Chapter 23: Apology

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Rei's POV

"Rei-chan! It's good to see you!" Matsui said, greeting me at the grounds with Yakumo beside her. I was finally back to school and I'm fully healed. I was glad to meet Matsui and Yakumo again, I still have a lot of things to catch up on.

"How are you?" Yakumo asked worriedly with her bag against her chest. "I'm doing great actually. So no need to worry." Giving her a reassuring smile, her demeanor calmed down and said, "That's good."

We all went to the school building together, telling me things what I had left behind and it was a bunch of stuff, enough to worry me. 

"In science, we have an assignment that requires pairs. Haruko nominated herself  to be your partner though so you don't have to worry." Matsui said as we walked through the flight of stairs.

"Really? That's a relief." I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and accidentally bumped unto someone when I got on the last step of the stairs. I stumbled back a little but I got on a good stance so I couldn't tumble down.

After regaining my balance and calming myself down from almost falling to my death. I looked up at the person whom I just bumped into. 

My eyes widened in shock to see Mitsui right in front of me. His eyes were also surprised as mine but what caught my attention more was his newly cut hair. 

His features where now more visible, a few bandages pasted on his face and the cut under his lip was even more noticeable. 


"Rei-chan, let's go!" Matsui grabbed me by the arm and stormed away while keeping the grip on me. Yakumo followed behind and I could only watch Mitsui slowly fade away in a distance.


Lunch came and Haruko and I are discussing our science work that was due for the next week. There is a practice today but sadly I could not attend since I have to work on my assignment. 

"By the way, how is Mitsui doing?" I asked hesitantly to my science partner who then stopped reading on the textbook she was holding, "Mitsui..." She held her chin up and thought for a while.

"Ah! He's been doing great with the team! Thanks to Yohei and the others, Mitsui got to join the team and he really is such a valuable plus for us!" 

"I see, that's good to hear." Hearing her statement was reassuring, I wondered how the team and Ayako-san were doing. "Ah! Haruko-san, I just remembered." I opened my bag and grabbed a pink plastic tupperware. "After we're done with this, let's visit the basketball team and give them this." I showed her the tupperware's contents which were homemade Melon pans. She hummed in agreement and I gave her one to eat.


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