Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothe...

By Jennifer_GB

48.1K 1.1K 147

These are a bunch of oneshots between Jungkook and his hyungs. In these one shots I envision Bangtan as one b... More

They don't care( part 1)
They don't care ( Part 2)
When we lost in the Forest
When we lost in the forest-2
Precious (Namkook)
When we lost in the forest-Final
Nightmare (JinKook)
Can't You Stay a Little Longer
We Want You Back
A Road Trip
A Road Trip (Part -2)
I am not a liar (Hopkook)
Stuck In The Cold
Little Do They Know
Little Do They Know (Part- 2)
Little Do They Know (Final)
Mafia King And His Six Hyungs
New Story.....


3.2K 70 11
By Jennifer_GB

Jungkook was upset because his hyungs had promised that they would go to the park together. However, they had work to do at that time, so they couldn't take him to the park. He was very upset because he just wanted to spend some time with his hyungs, but they were busy with their schedule and couldn't give him time. 

"That's not fair, hyungs!" Jungkook shouted. "You all promised me that we would go together. But you broke your promise." His hyungs sighed while sitting on the couch. "Jungkook, baby, we really didn't want to break our promise, but you can see we had work to do. We were too busy at that time. But don't worry, next time we shall definitely go to the park together, okay?" Jin said, trying to comfort the younger. "NO... I know you will break the promise again! That's what you always do," Jungkook shouted and ran upstairs.

"Hyung, it's too much," Jimin said. "He is being bratty and clingy too much. I am tired of him."

"Yes, hyung, Jimin is right. He's got those annoying attitudes, and he's not listening to us anymore," Taehyung said, looking at their eldest hyung.

Jin sighed and said, "I know it's annoying, but he is our brother, our youngest brother, and he has the right to special treatment from us. And it's our responsibility to take care of him when we are his only guardians."

"I know, hyung, what you are talking about," Yoongi said, "but isn't it his responsibility as well to understand us? We also have work to do. We can't always focus on him." Others nodded at Yoongi's remark.

"Yoongi hyung is right, hyung. He has to understand we can't pamper him all the time," Hoseok said.

"Yes, hyung, and we can't forgive him all the time when he makes a mistake, otherwise, he will be naughty and bratty and never respect his elders," Namjoon said.

"I think you all are right. We are pampering him too much," Jin said, nodding.

"Tae Tae hyung, let's play Overwatch," Jungkook said while hugging Taehyung.

"No, Jungkook, not now. I am busy." Taehyung said, releasing himself from Jungkook's hug.

"But hyung, you said that we could play today," Jungkook said, pouting.

"Yes, I did, but now I am saying no."

"Why do you always do this to me? Why are you all ignoring me?" Jungkook shouted.

"Who are you shouting at, Kim Jungkook?" Taehyung shouted back.

"I... I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to shout at you. I just..."

"You're becoming a brat, Jungkook," Namjoon said, entering the room with his other four brothers.

"No, hyung, I really didn't mean to shout," Jungkook said.

"It's enough, Jungkook. You are too much. You always want to have fun and don't want to understand our schedule," Hoseok said.

"No, hyung, it's not like that... I just want to spend some time with you all because it has been a while since we've gone somewhere together," Jungkook said, looking down.

"We can understand that, Kooki, but we don't have time for fun right now, we have work to do," Jin said calmly.

"Can't you spend time with me for once?" Jungkook asked slowly.

"We can, Jungkook, but..." Jin started to say but was cut off by Jungkook. "It's been years since we've gone somewhere together, hyung. I just want us together, AND YOU DON'T FREAKING CARE ABOUT THAT!"

"JUNGKOOK!!! Where are your manners, huh? Is this how you talk to your elders?" Jimin shouted.

"YES, I FORGOT MY MANNERS! SO WHAT?!" Jungkook shouted back.

"SHUT UP, YOU BRAT!" Yoongi shouted and held his arms.

"You wouldn't understand unless you get what you deserve."

"Hyung, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked with fear as Yoongi dragged him to the basement. Jungkook's eyes widened. "No... not to the basement, please, Hyungs, please, NO!" Jungkook pleaded while crying.

"Sorry, Jungkook, it's too late now. You have to face the punishment," Jin said with a sigh.

"No... No, hyung, please, I am sorry," he cried. But Yoongi locked him in the basement, and they left.

"Hyung! Hyung, please open the door... please, hyung," Jungkook cried while banging on the door. But there was no response. He sighed heavily and sat on the basement floor, breathing heavily as tears fell from his cheeks and sweat formed on his forehead and neck. He started to feel dizzy and found it hard to breathe.

"Why... why is there no window here... it's... it's hard to breathe," he struggled to say, his breathing becoming heavier. He tried to catch his breath, his eyelids started to grow heavy. He attempted to stand up, but his head began to spin, and he collapsed on the floor, fainting.

At the drowning room :

"Guys, do you think we did the right thing by locking him in the basement?" Hoseok asked, looking at his brothers. "I know it was his punishment, but still, didn't we go too far?"

Jin sighed and said, "I think so... I don't know why I am having bad feelings."

"Can... Can we check on him?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's go... I'm having bad feelings too, even if it's only been a few minutes," Yoongi said.

Others nodded, and they rushed out of the room, running towards the basement and opening the door. They found Jungkook on the ground, looking pale.

"JUNGKOOK!!!" they shouted and ran to him. Jin held him in his arms and started to shake him while trying to wake him up. "Jungkook... Jungkook... what happened? Wake up... wake up, please. We are sorry... hyungs are sorry... please open your eyes, Jungkook-ah," He said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Everyone knelt down, looking at Jungkook with worry and guilt filling inside them, tears making their way from their eyes.

 "We need to take him to the hospital," Namjoon said, also tearing up.

At the hospital :

The nurse came out from Jungkook's room and walked towards his brothers who were waiting in the waiting room, tears in their eyes. "Are you Kim Jungkook's relatives?" She asked.

"Yes, we are. How is he now?" Jin asked.

"Yes, he is fine but still unconscious. You may come in," She replied.

They nodded and went inside Jungkook's room. The doctor was checking on him. He turned to look at the six males who came inside. "You must be Mr. Kim's relatives," He doctor asked.

"Yes, we are his brothers," Yoongi said. "Is he alright, doctor?"

"Yes, he is fine. It looks like he passed out due to lack of oxygen and a minor panic attack. He must have been in a close place or room," The doctor said.

"He... he was in the basement," Taehyung said slowly.

"I see, that makes sense. Jungkook-ssi must have been frightened by the darkness and closed space. He has claustrophobia."(claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. A person who has claustrophobia may panic when inside a lift, airplane , crowded room, close room without windows or other confined area )

"Claustrophobia!?" Jimin asked, shaky, while looking at his brothers, as they didn't know that Jungkook had claustrophobia.

"Yes, and I advise you to take care of him and don't let him go into close rooms without windows, elevators, and crowded places. He may be claustrophobic in these places, so be careful. He shouldn't have panic attacks often because it can affect him badly," the doctor said.

"Yes, doctor, we shall be careful. Thank you so much," Jin said.

The doctor smiled and nodded while patting Jin's shoulder before taking his leave.

After the doctor left, the six brothers went near Jungkook, who was laying peacefully on the bed. Jin sat beside him and stroked his hair while wiping his own tears. The other five stood near Jungkook's bed, tears in their eyes and filled with guilt.

"He's going to be fine... right?" Jimin asked, sobbing.

"Yes, he will be. He will be," Hoseok said, hugging Jimin.

Suddenly, they heard a groan. They looked at Jungkook, who slowly opened his eyes and closed them due to the bright light. He opened his eyes again looked in his surroundings. He looked at his brothers, who had guilty expressions.

"Kooki-ah," Jin said, helping him to wake up and supporting him to sit up. "How are you feeling? Are you alright?" Yoongi asked with worry.

Jungkook nodded and said a small 'yes', looking at his lap and avoiding eye contact.

 "Hey," Jin said, holding Jungkook's arm. "We are very sorry. Hyungs did wrong, and we need to apologize to you for hurting you. We are really sorry," Jin said, tears streaming down his face.

Jungkook looked at Jin. "Hyung..."

"Yes, Jungkook, we are sorry. Please forgive us, hyungs," Namjoon said, cutting in.

"And you can hate me or not forgive me because I am the one who locked you in there," Yoongi said, looking down.

"No, hyung, don't say that. I am not mad at you or the others. It's not your fault. It was my fault that I was behaving like a brat. I deserve that. I am sorry," Jungkook said slowly.

"No, Kooki, don't say it like that. You just wanted to spend time with us, but we were so busy with ourselves that we forgot about you. We are sorry," Jin said.

 "Yes, Kooki, we are sorry. I am sorry for breaking my promise," Taehyung said.

"No, hyung, don't say that, please. I know you have work to do... that's important," Jungkook said.

"But it's not more important than you, Kooki. You are our baby brother, you always come first for us," Hoseok said while caressing his cheek. Jungkook giggled at his statement.

"But how come we didn't know about your claustrophobia?" Jimin asked, raising his brows.

"It's because I developed claustrophobia when I was in boarding school," Jungkook said.

"How so?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook sighed and said, "I used to be bullied when I was in boarding school. They always made fun of me because I looked like a bunny. I had, had enough of them. So one day, I fought back but I lost to them, and they locked me in the school basement. It was too dark there, and a creepy smell was coming from there. I don't know why, but I felt like I was going to die and couldn't breathe, so I passed out. A school worker found me and took me to the hospital, where I found out that I have claustrophobia."

"What?! You used to be bullied there. Why didn't you tell us?" Yoongi asked.

"It's because I didn't want to be a burden, and also, I didn't want you to think that I am weak and always need your help for protection," Jungkook said.

"You are our maknae. We would never think that you are a burden, and obviously, you need our protection because you have six hyungs to protect you," Namjoon said while patting his head.

 "But you could have told us that you have claustrophobia, couldn't you?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook lowered his head and said, "I tried to tell you, but you didn't have time for a proper conversation..."

This statement broke his hyungs' hearts because it was true. They were all busy with their own works that they forgot about Jungkook. When he protested about it, they got mad at him.

"We... We are sorry, Jungkook. You wanted to spend time with us... but we didn't realize... we were too busy to notice our brother's illness. As the oldest brother, I should have paid attention, but I failed. I failed... I am sorry, Jungkook... I am sorry," Jin said, crying hard.

Jungkook hugged him and said, "Hyung, don't cry... It breaks my heart... please don't cry... I forgive you, hyung. Please don't cry."

 "What about me... I..." Yoongi asked.

"You too, hyung," Jungkook said with a smile, breaking the hug.

"And us?" The other four asked.

Jungkook chuckled. "Yes, I forgive all of you."

Everyone smiled. "But on one condition," Jungkook said.

All looked at him. "And what is it?" they all asked.

"From now on, you all have to spend time with me... we shall go to the park together, watch movies, go on picnics, and..."

"Play Overwatch," Taehyung cut him off and hugged him.

Jungkook giggled and hugged him back. "Yes, that too."

"From now on, we will spend time together for you, Kooki," Jin said.

"Yes, we do," Jimin said and hugged the two maknaes. The other four joined the hug, resulting in a group hug. "Yah... I can't breathe," Jungkook yelled.

"Oops, sorry..." They said and broke the hug.

"Okay, so should we go to the beach first?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, let's go there," Jungkook said happily.

"Anything for you, baby," Hoseok said and pinched his nose.

"I am not a baby, hyung," Jungkook said with a pout.

"Aegyo... that pout makes you even cuter," Taehyung said, which made Jungkook pout more and everyone laughed at his cuteness.


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