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By FictionalWorldz

43.2K 814 107

๐ŸŽต๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™๐™š๐™–๐™ก ๐™ข๐™š, ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™›๐™š๐™š๐™ก ๐™ข๐™š๐ŸŽต After experiencing the worst loss imagina... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors note

Chapter 22

1K 29 2
By FictionalWorldz

Alex laid on her bed, listening to her phone buzz for what she assumed was the 60th time.

She picked up and scrolled through the notifications

* 1 miss phone call from stiles*
*2 miss phone calls from stiles*

Stiles : Alex please answer, I'm sorry I'm just worried about you.
Stiles :Alex please

Lydia : Where are you, could use your help with Meredith

Scott :I'm with your dad, I told him what happened but I told him you were okay.
Scott : My mom said you left, where are you, are you okay

Isaac : Scott told me, Alex where are you. Why aren't you answering
Isaac : Alex please pick up

Alex rolled her eyes, dropping her phone she rolled onto her back.

After she left the hospital she came straight home, not wanting to be needed. She just wanted a few hours of silence, a few hours of nothing but her sitting alone staring at the four walls, so she put her phone on silent locked her apartment door and enjoyed the silence.

Or tried to, but her thoughts had become very loud, she felt awful for fighting with stiles. After all he was just trying to make sure she as okay, which she wasn't. He was right, Alex took every chance possible to end her life, but she didn't feel suicidal, she didn't want to end her life herself but she was okay if it happened in the hands of a stranger.

Right now she couldn't quite figure out what was wrong, and she really didn't want to see anyone. She just wanted to be left alone

She turned to her side, letting her head drift close as she hoped to sleep the day away.


Alex landed on her bed with a huff, frustrated at stilinski boy she called her boyfriend.

Allison followed behind her, taking a seat next to her sister "you okay?" She asked

"Stiles thinks I'm risking my life too much" she replied "which is crazy" she scoffed

Allison kept quite, looking at her sister with an innocent smile on her face

"You agree" alex raised her brows

"Yes" she nodded "alex come on, you got stabbed and continued to argue with brunski. He could have killed you"

"I could see Parrish from a mile off" she defended her reckless behavior

Allison rolled her eyes as her sisters poor excuse for an argument "regardless, you have been doing too much." She agreed with stiles

Alex crossed her arms "you are suppose to side with me" she stuck her chin in the air

Allison laughed a little "Alex I side with whomever keeps you safe"

"Alright" Alex gave in "maybe I've been doing too much" she conceded

Allison gasped "did Alex argent just admit to being wrong"

"Oh ha ha" Alex rolled her eyes

"You promise you will be more careful?" Allison asked

Alex smiled at her sister "I promise." She held out her pinky and Allison locked it with hers

"Can't go back now"

"Wouldn't dream of it"


Alex was awoken by the loud vibration of her phone against her nightstand.

She sat up in her bed, grabbing the phone to see what all the commotion was about.

Lydia : I hope you are okay, you haven't answered

Isaac : I'm worried

Scott : please answer

Dad : I told them you are probably resting <3

Malia : I wanted you to know I forgive you.

Isaac : I'm on my way

Alex groaned to herself, looking at her phone she typed out a message

I'm fine, just resting.

*sent to everyone*

She stood from her bed and took her earphones from her drawer. She decided if nothing else, a run would help.


Alex ran through the woods of beacon hills, she felt the adrenaline pump through her blood like a drug. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so free, so at peace.

She couldn't remember the last time she took off and just ran for what could have been hours, her loud music drowning her thoughts.

Her Stab wound had pretty much healed up, which she knew would happen. It only took hour most times for her body to heal itself, it was one of the few perks that came with the job

She came to a quick stop as she reached a spot of the woods she had neglected since coming back , her and stiles hadn't had a chance to come up to the cliff that looked over the town in a long time.

She walked over to the edge and looked at the town that was lit up by the sun, coming up here always made her feel small but in a good way. There was a whole town and she lucky enough to had find all the best people.

The last time she remembered coming up here was when her mother had died, she remembered how hard it was to process that death. Everything was messed up at that time, just as it was now.

Alex thought coming back to this town would be the best thing for her and it was.. at the beginning, but everywhere she went her grief followed. No matter what she did, no matter how much she did. At the end of the day, she was falling asleep and dreaming of her sister. Dreaming of could have been if she had lived, but dreams always end and the nightmare of waking up always continues.

She looked out at the town and felt the anger build inside of her, the anger of never knowing if she would truly be okay again. The anger of living without her sister. The anger of what this town had taken from her.

It has risen and risen until she reached her pressure point, opening her mouth she let out a scream she never knew she was capable of, feeling the world shake around her.

Seconds went by and she came to an end, panting as her lungs ached from the pain. She landed to her knees, still catching her breath "I'm sorry" she whispered

As someone walked along the dirt filled ground, they spotted their prey From a few feet away. Of course her scream made it easier to be found, she was the king of all trades. 35 million dollars, more then any one could desire. All that was needed was a dead body. How simple.. that's what they assumed, they assumed she was an easy target. Weak and vulnerable.

As they took the quiet steps further, the silence was broken by the snap of a fallen branch.

Alex snapped her head around at the noise, she stood to her feet and turned slowly. She reached up her arm and took the knife from its safety pocket, lately this had been needed more. It made her feel she to know she had defense if she was attacked.

A man appeared from the trees, holding a small gun in his hand, Alex guessed it was a glock 17 gen 4. It was easy to hold, easier to shoot. It was about 4 years old but it did the job it was directed for.

"You here to kill me?" She asked "get your 35 million dollars and be on your way?"

"Shut up!" He yelled

"You aren't a professional are you?" She asked
She rolled her eyes and sighed "for starters, you are holding it one hand, you probably never shot that thing so when you do you will probably fly back a few feet." She explained to the naive older man

"I said shut  it!" He yelled, firing the gun this time. Alex barely flinched as the bullet flew by her, about 6 feet in between her and the bullet.

She turned back and watched as it ricochet against the tree. She faced forward and scoffed at the man who was suppose to kill her "mistake numbed 2, you didn't use the front and rear sights. Believe it or not they actually help"

The man positioned himself once again, pulling the trigger a bullet flew towards Alex, she watched as it was inches away from her. Waiting till the very last second she ducked, watching as it went by her.

Standing back up straight she raised her eyebrows "Come on" she tsked "are you even trying, don't do it when I know you are going to do it"

"Shut the hell up you freak!" He spat at her

Alex stared at him with a cold dead stare, feeling his confidence slowly wither away. She crossed her arms over her chest , holding her stare "if you are gonna kill me, do it already"

The man swallowed thickly, aiming his gun he pulled the trigger. Closing his eyes as he awaited the loud bang of the bullet leaving its chambers, to his surprise it was silent. He opened his eyes, the fear set in as he seem the supernatural creature standing inches away from him

"Mistake number 4" she whispered "always check the chamber" she smirked

Alex grabbed a hold of his gun, showing it forward she heard the crack as it bruised against his nose.

"Ah!" He winced loudly, dropping his weapon to hold his injured nose. He quickly realized he would have to fight her fist to fist, Balling his hands into a fist he punched forward.

Alex swerved to the side dodging the fist that came towards her, she was quick to fight back. Kicking his legs from underneath him, she watched as he fell with a grunt. She stepped over his body and stared down at him narrow eyed "are you even trying?" She asked.

As the words fell from her mouth she felt her legs tug from underneath her, landing on the ground with a cough as the air was winded out of her, she groaned quietly "that's more like it" she choked out

He jumped to his feet, hovering over her body he noticed the knife she had tucked away in her belt loop, bringing his hand down he tried to pull it out

Alex took a hold of his hand, she grabbed two of his fingers and bent them back as far as his body would allow. He yelled out in pain as he landed to his knees, his fingers begging out for mercy

She brought her knee to his dick with force, knowing it was sore spot.

Releasing the right hold on his fingers, he brought them to his pants, holding the bruised area

Sitting up quickly, her eyes widened as she saw a fist coming towards her face, she grabbed it before it collided with her knife. The man took this opportunity and grabbed the knife from her, gripping the handle between his teeth he used his free hand to grab her hair, pulling her forward she held back the cry of pain.

He spun her body around, still on her knees he held the knife against her neck.  Gripping her hair, making sure she couldn't move "I'll dedicate my first car to you"

His phone pinged in his pocket, Alex felt the knife move slightly, she grabbed the blade knowing she'd heal later, pushing her hands forward till his arm was straight, she bent it back until she heard the bone crack, his grip on the knife released.

She balled up her bloody hand, using all her strength she threw it towards his nose, his head whipped back as her fist collided with his nose. He stumbled back, gripping his finbgers around the temple of his nose.

Alex grabbed the knife from the ground, she gripped the handle, bringing her hand back she flung it forward releasing her grip on the knife.

He held out his arm, hoping it wasn't broken. He looked up and noticed the knife flying towards him. Before he got a chance to comprehend what was happening. He felt the knife tear through the skin on his shoulder, embedding itself right into his muscle. He screamed out in pain as this was nothing he had ever felt before.

Alex walked over to him, he stumbled away from her. Tripping on a rock he landed on his back, looking up at what he assumed would be the last thing he would ever see

Alex reached to his pocket, she took his phone out and read the message that had showed up on the black scream she had seen before

Benefactor: all contracts terminated

Alex dropped his phone, letting out a breath "it's over" she whispered

She looked down at the man who stared back up with glossed over eyes, in that moment she couldn't help but feel bad for him. Not because of what he did but because of she did.

"What's your name?" She asked

"B-Ben" he replied "I've.. got a family, a younger brother, an older sister." he stammered with fear

Alex felt her heart ache, she already knew the pain of losing a sibling.. how could she possibly inflict that on someone else.

She reached down and pulled the knife from his shoulder, taking his hand she healed the wound she had created.

He watched with knitted brows, confused as to how one person could heal a wound without any medical equipment "thank you. Thank you so much"

"We are still human Ben. Regardless of that list said, we all have families and homes and lives. We are still human."

She cleaned off her knife with the inside of her zip up, putting it back into its safety pocket she ran from the scene.

A part of her wanted to leave him there, let him find a way home with a knife in his shoulder but a bigger part told her not to. What type of person would she be if she proved that that supernatural creatures were nothing but monsters.


Alex walked back into what she had assumed was her empty apartment, but as she made it inside the door Stiles had coming running from her room "where have you been?" He asked

He stopped and noticed that she had been scuffed up, blood stained on her hands. Her hair In messy nots "what the hell happened, are you okay?" He asked

Alex nodded "I'm fine Stiles, some guy tried to attack me on my run. He wanted money, but it's okay I know it's over and he didn't hurt me" she explained

Stiles raised his brows "Alex your hands are covered in blood, your face is covered in dirt and you hair is in a ball of mess" he pointed out "what the hell happened?" He asked once again

"We fought" she shrugged "look, I won okay. I hurt him more then he hurt Me, so please don't worry"

He sighed, taking a hold of her hands not caring about the blood that she left on his "Alex im sorry, I was just so worried about you but I know you and I should know by now that you would take a bullet or a knife or a fake death for any one of us to live" stiles apologized

Alex looked at him, she shook her head a little "you have nothing to be sorry about, you are just protecting me and I love that. I shouldn't have got mad, thats all me" she apologized, feeling bad that he felt so in the wrong

"You sure you are okay?" He asked

She plastered on a smile and for what felt like the millionth time she lied "I'm okay Stiles, you don't have to worry. I promise"

Guilt washed over her as she promised the person she loved the most that she was okay, as she lied once again. As she told another person she was okay rather them admit she was in agony.

Rather then ask for help.


Ughhhhh I don't know what this chapter is, I wanted a chapter of just Alex and then I threw in a stranger trying to kill her, which made sense considering she was worth so much.

I hope you enjoyed this weird chapter, I really have no idea what it is but it's what I felt like writing soooo.

Hope you enjoyed.

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