Your Big Bad Dream (Bigby x R...

By vicbarr

125K 3.7K 1.7K

A Bigby Wolf x Reader story that will thrill your senses and sweep you off your feet for a journey that'll se... More

Your Big Bad Dream (Bigby x Reader)
Your Journey Begins... On an Uneventful Night
Let's Try and Understand...
Let's Get to Know the Wolf...
It's Difficult to Lie to The Big Bad Wolf...
The Mutts Instigate...
Bonding with Bigby...
Your Fantasy Crashes Down...
Reality Returns?...
Where Do We Stand?...
A Sanctuary & A Song...
Let's End This...
Undercover Living...
Snappy Apprehension...
Bold Bigby & Bad Vibes...
Landing In Constanța...
The Ambiguous Abyss...
Heat You Can't Sweat Out...
Racing Waves...
Hidden Treasure?...
The Escapist...
Taking Off...
What's The Verdict?...
The Journey, Part One...
The Journey, Part Two...
The Den...

Mission: You're Missing...

3.8K 88 73
By vicbarr

(a/n: Thank you guys so much for over 10k views! So here's a earlyish update as a reward. P.S: If you did not see the last chapter it's because it is private.)

February, 2019. Constanta, Romania.

It was deep in to the middle of the night when you were interrupted from your sleep. A fluttering noise was chiming from across the room repeatedly. You slowly peeked open your eyes and observed your surroundings. Somehow, Bigby was still fast asleep, he was even snoring. You peeled your nude body away from his and sat up in bed. You gave your eyes a small rub before eliciting a yawn. You groaned in annoyance as the alarming noise from across the room continued. You peered over, and to your surprise, the balcony doors were wide open. You squinted in disbelief, trying to somehow comprehend how that could of happened. However, your eyes were playing no tricks on you. The glass doors were pressed against the wall, and the accompanying curtains were flowing with the wind.

You steadily crept out of bed, trying not to disturb Bigby's sleep, and threw on one of the hotels complimentary robes. You tip toed across the cold wooden floor and toward the balcony. You had stopped to observe the door more clearly.

Running your thin fingers across the platinum door knobs, your heart began to race as you noticed that the doors were still locked. You quickly turned around and starred deep into the dark hotel room. Not a single noise was made, and there was no disturbance to any furniture. The only two people inside the room were Bigby and yourself.

You cautiously stepped out onto the balcony. Looking around, the only thing you had seen was the always shining ocean, and that the balconies of your neighboring rooms were untouched. You balanced your hands onto the white stone railing and continued to search for an answer. The night was too quiet and still for the current situation. You pushed your bangs behind your ear and sighed to yourself, 'Maybe the lock is just busted...' You tried to gain some relaxing stability so you could return to sleep.

So as you turned to head back to bed, you were utterly shocked at what stood before you. You nearly jumped out of your skin and gasped as a stranger appeared before you on the balcony. The two doors were now shut and locked tight, making you trapped between this unfamiliar man and the railing. The man was a bit older, short and round. He was dressed in a lavishing black suit with a bow tie, and had his grey hair slicked back. He was standing perfectly still and appeared to be as calm as the ocean below. He starred at you with a dull expression, as if he viewed you as being beneath him. That's when you realized that his eyes were the only thing familiar about him. His piercing orange orbs gave you a painful reminder of the prior morning when you almost drowned.

You pushed your brows together, glaring at the unknown man, before taking two steps back. When you had hit the railing, you clasped onto it tightly. Gathering your thoughts and steadying your breath, you eventually whispered, "Who are you...?"

The man raised his gloved fist to his mouth and cleared his throat, "You may refer to me as Hobbes."

You looked around, confused as hell, wondering if this was some kind of prank. "Okay...and what do you want?" you inquired.

The man took a sarcastic bow that he obviously did not want to do, "I'm here to escort you."

"To where exactly?" you continued to press questions. "My master." Hobbes answered quickly.

You began to grow irritated from the confusing statements that the man was giving you, "Who?"

"I'm afraid I can not give any more information then that."

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "Okay listen, I don't know who you are, how you got here, or why your master has summoned me, but it is like two in the damn morning, and I am tired. Plus I'm not just walking off with some stranger, and-"

Hobbes raised his hand as if motioning you to stop, "Unfortunately, I can not take no for an answer."

You placed your hands on to your waist and deepened your glare, "Excuse me, who the hell do you think-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Hobbes swiftly pressed two of his fingers against the pressure point of your neck. The abrupt and extremely forceful press caused you to slowly black out. All you could remember before passing out was being held by Hobbes and carried away over the balcony...

~Hours later~

Bigby stirred from his sleep to the sound of knocking coming from the main entrance. He groaned inwardly and regarded the alarm clock on the nightstand. It read, 9:52am. Bigby rolled his eyes and sat up in bed. As he felt how light his side of the bed was he quickly snapped his neck to the other side. He glared in confusion at the messy and empty sheets where you laid earlier, 'Where did she...'

Another knock came from the door, followed by Grey calling out, "Yo, Bigs."

Bigby pulled on sweat pants and jogged over to the door. He opened it quickly to avoid his brothers continuous annoyance. "What is it grey?" Bigby asked while rubbing his face. "You told me to apologize, so that's what I'm here to do." Grey stated optimistically while letting himself in.

"Hey, hold on a minute." Bigby shut the door and grabbed his brother by the shoulder to turn him around. "Bigs, I've got my whole speech planned out. So if you talk to me now I might loose it." Grey insisted.

"Right now just might not be the best time." Bigby said while trying to hint something. Being as slow as he is, Grey simple contorted his face and questioned loudly, "What?"

"Would you keep your voice down." Bigby whispered harshly. "Why?" Greg mimicked Bigby's quiet tone.

"Look, I think (Y/n) is in the restroom." Bigby mumbled.


Bigby almost blushed while groaning, "And she might be...undressed while coming out."

Grey starred at his brother with a blank face for a moment, trying to comprehend why his brother had said that. Then like a light bulb going off, Grey laughed and jumped for joy, "You guys did it, didn't you?!"

Bigby brought his palm to his face, "Please just get out."

"Why don't you just go get her or something? I'll wait." Grey insisted.

Bigby ran his hand through his knotted hair and looked over towards the bathroom, "I dont know...She might be a little shy after last night."

Grey plopped down onto the sofa and kicked his feet up, "Why, was it the first time?"

"Yes, now stop asking questions and just go." Bigby demanded. "Nope. I'm doing this now, so go get her." Grey implored while pointing at the bathroom.

Bigby rolled his eyes and accepted defeat. The Wolf's were clearly a very stubborn family.

Grey then played around on his cell phone, acting like he wasn't a bother at all.

Bigby approached the bathroom door and gave it a light tap, "(Y/n)" he called out.

There was no response. Bigby tapped once more, but a little harder. Once again, there was no response.

Grey looked at his brother with confusion as he pressed his ear against the door and listened closely for any hints of movement.

"What's wrong?" Grey inquired. Bigby opened the door and flicked on the light. He was shocked to see that no one was inside. "Hey Grey..." Bigby began.

Grey lifted off the sofa and cautiously approached his brother, "Yeah?"

"Did you happen to see (Y/n) in the lobby?"

Grey followed into the bathroom and looked around for you as well, "Um, no..."

Bigby pushed past his brother and walked back into the bedroom portion of the room. He observed that your clothes were still on the floor and that your suitcase was undisturbed. A sudden glint from the sunlight caught Bigby's eye, making him cross the room to the balcony.

Bigby unlocked the balcony doors and pulled them open slowly. Stepping outside, Bigby took a deep inhale of the air. "Grey come here." Bigby ordered. Grey walked out onto the balcony and looked around like a lost dog, "What?"

"Do you smell that?" Bigby addressed.

"You mean that putrid salt from the ocean?"

Bigby shook his head, "No, smell past that..."

Grey closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, "Uhh, salt, food downstairs, the grass, and..."

Grey opened his eyes wide and regarded Bigby with shock, "It's her scent..."

Both brothers looked over the railing simultaneously. The only thing that was three floors beneath the boys was people walking across a path to the beach.

Bigby retreated to the bedroom and quickly got dressed in jeans and v-neck. "What are you doing?" Grey questioned.

Bigby pulled on and laced his boots, "To go find my girlfriend, what the hell do you think?"

Grey trailed behind his brother that was speed walking out of the hotel room and down the stairs. While moving down the floors, Bigby flipped out his cell and called you. After just three seconds, your end of the line responded with, "We're sorry, but the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected."

Bigby marched into the lobby while looking around. There was plenty of people on the first floor but none of them were you. He then made his way to the front desk and rang the bell asking for service.

A young Romanian teen in a green and gold uniform stepped out from a small store and to the front desk, "How can I aid you Sir?"

"Have you been working this desk all morning?" Bigby asked. "Yes Sir, I have." the boy replied.

"Did you happen to see a short girl with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (tone) skin walk by?" Bigby pressed.

The bell boy put a finger to his lips and looked up into his thoughts, "Uh, I can't say that I have. I'm sorry."

"Damn it." Bigby cursed under his breath and spun on his heel. He marched off towards the direction of the hotels pool. Grey chased after his brother, and watched closely. Bigby was poking his head into every possible room the hotel had public access too. He went from the pool, to the gym, to the ballroom and even to the laundry room. Yet there were no signs of you.

"Bigby, you're running around aimlessly, chill out." Grey insisted.

A vein on Bigby's neck twitched and he tried to contain his anger from overwhelming him, "Chill out?... (Y/n) is fucking missing. It may be an aimless search but at least I'm looking!"

Grey rubbed his temple and shook his head, "You're looking in all the wrong places man. If we caught her scent outside then that's where we should be."

Bigby sighed and headed off to a side exit in the hotel. The two boys jogged to the back of the lot where the beach met the back portion of the hotel. Just three stories above them was Bigby's room.

"Now what?" Bigby questioned irritably.

Grey shrugged, "Maybe she went for a swim?"

At that point Bigby was ready to strangle the life out of his brother, but before he could even get his hands on Grey, Bigby's cellphone vibrated in his pocket.

He quickly fished it out of his pants and answered desperately, "(Y/n)?!"

"What? Bigby, it's me, Snow. Look we've got a problem back here-"

Bigby groaned and rubbed his face, "I've kind of got an issue here too Snow. Can it wait?"

"No it really can't."

"Well make it fast if you don't mind."

"It's about BlueBeard...He hasn't been seen since you left for your trip a few days ago. Have you seen any trace of him?"

Bigby scoffed and looked around, "Snow, I dont know. Why is that important right now?"

"Because I'm afraid he might be up to something. He mentioned something about, making his own investigation about you and (Y/n) or something."

"What?!" Bigby shouted loud enough to cause Grey to flinch.

Snows voice strained with caution as she continued, "Bigby, just please tell me (Y/n) is alright and with you? I'm sorry but I'd like the two of you back here now. Apparently Cole is stopping by the business office to speak with you soon."

Bigby hesitated and tightened the grip on his phone, "She's... actually missing."

There was a slight pause from Snows end of the line. It became completely silent after Bigby reported his situation.

"...Then I suggest you find her, and fast." and with that, Snow abruptly ended the call.

Bigby cursed once more and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Grey." He called out.

"Y-yeah?" his brother stammered out a response.

"I'm going to head into town and investigate. I want you to go back to the port and ask around about any ships departing early this morning. Can you do that for me?" Bigby spoke in a serious tone and had determination lingering in his eyes. Grey nodded his head 'Yes' and starred in disbelief. He had never seen such a fire raging in his brothers eyes, it was admirable.

The two boys then set off in opposite directions in order to locate you. It wasn't going to be an easy task, but it would be complete regardless. There was no way in hell Bigby was going to leave Romania untill you were found. But just where exactly were you?


You were in a similar situation to before. One where you were conscious, but no matter how hard you tried, your sense of sight struggled to switch on. So you absorbed your proximity with all of your other strengths. The strong scent of salt and decaying wood enflamed your nostrils. You could hear an eerie rocking sound, and feel it to. Your eyelids twitched slightly as you ran your fingers across a wooden chair. Oh, you were sitting, but where? The seat had a soft cushion, but you couldn't directly feel it beneath your skin because you were in new clothes. 'Wait, when did I change?' It felt like a ball gown, one with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves.

You peeled your eyelids open slowly. You were presented with an unfamiliar setting. Looking down you noticed that your wrists were tightly tied down by velvet rope. You yanked at it but nothing came undone. The silk dress you felt against your body was gold and burgendy, it appeared to be expensive and ancient. Though it was beautiful, it reaked of washing attempts to remove some scent that reminded you of iron.

You peaked your head up to look around the room, it was dimly lit and there were no windows. You were seated in front of a mahogany table that was embellished with golden dishes and cluttered with enough food to feed a village. In fact, there wasn't much space in the room at all. Chests with jewels, marble statues, lavishing clothes, and other extravagant items disordered the room. The whole facility was complete made of wood, from the floors, to the walls, and even the ceiling. 'Am I underground? Have I been kidnapped?'

Your eyes continued to slowly jump around the room until they landed on the other end of the table. Your skin began to crawl as you noticed the shadowy figure of someone sitting across from you. Though you couldn't make them out at all, you just knew they were making eye contact with you. The frightening gaze reminded you of your plane ride to Constanta. You didn't dare to speak, you were too afraid.

The stranger shifted in his seat and through a flickering candle you could slowly make out his details. Pale skin caught your eyes first. Then the broad and strong body allowed you to assume it was a man. His outfit resembled yours. A scarlet silk robe with a gold lash glimmered in the light. You starred a little closer as his face came in to play. A faint gasp escaped your lips and your eyes doubled in size as the mysterious man was now, completely visible. There was no mistaking that evil smirk from a mile away. Your hijacker was none other than BlueBeard.

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