Starting Line || Carter Grays...

By pezzbosch

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Consumed by the grief of losing her brother at a young age, Skye Mitchell found herself standing behind the s... More

Dedication & Disclaimer
(1) Recruitment
(2) Promotions
(3) Checkups
(4) Firetruck
(5) Snakebite
(6) Titanium
(7) Truths
(8) Hurt
(9) Curse
(10) Storms
(11) Cobra
(12) Imposter
(13) Dates
(14) Emergency
(15) Ceremony
(16) Invitations
(17) Shopping
(19) Kidnapped
(20) Memories
(21) Childish
(22) Lightspeed
(23) Fate
(24) Reunion
(25) Forever
Epilogue: Starting Line
Thank You
Etsy Shop
New Story... Again :)

(18) Dances

641 16 39
By pezzbosch


I hid my nervousness about the Lightspeed Ball through the art of makeup. Nova sat in my chair, sitting perfectly still as I ran blush across her cheeks. A light pink attenuated her cheekbones tremendously and made her eyes pop even more. Dana worked on her hair as I moved to applying a lip gloss to her mouth and asking her opinion on her look.

"You always do such a great job, now stop worrying about all of us and make yourself look stunning for Carter! I'm definitely thinking about this color on your lips." Nova picked a color out from my things. A very pretty nude color that would set perfectly with the dark reds and golds I had chosen for my eye shadow.

"How did you get so good at make up?" Dana asked, fluffing her hair in the mirror after finishing with Nova's.

"I'm far from good," I laughed, "I just have a lot of practice I guess. Are you sure that's all you want done Kelsey?"

"Yes, the eyeshadow and highlighter are plenty for me!" she smiled, watching the rest of us get ready.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, you know." Dana watched me.

"I'm not nervous." I lied.

"Please," Nova rolled her eyes, "You literally can never sit still when you're nervous which is why you volunteered to do everyone's make up. We're all dressed and ready to go but you still need to finish your make up and get in your dress."

I watched her fix her dress around her leg, seeing the blaster she had tucked into the garter underneath her skirt. I glared at her and crossed my arms.

"Are you psycho?" I asked her.

"What? The safety's on." she shrugged, "Come on, do your make up already."

"Okay, okay." I stared in the mirror, carefully applying the first color of eyeshadow to my lids. Dana had done my hair in a partial braid with beautiful curls on the loose strands of hair. The two pieces that framed my face set the whole look.

Adding the last touches, Nova helped make sure all the straps to my dress were secure enough that nothing was going to be slipping out tonight that shouldn't. I stepped in my heels and took a look in the mirror before adding my earrings and a necklace that my father had given me years ago.

The ride to the banquet hall was fun with everyone singing along to songs, even if music wasn't particularly my favorite thing. We all stood nervously outside the doors as we waited to be announced. We knew the boys would be inside ready to escort us as we entered. This was the first year my father would not be waiting at the end of those stairs to escort me to my table and I couldn't feel more ecstatic and nervous about it. For once, there was going to be an incredibly handsome man standing there with probably the widest grin and sparkle in his yes.

The butterflies that were beginning to erupt through my body as the announcements commenced were enough to put me in the stars. I stood in line, nervously awaiting to hear my name.

"Dana Mitchell, Lightspeed ranger number 5, pink." We could hear the clapping as Dana entered, her head high and her smile wide as her pink dress flowed around her.

"Kelsey Winslow, Lightspeed ranger number 4, yellow." Kelsey strutted in, the yellow pantsuit stole the show and I think we even heard Joel wolf whistle some.

I looked at Nova nervously. We were the next two in line.

"You'll kill it." Nova whispered.

"Nova Phillips, head weapons specialist and trainer." Nova turned the corner and began her descent down the staircase. She knew exactly what she was doing by swinging those hips as she strode down the stairs, meeting Ryan and letting him link their arms together.

"Skye Mitchell, Chief Medical Officer." It was my time to shine.

I took a deep breath as I reminded myself to put one foot in front of the other. Short steps and head high. Just the way I had been shown as a little girl. I took two steps down the stairs, meeting eyes with Carter who was approaching the end step. I could hear my heart beat mixed with heel clicks as I carefully took each step.

Carter had that sparkle in his eyes that I was expecting and it set the whole world right when it transferred into my brain. I got slightly teary eyed when he held his arm out, bending his elbow so I could join our arms. I used my other hand to carefully lift the end of my dress up as he helped me off the last step and we strode forward to meet the others at our designated table.

"Wow," Carter was truly speechless, "You look incredibly beautiful Skye."

I instinctively whistled back to Nova when I heard her ring while also focusing on Carter's compliments.

"Thank you," I smiled back at him, "You look incredible yourself."

Stopping at our table, Ryan jumped out of his seat and pulled my chair out, eyeing Carter as he was about to do it himself. A buffoon. My brother was a buffoon. That was my date's job to do, not my brother. Either way, I accepted it.

Turning our heads to the staircase, we sat patiently as each person was announced and escorted down the stairs.

"I'm ready for food." Kelsey groaned.

"You and me both." Nova laughed.

"Me three!" I raised my hand.

Dana raised hers, "Me four-"

"Okay we get it you guys are hungry," Joel stopped us, laughing loudly with the rest of us.

Captain Mitchell clinked his glass with his spoon to get everyone's attention before picking up his mic, "Welcome to the Twentieth Annual Lightspeed Ball!"

Howls erupted through the wind as we all cheered, excited for the night and feeling the excitement in the air. My father waited for the room to settle, admiring all the effort he put in each year to put on this beautiful night. If I remembered correctly, the very first one was held in my mothers honor exactly one year after they had gotten married. I knew it was a special occasion for him, which is why he always made sure that Dana, Nova, and myself were never left unescorted to this event.

"We've recently lived in trying times. Times that are unimaginable and harsh. Which is why today is about our freedom, friendship, love, and gathering. Many of you may know this story already, but for those new faces out in the crowd the Lightspeed Ball was held in honor of my late wife. She loved this event dearly and each year, it brings honor and joy to me seeing her face in my girls who look stunning out there tonight. Ryan included." he raised his glass and the room followed suit.

Ryan scoffed loudly but the wide smile on his face didn't suggest annoyance.

"Let tonight be full of laughter and fun as we enjoy a night away from our hard work and efforts." My father tipped back his glass and finished his toast to the crowd.

Waiters with silver platters scattered around the room, delivering luxurious meals to our tables and filling our glasses with soda since we weren't quite at the drinking age yet. The orchestra sounded off, playing the prettiest tunes of dancing music as we divulged in the delicious meal. Nova and I lifted out glasses, giving each other a silent toast to the past and the future before us.

Captain Mitchell came and collected Dana from the table, asking her to dance while the rest of us finished up our meals. I leaned over and nudged my brother, seeing that the two of them were just sitting there watching everyone else... exactly as I was doing.

"Ask her to dance." I whispered in his ear, "Stop making her wait!"

I watched as he turned to her and finally asked. They moved out to the dance floor, leaving Carter and I sitting at the table alone. He looked down at me, the sparkle still there as a grin formed on his lips. I wanted him to lean down and kiss me - but Dana came over and grabbed Carter's hand, dragging him out onto the dance floor which I didn't like at all.

I sat with Kelsey, chatting lightly but my main focus was over on my sister dancing with my date. It was his first ball - our first ball together, and his first dance wasn't even with his date. I was feeling a little antsy when Nova plopped down back at the table and Ryan held his hand out.

"Now, it wouldn't be a ball if I didn't dance with my sister." Ryan smiled.

I happily accepted his invitation and took his hand just like I did when we were little kids. Though, our dancing was well underdeveloped and we just ran around the dance floor in our younger years. This year was different though. This year I could have a proper sibling dance with my twin.

I continued glancing over at my sister and date, watching their movements closely as I half danced with my brother. I couldn't help it - I wanted to be dancing with Carter right now.

"You know he likes you and not Dana right?" Ryan asked.

"Then why is he dancing with her and not me?" I asked, keeping my feet a few steps away from my brother because I knew he'd step on them as we swayed to the music.

"We both know Dana is a show stealer," Ryan muttered, "Plus, he's an idiot. If he didn't decline Dana's offer and dance with you first instead, then he doesn't deserve you at all."

"I doubt Dana gave him an offer. She just ran up to the table and pulled him away with her." I told him.

"He's been stealing the same glances at you that you are stealing from him. You clearly aren't noticing it, but that giant idiot likes you and only you. I don't know why, because you're kind of annoying. And short." I slapped Ryan's arm as hard as I could as our father approached.

"Father, she hit me!" Ryan tattled.

"I think that was rightfully deserved," he laughed, "Stop picking on your sister."

I stuck my tongue out at my brother as my father stole me away from the next dance. It wasn't a proper ball, if he didn't dance with each of his daughters - Nova included. Ryan walked back over to Nova, who had just sat back down from her dance with my father.

When the song ended, the one person I finally wanted to dance with finally approached me. I tried to hide the smile but I couldn't help it. I had to remind myself to act casual when he asked me to dance.

"Captain Mitchell, may I please dance with your daughter?" Carter cleared his throat.

"Ryan's sitting down at the table." My father pointed. He knew that would make me laugh.

"I see where Skye gets her humor." Carter chuckled.

"Love you," I kissed my father on his cheek, "Now if you don't mind, I finally get to dance with my date."

"I love you too." he kissed my forehead and then walked away, leaving me standing before Carter's inviting arms.

We cupped our hands together, his other gently resting on my waist as I placed my freehand on his shoulder for support. He looked down at me - those blue eyes beating right into my own. He pulled me slightly closer as a fresh song sounded.

"I'm sorry we weren't each other's first dance tonight," Carter apologized, "I feel terrible about it."

"Don't mention it." I smiled, "We're dancing now and that's all that matters."

"You really are the prettiest girl in this room tonight." he told me.

If the make up wasn't covering my natural blush, Carter would surely see how his compliment affected me. I stood slightly on my toes, making my lips appear closer to Carter - hoping that he'd finally lean down and do exactly what I wanted all along. I wanted him to kiss me - I wanted to feel his lips pressed against mine, but as luck would have it, that moment was interrupted again.

The ground shook as the lights clicked off. Carter gripped my waist and pulled me close to him. He held his grip as we heard screams echo throughout the room. People were bumping us as they fled for shelter.

"Carter what's going on?" I yelled into his ear.

"I don't know," he tried to look around the room but we were lost in the darkness, "Where are the others?"

Thinking quickly, I let out a loud whistle. Hoping that Nova would hear it in the loudness unfolding in the room. I don't think she heard the first one as I gripped Carter's arm tightly as he prepared to morph, "Lightspeed Rescue!" His suit would allow him to see in the darkness.

The ground shook again and then there was suddenly something blasted out of the way, causing Carter to push me to the side and take the hit full on.

"Find Nova and get back to the Aquabase!" Carter shouted as he pushed himself up off the ground. Another shake and I fell backward, right on my wrist. I screamed as something sharp dragged along my skin. I twisted it - or broke it, I wasn't sure but I was in an incredible amount of pain when I tried to push myself up.

Nova whistled and I quickly shot it back at her.

"Skye? What happened?" Nova crouched next to me.

"Carter told me to find you," I groaned, clutching her wrist, "Someone pushed me and I fell right on my wrist."

Nova grabbed my arms to help me up, "Let's get out of here."

    We scanned the room for an exit. I spotted it across the dance floor.

"There!" I shouted, pointing to the back right corner.

"Look out!" Nova yelled, pulling me behind me and sending a kick into the Batlings chest before grabbing me by the good arm to run.

We made it to the doors and threw them open, looking around to try and find any way out. The door led to a back street with dumpsters and cars parked along the sides.

"This way," Nova said, before running as fast as we could in heels towards the street at the end of the alley. The coast was clear until a flash of lightning made us fumble and cover our eyes.

"Ah... the rangers little dates," A demon grumbled, "You'll have to do instead."

A Batling came up behind me and grabbed my wrists. I screamed in pain as Nova aimed her blaster and fired. I could feel drops of blood slowly rolling down my arm as I tried to free my own grip.

Nothing happened.

"The safety!" I yelled.

Nova moved to turn it off, "Crap!"

A Batling came up behind Nova and suddenly she was on the ground. I started to scream her name but then I was quickly pushed into the same state my best friend was. We were gone before we could even call out for help.


Don't forget to vote, comment, and add me to your reading list to get updates on Starting Line <3

May the power always protect you.

If you would like to see Nova's reaction to the Lightspeed Ball, then head on over to @carnationcreation's page and check out (18) The Ball of Final Phase! Don't forget to add this to your reading list to get the latest updates!

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