The Warners With Red

By Beautyyyshaker9000

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Yakko x Red ~Book 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~ Crazy. Love. And rakish-ness. Red Pandalore's her name and she's a forgotten... More

Opening Theme
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

35 1 0
By Beautyyyshaker9000

We all started to put our backs into it, and clean. Dot cleaned the bathrooms and bedrooms, while I cleaned the garage and the washing stations, and finally, Wakko and Yakko both cleaned the kitchens and lounges. Finally the stench instantly, disappeared.

Yakko and Wakko finally got to have some time to themselves, as they cleaned. After a few hours of cleaning, Wakko took it on himself to make some snacks for all of us, for breaktime. For some reason, he felt gracious enough, to save us some snacks, later on.

"Whatcha cookin' there baby, Bro?" Yakko asked smiling, while fluffing the pillows, then flopping them onto the couches.

"I'm making snacks!" Wakko said excitedly, fidgetting through the cabinets and rummaging for any snacks or things to use for his recipe, earning a grateful smile from Yakko.

"AWW, thanks, Wakko!" Yakko replied, cooing, now picking up the rubbish that laid on the ground around him, "First time being considerate, huh?" Yakko smirked playfully. Wakko scoffed at his older brother, playfully as well, but then smirked at a thought.

"Can I ask you a question, Yakko?" Wakko asked while cooking on the stove.

"Sure, sib, fire away!" Yakko said confidently walking up to a rubbish can throwing the pieces he picked up. But Wakko slyly smiled and smirked.

"Are you sure you want to hear my question, Yakko?" Wakko asked, prolonging the 'Are you sure' statement, in his funny, British accent.

"Uuuhhh...the way you're talking right now, is making me feel way too creeped out to know, Wakko." Yakko replied, nervously distracting himself with the cleaning as he spoke.

"Anyway, do you like Red?" Wakko asked casually with a smile, but Yakko stopped in his tracks turning beet red.

"U-Uhm, w-why do you ask, Wakko?haha!" Yakko stuttered, diverting his eyes to the other things in the room.

"I don't know, maybe because of the way you act around her...I am not an expert on that but you fancy her alot, Yakko." Wakko said looking at him from his cooking for a while, lowering his voice trying to be considerate for his brother, turning red every, second.

"W-Well, I don't know what she thinks of me...maybe she will think I'm too clingy I...I don't know if she would except me especially the fact I talk alot and I'm...I'm scared that she will reject me...I just have to take it slowly and easy, on her." Yakko replied sadly still trying to clean up the lounges.

"Hmm, alright, whatever you say, Yakko!"

"Wait...are you begging to, differ?" Yakko asked looking up intently, to his brother who was cooking the food.

"YUP, she actually seems happy around actually, really happy." Wakko said, while adding the spices to his ingredients into the pot.

"C-Can we skip this talk, it's really personal, alright, baby bro?" Yakko said almost into tears, but he didn't want to be mocked by Wakko because he cried.

This was Yakko's first time, actually, feeling something for someone, getting scared of it, and not just any feeling to other girls. He thought of those times and moments when I cared for him and his siblings, loving them alot. And he wanted that same love but mostly be directed to him, but only when he has the proper hint that I really do love him. Yakko just gave out a deep and sad, sigh.

Wakko then stopped talking more about it, to be considerate. If his brother didn't want to bother in talking about this, then he would stop. Wakko stopped stiring the food in the pot and noticed the absence of yakking from his brother. Wakko saw his brother was teary eyed and so Wakko just sighed and left his brother to contemplate for himself, turning back to what he was doing. Since, Wakko had to still tend to the steaming, hot pot.

When will you realise Yakko?! Wakko thought in his brain, trying to convince Yakko in his very, own brain and see how it would play out if he were to say it out loud.

So Wakko subconsciously, smelled, added some excess ingredients into, and tasted, the food to see if it was alright. So he switched off the stove and gave it a stir, once more. Once finished, he covered the food with a lid and set it aside for our mini, celebration.

The celebration of that we have finally cleaned the entire building ourselves, because it was basically our rented home temporarily, so it could still be technically, ours.

Wakko then saw his brother had just picked up something and was eager to see what it was, and Wakko was secretly happy to discover something with his brother, since him and Yakko would usually hide something from Dot whenever them boys, have gotten something, just for their own pleasure.

Yakko stood up from his spot, sobbing silently to himself, after picking up the rubbish and throwing them away, sadly. He then spotted a blue bottle or a jar, I think, at the corner of the the lounge.

"Huh?" Yakko gasped.

Yakko walked up to it and picked it up. He examined it but didn't hear his younger brother walking up behind him, seeing him standing so still, and almost gave Yakko quite the fright.

"What's that, Yakko?" Wakko asked his brother, spotting the same blue jar, almost making Yakko drop the jar.

"AGH! WAKKO, STOP! Ugh, anyways, I was about to ask you the same thing, Wakko," Yakko said still looking at it, silently scoffing at his brother in annoyance, as silence hung in the air still gazing at the jar in hand.

"I wonder, if I should open it!" Wakko replied happily.

"What? NO!" Yakko said objectively, holding the jar away from Wakko, who was jumping up and down to grab at it. But Yakko stood his ground, shaking his head.

"Then, what do you wanna do with it, Yakko?" Wakko asked, pouting crossing his arms.

"W-Well, I'm the one who should open it." Yakko said, putting his hand to the lid and gave it a twist.

"Hey! How about, me!" Wakko whined.

Once the jar has opened, a stinky smell emitted from it.

"AAAGH! NEVERMIND, DONT GIVE THAT TO ME! YAKKO CLOSE THAT, CLOSE IT!" Wakko screamed, pinching his nose so tight as if he was going to take it off from his face, very soon.

"EW! ALRIGHT, I'M CLOSING THIS!" Yakko yelled, smashing the lid back on and twisted it to a close. And the smell, disappeared but a faint smell still wafted into the air.

"Woah, remind me not to open that up, again!" Wakko exclaimed, and then us girls came into the scene, in mops and bucks with dirty rags in them, because of the screams and yelling from the boys.

"What's so special that you guys, had to scream!" Dot exclaimed frowning, "Boys, go fig."

"Yeah! What's up, guys?" I asked, still sweating from the dirty work I've been doing. My fur became so unkempt and moist because it was drenched in sweat. My fur even became shiny, glistening underneath the lights of the building. But for my tail, it went through much more. Don't ask.

Yakko was about to speak but when he saw me, and my new look, enter, his black puppy eyes turned into huge, red hearts and panted, "HELLO, RED!" Yakko then scuttled right next to me, "How are ya, sweet. Love your new look!"

I then blushed, and pryed him off me and chuckled.

"Haha, Yakko, what's up? And get off me, I don't want you to be dirty, I stink!" I said trying to stop him but to him I was talking none sense.

"Well, my hands stink, so we're even!" He said, hugging me anyway. I rolled my eyes playfully. But he held me too long so, I coughed subtly, snapping Yakko out of his trance, and he blushed. I smiled at his cuteness but there were some stuff to do. And speaking of 'things to do', it reminded me. I broke the hug with a gasp of realisation.

"Wait, what? Your hands stink? EW! And, is anyone, gonna say anything? And what is that faint smell, some of it is on you Yakko!" I exclaimed, fanning my hand infront of my face, in disgust. He blushed in embarrassment, but his it well with a playful side smirk.

"Yakko, found a disgusting bottle, and it spread its smell." Wakko leaked out the information, nervously.

"Look. Who, on earth...would open a disgusting looking jar?" I asked quite upset we had to clean again.

"Yakko, apparently," Dot said with a deep sigh, with a frown, pinching her nose, groaning.

"No, I'll clean it up, I'm sorry, I'll be done with it in no time!" Yakko said conjuring a broom, then started sweeping up the room, we were in.

"Hope so," I said, sounding so unsure, but he started working. Then I sighed in satisfactory, knowing that he is in good hands.

Dot and I were about to step back into our working places, smiling, when Yakko started saying some weird things making us look back at him with concern, still sweeping but swept more, like a zombie. Dot and I didn't smile as much anymore because of this strange occurance, on Yakko.

"Um, guys? What's up with Yakko!" Wakko said outloud, putting his hands between his head.

We walked up to Yakko and went around to face him. He looked pale and didn't look good. His big black eyes didn't seem to hold anything meaningful but looked unemotional, as if he was in some kind of trance. His dog ears drooped and his usual smile went missing.

I tried slapping him, nothing worked, I tried shouting at him, it did nothing. I tried to shake him awake, from letting him mumble stuff like, "Her? No! Please!" and "What, are you doing? Get out!" and the like, but jothinf worked. What, was he on about? Who is 'she'? I thought, but suggested to talk about it later. Yakko was not his usual self so we all walked out of the room, including Wakko, to come with us outside of the lounge room, to know what to do with Yakko.

"I have a feeling it is because of that blue jar he was holding, turning him insane than his usual insanity." I suggested, "Clearly, he is in some kind of trance and so we gotta move it, to find out what makes him tick or awake him."

"What?" Dot gasped in shock, "What are you suggesting?"

"Something is in that stinky substance. It is not something we can smell, it is something we can touch and it seems like as soon as you touch it, it would react and chemically affect your brain or something. It clearly is in Yakko!" I said and Dot and Wakko just gaped at me in surprise.

"How did you know?" Wakko asked surprise and just casted a hesitant gacnec at his crazy brother, in the other room.

"Did you study on it, before?" Dot asked looking at me with awe, "I love it when we have a girl as the know it all, its better than hearing it from Yakko all the time..." but then came to a stop when Wakko and I just looked at her poker faced, "Or, maybe not."

I shook my head no, but told her it was just observations and theories I had on it. Clearly, it was occurring in Yakko, once he touched it. We smelled it but we didn't go insane because of that, but only once you touch it or something. Almost like a virus.

"Anyway, we gotta get hold of that substance and take it from Yakko, then see if there is any answer in there." I replied in determination, and then went back into the room and tried to talk to Yakko, calmly, so that he would not throw a fit.

"Woah, I don't think it's a -" Dot started but of course, I didn't listen and I stomped over to Yakko, bravely. Wakko and Dot watching intently.

"Yakko?" I asked cautiously, stalking up to him.

He heard me and turned, but he didn't seem to be the Yakko I, or we, knew. He didn't seem fazed when he laid his eyes on me. He didn't say anything sweet...wait, what are you implying Red! I thought and forced them away from my head and focused on the tasked at hand.

His dead black eyes stared back at me soulessly, with no recognition and just stood there as if he was lost or like some zombie. His face was pale like a vampire just stood there, idle.

"Yakko, give me the substance...the bottle." I said slowly and calmly. He just looked at me then at his hands that held the bottle, saying nothing. I inched forward and came face to face with him. I reached out my hand to take hold of the bottle but once he felt the bottle slide, he took hold of it firmly and grabbed it from me and threw me across the room. I let out a shriek.

"AAGH!" I yelped and stood up again to get back at him. Certainly, something is inside him...controling him...but what?

"You were saying?" Dot sarcastically asked but I just held up a finger.

"Just don't." I sighed.

"Red, you okay?" Dot asked, already scared now spotting her brother, coming for Wakko about to hit him, as well.

"Wakko! WATCH OUT!" Dot exclaimed scared for her brother.

My eyes widened at this and shot up then sped towards Yakko and shoulder bumped him harshly, sending him crashing onto another wall. Once I saw that he couldn't get up, just yet, I ran back to the others and tended to them.

Wakko was scared as well, of his brother and said, "We need to find out what that thing, is!" he said worrying for his brother.

"So, we have to hide somewhere and find a way to get your brother back." I said trying to comfort him while Dot was already scurrying away to hide somewhere.

"And remember, not to do anything that could hurt your brother...alright guys?" I firmly stated and they reluctantly nodded, with a, "fine," and started out to run away from a chasing Yakko.

Talk about boys chasing girls! I laughed at the thought but then blushed lightly, smiling, at the slightest.

So Dot, Wakko and I sped toward any room that has a door knob that could lock as well and remain there until things were all clear of zombie Yakko, for now.

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