God Complex - Vol. 1

By noonadamski

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The major kingdom of the East called Huaza has fallen, but not the way most people think. Its emperor has gon... More

I. Peculiar Client-Part I.
II. Peculiar Client-Part II.
III. Peculiar Client-Part III.
IV. Peculiar Client-Part IV.
V. Naivety-Part I.
VI. Naivety-Part II.
VII. Naivety-Part III.
VIII. Naivety-Part IV.
IX. Naivety-Part V.
X. Naivety-Part VI.
XI. Duplicity-Part I.
XII. Duplicity-Part II.
XIII. Duplicity-Part III.
XIV. Duplicity-Part IV.
XV. Duplicity-Part V.
XVI. Duplicity-Part VI.
XVII. Duplicity-Part VII.
XVIII. Harbinger-Part I.
XIX. Harbinger-Part II.
XX. Harbinger-Part III.
XXI. Harbinger-IV.
XXII. Harbinger-Part V.
XXIII. Harbinger-Part VI.
XXIV. Harbinger-Part VII.
XXV. Harbinger-Part VIII.
XXVI. Harbinger-Part IX.
XXVII. Shanghaied-Part I.
XXVIII. Shanghaied-Part II.
XXIX. Shanghaied-Part III.
XXX. Shanghaied-Part IV.
XXXI. Shanghaied-Part V.
XXXII. Shanghaied-Part VI.
XXXIII. Shanghaied-Part VII.
XXXIV. Revered Renegade-Part I.
XXXV. Revered Renegade-Part II.
XXXVI. Revered Renegade-Part III.
XXXVII. Revered Renegade-Part IV.
XXXVIII. Revered Renegade-Part V.
XXXIX Revered Renegade-Part VI.
XLI. Skewed Morals-Part I.
XLII. Skewed Morals-Part II.
XLIII. Skewed Morals-Part III.
XLIV. Bitterness-Part I.
XLV. Bitterness-Part II.
XLVI. Bitterness-Part III.
XLVII. Avarice Patriarch-Part I.
XLIII. Avarice Patriarch-Part II.
XLIX. Avarice Patriarch-Part III.
L. Avarice Patriarch-Part IV.

XL. Revered Renegade-Part VII.

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By noonadamski

Jun was about ready to give up and storm off.

The evening had finally came and he barely got anywhere, like usual. He was tired and his legs hurt from standing the entire day.

"We will continue tomorrow."

He heard Khayvla state as he went inside.

Jun decided to not bother to go inside and just sit down on the side of the hill. Looking up at the stars and galaxy that always shown in the clear night skies.

The sky above and nature around him would help to ease his doubts, worries, and paranoia. It usually did.

Just like the temples and forests in Huaza. Alongside his family's lavish gardens.

His legs rejoiced when he sat down. Jun had been wondering how long he would be forced to stand to practice, and it seemed to have been the entire day.

I'm going to disappoint them both... Jun thought miserably as he recollected what he had done the entire day.

Nothing happened other than him just having empty hands. Though there was the occasional glow of the plasma in his hands, it didn't last long enough to make any sort of difference.

Jun tried his hardest to not cry as he thought about how, at this rate, he was most likely not going to lean control within the three days Arkshan had given him.

He slowly began to sob quietly, curling into a little ball.

He wanted to learn control. He worked his hardest and still no results whatsoever. The tears streamed down faster as he continued to let his thoughts continue.

It felt like his childhood was deciding it should return. His education was thrown off down a cliff, never to be seen again, while his training took the lead. The only lead.

As a noble he was expected to be highly educated and refined in all things high class. Something that peasants and the low class could only dream of touching.

Jun hated how he sounded like an absolute unsophisticated peasant when it came to things.

From the fork fiasco at breakfast. Differences between Shès in the northeast and southeast. Spirit Manipulation in general since no one can control lighting. What the Qin Sect and Sects were. Exorcising demons. The West.

And many, many others.

Jun was supposed to learn how to become head of his family, once his father bestowed the honor to him. But that was also disregarded. And by his own father.

All he knew like the back of his hand was dragons. Creatures that both fascinated and scared him at the same time. Something about them intrigued and drew Jun into them.

"Ya." A familiar voice shouted nearby.

Jun sniffled as he looked up at the glowing eyes staring down at him in the darkness. He couldn't answer because of the large lump that had made its home in his throat.

"Are you a damn child? Hell, even children don't whine and cry as much as you." Arkshan continued in an exasperated tone, sitting down near Jun.

"Wha-what do you c-care?" Jun asked as he looked out to the mountains in the distance. The black fog above them gave an ominous and foreboding feeling to them. Which didn't bode well with Jun.

"Aren't you supposed to do something with that crazy old man?"

"M-meditating?" Arkshan scoffed at his answer.

"So you're apart of those fucking religious zealots." Jun flinched at Arkshan's tone.

He didn't know what Arkshan had against religions, but he knew he wouldn't be one to explain. Easterners weren't very religious, more superstitious than anything. Though Jun didn't know if demons and gods were considered religious.

An uncomfortable silence fell between the two of them.

Jun managed to stifle his tears as he tried to focus on something other than Arkshan sitting next to him.

The stars didn't seem as bright as usual tonight. Maybe because the fog and clouds were heavier up in this elevation. The soft chirping of crickets filled the silence from the nearby forest.

Khayvla was right about the spring breeze being pleasant, especially out here. As it was soft, warm air. Compared to the colder weather down in Perenykisk. Jun didn't know why it was, but he didn't find the warm breeze unpleasant.

"I guess you're happy to kill that dragon up north," Arkshan suddenly grumbled.

Is that why he's is in such a bad mood?

Though anything could put Arkshan in a bad mood. No matter how small.

"Um...no." Jun leaned back on his hands as he stretched out his legs. "I didn't know it was my job to kill it anyways."

"Eh? Don't you Easterners have a vendetta against dragons?" He felt as Arkshan was now staring at him with his piercing gaze. It made answering feel a lot harder than it should be.

"Yeah..." Jun didn't want to say it, but his brain continued to answer. "Though I don't find dragons particularly evil."

Arkshan opted to stay quiet at his answer. Not responding in any way shape or form. Not even a grunt.

Jun didn't bother to try and further the conversation either. He didn't want to try and ruin Arkshan's sudden friendliness, which he never thought possible.

As apparently his answer made him less hostile.

"How old are you?" Jun looked over at Arkshan in confusion at the unrelated question. His voice had an air of curiosity to it.


"Just answer!" Arkshan shouted, regaining his usual irritated demeanor.

"N-nineteen..." Jun heard Arkshan do a small, mocking laugh at his answer.

"I did more than becoming a whore at your age." Arkshan stated in an amused tone.

"Then how old are you then!?" Jun shouted angrily, slowly replacing his sadness.

"Twenty seven." He became quiet at Arkshan's answer. Jun knew Arkshan was older, but not eight years older.

"Why do you care about my age?" He didn't know Arkshan's motive for dragging him along with him. But his question made it more uncomfortable and concerning.

"You act younger." Arkshan put it bluntly. Jun didn't have a retort for him and just stayed quiet.

Though Jun didn't really trust Arkshan, he also didn't have the heart to leave.


Arkshan felt as something bumped into his shoulder, alongside a loud noise. He looked over and saw that Jun had fallen asleep. Jun's head leaning on his shoulder as he snored with his mouth open.

He sighed loudly and rested his chin on his hand. The half-dragon had only been outside with Jun for probably half and hour at most. They didn't converse anymore after they told each other their ages.

Just enjoying the starry night sky together.

The infrequent sounds of nocturnal birds singing their songs in the far distance. Along with the pleasant warm breeze of early spring.

It was peaceful outside Górsinburg which was surprising to Arkshan.

Though nothing would ever compare to the secluded hot springs in Yongwaddisu.

It was particularly peaceful when it was during the time of deep winter. The red leaves of the maple trees that surrounded the hot springs would fall onto the waters. Creating a red blanket over it. Snow would slowly rain down from the sky and make the mountains white.

The aurora could be seen clearly from that particular location. Making colors dance in the sky with the sea of stars and galaxies as the backdrop.

Arkshan missed that place alongside the inn.

He planned on going back to Syóyeong after he had dealt with the zodiz. Though all it gave him was to do civil work in clearing a mine for the incompetent Yimpan Empire.

And an Eastern prostitute. A male one at that.

Though Arkshan could give a shit less about the well-being of the Easterner, one intrusive thought still nagged at the back of his head.

That, for whatever reason, he was meant to meet him.

Not in a romantic way but as a way for Arkshan to become stronger. Plus he wasn't one for romance or being close with anyone for that matter.

Maybe I can finally kill him after this old man teaches him...be worth more to fight...

As there were very few people he is somewhat comfortable with: the sisters.

And Leonard.


Jun opened his eyes to be greeted with the dawn once again shedding light upon the peaks of distant mountains.

He went to stand up, but noticed that a blanket was draped around his shoulders. The blanket was made out of a thick wool which was very warm.

He looked around himself and noticed that no one was near him. Jun grabbed the blanket and went inside the house.

Even though he apparently slept outside the entire night, he wan't frozen or cold. Jun didn't know if it was because of the warm breeze or the wool blanket.

"I told you that the spring breeze is pleasant." Khayvla greeted, seeming to not care that Jun had meditated outside the entire night. He sat down next to Arkshan at the table.

Strangely, the half-dragon paid no attention to him.

Unsurprisingly the final two days of the three day period Arkshan had given Jun went the same as the first.

Jun barely making any progress and doubt eating away at him. For some reason Arkshan also stopped interacting with Jun much as the days neared the third and final one.

He felt the pressure reach an unbearable level once the third morning came. Jun stood in front of Khayvla behind the house. Like he did hundreds of thousands of times over.

He closed his eyes and focused once more. But the thoughts of doubt and how he was going to fail, like all the other times, started to cloud his focus.

It felt like forever as he waited for Khayvla's voice to tell him to open his eyes. Though Jun never heard those words come from his teacher.

Panic started to settle into Jun as he worried what to do next.

Is he not telling me because this is the final day?

Jun frantically started to search his mind for what to do next. He searched and searched but nothing came to him. Finally his body relaxed as he finally gave up.


The words didn't seem to come out of Jun with his will. Like they just suddenly escaped from somewhere inside him.

He slowly opened his eyes and felt the heat surrounding his hands. Jun saw the plasma swimming around his hands, covering them with its soft glow.

"See, I knew you would learn quickly." Khayvla said. Not a speck of doubt or surprised in his words.

Jun felt joy rush through him as he looked over to Arkshan. But his joy quickly left as he noticed that the half dragon looked at him with indifference.

"Now lets duel." Jun watched as Khayvla slammed his cane on the ground and dirt flew up all around them. "One final time."

Before Jun could even react a boulder came hurling at him with immense speed.

"Protect." The word still felt like he wasn't saying it. That something inside him was guiding his words.

The plasma around Jun's hands swiftly created a thin circle in front of him. As the boulder hit the plasma it combusted and exploded into small, glowing red pieces.

Jun gaped at what he had just done.

Khayvla swung his cane through the air and a barrage of boulders came flying down all at once.

"Slice." Jun felt invincible as he let the words control him.

The plasma circle quickly formed into a thin mass. It sliced at the boulders with immense speed as they came towards him. Exploding into small, glowing pieces once again.

He had no need to dodge and roll Khayvla's attacks anymore. As he could easily counter them now.

Jun felt a high come to him as he easily countered each attack. A grin came to his face as he got closer and closer to his teacher.


The plasma jumped from Jun's hands and arced onto everything nearby. Causing all the surrounding dirt to explode into tiny fragments.

Jun looked to Khayvla and saw that he was on the ground with one knee.

Holding onto his cane for support.

Jun was shook out of his mania as he quickly made his way to Khayvla.

"Are you okay?!" He didn't want to hurt his teacher. That was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I taught you well." Khayvla laughed weakly as he slowly stood up. Jun smiled sadly as he helped the man up. He was happy that he had met their expectations.

Now he had to leave with Arkshan to the mine.

"Thank you for teaching me." Was all Jun could say. He was lost for words as he honestly didn't understand what happened during the duel.

Is that how Arkshan feels?

Jun had felt so different when he thought that he was invincible. Like some strange state of mania. He feared that feeling. As amazing as it was to not let anyone down.

Jun didn't want to become like Arkshan.

"No, thank you for your company. I haven't seen the East since half a century ago. But sadly we must part ways, like the Western and Eastern winds. Though I know the journey ahead you is important."

Jun felt as Khayvla gave him a small side hug. He accepted it and felt like he was back on the sampan with Misaki.

I hope she's doing okay.

They both walked back to the front of the hut in somber silence. Knowing that this was where their visit ended.

"I give you many blessings on your journey," Khayvla said, a twinge of sadness in his voice, as he put a hand on Jun's shoulder.

"Thank you for allowing me to be your disciple," Jun fought the tears as he did a low bow, "Shéke."

"I hope we meet again soon."

"I hope so too." A sad smile came to Khayvla as he gave one last hug to Jun who returned it gratefully. It felt like when Jun would meet his grandpa.

Before they were all killed.

After a few minutes of silence, they stopped their hug and Jun went on his way. Jun didn't want to leave, not one bit, but he had too.

What gave him some hope was that this wasn't the last time he would ever see Khayvla.


The only thing he could do is hope.

Hope for this nightmare to end.

Jun felt Arkshan walk next to him as they made their way out of Górsinburg. He didn't know where this town that was named St. Tóflin was, but it seemed to be where the ominous mountains were in the distance.

A strange, dark fog surrounded the mountain peaks and forests at the base. It looked like the dark clouds that would cover the sky when it rains.

Jun doubted that they were rain clouds though.

Suddenly Arkshan veered off of the main path and towards the forests to their right. Jun felt his collar of his tunic get grabbed, pulling him towards the forest as well.

"Don't you want to get the bounty!?" Jun shouted as he struggled to get Arkshan's grip off his collar. The half-dragon didn't answer, continuing to drag Jun through the fields.

Jun was soon thrown to the ground in a clearing in the forest. He looked up to see Arkshan standing across from him. Unsheathing both of his swords as he stared down at Jun.

"Now I can finally finish what I had set out to do." A smirk came to Arkshan's face, his eyes showing a manic state. "To kill you."

Jun's eyes grew wide as he continued to stare at the psychopathic man in front of him.

"W-Why...?" He managed to mutter out.

Why did Arkshan go through all of this trouble just to kill him in the end?

"Well now you're worth fighting, after training with that old codger." Before Jun could try and process Arkshan's reasoning, the half-dragon charged at him.

He managed to roll out of the way and grab his bow. Barely missing Arkshan's quick slice.

Grass and dirt flew in the air from the sheer speed and power of his blades.

Jun jumped away to keep a large distance between him and Arkshan. As his long swords looked like they could easily extend his reach a few feet.

He has to care to some degree...

It made no sense that Arkshan didn't care at all to just kill him. Him protecting and taking care of Jun through their journey, though limited, meant something.

It had to mean something.

Jun dodged another quick slice of his blade. The wind from its speed whipped past his face.


He quickly pointed at Arkshan, forcing himself to say the words. The blue lightning struck down on the half-dragon before he could swing again.

Thunder filled the air as Jun's eyes widened.

Arkshan still stood. Laughing as he looked down at Jun. Electricity bouncing throughout his body.

"Magic can't harm me!" Arkshan shouted as he swung.

Jun fell to the ground from pure shock. The long blades hit a nearby tree, slicing it in half effortlessly.

Jun rolled to the side as the blades struck down next to him. He flew to the side from the impact as pieces of dirt hit him.


Jun jumped to his feet as he felt the plasma form around his hands. Arkshan dived for him, both blades pointed at his neck.

"Protect." The plasma created a circular barrier between the two of them.

Jun gasped as he felt the hot tips of blades at his throat. Arkshan had plunged his swords' blades through the plasma.

The blades glowed a bright red, but didn't melt from the intense heat.

Arkshan retracted his blades as he went to swing them. Jun took the brief moment to jump away from him.


He spread the plasma along his bow and took a stance. Jun would have to fight Arkshan one on one.

Arkshan thrusted one of his blades forward which Jun side stepped. He went to swing his bow's tip at his side, but his other blade blocked him.

The half-dragon laughed as he kicked Jun in the thigh. Jun quickly looked and brought his bow up.

Both their blades were at their throats.

He panted as he stared into Arkshan's slits for pupils. They went from being as thin as a needle to thick vines. The steam that flowed out of his mouth created small droplets on Jun's face.

The half-dragon had the advantage of being on top of him.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Arkshan taunted as the blades dug deeper into Jun's throat. A sharp, searing pain radiated from his throat as warm droplets flowed down.

Jun dropped his bow in defeat as the memories came flooding into his mind.

Vidim. The zodiz. The campfire. The hill.

And most importantly the food he had made for him three nights ago.

The only person that can replicate his mother's food almost perfectly.

He couldn't bring himself to end Arkshan. No matter how much pain and grief he endured because of his greed and arrogance. He just couldn't.

Jun knew there had to be some good.

Even if he believed the absurd thought was cliché or naïve.

A tear ran down his cheek as he waited for Arkshan to end him.

The blades removed themselves away from his throat as a gust of steam blew in his face.

"Pathetic." He heard Arkshan mutter, causing him to open his eyes. "You're not being righteous for sparing me."

Jun blinked a few times before pinching his arm to see if he was dead or not. He gingerly touched his throat which stung causing him to retract his hand.

Arkshan spared him.

"I can't." Was all Jun could say, barely audible.

"Can't what?" Arkshan sounded irritated as he wiped the blood and dirt from his blades.

"K-kill...you..." Jun wiped his tear away as he continued to try and process what had just happened. There was a long silence that ensued from his response.

For the first time, Jun saw Arkshan confused as he stared down at him. His gaze not intense anymore.

"Out of all the Easterners that I could've met for the first time," Arkshan groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "it would be a prostitute who doesn't despise dragons...what's my fucking luck?"

Jun looked down while he tried to wipe the blood off of his throat. "So...why did you not kill me?"

"Not worth it."

"No one would care," Jun said offhandedly as he stood up.

He wasn't certain, but he was sure that no one would bat an eye at a dead Easterner in the West.

"Eh, plus I could just feed you to that crow dragon—oh for fucks sake you're making it worse!"

Arkshan yelled as he grabbed Jun's hand that was trying to wipe the blood away.

Jun felt as Arkshan grabbed his jaw with a firm grip and tilted his head up. A warm and moist feeling was felt brushing up against his throat. Like a tongue.

He groaned as he felt the forked object licked over his cut. It felt weird but not something he wasn't familiar with.

"You taste a lot better than that one guy," Arkshan commented as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Why'd you do that?!" Jun questioned frantically as he tried to wipe the wetness away. He felt a little lightheaded after the ordeal.

"Dragon's blood isn't the only thing that heals."

Jun felt a little uncomfortable as he wiped his hands on his pants. Then he noticed why. Jun looked up at Arkshan who also looked where he was.

"Have you really been following the entire time because you want me to be your 'client'?"

Arkshan flickered his tongue as he looked down at him in disgust.

"No...?" That really hasn't been Jun's plan the entire time.

Though he wasn't opposed to the idea.

Arkshan sighed as he went to leave the clearing. "Lewd devil..." Jun heard him mutter.

He touched his throat and saw that there was no blood on his hand. But the cut wasn't healed.

Jun smirked as he went to catch up to Arkshan.

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