Philinda One Shots

By PhilinaLove

8K 223 553

Some of these one shots might be sad, boring, or happy! You'll never know until you read! More

The two twins, Death and Grief
A Prank By A Ghost?
The Party of a Lifetime
The Scars On A Fallen Angel
A Gun Trail Never To Be Followed
Unexpected Parent Meeting
Sicky Sicky.
Our Nastolgic Love.
Jelousy Jelousy.
One Second Changes Everything
Two Combined Universes Pt:1
Good Dreams
Memes Pt 1
I'm gonna fucking kill Netflix
Spars Love
Womens Rights?

Truth Or Dare

347 11 52
By PhilinaLove

K- so basically OkayPhilinda   was being stupid and decided that she couldn't make a fun One-Shot. WHICH IS DEPRESSING-

So I'm gonna try and start making fun one-shots.

Depressing ones just aren't as fun-


I'm not editing this-

enjoy the one shot

Skye sat on the white leather couch. Her arms were splayed down beside her. Her head slumped back onto the back of the sofa. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling above.

Ward sat near her. He slumped forward as he examined the cards in his deck. Fitz was sitting in an armchair on the opposite side of the table. He shared the chair with Jemma who was curled up next to him.

Coulson and May sat next to one another on another couch. Coulson rested one arm over her shoulders as they both sat there silently.

Fitz slowly lowered the card down onto a small pile in the middle of the table.


"Bullshit." Ward interrupted. Fitz's eyes widened as he stared at Ward.

"Wha-? Oh that's not fair I didn't even get to finish my bloody sentence!" He pouted. Ward just rolled his eyes.

"You don't need to. I already have all the aces." He explained smoothly. Jemma chuckled slightly as she looked up at Fitz. He continued to stare at Ward with a baffled expression.

"Disrespectful. Absolutely- ughhhh.." He muttered under his breath. He quickly swiped up the pile of cards and added them into his own deck.

They continued playing for what felt like hours. That's when Skye couldn't take it anymore.

She groaned as she dragged her body upright.

"I'm bored!" She announced. Everyone turned their eyes towards Skye except for Fitz and Ward. Who were still stuck on the same game they had been playing.

"You can play bullshit after me and Fitz are done." Ward suggested as he pulled out a card from his deck. He carefully slid it towards the pile of growing cards. "Six." Skye just scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"No. Bullshit gets boring too fast and it takes forever just to finish. Besides I'm not in the mood for board games, or cards." She added.

"Then sit there and be bored." He told her flatly. Fitz carefully lowered his card with a huff.

"Seven." He told him. Ward was careful to examine Fitz's expression. Before signing and looking back down at his cards. Skye groaned as she flopped herself back onto the couch.

"I'm BORRRREEEEEDDDDD." She screamed. May let out an exasperated sigh of annoyance as Coulson just turned his head to look at the young recruit.

"Then do something." Ward retorted. Skye side-eyed him and cursed him out in her mind.

"I don't wanna do anything alone. I wanna do like a fun little group activity! Wouldn't that be fun?! Just all of us spending time together instead of just being present in the same damn room." She spat out the last part rather harshly. Simmons beamed at the idea.

"Yeah! That would be fun! Team bonding!" She agreed.

"I think I prefer just being present in the same room." May muttered as she crossed her arms.

"Me too." Ward added. Skye whipped her head around to face Ward. He was watching Fitz carefully and suspiciously lower the card onto the pile.

"Bullshit." Ward called. Fitz snapped his head up to look at the older agent. His eyes were wide in shock.

"Wha?! I'm not that bloody obvious am I?!" Jemma snickered as she put one hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright Fitz. I'm a bad liar too." She comforted. Fitz growled as he flopped his cards on the table.

"Well I quit! I never win these bloody games anyway." He hissed. Jemma chuckled as she gave him a gentle side hug. Ward sighed and plopped his cards down and looked at Fitz.

"If you didn't want to finis..." Ward trailed off. As if it wasn't worth what he wanted to say. Skye snorted as she watched Ward turn his head to look at her.

"Alright miss 'I get my way'," He began as he crossed his arms. "What do you want to do?" Ward cocked an eyebrow expectantly. Skye tilted her head slightly as she thought for a moment. There weren't many things they could do on a moving plane. Though there may be something.

Skye's eyes lit up as a big smile raised near the corner of her mouth.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" She declared as she stood up. Fitz's eyes widened along with Jemma's. Ward jus stared at her as if she was stupid. May was giving her a death stare while Coulson grinned as if he was actually considering the idea.

"What!? No! You'd probably dare us all to jump out of the bloody plane!" Fitz exclaimed. Daisy looked down as if she was offended as she crossed her arms.

"What?! Would not!" Daisy protested. Fitz scoffed.

"Oh you so would you twisted orphan.." He muttered. Skye's mouth gaped open.

"Wha? I'm not twisted! You're just sensitive." She pouted.

"Ohhh. That's not fair. That's just childish." The Scotsman mumbled. Skye went to say something else but a man's stern voice beat her to it.

"Alright alright!" Coulson called over. Skye jerked her head to the side to look at Coulson. May had her arms crossed as she pressed her back into the couch. "Let's just play a few rounds of truth or dare. If it gets too extreme we'll end it. Got it?" He side eyed Skye as if a warning. But she brushed it off and just smiled.


May gave a curt nod.

"Well it was fun sitting in silence while it lasted." May told them, as if it was her own way of bidding them goodbye. She went to push herself up but a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pushed her back down.

"Uh uh. If I'm doing this you're doing this. So sit down." He added. May whipped her head to look at Coulson with a mean stare. She went to argue with him, but he beat her to it. "That's an order." He told her.

May's eyes narrowed as she locked her jaw. Her eyes judged Coulson for a moment before turning back to look at everyone else.

"Alright, who's going first?" She muttered.

Skye didn't hesitate to snap her hand up.

"Me! Me! Me!" She squealed like a child. She was beginning to jump up and down until two strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her down.

"Okay okay. Sit down and go." Ward grumbled. Skye smiled as she bounced up and down on the sofa. Her eyes examined the people around her as she thought of someone to go for. That's when her eyes landed on Ward.

"Ward." She voiced as she stopped bouncing. Ward made stern eye contact with her. "Truth or dare?" Ward slowly straightened up as he thought for a moment.

"Dare." He decided after a moment. Skye grinned wickedly as she thought for a moment. Multiple wicked dares crossed her mind, but she thought they would be too extreme so quickly dismissed them.

After another short pause of thinking, it finally clicked. Skye beamed as she made eye contact with Ward again.

"I dare you to wear underwear on your head for the next two rounds!" She declared. Ward scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Really? Out of all of the dares you chose that one?" He scoffed. Skye just rolled her eyes.

"Aye. All y'all were complaining about not going too extreme. So I'm not. Now go do it." She ordered as she pointed in the direction of his bunk. Ward stared at her for a moment with a judging expression before slowly hauling himself up and walking away.

After a moment of sitting there waiting. The sound of a grumble and stomping awoke the team from their trance of waiting. Their heads all turned in alert as Ward rounded the corner.

His face was hot with embarrassment and he slowly walked towards the team. Fitz pulled his hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. May just rolled her eyes as Coulson Jemma and Skye all busted out laughing.

Skye held her stomach as she pointed with her free hand at the BB8 underwear on his head.

"Oh my... oh my god...." Skye breathed between laughs. Ward just grumbled as he plopped down on the couch beside Skye.

"It was the best I had okay?! All my other underwear is dirty." He explained as he crossed his arms. Skye tried to contain her laughter a little more but failed miserably.

"Hey! I didn't say anything okay? I mean Hey! They're great I love them!" She tried to tell him. Ward just stared at her with such a hated look.

"I'm sure they fit in well with your Princess Leia underwear." She comforted. Which just made Fitz bust out laughing with the rest of them. Even May couldn't help but crack a small smile. Ward growled in annoyance as the laughter around him continued.

"Alright! Alright! Enough!" Ward bellowed as he pouted. The laughter dialed down a little and now only Skye was chuckling. "My turn now." He looked around the room quietly as he narrowed her eyes.

After a moment of looking, her eyes landed on Fitz. A small smirk slowly rose near the corner of his mouth. Though it was hard to take him seriously with underwear standing straight up on his head.

"Fitz?" He questioned after a moment. Fitz straightened himself up next to Jemma who was curled up next to him. "Truth or Dare?" He asked.

Fitz turned to Jemma as if looking for an answer through her. She reluctantly caught on and leaned over to whisper something in his ear. Fitz listened for a moment before his eyes brightened with relief.

Jemma pulled away from her friend and turned to face Ward once again.

"Ehm. Truth." The Scotsman told him. Ward's smirk widened into half a grin.

"How about you tell me the truth about what you were doing last night?" He half mumbled through a wicked smile. Fitz's eyes barley widened as his mouth parted.

"I- wh.. what? Are you"-

"Drop it Fitz. Spill." Ward interrupted. Every eye turned to look at Fitz. Curiosity peaked through May's blank stare. She turned her head to catch a glance of Coulson's curious expression laced with a gentle sternness.

Fitz eyed Jemma for a moment before turning back towards Ward. His lips were curled into a serious frown.

"I was Uhm mahhkhhg ihhht jhhhhahh." He barley even whispered. May furrowed her eyebrows as she rolled her eyes.

"Use your big boy voice Fitz." She coaxed in a snappy tone. Fitz eyes traveled to look at May who stared back expectantly. A way that a mother would look at her child as she holds a shattered piece of a vase in her hand.

Fitz gulped as he lowered his eyes to stare at the floor. He didn't dare meet anyone's eyes. "Me and Jemma were snogging in the closet.." Fitz muttered in a little louder voice. May froze as her eyes widened in shock. Coulson's too. Ward just smirked with pride while Skye snorted in laughter. Jemma lowered her head in shame.

"Really?! Are you serious?!" Skye snickered. Fitz shoved his arms closer towards him.

"Okay! Okay! Yes I snogged Jemma- So what- it's not surprising. I've heard you two whispering about us!" He pointed at Skye and Ward.

"No. It's not surprising, I just never thought you'd make your move!" Skye teased. Earning an eye roll from May. Fitz but his lip in offense.

"Well I did! Moving on. Sir?" He asked as he whipped his head to look at him. Coulson eyed Fitz before straightening his back up. He kept his arm hanging lazily around May's shoulders.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"Truth or Dare?" Fitz asked hurriedly. As if trying to scurry out of the new buzz of him and Jemma's relationship news.

Coulson tipped his head to the side and thought for a moment. His eyes stared at the wall of the plane.

"Mmmm... dare." He decided after a moment. He felt May's shoulders relax in his grasp and she eased back into the couch.

Fitz thought for a moment, trying to figure out the best date for his boss. Simmons was looking at him excitedly, ready to hear what she might've assumed was an amazing silly little dare.

"I dare you.." The Scotsman began. "To... Let May send one text to whoever she wants on your phone!" He declared. If it was one person he could count on to pull a good prank, it was May.

He had experienced first hand himself. Coulson's eyes widened as he turned to look down at May. Who just crossed her arms. She turned to give him a amused grin.

"Wait- not her- Anyone else!" He begged. Fitz grinned, obviously happy he made a perfect choice.

May simply unfolded her arm to hold out her hand. She curled her fingers to gesture him to give it to her.

Coulson grumbled as he reluctantly shifted on the couch. He pulled his phone out from his back pocket and plopped it straight in her hands. May grinned as her fingers wrapped around the edges of the phone.

She brought it up to her face and quickly typed in the passcode. Skye and Jemma were practically at the edge of their seats, big grins were plastered on their excited faces.

Ward just sat there with his arms crossed, the underwear still resting on his head.

May's fingers danced around the screen. Coulson tried to lean over and see who she was texting, but May quickly turned to the side to hide her message.

"Melindaaaaa.." He groaned. His tone was thick with anxiety and annoyance.

"Shhhh." She hushed him. After another moment, May proudly clicked the send button. The damage had been done.

Coulson snatched his phone away from May's grasp and stared down at the message. His heart dropped and his skin went cold.

"YOU SENT IT TO FURY?!" Coulson bellowed. He dropped the phone in his lap, his hands covered his face.

Fitz leaned closer, a small laugh was coming from the younger team members.

"What'd she say?" Skye asked through a couple chuckles. Coulson groaned as he picked the phone back up.

"Hey one eye magic man.. I just wanted you to know you're like the boyfriend I never had.. love you bunches S.O.! Melinda says hi as well." He recited the message. Coulson cringed at the sound of it. Skye  spat out a cackle of laughter. Jemma and Ward followed, doubling over and clutching their stomachs.

May just sat there with a triumphant smile.

"Oh my god.. May.." He groaned.

"That's what you get." She gently elbowed him in the arm. "For doing that to me. Paybacks a bitch ain't it?" She teased. Skye smiled at how playful May was being. She preferred her over May's other self any day.

A soft ring rang through the room, silencing most of the team members. Coulson looked back down at his phone, his eyes widened in terror and shock.

"HE TEXTED BACK!" He screeched.

The rest of the game was crazy. Fitz ended up with his hands in a tub of ice cream. Jemma had her hair knotted up. Ward had taken off his underpants of shame and was now replaced with one of Skye's bathing suit bottoms.

Coulson was still whimpering over Fury's text and had chosen truth every time. May however, had gone untouched, which she seemed perfectly fine with.

No one seemed to notice except Skye, who had a huge problem with it.

So on her next turn, after Jemma had asked her a very boring truth question, she was ready to ask May.

"Hmmm..." Skye hummed, looking around at everyone. She laid her eyes on her victim, her lips stretched as they raised into a sly smile. "May."

May turned to look at her. Her lips were relaxed and her eyes were dull. Which gave Skye a certain shiver she did not like. "Truth or Dare?" She gulped.

May paused before answering, if she was thinking she sure wasn't showing it.

"Truth." She settled. Skye's heart dropped in disappointment. She had thought May was going to choose dare which would've been really fun.

Skye thought for a moment, her eyes narrowed as she analyzed May. It wasn't long until she thought of the perfect Truth. Even worse than any dare she could've said.

"Tell all of us.." She began. "Your body count, leave no one out." She grinned. May raised an eyebrow at the personal question. A look of regret flashed through her eyes.

The team mates around her all perked up, especially Coulson. Skye smiled at her victorious truth, May hated personal questions, so gradually, that's what she got.

"Skye- out of all of the Truths.." She let out an exasperated sigh.

"No time for dilly dally! Spill!" She ordered. May gave her a dangerous glare, which made Skye shut her mouth.

May rolled her eyes, pushing herself farther into the couch. "Uhh I think it's at about... ten?" She guessed. Skye's eyes widened at the large amount.

"WHAT?" Jemma cried. Her eyes widened. Fitz and Ward just gaped along with Coulson. May looked around with a helpless shrug.

"I went through men like paper towels. No one stuck." She explained. Skye smiled, dying to know more.

"Spill their names!" She ordered. May turned to look at Skye, her eyebrows narrowed.

"What? Why?" Skye shrugged.

"Why not?" May's lips curled into a annoyed frown but she didn't decline.

"My first was this guy named Trey in highschool, the year after that was Andy, then in the academy Cameron, Drew, Quill, and Sam, some civilians, Leo, Drey, and Andrew." She counted. Coulson turned to look at her, completely shocked.

"Quill?! As in Quill Barrack?! He was my studying buddy!" Coulson exclaimed, completely shocked at the news. May rolled her eyes.

"How do you think we met?" She retorted. Coulson's mouth gaped open, hurt washed over his expression.

"Is that why you finally started coming to our study sessions?!" He pouted.

"No! I needed to study I was failing!" Coulson turned away, he still wasn't convinced. Skye was too busy counting in her head to notice their bickering.

"Nine!" She announced. Everyone turned towards her. Ward cocked his eyebrow and Jemma just stared at her like she was crazy.

"What?" Coulson asked once nobody else did.

"That was only nine people. Who was the tenth?" May thought for a moment, a puzzled look was clear on her face. She counted on her fingers before turning to look at Skye. Her eyes widened as it finally came to her.

"Oh yeah I remember." May told her. She looked around awkwardly, giving Skye a new surge of excitement.

"Oooh! Tell us!" She begged.

"I'm quite curious too!" Jemma added.

"Go on. Tell us!" Fitz joined in.

May pressed her lips into a thin line as she looked across the young agents.

"Uh.. well.." She began. She turned to look at Coulson, who just stared back innocently. "I.. uh.. I've slept with Coulson before.." She told them.

Skye immediately stood up. "WHAAAAAAT?! WHEN?! WHY?! WHERE?! HOWWWW!!" She squealed. Jemma joined her, practically fan-girling over the news.

Coulson had to think for a moment, before finally realizing what she meant.

"Ohhh yeah! That mission." He recalled. His cheeks burned hot with embarrassment. May scoffed, rolling her eyes and turning to look at Skye.

"We were young, and we didn't know eachother well. Besides this dumbass couldn't even take off a bra right." She teased, nudging Coulson with her forearm.

"YOU- A- A- ND HER- AND HER- HAD— DID- WHAT- OH MY GoD.." Skye fell back dramatically onto the couch. Her hand fell over her forehead, as if to act out she had fainted.

This was officially her favorite game of Truth or Dare. Ever...

After May's confession they went on for another few rounds, before finally giving up. They stopped after Coulson's turn, which was yet again, another truth.

Everyone turned in for the night. Jemma and Fitz were back in the closet, Skye and Ward were talking downstairs as they trained, and May and Coulson..


Use your imagination..


I don't know where this was going, Maybe I'm not good with fun-

Drama is pretty cool too, so- 👍🙂

I literally started this like five years ago- and just finished it- you can tell because my writing gradually gets worse towards the end 😂


I'm just happy to get this one off the list.

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