Stuck In A Moment

By fandom_lover2005

6K 286 240

The third book in the Bad Things Happen series! Other books in the series include Bad Thing Happen and Life a... More

Gender Reveal!
Dating app.
"Ugh, you again."
What happened next.
The hospital...again.
Peggy, what happened?
Halloween part 2.
"At least the visit is free."
The Trial. *sigh*
The trial. *sigh* continued.
Thanksgiving part two.
Lafayette's birthday!
Me got tagged again.
Christmas part 1.
Christmas part 2.
Christmas part 3.
Christmas Part 4.
Christmas part 5.
Christmas part 6.
Christmas part 7.
Forgiveness... can you imagine?
I have an announcement.
The Grand Finale.
The real announcement.
Making up.
Old rivalry. Still going
Burr ain't happy... is he ever?
Valentine's Day.
Bro time.
The Letter
Well... he's still here.
After the storm.
I state my regret for an incorrect accusation against yee.
A week after the storm.
The clink. (Hope I spelled that right.)
More Jeggy
The trap
Jeggy for the win.

The police

30 2 2
By fandom_lover2005

A/N: if you haven't seen the adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. GO WATCH IT! The movie is on disney plus. The title is a reference. Do you need to have seen it to understand this chapter? No. Should you watch it anyway? Yes!!! It's a really good family movie and it's older so if you pause it and look at the animation, it's usually really funny. So if you can, go watch it. Without context though, I imagine it looks weird 😂😂😂

When 'the man' came to, Laurens and Will were happy with their victory and were about ready to arrest 'the man' when he started bursting out laughing.

"Clever, lads." The man laughed. (Does he sound Irish? I feel like that makes him sound Irish. But did I ever say he wasn't Irish?) "But Mr. Laurens, did you forget that you're not the only one involved in this matter?"

"What do you mean?" Laurens asked.

"You're friend can arrest me. But if he does, who will call off the attack on the other involved party?" The man asked.

The realization hit Laurens like a brick. "Alexander. He sent someone after Alexander." Laurens exclaimed before he burst out the door.

Will wanted to follow, but he didn't want to leave 'the man' to escape. So he stayed.

Laurens bolted as fast as he could. The author can't remember if Alexander is at a specific place, so let's just say he's at his dorm. Laurens bolted for Alexander's dorm.

Alexander wanted to do some writing, but Eliza said he was over working himself and hid all his pens. He thought about just going to the store and buying more, but the store was so far, and his bed was conveniently right next to him. He started watching some TV when he heard a knock at the door. He stood up and went to answer it, even though he wasn't expecting anyone.

"Hello? Are you Alexander Hamilton?" The man asked. He was wearing a UPS uniform, so Alexander didn't bother to question him.

"Yes." Alexander nodded.

"Good." The man stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"Dude, you can't just..." Alexander was cut off when the man pulled out a shiny silver revolver. "Hey, man. Just relax."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I have nothing against you personally, it's just a job." The man explained before he cocked it.

"Wait, someone paid you to kill me?" Alexander thought. "Jefferson finally snapped."

"Shut up." The man pushed the gun against his head.

Alexander closed his eyes, but before the man could pull the trigger, Laurens jumped into the room and tackled him. The man dropped his gun in the process. He then kicked Laurens off of him and dove for the gun, Alexander did the same. They both grabbed it and tried to pry it away from the other. As Alexander was losing his grip, Laurens jumped back up and jumped on the attacker's back. The man shoved Laurens off, causing him to hit his head against the wall. Alexander lunged again for the gun and managed to grab it. Before he was able to pick it up, the attacker stepped on his hand hard enough to hear a crunch.

"Ah!" Alexander groaned.

The man grabbed the gun from his hand and pointed it at him.

"Again, just business." The man sighed.

Before he could shoot, two police officers barged into the room. Will had called them after Laurens ran away from the restaurant. "NYPD, put your hands up, now!"

The man grabbed Alexander's shoulder and pulled him in front of his body as a shield, keeping the gun on him the whole time. He used one of his arms to hold Alexander's behind him and used the other to push the gun into his temple. "Get back!"

"Sir, let go of the hostage and slowly put your gun down!" One cop said.

"Hostage? Is that all you see me as?" Alexander complained. "I am a vital piece in a high profile murder case, thank you!"

"Do you ever stop talking!?!?!" The man lost his temper.

"This answer your question?" Alexander said before spitting in his face.

The cops were honestly speechless. They'd dealt with hostage situations before, but none of the hostages were cool with death like Alexander was apparently.

The man was not happy. He took the gun from Alexander's temple and shoved it right in his mouth. Alexander tried not to gag. He had no idea where that thing had been. I mean, the guy pulled it out of his pants when he arrived.

"Put your guns down or I'll blow his brains out on the ceiling!" The attacker threatened.

The cops looked at each other. They knew they weren't supposed to put their guns down by any means. But with their environment being such a small and enclosed space, it didn't leave them with many options. The two cops stopped pointing their guns at the man and slowly started putting them down.

"Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, the two of us will be leaving now. So please, by all means, enjoy the rest of your day." The man stated.

Alexander started fighting and yelling muffled words. He wasn't ready to go without a fight.

"Stop fighting me or I'll shoot you right now!" The man shoved the gun even further in his mouth, causing Alexander to start choking slightly. Alexander stopped fighting, knowing there wasn't anything else he could do. For the first time in this situation, he was actually scared. Scared he would never see his family again. Scared he would never see his friends again. And worst of all, he was scared he'd never see Eliza again. He had no idea what this man would do with him, assuming he didn't shoot him as soon as they got away. Alexander could feel death coming his way, like he had a few times before. But he didn't think he'd escape this time.

The man started slowly moving across the floor with him, eyeing the cops very carefully. Little did he know he moved over to part of the room that he had previously knocked Laurens unconscious in. But he wasn't unconscious anymore. He picked up one of Alexander's law books and slammed it into the back of the man's head. Knocking him both to the ground and unconscious.

"I got to say. Having been on the other side of that before, I do have a little guilt." Laurens joked.

Alexander, who had also fallen down since the man had his arms, started coughing as he stood up. "What just happened?"

"I slugged him with a book." Laurens laughed.

"He put a gun, in my mouth!!!" Alexander exclaimed. "I have no idea where that gun has been!"

"So you were assaulted by a UPS worker?" One of the cops asked in confusion.

"I doubt he's actually a UPS employee, but I can't guarantee he isn't." Laurens explained. "Another man sent him to kill my brother. He's the one who killed that man by the docks. The other man, I mean. He's been blackmailing me to keep my knowledge of it a secret. He said he would kill me and my family otherwise. I see now that he wasn't kidding."

"He pulled that gun out of his pants." Alexander stated. "His pants!"

"Is there something wrong with him?" One cop asked Laurens.

"Could you be more specific?" Laurens joked.

The chief of police wasn't too happy about Will doing something without his knowledge. But since he did help Laurens catch the bad guys, he gave him a chance to explain himself. Not that he really cared for an explanation though. He wasn't very fond of Will in the first place.

"Laurens told me that he wanted to trap this guy. I knew immediately why he called me instead of just calling the police." Will said.

"If he had called the police, then he wouldn't have had to risk his family!" The chief yelled. "And you should have known that and notified me immediately!"

"He asked me not to, I wasn't going to go behind his back." Will replied. "He didn't know and he didn't want to risk his family. I don't blame him."

"Please, what do you know about family?" The chief spat.

This caught Laurens' attention.

"Nothing." Will glared.

"Hey. Family isn't always people who have the same blood as you." Laurens chimed in. "Will is a great man. He's good at his job. And he's always been loyal to me. I'd be happy to call him my brother."

Will smiled.

"It doesn't matter. I want your badge on my desk by the end of the day." The chief huffed.

Laurens saw that the rest of the police officers had their attention turned to the conversation. He could use that. "Why? Why would you fire the cop that just arrested two murderers and had no casualties along the way? Especially after you were the one to arrest the wrong man?"

Every cop turned their gaze to the chief. He cowered under the pressure and eventually caved in.

"Fine. But I don't want this to happen again. Do you understand me?" He yelled.

"Yes sir." Will nodded.

The chief left and Laurens and Will went back to talking.

"I owe you one." Will let out a breath of relief.

"You owe me one?" Laurens laughed. "You were my only friend in the foster home, you helped save me after I was kidnapped, and you believed me after I had evidence against me in a murder case! I barely made back one of those."

"What you said about being my brother. That meant a lot to me." Will said.

"Well, it's true." Laurens stated. "If you don't mind me asking, what did happen to your family?"

"I have no idea. I was in the system from infancy to my eighteenth birthday. Never got a chance to know if they were good or bad." Will explained.

"That's how I felt about my mother for years." Laurens frowned. "Hey, maybe some time in the future I can help you find out."

"Really?" Will asked.

"Sure. Why not?" Laurens laughed.

"That'd be really cool." Will nodded. "I should probably get going though or the chief will have my head."

"Right. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later." Laurens smiled.

Alexander came up after Will left. "So if you had to pick a favorite brother..."

"I don't have a favorite." Laurens rolled his eyes.

"Yes. But he's not your real brother. He's a friend like compadre. So..." Alexander began.

"You get so jealous. You're like a little puppy who needs everyone's attention." Laurens teased.

"I find that very offensive." Alexander joked. "Thanks for saving me by the way."

"You think I'd let you get away from me that easily?" Laurens joked. "You still owe me ten bucks."

"I'm serious." Alexander laughed. "You did what I couldn't."

"And what would that be?" Laurens asked.

"You prevented me from being kidnapped." Alexander said. "Who knows what would've happened to me."

"Well, you're welcome." Laurens smiled. "And I don't blame you anymore for what happened. You know that, right?"

"Yeah." Alexander chuckled. "It's just kinda weird having someone not blame me for something."

"You are alright though, right?" Laurens asked.

"Other than a few bruises and a sore throat, I'm fine." Alexander reassured him. "We should probably get going though. Peggy has been asking about you a lot and she needs to see you."

"Ok," Laurens nodded. "And by the way, Laf is my favorite brother." Laurens smirked. Alexander just smacked him in the back of the head. "I'm just kidding."

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