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By FictionalWorldz

43.2K 814 107

๐ŸŽต๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™๐™š๐™–๐™ก ๐™ข๐™š, ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™›๐™š๐™š๐™ก ๐™ข๐™š๐ŸŽต After experiencing the worst loss imagina... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors note

Chapter 19

1.1K 28 0
By FictionalWorldz

Stiles opened the door to his fathers office, alex and Lydia walking in behind him, being followed by Noah stilinski as stiles continued to explain their new theory.

Whilst they had been off using Alex's fake corpse to try and find the benefactor the day prior, Lydia had discover some pretty crazy information about her own family.

As for Malia, she visited stiles briefly last night, filling him in on her day with her "father". Trying to figure out more about who her real mother was.

Alex was being eaten with guilt, she knew she should have told malia the truth but after leaving for so long she didn't want to come back and ruin what they thought was a well thought out plan. Nevertheless, she wished she'd have just a second to speak with the coyote. All be it Alex was only getting to know malia but she was growing it like her, she liked her honestly and her attitude. Sometimes she saw herself in her.

Alex forced herself out of her own thoughts remembering that this was an extremely important conversation

"She might be helping The Benefactor." Lydia told Noah

"Or is The Benefactor." Stiles added

"That sounds like a story worth hearing" Noah nodded

He walked to the door, glancing out before he shut it. Making sure it was only those four who heard of this conversation. Her whirled back round to the teenagers and got ready to hear the reasons behind their assumptions

"When did it start?" He asked

The three of them glanced at each other, trying to think back to the beginning

"Oh!" Alex perked up, grabbing everyones attention "around the time parish got us in to see Meredith" she remembered

Noah sighed "I better get him in here then" he walked back to the door, opening it only enough to look out and check for the deputy needed

"Anybody seen Parrish?" He asked the open room

"Haigh?" He asked the closest deputy

Haigh looked up from his laptop screen "Haven't seen him" he shook

Noah nodded, walking back into his office. Shooting the door forcefully

"It's fine" Alex shrugged "we can do it without him, besides we know more about these things then he does"

"She's right" Stiles nodded

Just as the they were about to begin explaining their theory they had managed to come up, they were interrupted by the gunshots that had come from the room on the other side of the glass.

The bullets hadn't even ricochet the glass before Stiles pulled Alex to the ground, burying her head with his arms. By the second gunshot Lydia had joined them

Noah flung open the door, only getting a chance to see two of his deputies in a brawl. One of them looking as though they walked the fiery pits of hell.

A third gunshot echoed through the station, a grunt came from the sheriff has he landed on the ground. The bullet imbedded in his shoulder

"Stiles your dad" Alex pointed

Stiles looked over as seen the blood seeping through his fathers uniform, unguarding himself from his girlfriend he rushed to his dads side.

Alex checked on the banshee, seeing she was okay she took a crouched position besides Stiles, about to take Noah's hand to help his wound, Stiles grabbed her arm, stopping her from doing so

She looked at him with furrowed brows "what are you doing?" She asked

"Im not letting you do that, not after yesterday" he shook his head

Using his uninjured arm, Noah waved his hand "you don't need to, I'll be okay" he reassured the girl, knowing that basics of yesterday's plans and what stiles had filled him in last night. He too agreed that she needed the break from healing


Noah was rushed to hospital soon after being shot. Alex was sitting outside the room, hoping all was okay.

She wasn't expecting to see this place so soon after yesterday, after waking up she was forced to have tests taken. After all, she did come back from the dead.

All she could think about was how she felt when she woke up, she was suppose to be happy, happy to be alive but all she felt was disappointment. Disappointment that she couldn't dream for longer, disappointment that she has woken up. She never really expected to come out of it alive and what scared her the most was how okay with it she was.

Right now she couldn't think of that, not when stiles dad was in a hospital bed. Right now she had to be there for him.

Alex stood from her chair as the hospital door opened "is he okay?"  She asked

Stiles nodded "yeah, the morphine's kicked in. It just sucks, we really didn't need any more bills"

Alex took her boyfriend's hands, looking up to his hazel eyes. They were slightly puffy from the few tears he'd allowed himself to shed "let me help" she offered "I can ask my dad and that way you and your dad don't have to worry, he can always pay it back"

Stiles shook his head not daring to let the suggestion ponder in his mind. He refused to take a hand out from his girlfriend, he loved and appreciated her but this was too much

"no way Alex, I'm sorry I love you and I love your willingness but I can't take your money. My dad wont take it"

"I just hate to see you struggle" she frowned "but I also know that things will work out, and my offer is always there"

Stiles brought his hand to Alex's cheek, holding it softly "did I ever tell you just how much I love you?" He asked

Alex smiled "I don't think"

"I love you so so much, i don't know what id do without you."

Alex wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, stiles rapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her body to his and she let her head on his chest.


Stiles didn't get to spend long in the hospital before he and Alex were called off to help. Lydia had explained everything to Derek and Scott, showing them the code she had found from her grandmother.

She had called stiles and Alex for help, she wanted to try and break the last key.

Alex told stiles to go, while she made a detour to a certain loft.

"Is this gonna become a regular thing?" Derek asked, welcoming the girl in.

"You aren't healing" Alex noticed, she held up hand which had some blood on it "and you would have smelt me from a mile off so why the surprised look when I showed up"

Alex wiped her hand, she grabbed the gun from his bed "what's happening Derek"

"Is that why you're here?" He raised a brow.

"What's happening?" Alex repeated

"Everything's gone, my senses. They're all gone" he confessed.

"What!" Her voice raised, "you're not a werewolf anymore?"

"Whatever Kate did, it's still effecting me" he shrugged

"Do you realise how dangerous this is?" Alex crossed her arms, "do you even know how to use this"

"Braedan has been helping me" he mentioned.

"The same girl who's been trying to find Kate?" Alex raised a brow.

"She's been staying here. Making sure her profit doesn't die" Derek said.

"Mmm" Alex nodded, "is that all?" She teased

Derek rolled his eyes "are we done here?"

"Absolutely not" Alex shook her head, "I just so happen to have some time, you Derek hale are getting the argent 101 training"

Derek scoffed "that's a bit ironic."

"Ironic or not, I can teach you a few things because regardless of what I can do a bullet is still a threat to me and you now. So you need to learn how to dodge one and how to shoot one" Alex explained, keeping her eyes on Derek she shot the boxing bag in the corner, not missing once.

"It's a fun talent" she shrugged

"You scare me sometimes" he admitted.

"Good" she grinned, "first lesson, you gotta keep your heart rate under control at all times. If Kate can hear your fear she'll use it, you have to show confidence. Show no fear, even if it terrifies you"

"I know how to keep my heart rate I control" Derek deadpanned.

Alex tackled Derek, holding a knife against his neck. She felt his pulse with her free hand "I scared you"

"You too me by surprise" he grunted, the knife still to his neck.

"Well come on pretty boy, fight back"

"I'm not going to fight you"

Alex rolled her eyes "oh please, save the nice guy acts for your girlfriend. You need to learn, so try and get yourself free"

"There's a knife to my throat, it's impossible"

"Nothings impossible Derek. Think"

Derek grabbed Alex's arm, he pulled it in the wrong direction which would have only made her life easier.

"Okay, I'll show you" Alex said, she handed the knife to Derek.

"Where did you even get this"

"I always have one" she shrugged, "guns are too loud"

Derek shook his head, "let's get this over with"

"Wrap you arm around my neck, keep the knife to it" she explained, she took his arms and showed him.

"Don't feel awkward okay, this is a simple task. Keep your feelings out of it, I'm not your friend right now. I'm your predator"

Derek nodded.

"Okay, you wanna grab their arm. Pull it down this way, but make sure you keep it straight keep that knife away, pull your head out this way and then stab them in the side. If you can throw a kick in, when you're stabbed you don't realise it for a minute" Alex explained, showing him how.

"I've been stabbed you know" Derek reminded her.

"You've been stabbed as a wolf, the second you removed that knife you heal. As a human, you'll bleed out" Alex explained.

Alex held the knife to his neck "show me"

They tried it a few times, Derek moved quicker each time. After the 4th try he managed to go it perfectly, a part him felt proud that he was learning.

"Good, you're a quick learner"

"Are we done?"

"No" Alex chuckled, "Derek this is serious, you've lived your whole life with a special advantage. You need to unlearn your body, remember that your reflex is your best friend"

"Why are you doing all this?"

"Because, believe it or not I care about you and I'd much prefer if you lived when we find Kate. Plus it distracts me" Alex added

"And why do you need distracting?"

"I'm worth 30 million on a deadpool, in the last two weeks I've almost died twice and I'm pretty much numb to everything else" Alex explained, shrugging at the end.


Alex sighed, pulling her hair back "yes Derek. Numb, feelings are void. That's what's happens when your life it worth more than you could ever imagine and half your family is 6 feet under."

"Alex, are you okay?"

Alex managed to tackle him again, "never get distracted. You make it so easy"

Derek grabbed her, he flipped her around. Landing over her. A knife now against her neck "what's next"

Alex raised a brow, she kneed him in the crotch and grabbed the knife by the blade. She threw it in the air and pinned Derek down, she caught the knife and stabbed it into the ground "you're cocky, don't be cocky. It will get you nowhere"

"You said be confident"

"Confident is showing you aren't scared, it's standing in front of a loaded gun and pretending you aren't terrified of the bullet, being cocky is acting like the bullet can't kill you" Alex explained.

"You know your way around a knife" Derek acknowledged.

"Some of that was Kate. Most of it was my mom, she preferred them over guns" Alex admitted. She stood up and helped Derek off the ground.

"But you can still use a gun?"

"I'm smart, you gotta know your way around any weapon to survive in this world" Alex shrugged.

"When did you learn all this?" Derek asked.

"When I was in France after my mom died, I wanted to learn to fight for me not for wolves. So dad thought me, and I just add onto it."

"Anything else?"

"Always grab the blade. When that noose was around my neck, all I kept thinking was; my hands will heal or they'll scar but I can live that. My neck however, I can't really live without. Now it stings like a bitch and if it's a knife it will cut deep but it's better than dying"

Dereks door slid open, Lydia and stiles rushed in "we have news"

"It's bad" Alex sighed. Taking the paper from Lydia. Alex being a quick reader has nearly made it to the end, her eyes stopped as she reached her name. Reading her name, she moved her eyes towards the price.

Her breath hitched as she read the new number that laid beside her name

Alexandra argent ~ 35

She gulped "35 million dollars.. I'm now worth 35 million dollars"

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