Chapter 19: Intruders! Part 3

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Third Person POV

Rukawa lost it and threw a ball once again to Mitsui who quickly lifted his hand to block the aim. Mitsui looked at his palm since he felt a wetness from the ball, the cigar ashes and spit got to his hand and when he saw the shoes that walked to his direction, he lifted his head up to see Rukawa who was much taller than him in a few inches.

Haruko called out for his name but he did not flinch or even acknowledged her warning as he glared down at Mitsui, "I'm not going to forgive you!"

A metal object has slammed on Rukawa's head, making blood drip down across his face, the man who had attacked behind hit a heavy punch to the gut.

Rukawa wobbled back before regaining his footing, then attacked back when he threw his fist to the slanted eyed man to the stomach. One punch was enough to make his stomach go hurl, the man bended down while holding his stomach, losing his breath from the attack.


Rei's POV

Shit! Everything has gone into chaos, Rukawa started to attack and it could get us in real trouble. Even though throwing a punch is really risky and could get us disbanded, I could not blame them for launching back!

And even if we do not throw a single hand, they would still get badly injured and could get hospitalized, no more tournaments for us to compete!

"Hahahahaha! You're willing to strike back now?! Now all of you have! Which means that you are all now..."


"R-Rukawa!" I screamed in horror when Rukawa punched Mitsui's face. It startled me for both the team and for Mitsui.. Wait, why am I feeling bad for this dude? He allowed his friend to attack us, he wanted to get rid of us in the first place.

Rukawa then grabbed a handful of strands from Mitsui's hair, Miyagi-san tried to stop him but Rukawa said it was their own fault. And he was right, we have no fault in this.. Only them.

I curled my lips and turned my hands into a fist. Part of me also wanted to see Mitsui get hurt, feeling both horrified and satisfied from that strike he deserved.

Another man attempted to punch Rukawa from his side, only to be stopped when Rukawa grabbed his wrist and gripped on them tightly.

"Ow ow ow ow!! It's gonna break..!" The man cried out, trying to wring his wrist out from the grip. I could only stand and watch in slight amusement, 'You get what you deserve!'

"Stop it now Rukawa!"

'Miyagi-san, they deserve it. It's their fault and not ours...' I squinted my eyes and my lips slowly curled into a crooked smile only to be stopped when Ayako walked from my behind and approached Rukawa before grasping his arm.

"Rukawa, stop! Doing this will only make the situation worse!" Ayako seemed to whisper but it was audible enough for us to hear.

I felt my heart tighten, realizing how selfish I was to think such a thing. As much as they deserve to get beaten and disciplined, we still mustn't get down to their level. I lowered my head down feeling disappointed in myself to only flick my head back up again when the sound of slap echoed through my ears.


Her body almost fell to the floor but she stood with her feet to gain balance. The red mark on her cheek got me mad but what else can I do? These are strong delinquents with much experience of beating up people!

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