His Score (Mitsui Hisashi x O...

By marylaine_leawesome

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Hewwooo, I just recently rewatched Slam Dunk and now I'm head over heels to Mitchi, he doesn't have much love... More

Chapter 1: First Day in Shohoku
Chapter 2: A Love Triangle???
Chapter 3: A Fight at The Rooftop
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Duel
Chapter 5: UnforeseenVictory
Chapter 6: Second Manager
Chapter 7: Giving Up?
Chapter 8: First Years vs Seniors
Chapter 9: Visit
Chapter 10: Ryonan
Chapter 11: Shohoku's Secret Weapon?!!
Chapter 12: Practice Match
Chapter 13: Turning the Tide
Chapter 14: This Is Only The Beggining
Chapter 15: Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 16: Stranger
Chapter 17: Intruders!
Chapter 18: Intruders! Part 2
Chapter 19: Intruders! Part 3
Chapter 20: Basketball
Chapter 21: Injury
Chapter 22: Steamed Buns
Chapter 24:One on One
Chapter 25: Against the Sophomores
Chapter 26: In a Pinch
Chapter 27: Invitation
Chapter 28: Alone in the Gym
Chapter 29: In Awe
Chapter 30: Check Ups
Chapter 31: An Alley Fight
Chapter 32: Offer to Help

Chapter 23: Apology

264 6 0
By marylaine_leawesome

Rei's POV

"Rei-chan! It's good to see you!" Matsui said, greeting me at the grounds with Yakumo beside her. I was finally back to school and I'm fully healed. I was glad to meet Matsui and Yakumo again, I still have a lot of things to catch up on.

"How are you?" Yakumo asked worriedly with her bag against her chest. "I'm doing great actually. So no need to worry." Giving her a reassuring smile, her demeanor calmed down and said, "That's good."

We all went to the school building together, telling me things what I had left behind and it was a bunch of stuff, enough to worry me. 

"In science, we have an assignment that requires pairs. Haruko nominated herself  to be your partner though so you don't have to worry." Matsui said as we walked through the flight of stairs.

"Really? That's a relief." I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and accidentally bumped unto someone when I got on the last step of the stairs. I stumbled back a little but I got on a good stance so I couldn't tumble down.

After regaining my balance and calming myself down from almost falling to my death. I looked up at the person whom I just bumped into. 

My eyes widened in shock to see Mitsui right in front of me. His eyes were also surprised as mine but what caught my attention more was his newly cut hair. 

His features where now more visible, a few bandages pasted on his face and the cut under his lip was even more noticeable. 


"Rei-chan, let's go!" Matsui grabbed me by the arm and stormed away while keeping the grip on me. Yakumo followed behind and I could only watch Mitsui slowly fade away in a distance.


Lunch came and Haruko and I are discussing our science work that was due for the next week. There is a practice today but sadly I could not attend since I have to work on my assignment. 

"By the way, how is Mitsui doing?" I asked hesitantly to my science partner who then stopped reading on the textbook she was holding, "Mitsui..." She held her chin up and thought for a while.

"Ah! He's been doing great with the team! Thanks to Yohei and the others, Mitsui got to join the team and he really is such a valuable plus for us!" 

"I see, that's good to hear." Hearing her statement was reassuring, I wondered how the team and Ayako-san were doing. "Ah! Haruko-san, I just remembered." I opened my bag and grabbed a pink plastic tupperware. "After we're done with this, let's visit the basketball team and give them this." I showed her the tupperware's contents which were homemade Melon pans. She hummed in agreement and I gave her one to eat.


Third Person POV

Sounds of shoes squeaking and ball thudding against the floor, Hisashi and the basketball team practiced at the gym. Once the game was done, the athletes walked down to their bags and grabbed a towel to wipe their sweats and water to refresh themselves.

Hisashi looked around his surroundings only to look disappointed, he then approached Ayako who was writing something down on her clipboard and was asked, "Ayako, where is Genji?"

"Genji? Rei?" Ayako was surprised to hear Hisashi asking Rei's whereabouts but took no time to answer him late, "Rei-chan is catching up with her studies today. So she won't be with us until tomorrow's game."

"Right." He said under his breath and left to go to the men's room. Ayako however was curious as to why he was asking, but she shrugged it off and continued with her work. 

Haruko and Rei slid the doors open as they arrived inside the gym were the team were seen for practicing. Everyone's heads turned upon hearing the metal sliding, their faces began to turn surprised as they saw Rei waving her hand and said, "Yo!"




Everyone except Rukawa, and Mitsui ran to their direction and greeted her with a warm welcome, "Genji-san! You're here!" Kogure said with a smile on his face just like the others.

"Genji, is your back all good?" Akagi asked with no expression on his face but there was still concern inside his voice, "Yup! There weren't any serious injuries, so don't worry captain!" Rei stretched her arm and lifted her thumb up, making Akagi smirk with his lips.

"Ah! By the way." Rei bowed her head down and said, "Thank you so much for the gift basket you guys gave me! It really helped me during my recovery, I really can't thank you enough!" The boys blushed and so did Ayako from Rei's content. They all feel flustered and some scratched the back of their hands from being sheepish. 

"Haruko-san! What do you have there?" Sakuragi pointed at the pink tupperware that Haruko was holding and Rei was holding another two tupperwares too. "Oh, this is from Rei-chan's mother." She turned her gaze to Rei's while Rei continued to explain, "That's right. My mother knew about the gift you got for me and in return, she made you guys these." 

She opened the lid and the sweet smell of bread and sugar tingled Sakuragi's nose, "Ah!! Melon pan!" 

"There's plenty for everyone! So please, have some!"

The boys were drooling for the bread but before they could grab one, Akagi stopped them and said, "You'll get your snacks after practice! Genji, thank you for the melon pans." Akagi received a couple of whines and murmurs from the boys but he did not mind the complaints.

Rei and Haruko giggled at the sight, Sakuragi got in an argument with the captain, only to get punched in the head. Rei looked around her surroundings and saw Hisashi at the court in a distance with Rukawa. Their eyes met but Hisashi quickly turned his gaze away, looking stern. 

Rei looked at him for a while before hearing a call from a classmate, "Genji-san!" Whipping her head to the doors, a girl student whom she knew was seen worried as she continued with her words, "Sensei is looking for you! He says it's about your lessons." 

Rei nodded and said, "Right! I'll be there. Sorry everyone, I must head back now." She sat the two tupperwares on a chair as Haruko did the same. Rei waved goodbye and left as the athletes continued with their practice.

Hisashi was still standing in a daze until he was approached by Ayako with a confused look, "I thought you were looking for Rei a minute ago. Why didn't stop by and said hi?" Hisashi looked at Ayako for a while before giving her an answer, "My bad."

"Ha?! Don't tell me you were embarrassed and got shy all of a sudden?" Ayako leaned in with her hands on her hips, surprised to see Hisashi in his state. He let out a 'tch' and blushed a little from embarrassment, "Come to think of it, Rei did mention you before. Do you guys know each other?" Ayako asked after she remembered Rei asking about Hisashi at the rooftop. 

"Y-Yeah, in some way." Hisashi said in surprise.

Rei mentioned before that the reason she came to Shohoku was that Hisashi was there as well, she wanted answers some of the questions she had in mind but Ayako never knew what those were. She sighed and crossed her arms and began to speak again, "You should speak to her, Mitsui-senpai. After all she is also part of the club."

Hisashi understood her and nodded, he knew all along what must be done but he didn't know that Rei was looking for him all this time. He was disappointed that he couldn't face her a while ago but was thankful that he had enough time now finally muster the courage to do so. 


Afternoon came and classes were done. Rei still had her special classes to attend and could not visit for the team again. She was bummed but things happen, so she focused herself to the quizzes and tests she missed.

After an hour went by she was finally done. She stretched her arms in the air and yawned while the teacher she was with had gathered all the papers she filled up and scanned them one by one.

"Wow! Your scores are really high, Genji-san. Despite the absence, you studied hard when you were away, didn't ya?" The middle aged woman said as she continued to read Rei's scores. 

"Thank you, sensei." Rei bowed her head down and left the room. As she walked down the halls, it was almost empty and quiet, only the sound of her legs shuffling filled the silence as she went down on the flight of stairs.

The sky was already starting to dim with light shades of pink, purple and blue. Rei took a glimpse of her wrist and it was already 6pm. 

She glanced to where the gym was and seeing the lights were off meant there were no people there, "Everyone's done already." She let out a shaky breath and proceeded to walk her way to her bike.

The wind hit against her face and her hair swayed against it, riding her bike on her way home with the music plugged in her ears. She felt relaxed while still focusing on the road she was driving on. On the dirt road beside the riverbank, she squinted her eyes to see someone in a distance standing, watching the river flowing.

As she got closer and her tires getting louder, the boy turned his head to see Rei. She slowed her speed and stopped with her foot on the ground. Removing the helmet on her head, Rei looked at the tall boy as she said, "Mitsui?"

Hisashi stood still while his eyes  were stunned before going stern. He bowed his head down and said, "Genji, I'm sorry."

Rei was taken aback for a moment, surprised to see him like this. It was like finally seeing another side from Hisashi, because all she got an impression of him first was a hotheaded delinquent who'd scowl at her very soul.

"Oh... Uhh... It's okay, I forgive you." 

Hisashi was flustered to hear this and lifted his head back again with a confused look, "Aren't you mad at me?" 

Rei was speechless for a moment. She looked at her bag that was on the basket of her bike, eyeing on the keychain she had on her zipper. "You know, I was mad at you but.."

She turned her head again to meet Hisashi's gaze, feeling her hands tight grip loosen on the handles, "...I took my time to rethink my feelings. I really thought that I'd stay mad even when I see you. However, seeing you being part of the team and the fact that you're in the place where you've always wanted to be in, just makes me feel nothing but happy for you.

Mitsui-san, do your best for the basketball team." Her smile made him feel warm and his cheeks tingled just by hearing those last words. Rei blushed as well, realizing how embarrassing it was to say that out loud, so she turned her head to face away from him and chuckled nervously to herself, 'What am I saying?'

Hisashi formed a smirk and let out a gentle humm. Rei looked at him again when she heard his deep voice humming, "I understand, thanks." Rei smiled to his response and nodded back.

She prepped herself footing on the pedals of her bike and wore her helmet on her head, "See you tomorrow, senpai!" She waved her hand goodbye and took off. Hisashi hid his hands inside his pockets and smiled gently to her who was slowly fading away in a distance.

He took a step and went on his way on the same direction Rei took and watched the sky slowly turning black and lights starting to emerge from the city.

Hey! Idk if you guys like this version much more but I personally do. It's not much going on here and I think the characters are still them, especially Micchi. Anyways, I'm very sorry for the late updates as well. 

- MaryLaine

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