Chapter 16: Stranger

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Rei's POV

"Sakuragi! Miyagi-san! Someone stop them!" I said with worry, seeing the two fighting in the middle of a game.

"It isn't the time to be gawking right now!! Hurry and stop them!!" Ayako ordered the boys and they all ran up to their direction except for Rukawa, "It has nothing to do with me." He grumbled.

But oh how they tried, they still could not contain the wrath of the two stubborn headed men. Akagi was the only one who could stop the two with his one punch to their heads and so he punched the two wildlings as the two stopped from their brawl.

It has been like this ever since Miyagi-san came back. It has been a never ending fighting and scolding for these two, like magnets whenever you try to separate them, the two objects would still find its way to collide at each other.

They continued with their practice but once again the two fought at each other with things they could argue about, only this time Ayako was the one who stopped Miyagi to further worsen the situation.

These two are really hard to knock some sense into, but when they get close to their crushes, they'd get soft pretty easily.... Really...

The practice ended and we all took off from the gym, I felt exhausted from all the stress came to rest on me. This day was just too tiresome. Already in my uniform outfit, I stepped out of school building and felt the cold wind hit against my skin and my hair and skirt gently flowing from the wind.

It was already night time, it has been always like this for me, going home late because I have been always busy for my team. I looked at my wristwatch to see the clock pointing at 6. I spaced out for a while with my thoughts, meeting Mitsui again and seeing how he came to be got me worried... But I guess he does not need me... Why would he need me in the first place?.... It sounds more like... I'm the one who needed him.

"Yosh! Time to hit the road."


Third Person POV

Rei rode through her neighborhood and stopped when she got to her home, pulling herself away from the bike and pushing the metal gate, the sound of the metal creaking filled the silence as Rei's footsteps followed.

"I'm home.." She softly announced to her family who were shuffling around the kitchen, her mother took notice of her arrival and put on a warm smile, "Welcome home, Rei-san!"

"Yo sis!" Eita also greeted.


The three family members ate their dinner in a comfortable silence and as soon as they finished, Rei approached her mother who was doing the dishes, "Mom, let me handle that."

"Oh you sure? Don't you have any homework?" Her concerned mother asked with worry but Rei only replied with her head shaking side to side. She felt something was troubling her daughter with just one look.

"Eita-san, why don't you help your big sis over here?" She smiled to her son while Eita could only say while standing up from his seat, "Eh?!"


The two siblings did their work while their mother happily enjoyed the tv show on the television at the living room, Eita and Rei did not say a word, only the sound of the faucet running and dishes clinking filled the void before Eita broke the silence.

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