Never Ever

بواسطة PlusSizedLove4

242K 10.3K 1.6K

A story about a young woman in her early twenties who has lost her mother. She's now struggling to pick up th... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three Part 1
Chapter Three Part 2
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen (1)
Chapter Nineteen Part (2)
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Introducing Sihana
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter Twenty Seven

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بواسطة PlusSizedLove4


I took the cab straight home. I couldn't believe everything flipped on me. I wiped my tears as I kicked off my shoes and dropped my keys on the floor. FML.

I went to my bathroom and turned on the bath water. I grabbed a few candles I found randomly laid around and lit them and put them around the tub. I turned on Pandora and I stripped naked and got into the bubble bath.

I sighed as soon as my body was covered with the warm liquid. I pulled my head under the water and held my breath. Abrielle calm down. Everything is fine. You have been doing good just push through it. I came up for air and I panted. I can get through this.

Twenty minutes I was a prune. I got out and wrapped my fluffy robe around my body. I slipped on my slippers and made my way to my kitchen. I opened my laptop and opened my browser. I went to Facebook and opened the message box.

Me: Hey Kat I made it in.

I hit send and I went to my news feed. Of course I was looking for Adam. I clicked on his page and a messaged popped up.

Katherine O'Connor: Where did you go? Were you with him?

Me: We went to BWW and I saw Chris there -__- And me and Adam were a little rocky and he kicked me out his apartment. :(

Katherine O'Connor: He doesn't deserve you. You should date my brother.

Wait what? Katherine wouldnt say that...

Me: Seth?

Katherine O'Connor: Yeah he's your perfect match. :)

Me: This isn't Katherine. Seth is that you?

Katherine O'Connor: Idk what ur talking about.

Okay im going to get it out of him sooner or later.

Me: I wish I could talk to him now. I just wanted to show him my new tattoo I got right in between... never mind its too embarrassing to tell you.

I laughed out loud at how horrible I was being. But that will show him for invading his sister privacy.

Katherine O'Connor: SEND IT NOW. HE WONT MIND.

Katherine O'Connor: Omg Abrielle my brother is a f*cking creep! Please forgive me! And what tattoo you have you little nasty! And what the hell he kicked you out?! I'm going to kick Adam's ass!

Now that's katherine.

Me: I am in shambles. I really like him but its so complicated.

Katherine O'Connor: Come over tomorrow! We need to figure out a plan and my parents can't stop asking about you and its only been a couple of hours.

I smiled at how I felt wanted. It was nice to have something close to a family.

Me: Sure I'll be there after work.

Katherine O'Connor: Awesome I'm going to buy so much ice cream and Netflix all day.

Me: Sounds like a awesome date lol see you then.

I bit my lip after I closed the message box. My focus was back on him. As I began to scroll my notification flashed for a new friend request. Seth O'Connor would like to be friends with you. With a smirk on my face I excepted and opened a message box.

Me: You think your clever huh?

Seth O'Connor: I have no clue what your talking about.

I laughed at his message and closed the box. Then it suddenly opened again.

Seth O'Connor: I couldn't help but hear about that douche you went out with today.

Me: Kat told you?

Seth O'Connor: Not exactly but I have my sources.

I smiled and chuckled to myself.

Me: Whatever but yes I went out with a guy today and it didn't end well.

Seth O'Connor: He has to be crazy to not see you for the person you are.

I bit my lip thinking how could Seth possibly think he knows me after one day?

Me: How would you know I'm the person you think I am?

Seth O'Connor: My sister may have issuses but she chooses certain people to be close to her. And just know I'm not one of them.

I laughed out loud and continued to type.

Me: I guess your right.

Seth O'Connor: So spill the beans I'm all ears. Well all eyes.

I loved his corny humor. I laughed and I tried my best to summerize my horrible ending nite. I felt sort of bad spilling my feelings to Katherine's brother but I felt comfortable. He's harmless right?

We messaged for hours and when I looked at the time it was 2:00am.

Me: omg Seth I g2g I work at 7a.

Seth O'Connor: Same. Who told you to keep me up woman!

Me: Look who's talking lol

Seth O'Connor: Okay good night. Dream about me naked.

Me: lol good night.

• • • •

I got off the bus right in front of the center. I walked in and there were all the kids waiting again. I smiled and greeted them. I went inside the double doors and I saw the receptionist.

"Hey I'm reporting for duty." I said very corny Seth was rubbing off on me.

"Go ahead into the faculty room and Mr. Merlott will show you how to clock in." She smiled and I swallowed hard making my way to the back room.

I knocked but the door moved because it was already open. I opened it and there was Jasmine and Adam. They were talking in a corner, she smiling and him looking at her like he was about to devour her.

"Uh hmm." I cleared my throat. She ignored me but his smiled dropped when he saw me.

"I'll talk to you later." He murmured lowly to her. She nodded, and turned around and looked me up and down and walked out the room. I clenched my jaw.

"Look Adam. I don't think this will be the place for me to work. I don't think I can handle this type of pressure." I confessed.

"Okay." He said nonchalantly.

"Okay well bye." I turned around and began to walk until he spoke.

"I didn't take it that you were a quitter." He looked down at files in a drawer.

"What would you do?" I blurted.

"I wouldn't quit. The reason were in this place because of those kids. They need that helping hand we never had."

"You sure talk a good game. But you can never explain anything when I ask you something. You kicked me out and nothing, not a word from you." Tears formed in my eyes.

"We are about to open in 5 minutes Ms. Ginson. I don't think we should discuss this now."

"You sho' had enough time to talk to her but it's fine. The only thing your right about is those kids. I won't quit but I never want to talk to you again outside of this place. I took the necklace off and threw it in his desk. I walked out the door and went to the first class room.

Destiny was sitting in the circle with the kids. I quickly wiped my tears before I walked up to the group. Okay you're fine be strong. I walked closer and Destiny waived to me.

"Class we have a guest today her name is Ms. Ginson. She will be a team leader soon but she wanted to come and visit us before she gets her own class." I waived to the class and they all said hello in unison.

"Today we will talk about what we would like to be when we grow up. Who wants to go first?" All the children's hands shot up quickly. It was amusing how enthusiastic the children were. Thirty minutes later they had already ate breakfast and were now about to finish making coiled pots.

"Your so good with them Destiny seriously." I complimented her.

"Thanks girl but I just treat them as though I were their age. And they respect me and I respect them."

I nodded eagerly soaking in all I could. Thirty minutes went passed and they were stretching and having bathroom breaks and ect. I started helping a little girl named Tamara with her little pot.

"Thank you Ms. Ginson I never thought I was going to be finished." She have me the most cutest smile that warmed my heart. Her two fluffy pont tails were adorable.

"You're welcome sweetie." I gave her a smile.

"Okay class recess!" Destiny announced. They all yelled and clapped. They all dispersed as Destiny and I cleaned up after them.

"You want some coffee and donuts?" Destiny asked. Before I answered Raphael popped his head into the class. Destiny sat the coffee and donuts on her desk.

"Did I hear donuts?" I burst out laughing.

"Hola Raphael." I greeted him.

"Hola mamacita." He winked at me.

He and Destiny started conversing and I laughed as they told jokes about each other. Then Jasmine and Adam walked in.

"Donuts guys?" Raphael asked.

"Sure." Jasmine walked over and bent over the desk tooting her ass out. Adam watched her as Raphael talked to him. I scuffed and walked out the room.

I'm not here for this bull sh*t. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I took a deep breath and said a silent prayer. I wiped my hands and walked out and there stood Adam.

"Why did you leave this on my desk?" He held the necklace he gave me in his hand.

"You know why. Now could you excuse me I have to go."

"No I don't know why. Tell me." He blocked my walk way.

"You're kidding me right? How about you tell me why you kicked me out your place last night?" I snapped back.

"I-I its because" he started but he hesitated.

"Exactly. You keep that until you can talk to me like you talk to her." I brushed passed him and Jasmine walked passed me smirking. I smiled right back at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Aye mami where you go?" Raphael said leaving Destiny class heading to his.

"Little girls room." I explained quickly as I enterned the room the kids were already settled into their seats. For the next hour Destiny talked about how they can cope with the situations they face everyday. I felt inspired by Destiny and Raphael. I wanted to be just as great as them.

"Will we see you see you tomorrow Ms. Ginson?" The cute little girl I helped earlier asked.

"I won't be with your class but I'll come visit you." I hugged her and she smiled and waived good bye.

"I see the kids love you already." Adam stood beside me and my cheerful smile disappeared.

"You're here to answer my question?" I went straight to the point no games.

"What question?" Jasmine interrupted.

"Jas I told you to wait in the car." He said through clenched teeth.

"I'm not about to wait all day while you talk to her. Hurry the hell up. Or I'll leave with you." She licked her lips as she looked him up and down seductively. She walked away switching in her black pumps.

I almost threw up in my mouth.

"I really don't have time for this." I walked away and he grabbed my arm.

"What?! Why do you keep pulling me? Why do you keep being so damn indecisive? You want to get to know me or not. You want her or me. I'm not about to play this game with you everyday."

"Look Abrielle. Please meet me tonight and I'll explain everything." He explained calmly.

"I don't know about that. I don't think I can bare you doing this again." I confessed.

"Just please this one time. I want you to really understand and I'm ready to tell you everything." He pleaded and I tried my best not to melt at the sight of his beautiful eyes. Those eyes that played a game with my heart for the past three days. I bit my lip and searched for every reason i should day no. But my heart blocked it all. All the sane thoughts I developed. My impulse to just fall into his arms surfaced. I nodded and sighed.

He exhaled in relief.

"This is the last chance you hear me?" I warned him.

"I promise this will be." He held out his hand and the necklace he gave me rested there.

"I'm not taking that back until we meet after you tell me whatever you have to say."

"Okay I guess that's fair. See you later Ms. Bri." he gave me a small smile and he walked back to the back room. I sighed and collected my things and made my way to the bus stop.

"Hey sexy stranger need a ride?" I looked into the blue mustang and there was Seth.

"Hey! You stalking me?!" I joked laughing.

"Maybe, maybe your following me." He smirked. I giggled at his craziness.

"Come on before a cop thinks I'm trying to kidnap you." I got into the car and looked at him. He had on his Geek Squad uniform on with hair that was smoothed neatly in place and he had on glasses. He looked like a high school kid.

"I'm turning 24 in Feburary so chill. You look like your about 16 right now." I scuffed.

"Girl please you wish I was sixteen you pedophile." He nudged my shoulder.

"Seriously how old are you?" I inquired.



"Nope." And he started singing the jeopardy music.


"Getting warmer." He continued singing. I laughed because he played so much.


"Ding ding ding!" He yelled.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why haven't you moved out?" His smile grew small.

"Because of Katherine. My parents can't handle her all on their own. Katherine is 100% better than she was when she tried hanging our bathroom two years ago."

"I'm sorry. I knew she tried to but i never thought about how it affected you and your family. I wish I had a living family like yours." I envied Katherine.

"Well if your that desperate I can kiss you on the cheek for free. The lips will cost you." He smirked at me and his smile automatically made me giggle.

"What are you talking about?" I continued to laugh.

"I have no clue half of the time." He admitted.

"So how was work?" He asked getting onto the highway.

"It was okay." I cleared my thought. " I love those kids, they inspire me to be a better person." I smiled thinking about little Amber today.

"That's nice. I'm glad you enjoy your job. But that's not completely why I asked.". That's when I remembered Seth and I talked to each other all night about my problem with Adam.

"I gave him back the necklace he gave me." I said lowly.


"Because I was tired of seeing him with her." I confessed.

"Oh. That painful?"

"I almost quit because of it. They were all on each other. I don't know how I could've been so stupid." My vision began to get blurry because tears started to accumulate.

"Abrielle." I heard Seth say through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry I just can't help it. I should've never excepted anything from him. Now he wants me to meet him tonight."

"Are you going to go?"

"I don't know."

"You're going to go." He said firmly.

"How would you know?" I snapped at him.

"A female who tears up over a man feels too much for him. You're going to go and get your heart broken."

"Seth I don't want to talk about him anymore."

"Fine. Were here anyway." He got out the car and I got out sensing that he was pissed.

"Seth!" I yelled out the car but he was already inside. Katherine head poked out and she gave me a big smile.

"Hurry come in!" She waived. I made my way in and took off my shoes and coat. I greeted her mom and dad.

"You guys going on a date you look amazing!" I said as her mom twirled around with her husband's help.

"Yes were going on a two day business's trip. And would like to ask for you to stay and keep Katherine company." Her mom suggested. Her eye brows arched waiting on my answer.

"Of course, I would love to." I smiled and have then hugs as they got their suit cases and left.

"Time to partyyyyyy!" Katherine yelled.

"Really Katherine? Won't your neighbors say something to your parents?"

"No they are old as dirt. And it will be a kick back." She explained.

"Seth!" She screamed upstairs. He came down the stairs with a tooth brush in his mouth with no shirt on. Damn. Five months, three days and five hours. I bit my lip and imagined what was below.

"Abrielle." Katherine snapped in front of my face. Her an Seth looked at me.

"Oh yeah I'm sorr. I-i was thinking of ab- angles and birds." I made up something sounding more stupid and more suspicious. Seth cracked a smirk and put his hand in his pajama pants slowly. Katherine head still turned to me talking about what we will need and I tried to keep my eyes on her. But Seth was tempting me.

He pulled down his pants lower and stopped enough for me to see his cut v leading right down to his length. Why! I cleared my throat and chocked on my spit.

"You want some water?" Katherine looked concerned and oblivious. I nodded and she headed to the kitchen.

"What do you think your doing?!" I whispered violently.

"What are you talking about?" He smirked.

"You know what you just did!" I said pointing at his pants.

"Is everything okay?" Katherine entered with the glass of water.

"Yes." We both say in unison and I roll my eyes at him.

Katherine continued to talk about who would we invited and I nodded and as he walked up stairs and he suddenly stopped.

"Five months and three days in counting. How long will it take until you break?" My mouth dropped I couldn't believe he just said that.

"What?" She looked at him confuesed and then she looked at me. Then it must have clicked in her brain.

"Why you little! Stop dropping in on my messages!" She ran after him as I stood there embarrased.

"Abrielle, Seth has something to say to you." She yelled from upstairs.

I walked slowly and at the top the ire was Katherine holding his arm. I folded my arms in irritation. She shook him to say something.

"I'm sorry." He said honestly.

"Its fine." I said and went into Katherine's room.

"See now she's not going want to stay here!" Katherine hit him and he yelled in pain.

"Please don't leave Abrielle." Katherine pleaded.

"I have to see him later."

"Why don't you tell him to come over here?" She asked.

"It might get ugly. I don't want to cause a scene." I explained.

"You can talk in my room and I'll come check on you" she shrugged.

"Okay. If you say so."

"Okay lets get ready we have to get sexy!" She grabbed me and she went into her closet pulling out so many dresses with tags on them.

"You never wore these I see." I said as she threw dress after dress.

"Yeah I didn't. Never had anywhere to go." There was a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Its okay tonight will be fun!" I tried my best to push my own thoughts back and make sure my friend would have a great time. She nodded as turned on some music and we started dancing.

• • • •

I had on a dress that clearly was meant for the summer time but it looked pretty good on me. I put on makeup and did my hair and Katherine looked amazing in her black fitted dress.

"Ooh kill 'em!" I cat called Katherine. She blushed and checked her hair in the mirror.

"Okay let's go set out the snacks." Katherine said making her way to the hallway. It was 10:39 p.m. and I haven't seen her brother since the awkward incident earlier.

We made it into the kitchen and their he was unwrapping the cold cut sandwitches. He had on a blue jean button up and distressed jeans and rugged boots. Damn. I was attracted to his "bad boy" look. It contrast to his work attire.

"Aw you helping Seth?" Katherine asked surprised.

"No I'm just hungry." He took a huge bite and devoured the sandwich.

We made eye contact and he smiled and showed me is food.

"Nasty mf'er." I said disgusted.

"You still love me." He said swallowing. He took a beer out and cracked it open. He grabbed his coat and keys.

"Where are you going?" Katherine asked.

"I have a date." He said nonchalantly. I stared down at the bag of doritos in my hand.

"Oh okay tell Jenna she can come party too." Katherine smiled.

"Will do." He closed the door behind him. I was pissed. And immediately I felt horrible. He never said he liked me. He was just being a annoying ass right? I wanted to pull my hair out. Seth get out of my brain.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Who? Seth? I guess you can call her that. She's our nieghbor's daughter. We have known her all our life. She likes Seth but I don't know if he likes her like that." She explained. I sighed in relief.

"But I think they have had sex. And ugh one time I heard it!" Katherine yelled irritated from the thought. My feelings flipped back. Well I can scratch that out.

"Wait why you ask?...No Abrielle you can't!"

" I didn't do anything! What are you taking about?" I asked trying my best to conceal my wounded pride.

"Brother off limits." She simply said grabbing us beers.

"But i-"

"No buts." She opened them and handed it to me.

"Okay." I said lowly. Why was I so disappointed she didn't approve. I mean her brother can't be that bad.

11:08p the doorbell rang

I opened the door while Katherine made her way to the stereo hooking up her Mac.

"Come in guys!"

"Let's party!!!" Raphael held two bottles of vodka in his hand. Behind him Destiny and her boyfriend walked in. Everyone greeted each other and I couldn't help but notice Raphael flirting with Katherine.

Katherine pulled me into the kitchen.

"Is he single?"

"I'm not sure? Maybe?" I didn't really know if Raphael is single.

"Maybe you can ask slickly." I encouraged her. The door bell rang again and Katherine answered.

Adam walked through the door. Katherine looked directly at me and her eyes got big. "Its him" she mouthed. I nodded and she invited him in. I turned around and opened the bottle of vodka Raphael brought. I took to shots and it stung the back of my throat.

Let's do this.

I walked over to Adam who sat on the couch talking to Raphael. His eyes met mine. I held out my hand and he grasped it.

"Come with me." I lead him upstairs and into Katherine's room. Her room tidy and neat like no one slept in here. I sighed and faced him as we sat on her bed.


"Okay. Well I met Jasmine at 11 years old. We stayed in the same foster home. Were instantly clicked, she liked my drawings I loved her voice. We never were separated until she got adopted. It was hard for me. My best friend the only person I trusted was gone. Then a few years later I had my first episode. Everything was black. I couldn't remember anthing. All I remember was waking up in a hospital bed and seeing her face. That's when I was first admitted in and when I was diagnosed. When I got out we connected again. And she was my first everything. I wondered what it would be like with other women. Would they understand me. Because the only heart I let into mine was hers. But when I met you. I felt a spark. Something like when I saw jasmine face that day I woke up in the hospital." He touched my hand and looked back to me. "But since I've been out the hospital I haven't felt the same about Jasmine." I arched my eye brow and he sighed. "Okay physically its there. Emotionally no. The reason I had another episode because she thought it would be a good idea for me to get off my meds. I listened because I believed she maybe right. I didn't have a problem when she was in my life before so she thought it was because she left and got adopted. I stopped taking them and threw them away. That was a huge mistake because I went out and spent every penny I had for our bills and rent on flowers. Don't ask why I bought them because obviously I was manic. My cousin said I kept talking and rambling how we were going to be rich on the flowers I bought. But soon after I was strapped on a hospital bed and I was in the hospital."


"I know what your going to say."

"No you don't. You think in going to reject you because of your illness but that isn't the problem. I can handle that. The thing I can't handle is Jasmine. She has a place in your heart I don't think I fill. She will always be your best friend I understand that and that's what I'm scared of. I will always wonder do you miss her touch, her lips, her everything! I won't be able to keep a clear conscience when she's around." He looked defeated.

"I will never see her again."

"I can't ask you to do that. You love her. I can't ask you to do that because of me. That would be selfish of me." I saw the worry in his eye as he read my lips.

"I-I f*ck!" He yelled and held his head in his hands.

"Just promise to never get off your medicine okay? Until your doctor says its okay." I looked at him for reassurance. He nodded and tears were in his eyes.

"Adam. I'll wear the necklace but I can't be your girlfriend." I said quietly. He sighed and nodded. I smiled and tried to cheer him up.

"Come on put it on me!" I said enthusiastically. He cracked a smile and I turned around as he placed it on my neck. I turned back around and he pulled me into a kiss. The tender kiss that I knew I would never feel again. I enjoyed it and didn't want it to end but it had to.

We pulled away and he wiped my tears. "Don't cry beautiful bri." He smiled st me. I pushed him away laughing.

"Well I guess let's go party." I got up and smoothed my clothes. We headed down and more people arrived. I saw Katherine and Raphael dancing together getting caliente. Then I saw Jasmine smile drop when saw me and Adam together.

"I guess ill talk to you later. Gotta handle this." He looked back at me. I nodded and walked to the kitchen for some water.

"Hey your back quickly!" Katherine met me in the kitchen.

"Yeah" I nodded.


"No cute babies with dimples." I said after taking a drink of water.

"Awww damn I'm sorry boo." She cooed. I nodded.

"I'm okay go have fun." I pushed her.

"Okay and aw yeah take this to Seth." She handed me a cold beer. He's here?

"He's over by the couch." I smoothed out myself and thought maybe this night wouldn't be completely crap. I walked over as sexy as I tried. And there he was bobbing his head to the beat. Our eyes met and he smiled. I handed him the beer and the girl next to him took it.

"Thanks. You must be Abrielle. I heard so much about you." Jenna said smiling.

++ Hey honeys! This will be my update until Friday! I hope you enjoy and remember to vote and comment! I believe this book may end soon unless you guys want it to continue love ya talk to you soon !++

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