Chapter 13: Turning the Tide

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After Sakuragi's attack behind Taoka, our team got a technical foul. Ryonan gets a foul shot and in just around the first few minutes of the first half, the score gap was 15 to 0.

Sendoh's good passes are really bad for the team, if nothing's changed Shohoku will lose this game for sure. The spectators began to cheer Sendoh's name and it got me worried for the players, "Don't mind! Let's score this one!" 

Sendoh slapped the ball away from Kogure's hand and stole the ball, giving their team a fast break. "Tch." Everything went back how it was, Sendoh jumping as if he was gonna do a jump shot but then again passed the ball in hand to his teammate, making Rukawa's block nothing. 

"Sendoh's skills are very amazing, his potential is overflowing, but he's not the only one who's got good skills either." Murmuring to myself, I curled my lips in and prayed to Rukawa as I watched him panting his breath, "Rukawa-kun, everyone, work harder!"

The cheers for Sendoh was like a surround sound, the atmosphere was pretty bad for us but we must not get affected by it. "Damn!! You guys better cheer for Shohoku!! What are you guys doing here anyways?!" Sakuragi blurted out to his friends who was just above us watching, "We're just here to have fun." Ohkusu replied while snickering with the others.

Another conversation turned my head, the first year's began to comment things about Sendoh, "Ryonan's number 7 is amazing. I thought he wanted to shoot!" Kawata said.

"Back there only Rukawa can match up with him! If it was us, we would never have caught up. Sendoh's on a different level compared to us...." Ishii added.

I had enough of hearing the cheers of the other team and the murmurs of ours, I stood from my seat and complained to my peers, "Ishii-san! Kawata-san! Even if Sendoh is amazing, let's not forget our rookie Rukawa and senpais! They're pretty skillful as well, so let's cheer for them!"

Cupping by mouth to create more volume I cheered for Shohoku, "Fight, fight!!" Ishii and the others began to cheer as well as our team are doing the offense.  Kogure releasing a three point shot was too short, making Akagi and Rukawa run for the rebound. Unfortunately, Uozumi got the ball before them and passed it to his team, making another fast break.

Rukawa rushed to steal a pass but was mistaken since it was fake one, Sendoh handling the ball sprinted to the hoop and scored a dunk, making their score 19 to 0.

"This is not good, comeback is impossible if the team cannot attack. We must turn the tables before it's too late." 

"Everybody! Get one ball back!" Ayako-san told the team. "Calm down! We'll come back one by one! The game's only started!" Kogure encouraged as well.

As Yasuda passed the ball, Ryonan stole since it was too open. Sakuragi got mad and called out to him, "Pay  attention Yasuda!! You bastard...!! Or else I'm going to kill you!"

"Sakuragi-kun, Yasuda-san is our senpai!" Reminding his place to Yasuda's, our bench sitter were scared on their feet as well, "Ryonan's too good!!"

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