'd told her the Superman story.

"Shut up, Luke!" Nathan said shaking his head.

"Jesus, Nate, you've gone really red! Women's panties red!" Gabriel added and Nathan groaned.

"Fuck you all," he grunted.

"Ah, it's ok, Honey. I'm sure you made a very good Superman," Sang told him and he preened, flexing his muscles for her. She giggled again and Sean shook his head.

"Come on, let's get going before I'm arrested for stopping Pookie's giggles," he said. I knew how effectively he stopped her giggles and it made me think of kissing her myself.

"Back to ours," I said to Victor and he nodded.

We started towards the cars, North was so close to Sang that his hand kept "accidentally" brushing hers. I knew that a few minutes away from school grounds and he'd be pulling her into his arms.

Kota had his truck and Victor his BMW. North and Silas dragged Sang into the back seat of the BMW, Gabriel sat in the front. Luke, Nathan went with Kota while Sean and I crossed to where my BMW was parked.

I unlocked the car and put the bags into the trunk and my briefcase into the back seat. Sean slid into the passenger seat and I moved towards the front of the car. I looked back towards the grounds and saw a few of the other parents starting to leave as well now. I recognised Tiffany with her parents, she was looking across and I realised she had seen Dr Green getting into my car.

I got into the car and started the engine.

"Let's go home," I said. The others had already left and I just wanted to go home and be with Sang and my brothers.


Sang's POV

I was almost complete. I sighed happily, I was tucked between North and Silas. Silas had his arm around my shoulder and North was holding my hand. They had both repeatedly kissed me and told me they loved me and I revelled in it. They made no mention of Tim past asking if I was ok and hugging me.

I was so glad that they were back and I never wanted to see them leave again. But there was a hole still that could only be filled by Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne.

We parked in the back courtyard of Mr Blackbourne's house, leaving enough room for him to get to his garage. We got out and Victor unlocked the garage door and then let himself into the house. It still struck me how at home they all were in each other's homes. There was never any waiting or asking permission they just went in and made themselves at home.

North went straight to the fridge and Silas started to take glasses out.

"You want something to drink?" he asked as North came over with a bottle of juice. I shook my head and looked back towards the door that lead into the garage.

"Go and wait for them," Victor said as he took a glass and held it out to North.

I nodded and went back into the garage. There was two steps up into the main house, so I sat down on the top one and waited for them.

I heard the front door open and Kota and the others came in and I realised they must have parked somewhere else and walked down.

Mr Blackbourne's BMW turned into the gated courtyard and I watched as the gates closed behind him. He pulled smoothly into the garage and the door slid closed behind him. He switched off the engine and a wash of nerves took over me and I had no idea why. I got up, my finger going to my lip as their doors opened and they got out. Dr Green was beaming at me and it stilled some of the nerves.

"Hello, Pookie," he said happily. Mr Blackbourne went to the back door and drew out his briefcase and then he was going around to the trunk.

"Hi," I said and bringing my hand down I twisted my fingers together in front of me.

"Well, come here then," Dr Green laughed moving towards me. He held open his arms and it was all the encouragement I needed. I was off the steps and into his arms in a heartbeat. I clung to him tightly and his arms went around me as he rocked me side to side, his face buried in my neck.

"I missed you, Sean," I murmured and he tightened his hold even more.

"And I missed you, Pumpkin. I don't mind sharing with Owen, but it's not the same if you're not between us," he laughed and I giggled.

"Ah, ah, ah, no giggling," he warned me which just made me worse.

He lifted his head and his lips were on mine and the giggles instantly stopped, replaced by a feeling of warmth. He drew back and kissed the end of my nose.

"You're ok, aren't you?" he said and his green eyes held a worry that I wanted to erase.

"I'm ok," I said and lifted my hand to touch his cheek.

He smiled at me and some of the worry lifted.

"You're more than ok, you're perfect," he said and kissed me again.

"I'm far from perfect," I laughed.

"You're close enough for me, Pookie. Owen needs his sugar too, Pumpkin." He kissed me again and then he stepped back from me and went into the house. I heard the trunk close and then Mr Blackbourne was coming around the car with the bags and his briefcase.

"Oh! Let me help you!" I said and jumped down the steps.

"There is no need, Miss Sorenson," he said. "Dr Green has cut and run has he?"

I giggled and ignoring his words, reached out and took the briefcase from him. He gave me a look and I turned and placed it inside the house and then stepped back towards him. I reached out and took the bags from his hands.

"What are you doing, Miss Sorenson?" he asked when I put them down beside me.

"Saying hello," I said quietly and stepping closer to him I caught the edges of his suit jacket in my hands and going onto my tiptoes I kissed the corner of his mouth. "Hello," I murmured and then kissed his lips.

He sighed and his hands closed around my back, pulling me in tightly to him.

"MIss Sorenson...." he stopped speaking. I looked into his eyes, they were a molten grey, almost silver and I could see a myriad of emotions swirling through them, mostly guilt.

"Thank you," I said to him and slid my hands across his shoulders. I saw his eyebrows draw together at my words.

"Thank you for saving me." I slid my fingers over his lips when I saw him start to say something.

"For giving me the confidence to know that I'm stronger than I thought I was. For always being there, for loving me," I said and held my breath. His eyes were like pure silver now, the pupils tiny as he watched me. He lifted a hand and covered my fingers with his and drew them down to rest over his heart.

"This is yours for as long as it beats, Miss Sorenson," he whispered, he bent his head and his lips captured mine. He kissed me completely and I knew that everything was ok again.


Sang's POV

"Come on, Pookie," Dr Green said quietly and held out his hand to me.

We'd been chatting for awhile, I was perched on Silas' lap with North wedged next to us and my feet on his lap. But now Dr Green was telling me that he knew I'd not properly slept the night before and now he wanted me to take a nap with him.

"I didn't sleep because I wasn't tired and I'm not tired now," I said and pouted slightly. "I didn't get up till 3pm yesterday!"

"Are you arguing with your doctor?" he asked with an eyebrow raised at me.

North pushed my feet to the floor and Silas lifted me up and pushed me forwards slightly. We were in the snug and I was happy to stay here with them.

"If Dr Green says you need to sleep, you need to sleep," Silas laughed.

Dr Green caught my hand and lead me towards the door.

"I'll need at least an hour for hair and make-up," Gabriel called, sounding slightly panicky.

"It's 2.30 now, Mr Coleman, if we call Miss Sorenson at 4.30, will that be enough time?" Mr Blackbourne inquired softly.

"Yes," he nodded.

Dr Green poked his tongue out at me and pulled me from the room and up the stairs to his level.

"Although sleeping tablets help your body rest, I don't want you relying on them," he said as he drew me into his room.

"I woke up feeling better than I have for a long time," I admitted, watching as he crossed to the window and drew the blinds closed. He pushed the door too but didn't shut it and then he was toeing off his shoes.

I had taken mine off at the backdoor, still not completely able to make myself at home here. Nathan's house was probably the closest I came to being able to make myself at home in, and I think that was because it was where I spent a lot of time.

"Hop on," Dr Green said as I stayed by the end of the bed not moving. He'd put the pictures from his last bedroom up here, he'd also added the other pictures.

I perched on the end; he'd laid out the bedroom almost the same as before, but without the en suite he'd had before. Now he had to go down the hallway to get to the bathroom.

"Do you miss your condo?" I asked him as he undid his tie, which was pink today, his shirt was a pale grey and tucked into black jeans. He slid his tie off and hung it over the back of the chair by his dresser. He undid his cuffs and turned them up.

"Nope, not even the ensuite," he chuckled and I wondered if he'd been reading my mind. "I was hardly ever there. I'm hardly ever here to be honest."

He put his hands on his hips and shrugged at me.

"I have to admit that it is nicer to come home knowing there is someone else in the house. Even if it is four in the morning and Owen is fast asleep. I still know he's here," he said and grinned at me.

"You'll fall off if you perch there," he chuckled and I got off and sat down on the side that I knew he didn't sleep on. I stayed sitting up, my legs tucked underneath me as I watched him cross to the other side and sit down. He rubbed at his eyes with one hand and then drew his phone from his pocket.

"You're tired," I said quietly and he chuckled, setting his phone onto the side. He swung his legs up onto the bed and relaxed back half sitting up, one arm behind his head.

"I think I've been tired since I was 17 and started my residency. Come on over here, it's been too long!"

I scooted over to him and let him settle me down beside him so that my head was on his chest, one arm around his waist, the other tucked down underneath me. He drew his arm around me, keeping his other hand behind his hand.

"Without using the words "I'm" and "Fine", tell me how you really are," he said and I sighed. My first response was "I'm fine", but he didn't want to hear that.

"But it's true," I said instead. "He spooked me, I'm over it. From what I can understand, because no one will actually tell me, I assumed they hit him about a bit and I doubt greatly he'll try anything again.

"No, he won't," he said quietly and brought his hand up to my head and shifted through my hair with his fingers.

"So, without using the words "i'm" and "fine", I can tell you that Me is good."

He laughed and tugged on my hair gently.

"You is a smartass," he chuckled and I grinned, breathing in his scent. I was comfortable against him. I brought my hand up to lie on his chest and my fingers found one of his buttons.

"I heard that Gabe had a moment with you in the changing rooms, brought it back to you?" he asked.

I twisted his button and shrugged slightly.

"It was odd, and embarrassing," I admitted, "He was rearranging the bodice and he reached forward and .... well, it wasn't him. It was stupid, the moment I reacted I knew it wasn't Tim. But he... well, after I cried all over his shoulder, Gabriel...."

"He fixed it," he said and I nodded, I could hear his heart under my ear, I snuggled closer and my fingertips slid the button in an out of the hole. I vaguely wondered if he did his own repairs if he lost a button or if Gabriel did it for him.

"And you've not had any flashbacks again?" he asked and I shook my head.

"God, Sang, when you red lined me and you were doing it repeatedly..."

"OH, it was you! I'm sorry, I was trying to get Kota but I didn't really look to see whose button I'm pressing."

"Don't be sorry, never be sorry for needing us," he said and lowering his head he kissed the top of mine and then lay back down. "I just wish we'd not been going to that stupid game... although then it would never have happened, because we'd be taking your detention."

"I have to do one more on Monday," I said but he snorted.

"I think Owen has plans for you. We know that you did well with Bennett, but it wouldn't hurt to teach you a bit more in self defence," he said and I liked the idea of that. I remembered when he had gone through what Kota had taught me. It had been totally useless with Mr McCoy but then he had expected me to fight back, Tim hadn't expected me to react quite like I had.

"He thought he could blackmail me," I said and Dr Green nodded. "He had my phone and he had read all the messages that were on there. I won't make that mistake again. As soon as I've read them I delete them now."

"That's not a bad idea," he said. "Especially considering your ability to lose phones," he chuckled.

"I know!" I sat up slightly to look down at him. "I must cost Victor a fortune in Iphones alone."

"I don't think he minds, Pookie," he smiled up at me.

"And the dress? For tonight? There were no price tags on any of the clothes, and no one said anything, he didn't even ask. He spends far too much on me," I said and even I could hear the guilt in my voice

"It would be crass of me to dismiss it with a "We're family and what family needs, family gets, despite who pays for it", even though it's true. But it's deeper than that with Victor. He loves you, Sang. I think Victor despaired of ever finding someone who loved him for who he is, not what he can buy them. But he found you and he wants to give you everything."

I frowned and looked down at where I had slid the button undone again. I twisted it and let go, absently watching as it turned on itself.

"I don't want everything, I just want him. I just don't want to take advantage of him."

"You never will, and he knows that," he said quietly. "You may, however, rip the button off my shirt."

I stared in horror as it sank in just what I was doing. I let go and realised that it was undone. I moved my hand to do it back up and stopped, I could see a patch of skin between the edges.

I lay my head back down, hiding the blush that crept up my face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's still attached," he chuckled but his voice was darker somehow. I licked my lips and bit down on my bottom lip. I was so tempted to undo the next one above and my finger drifted up to it. I heard his breathing hitch slightly but he didn't stop me; I slid the button free and moved to the next one.

He had undone the top two buttons when he'd taken his tie off, so when I undid the next one, his shirt was undone save for the one down by his belt. I moved my head to his shoulder and turned my face upwards so I could kiss his jawline. I let my fingertips graze down over his chest and he shuddered deeply. I took them back up, he was smooth, warm but his shirt was in the way. I slid my fingers from side to side pushing his shirt to reveal more skin. I could feel his pulse hammering and his breathing was quickening and it gave me the courage to push his shirt right to the side, my fingertips gazed over his nipple and he grunted and jumped. I had hurt him!

"Oh! I am so sorry!" I shot upwards, but he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down. "I hurt you!"

"No, not a hurt, Sang, never a hurt," he husked and I wondered then if he felt something similar to how I felt when my nipples were touched. I wanted to find out and I slid my fingertips over it again, it puckered into a hard nub and he groaned deep in his throat. I lifted myself again so I could see a little more. I tugged gently on his nipple and he shifted again.

"God, Sang," he grunted and tried to pull me up, but I wanted to explore him, like he had explored me in the snug. I pushed the shirt towards me exposing his other nipple and I flicked out my tongue and licked at it.

"Sweet Jesus!" he cried out and he grabbed me and I was shoved onto my back and he was looming above me. His eyes had darkened and lidded and I was beginning to recognise it as desire. He liked what I was doing. I wanted to make him feel good, I wanted to make him feel like I had. I ducked my head and kissed at the hollow of his throat and pushing at his shoulders I slid downwards slightly and fastened my mouth over his nipple. I loved the feel of him, the taste of him, the smell and the noise he was making. Shivers slid down my back and that ever growing ache started low in my belly again.

"Sang! You have no idea what you're doing to me," he grunted.

I lifted my head and looked up at him.

"Does it hurt?" I asked needing to know one hundred percent that I wasn't hurting him.

"No, it feels like heaven," he murmured and his lips covered mine, his tongue seeking and demanding entrance. I brought my hands down from his shoulders until I was touching him again, running my hands up and down his chest, my fingers sliding over his nipples and then down to his belly button. I slid them down the v either side of his abdomen and he grunted, bucking into me. He lifted himself onto his knees and brought his hand to my knee.

"I have to touch you, Sang," he murmured in my ear, my fingers running up and down his chest, from the crease down his hip right up to his breastbone and back down. It took several seconds to process his words and a frisson went down my spine. How far did he want to go? Had I pushed him to that point where he couldn't stop?

"I'm not going to go all the way, Sang. I promise, I just need to touch you for a bit. You can stop me whenever you want, baby, I promise."

He worked his fingers up my blouse and then he was pushing it to either side.

I bucked when he didn't even hesitate, he ducked his head and fastened his mouth over my cloth covered breast.

I dug my fingers in at the flash of lightening that shot from my breast to the ache between my legs.

He slid his knee higher and his hand pushed at my skirt until he had it right up.

I traced my fingers down over his abs, and over that enticing V shape that framed his abs.

"Jesus, when you touch me...." He lifted himself and looked down at me.

"Sang, Pookie, baby, I'm going to need a cold shower, and you're gonna need a bath," he murmured and then he was sucking on my pulse point.

"It doesn't work," I said as I found my way back to his nipples and palmed them. I slid my hands over his shoulders and down his back, trying to get his shirt off.

"What?" he had gone very still, his face in my neck still, his hands on my hips now.

"Huh?" I wasn't thinking clearly as I used my nails to scratch gently back up his back. He shuddered deeply and then he was sitting up slightly looking down at me.

"Pookie, what do you mean it doesn't work? What doesn't work?" he asked me quietly.

I blushed and shrugged. I didn't want to talk about that, I wanted him to kiss him again.

"Doesn't matter," I said and kissed the hollow of his throat again and then licked at the skin there. I felt him bend slightly and his hands gripped at my waist as he kissed my neck again. But then he was lifting up again and I groaned in frustration.

"Yes, it does matter, Sang. Are you telling me that you tried to touch yourself in the bath but it did nothing for you?"

I blushed right up to the tips of my ears but he merely stared down at me.

I nodded and shrugged, burying my face into his shoulder and discovering that if I turned my head to the right I could kiss his breastbone. I wanted to work my way across, now I had discovered that I could touch him and it had the same effect it had on me, I wanted to give him as much as I could.

"Sang," he breathed my name and then he was groaning loudly in disappointment and I thought I'd done something wrong. He leant his forehead to mine and closed his eyes briefly before he sat up.

"You're on your period still, aren't you?" he asked and I frowned.

"It's pretty much finished, why?" I asked. "Have I done something wrong?"

He grinned at me and kissed my lips gently and then more possessively.

"No, Sang, you've done nothing wrong," he said and he drew me up into him and cuddled me close. I realised that he was no longer interested in letting me touch him.

"Is it not good? Kissing like this now? Did I do wrong?"

"No, baby, not at all," he said and his fingers did up my blouse quickly and competently. "I was one step away from helping you out, but it might make you uncomfortable."

I realised what he said and I blushed again, but he kissed me gently, and brought me in tight to him I was pressed to every inch.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have started it," I said quietly. my body still throbbed with need. My hands were clasped in one of his between us.

"Sang, stop it, you have nothing to be sorry for! Besides, we should be sleeping. Owen will get cross with both of us if he finds out we've been making out instead of sleeping."

I giggled slightly and he tutted at me.

"I missed you," he said seriously and my giggles stopped and I turned my head to look at him.

"I missed you too," I said, he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Let's close our eyes and maybe we'll meet in our dreams."

"And we can carry on making out in our dreams?" I asked bravely, he waggled one eyebrow quickly and brushed his lips over mine.

"Yeah, and I won't need to stop. I'll touch you until you come apart in my arms, crying out my name," he whispered.

I swallowed, my throat dry and my heart stuttering. His eyes held mine and I saw the desire banked in them.

"Close your eyes," he murmured and I obeyed him. He tightened his arms around me as I listened to his heartbeat; finally it soothed me and it lulled me into a dose.


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