Dancing in the dark


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Becca falls in love with her new English teacher, but what happens when she gets to close to his brother? Whe... Еще

Dancing in the Dark
Fancy meeting you here...
Pool parties and romance disasters..
Taking Chances
kisses in the night
Happiness OVER
No more tears
Drunken Days LOVED up nights
Pool's & Pizza
I love you
Meeting the Dad
Carelessness comes at a price
Little Family
Happy moments, Broken Hearts
Alone again
Little Peanut
Long time no speak
It's a......
Late night phone calls
When your world falls apart
Mistakes I've made
Getting back to myself
Finals and old friends
Only time will tell....
Awkward gatherings and suprise romances

PDA and Apologies

223 0 0

The weekend came and went now it was Monday morning the first time i was going to see Chase since i decided to have the rest of last week off and now I felt like shit. I spent half the night up hanging with Jake just chilling in bed watching TV, it was nice don’t get me wrong just not the best idea to be up till 2am on a Sunday night….

Jake drove me home so i could quickly get some clean clothes and my bag. For once I was actually on time which was surprising considering how tired I was. Jake thankful grabbed me a coffee while I was at mine getting ready. We headed towards school with my hand comfortably in Jakes. “Look princess today is gonna be hard are you sure your ready?” I smiled and nodded “I can’t avoid him forever and hell he might never want to talk to me again, but I need to fix this messed up situation, you guys are brother’s im not going to screw you guys up, and I like Chase, so if we can one day be friends id like that”. Jake smiled and kissed my hand.

We pulled up at school and Jake hopped out and opened my door for me “Hey boyfriend” Jake chuckled and pulled me close and kissed me softly, I forgot where I was when I was wrapped up in his arms, which was too bad for me. A slam of a car door drew us apart and I felt like shit, just opposite us was Chase and he looked like he hadn’t slept in a month, the anger clear all over his face. He looked heartbroken and I felt like shit, I moved away from Jake and kissed him on the cheek, grabbed my bag and headed into school, oh it was going to be a long ass day alright…

I was glad I had texted Kelly and explained my new situation, to say she was shocked was an understatement, but after explaining for 2hrs and introducing her to Jake she finally saw I was happy and it was good enough for her. Kelly waited for me inside the school gate and gave me a big hug once she saw my face “Baby girl you ok whats wrong” I held her tight and took a deep breathe “Chase saw me and Jake when he dropped me off and we kinda made out a little I forgot where I was, so now today is going to be so much harder…..” she kissed my cheek and held my hand as we started for my roll call room “Becca you got this just tell him the truth about how you feel and apologize like crazy it’s all you can do” I nodded and we went our separate ways.

The next hour passed by to quickly stupid history and before I knew it I was making my way to English. The only upside was seeing thatvJason and Khloe had made up, I smiled over at them and gave them a quick hug before I sat down. Chase stormed through the room and I felt sick. Panic filled my body and I couldn’t see straight, I was crazy to think I could do this. I stood up grabbed my bag and headed for the door. Before I could reach it a hand grabbed me and pulled me back “Where do you think your going Miss White” his voice was breaking until he looked at me I must have looked as sick as I felt, he dropped my arm and I fled to the bathroom and spilled the contents of my stomach. I felt like utter shit. I washed my face and hands and re-applied my make-up I headed to the nurses’ station and grabbed some panadol to try and help. I made my way back to the room feeling a lot better, now I just had to last the next half hour. I entered the room and Chase nodded at me as I sat down, Jason pulled me closer to him as we watched Romeo and Juliet.

The bell rang for the end of period and I slowly packed up noticing I was the last student, well damn. Chase walked over to my desk and pulled his chair over and just stared at me, I really didn’t know how to start this conversation. “Are you ok” my heart broke he sounded so sad and defeated. I nodded slowly as the tears started to fall, I didn’t deserve his pity. Suddenly he was by my side holding me tight “Hey you ok” I shook my head “You should hate me I no I do” Chase squeezed me tighter and kissed my forehead.

“I couldn’t hate you not ever, im upset yeah but I could never hate you” he muttered. I looked up at him and he smiled softly down at me. “Im so so sorry for what happened I really am it wasn’t fair to you not at all, and I no your not going to want to hear this but im happy. Don’t get me wrong I was happy with you but we had to hide from everyone and every time we were finally getting somewhere something came up that pushed us away from each other. With Jake im happy all the time, we don’t have to hide and when im with him I feel different the whole world stops and I forget where I am” I muttered.

Chase took a deep breath and wiped my eyes “Look I can’t say it doesn’t hurt what you guys did and what you just said, but I understand having to hide us away wasn’t ideal and it was a major risk for us. I just wish you had of talked to me first but I no you weren’t in the best condition from what I heard from Luke” he grinned over at me. “Gah don’t remind me im never drinking in the day ever again I felt so gross, wait you knew about me and Jake before today....nkw I feel worse”. Chase chuckled and gave me a hug “Look im not going to lie and say everything is going to be fine, but I don’t hate either of you angry yes, but I will get over it and I will get used to you to. Just if you can keep the PDA down for a bit while I get used to this new situation” I blushed and turned away “Im sorry about that it won’t happen again I promise”. Chase chuckled and helped me up “Go try eat something, were ok” I smiled and kissed his cheek and headed out.

I texted Jake and let him know what happened with me and Chase. I made my way to the lunch room and Kelly ran to me “Im ok promise I got really sick first half just nerves but we talked and were ok”. Kelly smiled and hugged me tight “Im so happy for you guys”.

The rest of the day passed by and as I made my way out the front I realised I didn’t have my car. I started down the street and decided to get the bus, 2 minutes later I got a text from Luke

“Hey sexy gal im out front im your ride home”- Luke

I smiled and walked back and found him sitting on his motorbike, I rolled my eyes and walked over to him “Seriously you have a bike where’s your car”? Luke chuckled and gave me his helmet. “It’s getting a service today so you are very lucky im even letting you on my beast you’re the first girl ever so be very proud”. I rollee my eyes at Luke and hit him in the arm " thats for telling Chase and me and Jake and not telling me". I chuckled and jumped on and held Luke for dear life. We arrived at Jake’s and I climbed off “Ok thanks for the lift Lucy but next time please car” Luke laughed and headed off down the road.

Just as I reached the front door Jake pulled it open and picked me up and carried me inside, I chuckled as he covered me in kisses “Hey boyfriend miss me” he smiled and kissed me deeply.

“You no I did princess, sorry I couldn’t pick you up had to do some work at the club just got home” I smiled and kissed up his neck “Its ok babe Lucy got me” I kissed him softly and hopped down. Jake held me tight as I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a Pepsi. We walked over to the lounge and I snuggled up to him as we shared my Pepsi. “So today was ok” I nodded and smiled over at him. “Yeah well as soon as Chase walked into class I got really sick just nerves but after that I was ok and we talked he doesn’t hate us just angry for now, oh and no PDA Mr” Jake grinned and pulled me into his lap “Well im sorry but it was too hard not to kiss you”. I smiled and kissed him hungrily as his hands roamed my body.

After 15 minutes of making out Jake pulled away “As much as I want to continue this I invited Chase, Luke and Troy over it’s footy night and they always come, I no it’s a bit awkward but isbthat ok” I smiled and kissed his cheek “It’s your house silly of course do you want me to go for the night” Jake grabbed me and pulled me tight against him. “Hell no your staying her princess I was just warning you so we should behave ourselves” I nodded and jumped up “Well im hot and they should be here soon so im gonna get changed and go for a swim” Jake groaned “Babe that doesn’t help that suit is really fucking hot” I chuckled as I skipped over to Jakes room, oh tonight was going to be fun.

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