Chapter 2: A Love Triangle???

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' you waste your time with basketball?'

'It doesn't concern you!'

Rei was alone in the basketball court, bouncing the ball from her palms to the floor. It was early in the morning and the campus was almost empty of students. "Tch." Reminding herself yesterday's meeting with Mitsui, she let out her anger by playing ball.

Dribbling fast and readying her stance, she ran and dodged around the court. Heading her way to the three pointe line, she grasped the basketball with her two hands before shooting the ball gracefully to the hoop. Rei was a sharpshooter back in her days, but what was the reason for her not joining the team if she was a good player?

'Tch, we lost cause of you.'

'What's wrong with Genji-san?'

'Damn you! You could've scored ahead of the team! We could've won! What's the matter with you?!'

Rei felt tense as she recalled her former teammates during her last game. Their glares and comments echoed through her mind, making her stare blankly on the floor. "Hey!" Rei finally gaining back herself, she turned around to see who was calling. A female student with curly locks and a very charming appearance walked to Rei's direction.

"Are you from the basketball team? But I haven't seen you before, could you be joining then?" The female student asked. Rei grabbed the ball off the floor and gave her a response, "No and no. Sorry for using the court this early morning, I just wanted to blow off some steam." Rei apologized as she bended down to her senior.

The other student waved her hand and told her it was fine, "By the way, I'm Ayako. What's your name?" Ayako asked as she placed her hands to her hips. "Genji Rei." Rei replied.

"Genji-san, would you like to become a second manager for the basketball team?" Ayako said as she pointed her finger upwards and winked. Rei was stunned from the sudden offer, she did not know who this girl was and why she offered such a position. She asked Ayako why she is given the offer.

"Well you see, I am the manager of the Shohoku boys' basketball team. And seems like it'll be a bit handful for me to handle everything alone. I saw you play earlier, that three point shoot was clean! I bet you were a player before, am I wrong?" Ayako said.

"Y-Yes, I was."

"That's great!"

"But Ayako-san, I'm not really sure if I can give you an answer yet. Is that okay?" Rei asked hesitantly, she really wasn't sure yet if she wants to become a manager but it's not like she doesn't want it at all. It might give her something along the way to the sport. Ayako told Rei that she was given a week to think about her decision, and Rei accepted it since it was more than enough.

Rei went on her way to her homeroom and there she met with her friends again. "Goodmorning, Rei-san!" Haruko greeted gleefully to her classmate. "Mornin." Rei replied. "Rei, Yakumo, can you come with me to Class 7?" Haruko asked as she begged with her cute puppy eyes. Yakumo seemed terrified from the request and Rei was confused, "Eh? Class 7? Why?"

"I want to check and see Sakuragi-kun if he is doing well."

Smacking her fist to her palm, Rei remembered witnessing the incident, Sakuragi being hit by the dashboard, "Ah! That weirdo redhead dude! Sure, let's go."

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