God Complex - Vol. 1

By noonadamski

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The major kingdom of the East called Huaza has fallen, but not the way most people think. Its emperor has gon... More

I. Peculiar Client-Part I.
II. Peculiar Client-Part II.
III. Peculiar Client-Part III.
IV. Peculiar Client-Part IV.
V. Naivety-Part I.
VI. Naivety-Part II.
VII. Naivety-Part III.
VIII. Naivety-Part IV.
IX. Naivety-Part V.
X. Naivety-Part VI.
XI. Duplicity-Part I.
XII. Duplicity-Part II.
XIII. Duplicity-Part III.
XIV. Duplicity-Part IV.
XV. Duplicity-Part V.
XVI. Duplicity-Part VI.
XVII. Duplicity-Part VII.
XVIII. Harbinger-Part I.
XIX. Harbinger-Part II.
XX. Harbinger-Part III.
XXI. Harbinger-IV.
XXII. Harbinger-Part V.
XXIII. Harbinger-Part VI.
XXIV. Harbinger-Part VII.
XXV. Harbinger-Part VIII.
XXVI. Harbinger-Part IX.
XXVII. Shanghaied-Part I.
XXVIII. Shanghaied-Part II.
XXIX. Shanghaied-Part III.
XXX. Shanghaied-Part IV.
XXXI. Shanghaied-Part V.
XXXII. Shanghaied-Part VI.
XXXIII. Shanghaied-Part VII.
XXXIV. Revered Renegade-Part I.
XXXV. Revered Renegade-Part II.
XXXVI. Revered Renegade-Part III.
XXXVII. Revered Renegade-Part IV.
XXXVIII. Revered Renegade-Part V.
XXXIX Revered Renegade-Part VI.
XL. Revered Renegade-Part VII.
XLI. Skewed Morals-Part I.
XLII. Skewed Morals-Part II.
XLIII. Skewed Morals-Part III.
XLV. Bitterness-Part II.
XLVI. Bitterness-Part III.
XLVII. Avarice Patriarch-Part I.
XLIII. Avarice Patriarch-Part II.
XLIX. Avarice Patriarch-Part III.
L. Avarice Patriarch-Part IV.

XLIV. Bitterness-Part I.

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By noonadamski

Jun rested his cheek on his hand as the woman bandaged his wounded arm up.

He winced as she pulled the bandages firmly around. They were both back at The Alpine Pub.

Most of the peasants and women were outside putting out the rest of the fires that were roaring in the town. While most of the men were in the pub celebrating the death of the Vronymaja.

Arkshan had shown the massive severed head of the wyvern to Vash and Koya. They haggled for a long time on the amount of money that Arkshan was to be given.

As St. Tóflin was pretty damaged from the fight. Along with the burnt fields and gigantic crater in the distance that still had the decapitated corpse of the Vronymaja in it.

Eventually Arkshan was able to get one and three forths of the original price of the bounty. Jun still wondered how deep his pockets were as all the money fit in perfectly.

"So t'Harbinger killed Vronymaja?" One patron shouted in the pub.

The smell of alcohol and must was even heavier as everyone was celebrating.

"'N' Prizchy?"

"Oi oi oi!" Koya shouted, clanking his tall mug a he stood up.

The pub quieted down as all eyes were on him.

"We have guest." Koya then pointed over at Jun.

Jun felt a wave of panic come over him as all eyes were on him. Except Arkshan's.

"Mage From Unknown Lands!"

The pub stayed in silence, wondering what was so special about him.

"He burnt t'Vronymaja to crisp!" Vash shouted as he raised his mug high.

"With power of Heavens! Lightning!" Koya added loudly as he put his arm around Vash's shoulder.

The pub suddenly burst out in thunderous cheer. Raising their mugs high and chanting. Jun looked over at Arkshan in a panic. But the half-dragon continued to just stare in front of him. Not looking at anybody.

His hands and jaw clenched tightly.

"What's 'is name?!" Someone shouted out.

"Tell them!" Koya said excitedly to Jun as he went next to him.

Jun heard the loud thumping of his heart in his ears. He looked to see all eyes still on him. Everyone waiting to hear his name. He didn't want to be known throughout the West.

Jun just wanted to go back to the East being a prostitute. Something familiar.

He didn't want to face the unknown of what the West was. Not anymore.

"J-Jun..." His voice sounded like a squeaking little mouse compared to the patrons. He watched as the patrons' eyes ogle at him

"Powerful maiden we have!" Was shouted through the uncomfortable silence.

"What's yer last name?!"

"She'll have mine!" A small brawl started breaking out in a corner of the pub. Fighting on who was going to take Jun's hand in marriage.

"Hmm, what is your last name though?" Koya asked as he put an arm around Jun's shoulder.

"I'm a man." Jun stated bluntly as he turned his head away. He heard as Koya laughed loudly, the alcohol strong on his breath.

"You don't need t'lie. Northern women are strong!"

Jun sighed as he felt the women finish bandaging up his arm. Steam was flowing out of Arkshan's nose heavily while he downed his mug of spirits.

"I don't have a last name." Jun deepened his voice to try and make his point clear. Koya laughed awkwardly as he patted his shoulder.

"You are mysterious!" And with that Koya went back next to Vash to get another refill.

"So you killed Vronymaja?" The woman next to Jun suddenly asked.

"Ah well..." Jun started to put his bloodied and torn sweater back on. "Arkshan did."

The half-dragon glanced briefly over at him before taking another deep sip. Even though Jun didn't say it very loud, somehow most of the patrons heard what he said.

"What ya mean?" A man shouted as he walked over to Jun. "T'at t'Harbinger did it all?!"

"He should get some credit..." Jun mumbled, looking over to Arkshan.

He really didn't want any recognition from this. The man did a loud, drunken laugh as he slammed his fist down on the bar's counter.

"Harbinger deserves nothin'!"

A murmur of agreement came over the pub. Jun grabbed his bowstring as he looked over at Arkshan. The half-dragon had closed his eyes, but his muscles didn't relax.

"He's just greedy dragon!"

"Good fer nothin' half!" The insults kept being pelted from the crowd.

He watched as Arkshan stood up from his barstool slowly. Then grabbed the head of a nearby patron and slammed his knee into his face. Breaking his nose as blood pooled on the floor from his unconscious body.

An uproar started up in the pub.

Arkshan pushed and shoved the men away as he angrily stormed out of the place.

Jun went to get up out of his seat but some of the crowd looked over at him. They began asking him questions from where he was from.

Why his hair was black as midnight.

Why he wore makeup.

Why his bow looked expensive.

He continued to try and get out of the people suffocating him but was soon thrown into a drinking game against Vash and Koya.


Arkshan kicked the pub's door open and slammed it shut with his tail.

Rage roared through his veins as he punched a nearby lantern post. Breaking it in half. He shouted angrily as he made his way through the first streets.

"Fucking filthy humans praising that whore!" He mumbled to himself in Syónyeon. "If they facing knew who he was they would be laughing in his fucking promiscuous face!"

Arkshan broke a nearby crate with his tail. "Damn whore!"

Face burning from his hurt pride. It stung deep within him as he looked for an inn.

Arkshan hated his magic.

Jun relied so heavily on his magic that he was weak and pathetic everywhere else. He couldn't even be that formidable in a sword fight.

Though his reflexes were somewhat admirable.

And the whole damn town was hailing him like he was some saint or hero that just so happened to come to their pitiful aid.

Arkshan just wanted to strangle Jun just from his 'Eastern respectfulness'.

Pretending he didn't like the praise when he really liked it deep down. He could sense the lies from when he didn't want any recognition at all.

He wanted that praise.

"Should've just let that dragon burn the whole town. Money would've still been there."

Arkshan wasn't one to go around being a dragon slayer. But he did think if a dragon couldn't defend itself from being killed by him. Let alone a dinky human.

It should just be slaughtered for being weak.

An utter disappointment of a dragon. Tainting the dragon's reputation of being the most powerful of the Lands.

Arkshan's one desire was to become the most powerful there was.

To show that his mother was strong and not a disgrace for copulating with a human. He punched a hole in a nearby building as he thought of his long gone mother.

And his dead, good-for-nothing father.

That Easterner made the rage in him boil every time he saw him. A reminder why Syóyeong was in the West. His fake respect.

Arkshan soon came to a building and looked up to see that it was an inn. He blew a huff a steam and slammed open the door. The peasant woman at the counter jumped from the loud bang of the door. He slammed a coin at the wooden counter and stared down at her.

"Give me a pitcher of water."

"Wh—" The anger boiled over.

"Now!" She yelped in pain as steam blew in her face before scrambling outside.

Arkshan tapped his nails on the counter, his tail swinging impatiently side to side.

After a few moments of waiting the woman came running back into the building. He swiped the pitcher from her and went into the hallway.

The room was small but he didn't care a this point. He just wanted to sleep and go to the mine without the damn human.

Arkshan took a nearby cloth and began to wash the blood and grime off of him. He took off his armor and pants. Rage fueling him as he scrubbed. He hated weakness and humans.

But filth and grime as well.

It reminded him of all the filth that humans are comfortable living with. Throwing their wastes outside walls, outskirts of towns, not bathing regularly or at all. All utterly disgusting.

He dug in his pant pockets for the vial. It clanked from his nails as he popped the stopper off.

Arkshan flickered his tongue to smell the comforting scent of lilies and roses. After rubbing his hair with he oil he put his pants back on and flopped onto the bed.

It felt like it was recently washed which made it more comforting as he curled up on his side. His tail made it to where he couldn't lay on his back.

Arkshan went to close his eyes the door swung open.

Do they want a fight—

He looked up to see Jun holding onto the door handle.

Looking like he was about to fall over at any second. The smell of alcohol filled the room.

"Ah-arkyu! I've found'yu!" Jun slurred as he stumbled his way over to the bed.

Arkshan sighed as he sat up. "Get out."

"Aw why're mad at me!" Jun threw his arms around his neck.

"I said get out!" Arkshan pushed him off, causing him to flop onto the bed.

Suddenly Jun's demeanor changed and he started sobbing. The half-dragon believed that a blood vessel was going to pop from how much he was getting irritated by this emotional drunk.

"You're angry that I—" Jun sniffled, swaying side to side as he propped himself up. "—that I—I...I let them die? M-Misa...ah...my aunt wa'mad at me for village. And I...I'm sorry fer it."

Arkshan's anger subsided as he raised an eyebrow at Jun who continued to sob uncontrollably.

Who is he?

That thought was always swirling around in his head about the Easterner. There had to be a reason why he didn't use his real name.

Was that the reason?

"And th-then wyvern and...and cerimonieshes...mother..." Jun then looked up at Arkshan as his makeup ran down his face. "...'er food. Y'make it."

Tears streamed down his face as he was mere inches from the half-dragon's face.

Arkshan pushed him away, cringing his face from the pungent smell of alcohol.

"You're drunk. Go."

He had no idea what he was nattering on about.

"D-don't leave!"

Jun hiccuped a little as he tried to kneel on the bed, but fell down on Arkshan's chest.

"I...I like.."

He messily grabbed the half-dragon's chin before planting a kiss on his jawline.


With that Jun began snoring as he fell onto the bed.

Arkshan slowly put his hand to where Jun kissed him. The ghost of his soft lips lingered on his scales.

He looked down to see that the tips of his fingers were stained with the color of lipstick.

Jun's loud snoring filled the room as Arkshan stared down at him. The soft rising and lowering of his chest. His midnight hair all messed up.

The half-dragon looked up at the wide open door to see the woman staring right back at him. A huff of steam escaped from his lips as he stood up and slammed the door shut.

Arkshan grabbed the cloth and hastily wiped his jaw. He looked down at the stained cloth, then at Jun again.


"I guess prostitutes have to like their clients somewhat..." Arkshan mumbled to himself as he propped Jun up.

Though he didn't considered himself his client. Just someone who he wanted to use for money.

Though in a way Arkshan also uses him for money.

He gently wiped off his ruined makeup. His snoring unbearable like always.

Jun didn't look much different without his makeup. His skin was still soft and fair, though flushed from alcohol. And free of any blemishes or scars.

It reminded Arkshan of the looks of the nobility and aristocracy.

He flickered his tongue and smelled dried blood and ash mixed with alcohol.

Like dealing with a child.

Arkshan took his sweater and tunic off. Along with throwing his bow and bag onto the floor.

He looked down at the blood stained and ruined clothes. A sigh escaped his lips as he opened the door and slammed them in front of the woman.

"Is there a tailor?" He asked in exasperation.

He couldn't believe he was going through all this trouble once again. And as Jun was sound asleep.


"D-do you?" She pointed a shaky finger at the room.

"Tell me!"

"Down s-street t'right..."

Arkshan gathered the clothes and went to the door.

"And no."

The half-dragon opened the door to his room and laid down the clothes on the small bed stand.

Along with the fur sweater and hat he had just bought. He put some oil in his hand and ruffled it through his thick hair.

Jun's hair reminded him of a fox's fur.

"Sly fox..." Arkshan mumbled as he picked up his armor and went into the next room over.

His mind still having Jun's drunken words swimming through it.

Not once did Jun lie during his blubbering.

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