Bodyguard (Johan Seong X Read...

By Shruing

24.4K 1.4K 366

⚠️I don't own any of these character expect Y/N. This story based on Lookism a webtoon written by Taejun Park... More

A new Beginning
A New Beginning (Pt.2)
Nightout (Part 2)
The Truth
A True Friend
Don't mess with my girl
My Bodyguard
A gift
Will she fall for me?
Stuck in the elevator
Just A Friend
New plan
Dinner Together
Dinner Together (pt.2)
The festival
Group Study
Unknown Feeling
Group Study (part2)
Barbeque Party
Barbeque Party (part.2)
What now?
Help him
The Retreat
The Retreat part-2
Daniel's past
Retreat pt.3
A night before a date

The Festival (pt.2)

604 34 2
By Shruing

Johan began to tremble when he saw Gun there.
"Y/N! Let's go" Johan began to walk away from there.

I was confused "Johan where are you going? The event isn't over yet"

John looked at me over his shoulder
"Y/N, Please" his voice subdued. I couldn't understand what was going in his mind but I felt he was scared of something.

I just agreed and followed him. Once we made it out of the school and walked a little bit far from there. I stopped walking and stared at Johan.

Johan noticed that Y/N stopped behind him. But he pretended not to notice it and continued walking.

"Ahem !" I cleared my throat to get his attention but he didn't care to look at me, he just continued walking. "Ahem" I cleared my throat again then again he didn't respond. "JOHAN !" I shouted.

He stopped and turned around "Yes?" He asked.

It made me so frantic that he acted as if nothing happened
"Johan! Are you kidding me? Tell me why you just dragged us out from the event?" I yelled.

Johan let out a breath. He was thinking of a reason to convince
Y/N  "I need something to eat" he replied.

"Hungry? Is he being honest? " I thought.

I sighed and said, "Fine let's go eat something".  Johan told me that he knows a cafe nearby so I followed him. But my instincts were telling me that he was hiding something as usual. After a few minutes, we reached the cafe and Johan removed his mask and hood from his head. When I saw his face he had been sweating so badly as if he had run away from something terrifying.

I wanted to ask him about what was the reason that he hauled me from school but I decided to ask the question later. We entered the Cafe and went to the counter to place our orders.

"What do you want?" I asked as I was browsing the menu.
"Anything that you're having," he said.
I rolled my eye away from him and was debating to myself what to buy
I looked at the waitperson "2 chocolate cakes and 2 orange juices, please" I requested.

"Yep, sure mam," the waitperson said as she was tapping on the keyboard keys. "Please, take your seat mam your orders will be here within 10 minutes"

We took our seats and I sat facing Johan. Johan sat down gazing outside the window avoiding looking at my face. I let out a breath and said  "Johan tell me the truth".

Johan deliberately turned his head towards me his eyes looking down at the table " Even if I explain it to you, you won't understand why... we should move on from this topic"

All I could imagine is this guy is going through some serious and terrible phase in his life. I placed my hand on his hand "Johan, I understand alright? You don't have to say anything to me now"

Johan's eyes widened when he heard
Y/N's words. Johan felt relieved and pleasant that someone could understand him. John just nodded his head without saying anything.

"Johan let's go to the lakeside after eating"


Our orders were served and we began to eat. Without any conversation between us, we had finished eating our food. Then I paid the bill and we left the cafe. I chose to go to the lakeside because I thought it would be the perfect place for Johan to let out his true emotions. It's all thanks to Daniel who took me there when I was sad and it made me feel better. On the way, I chuckled to myself thinking back to how Daniel wrote a sweet note to me in the chocolate wrap.

Johan looked at Y/N who was smiling on her own.
"Why is she smiling though?  She looks pretty while she's smiling" Johan thought.

We finally reached the lakeside and made our way down the pasture and sat down. The sun was already setting down we when reached there. The sky was mixed with orange and yellow colours. The birds were flying back to their nests. It was so peaceful to watch.

I turned my head towards the side to look at Johan he was also gazing up at the glorious evening sky.
"Are you okay?" I asked.

He took his time before answering "Why do you care so much about me. You don't even know me"

"I think I know you enough."

Johan said nothing to that. I saw him as he lowered his gaze.
"You think you know me," he whispered, "but you don't"

I sensed that he was scared to say anymore.  In the silence, I watched the lake glittering as the sun begun to go down. "How about I tell you what I think I know and you tell me if I'm right or wrong? Would that be okay?"

Johan stared at me without saying anything.
"I'll take that as a yes" I gave a wistful smile. I went on, my voice was soft.
"I think you're a strong, good-looking, kind, focused on a very important goal in your life, loyal, you love dogs. You're right in thinking that I don't know the specifics of your past, but I don't know that they're all that important unless you want to tell me about them. Everyone has a past, but that's just it- it's in the past. You can learn from it, but you can't change it."

Johan was tight-lipped after hearing what Y/N told him.
"Y/N, you shouldn't try to become close to me-"

*Ring ring*

My phone rang and I pulled out my phone from my pocket "Its Mom! I should take this call, just a minute"

"Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, honey" Mom began "Y/N what're you doing?"

"I'm out mom. Why?" I responded.

"Y/N can you go home now someone sent us a courier, just go see if it's there. The courier boy just informed me now" Mom said.

"Okay Mom I will"

"Good, then I'll call later. Bye Honey! I love you so much!"

"Me too mom, bye!"  I hung up the call.

"Sorry, what were you saying," I asked Johan as I put my phone back into my pocket.

"No, it was nothing, let's go"  he stood up and started walking away from me before I could ask him anything. I felt that shouldn't compel him to say anything about his problems. 

On our way to our apartment, Johan kept walking at a distance away from me and I didn't bother to ask him why too. We reached our apartment and when we got there I noticed a box in front of my door.

"It's quite a big box. I wonder what's inside," I said.

Johan helped to get the box inside and I thanked him for today and before I went inside my house

"Y/N" Johan began.

"Huh?" I turned around and looked at him.

"One day I will explain everything...but for now I think it's for the best for me, not to say anything about my past," he said, in a subdued tone.

I smiled, holding his gaze "I will be looking forward to that day" I paused "I'm glad that I spent the day with you instead of spending my day at the festival."

We both said good night to each other and went inside our

Johan didn't understand why he stopped himself from saying that Y/N shouldn't care for him. But deep down he knew that he was broken and wanted to share his pain with someone.

Johan went out to his balcony gazing up at the stars
"But will she stay with me even after I tell her that I'm a guy who betrayed everything  for my sake?"

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