Kamen rider x BNHA: Heisei ri...

By LeonShido

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In the world of Heroes meet 3 Quirk less individuals who have the power of the Kamen Riders and show them the... More

Chapter 1: Kamen rider strike again
Chapter 2: Meeting the family
Chapter 3: Invitaion to UA high
Chapter 4: UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 5: Beginning of UA
Chapter 6: Combat Training
Chapter 7: Class Representative and USJ part 1
Chapter 8: UJS Part 2
Chapter 9: USJ Part Final
Chapter 10: UA sports festival part 1 obstacle race
Chapter 11 part 2: Let's clear this Cavalry Battle with no continue
Chapter 12 part 3: A Specter in the Tournament
Chapter 13: Rock vs Robot
Chapter 14: Mach vs Engine and The Exploder vs The Destroyer
Chapter 15: Tournament semi final
Chapter 16: Overlord vs Overlord, Brother vs Brother. The Battle of Dark Riders
Chapter 17: Hero names and Internships
Chapter 18: Hosu attack and encounter the Hero Killer
Chapter 19: The Aftermath
Chapter 20: Final Exam Students vs Teachers
Chapter 21: The Final Exam Begins
Chapter 22: The Battle Against The No.1 Hero
Chapter 23: Exam Results and Shopping
Chapter 24: The Pool and The Invitation
Two Heroes
Chapter 25: The Training Camp Begins With Time
Chapter 26: Day Two
Chapter 26: The Night Againts the Onies.
Chapter 27: Rescue By Sneaking
Chapter 28: Confront To The Extremer
Chapter 29: The Infinite Potential Of People
Chapter 30: The Choice Of The Story.
Chapter 31: A Trip Back Home
Chapter 32: Regaining The Faith/Trust Of Heroes
Halloween Special: Ghosts In The Woods
Chapter 34: Clash Of Trust From One's Past
Chapter 35: What Is A Kamen Rider? Part 1

Chapter 33: Moving to the Dorms

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By LeonShido

The next few days started like many others before all of the students from class A started to walk to their new life at their school. On the ground of UA there's the student dorm that is built in three days called the Height Alliance, a place all of the students of UA will be for the rest of their school years. The students of class A are now at the entrance of the dorm house where they will be staying with Aizawa standing with them.

Aizawa: For now, I'm just glad that we were able to bring Class 1-A back together again.

Sero: Everyone was allowed to enter the dorms, huh?

Hagakure: *sigh* I had a hard time with my parents!

Jirou: I was pretty concerned about mine.

Ojiro: Make sense since the two of you were directly affected by the gas.

Tsuyu: We were all able to be together again because of the teachers. When I watched the press confess. I thought we would lose them, and it made me sad.

Uraraka: (nodded) Yeah.

Aizawa: I was surprised, too. Well I'm sure everyone has different circumstances. [For the most part, rather than trying to convince them it was more like we let them go free and then grabbed their tails.] Now, I'll explain briefly about the dorms, but first-- For now we will focus on getting the provisional licenses we were planning to have you get during the training camp.

Sato: Oh yeah, they did talk about that!

Ashido: So much has happened that it totally slipped my mind.

Aizawa: This is important. Listen up.

Aizawa looked at five particular people who are the one that needed to be called out and he also looked at the trio too, but he dismissed it and only focused on these five that he is calling out right now.

Aizawa: Kirishima. Yaoyorozu. Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. These five went to save Bakugo that night.

Tsuyu: (scared) Ribbit...

The rest of the students started to act nervously and scared that their teacher found out about the secret mission and scared of what he was about to say next. Aizawa took a quick glance at all of the students' faces to check to see if he was right.

Aizawa: Judging by your reactions it tells me that you all were at least aware of their plan. I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this: If it weren't for All Might's retirement, I would've expelled everyone except Bakugo, Jirou, and Hagakure. Of course the five that went, but also the filthen of you who knew but didn't stop them betrayed our trust, no matter what the reason. I would be grateful if you could follow the proper procedures I mean to the letter and act properly in order to regain that trust.

Kenichi: [Yeah, like obeying every order and laws can make a difference or work out in the end for heroes or for the world in general, but who am I to judge.]

Aizawa: That is all. (turn around) Now, we're going inside. Let's have some energy!

Class A: [No, wait, how are we supposed to do that right now...?]

Naomi: (whisper) After you literally threaten the entire class about expulsion and now you turn a 180 and say re-energize? How are they supposed to get some energy from that? Jeez, you dumb depressing edgy man. (shake head)

Yuuto: I wonder how every student that was in his class years ago handled this kind of teaching management? I bet they never sent a complaint to the school about it because they think he's such a "great character".

Naomi: Hey, don't say that, at least have respect and appreciate him for defending you on TV about the public theory that you might turn to the villain side. You also kinda act like Rin for a second there.

Yuuto: Yeah, I give him credit for that but the rest not so much.

The entire class started being depressed and looked down from what Aizawa had said so there was nothing but silence between them. No one is talking or doing anything about this atmosphere, it's only getting worse with every second ticking. The trio were unaffected by it so they moved on about it and started walking past them without them even paying attention.

Bakugo: Come here.

Kaminari: Huh? What? No!

While they were walk away Bakugo come in and dragged Kaminari behind the bush and then a sound of electricity can be heard and radiate out and then what comes out of is a dumb face Kaminari that said.

Kaminari: Yay~.

Which caused some of the students to burst out laughing at his pathetic state, specifically Jirou.

Sero: What? What did Bakugo do to you....?

Bakugo walks up to Kirishima and gives him some cash (that was not stolen by the way), but it was his own money so he just gives it to him and start walking to the building with everyone else blowing off some steams by laughing at Dumb Kaminari. After all that was done the class went inside the building that they will be staying at, the place is a wide open space with tables, kitchen, sofa and a TV with it.

Aizawa: Each student dorm building holds one class. Girls on the right, and boys on the left. But the first floor is the common area. Food, baths and laundry are on this floor.

The students are all amazed by what they see as a whole new world to some of them even though it doesn't look that amazing or unique.

Sero: There's even a courtyard!

Ashido: So spacious! So clean! And a sofa!

Uraraka: I'm living in a mansion! (falls down)

Iida: Uraraka-kun!

Mineta: Did my ears deceive me? Baths and laundry are in the common space? (sallow) Is this heaven?

Aizawa: They're separated by gender and you'll behave yourself.

Mineta: Yes, sir.

Aizawa: Room starts on the second floor. There are four rooms per gender on each floor with five floors total. Everyone gets their own room. They're luxurious spaces equipped with their own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets.

Midoriya: There's even a balcony! Wow!

Yaoyorozu: This is about the same size as my closet at home, but I'll manage.

Uraraka: It the size of my house! (falls down)

Iida: Uraraka-kun!

Aizawa: (show map) These are your rooms. The belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your rooms, so unpack and settle in today. I'll tell you more about what will happen from now on tomorrow. That's all. Class dismissed!

Class A: Hai, sensei!

After that expedition the class then starts unpacking their belongings and decorating each of their rooms to be like what their home was. The unpacking cost the sun to fall into the night. Everyone (mostly boys) was exhausted through the procedure and are now resting at the sofa until it is time for them to go to slumber.

The girls start approaching to check up with the boys and then ask them about an idea that they had been discussing, which is a room presentation contest. This causes some of the boys to be shocked and scared because they don't want anybody to look at their embarrassing things inside. The girls then start taking a look at some of the boys rooms without their consent which first is Midoriya that have hundreds of All Might figures, Tokoyami have a dark room with tons of edgy souvenirs, Aoyama with a disco ball and shinny stuff shows what a queer he is, and finally is Mineta which we will never see any of it in the light of day.

Then some others too but after the girls take a look at their rooms this causes a displeasure to the boys because the girls just went to their rooms without consent picking on them and judging it like their entertainment. So Mineta (of all people) stepped in and said that the girls should also be included for this room competition, and so they all agreed. Which begins the best taste contest getting those who are completely uninterested involved as well. (Just so they could be relevant to the eyes of people that didn't know about them.)

Ashido: Um, okay, so we'll be deciding who has the best taste in interior decoration in the class, or who's the Room King!

Jirou: Room King?

Ojiro: We don't have to decide anything like that...

Ashido: Nope, it's already decided so let's go to the rest of the boys room!

The rest of the class spend a lot of time looking and reviewing each of their peers' rooms from a simple look to a colorful one and to a traditional Japanese room. At the end of the contest they vote for the best room of all and the one to receive it is none other than Sato because as they say: "sweets will always attract the sweetness of women's desires." After a bit of "outrage" one of the students started to remember something.

Sero: Wait a minute I felt like we were missing somebody here except for Tsuyu and Bakugo.

Jirou: Really, who are we missing?

Uraraka: Oh yeah, where are Yoshiko, Mitsuo, and Hiroyuki? I never saw them in the building at all for the whole day.

Then they hear the noise of the door open and look to see the trio has arrived carrying plastic bags filled with food. The trio look at them in a confusing look in their faces wondering why all of them gather around the living room

Naomi: Oh, did we miss something here?

Yuuto: Is this some kind of ritual that the whole class needs to gather?

Kirishima: Where were you guys the whole time that we were setting up the rooms?

Yuuto: Well after we moved our house here, we spent some time cooking a feast at our house and brought it here so that we could all eat together as a class since you guys are exhausted from moving your stuff here at the dorm.

Class A: Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.

Kaminari: Wait..... wait just a moment! You guys said "your house"?

Naomi: Oh yeah, why don't you all come out and see this amazing view.

As the whole class walked outside to the side of the dorms and to their surprise they saw a large house that is right next to their living places.

Class A: What the....?! You brought your entire house to this school?!!

Yuuto: Yeah.

Kaminari: But how?!

Midoriya: I never saw a house that was next to the dorm when we arrived?!

Uraraka: And you brought it here just today?!!

Naomi: Pretty much.

Mineta: How the hell can you guys bring a whole house to the school?!!!

Kaminari: That's literally impossible in just ONE day! And how the hell you guys can bring everything here in one swoop without making a noise?! You guys must have someone with a ridiculous quirk to do that!

Yuuto: Well....


Back when after class hear Aizawa warning, the trio slipped by and went to the side of the dorm so that they couldn't be seen by anyone.

Naomi: Okay, we are clear they should not be able to see us from here.

Kenichi: Well they're still laughing at the Dumbnari-kun so I don't think we should worry about that.

Yuuto: Okay, let me move the house here then.

Yuuto then extends his arm forward then a gray portal wall suddenly appears and with one swipe of his hand the portal wall then slides from one side to the other. During the process a house comes out of the back end of the portal and reveals their house, but there's a difference is that the look of it drastically changes to a more bigger modern house.

(End Flashback)

Yuuto: ....Magic... I guess....

Kaminari/Mineta: You don't just say it's MAGIC and think it's normal for you!!!

Kenichi: Hey, this world is filled with supernatural power and so much weirdness so anything can happen here, right?

Kaminari/Mineta: Oh..... you have a fair point....

Kenichi: [Wow, they are idiots for buying that so easily. Wonder why Mineta ranks high in the midterm?]

Iida: But Aizawa-sensei told us that we should be living in the dorms together, not separate from each other. So why did you bring your house here? Did Aizawa-sensei know about this?

Kenichi: Well we did ask Aizawa permission about this back when he came to us on the dorms news and he agreed. Besides, there's nothing saying in the mail that you can't bring your house here so it's not against the rules or anything, right?

Iida: Well... I...

Naomi: Besides we have a ton of stuff in the house that we can't even fit in the dorm room even if we have three rooms for each of us.

Ojiro: Just how much stuff you guys have in there that you need to bring your entire house here?

Kirishima: Aizawa-sensei said we don't have to bring everything from our house, just the "important" stuff.

Yuuto: So you see this house of ours IS important, but that doesn't matter now. You guys are welcome to come inside to see if you want or not. We can do it later tomorrow night.

Class A: [Oh we sure want to now!]

Ashido: I want to see inside! [Now I get to see the rest of the most handsome boys house]

Hagakure: [A chance to get to see their private life personally! I'm so excited!]

Uraraka: Yeah, this is the first time we get to see our classmates' own house.

Mineta: (whisper) I wonder if there's anything that I can fish inside? (drooling)

So they all went inside the house and what they see surprises them that there's multiple tables and a long counter table. The whole place makes them feel like they step into a coffee shop that they conveniently come across.

Hagakure: Woah! It looks like a Café here.

Naomi: That's because it is.

Yaoyorozu: Wait, so does that mean that you three have your own cafe?

Kenichi: Yeah, we built this whole place from scratch. It took a few years but we managed to make it happen through tons of hard work.

Iida: Surely this house was from your relatives right? Because I find it unbelievable that you three able got this house for yourself that does not belong to you parents at all, and without their help at that.

Yuuto: What we are telling you is the truth, this house does not belong to any of my, Naomi and Kenichi families. We found this house on our own after... a bit of "struggle", and we remodeled the entire place from absolutely nothing.

That surprises them to see that their own classmates own a Cafe that they made themselves and not only that they are still in their teenage years. Now they realize why they always leave class the moment the bell rings because they have their own job that they need to attend. Most of them thought that they went home to help their parents or attend some places.

Uraraka: Wow. (They work so hard to build their own business. That's amazing! I wish I can do that for my parents.)

Naomi: Sadly we have to close now since we have to live here on the campus for the next few years, obviously. Maybe I can set up this place as a dessert shop for the cafeteria...

Yuuto: Also that we're not the only ones in this house. Hey guys! Why don't you come down and introduce yourself to our classmates?

Then the class started to see four people come down from the stairs, one was sliding down like a cool kid. Then the rest just walk down like a normal person and come face to face with the students. Class A was shocked to see that not only were there people in their classmates house but they were adult people with a unique look to them.

Parad: Hey yo, what's up everybody! So you guys are the new future heroes am I right? Names Parad.

Izu: (Deep bow) Nice to meet you. I presume that you are all UA students from class 1A of the hero course. My name is Izu.

Iida: (whisper) She has the same first letter name as you Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah, she does. What a coincidence.

Woz: Nice to see people such as yourself befriending Waga Maou.

Class A: Waga... Maou?

Yuuto: Don't mind about that. (whisper) Woz don't say that in front of them they're gonna ask questions?

Woz: (small bow) My apologies, Yuuto-sama.

Yuuto: Also don't use "sama". I don't like hearing that.

Woz: Again my apologies.

Naomi: Where's Ankh?

Parad: He said he doesn't want to meet with pathetic kids like them.

Kaminari: Ouch, why do I feel hurt without even meeting this guy?

Hagakure: So there's people like your parents or something they don't look like one to me?

Kenichi: Well you're right, these people are not our parents it should be obvious because they don't even look that old as a parent.

Iida: Are they your guardians perhaps?

Naomi: Yeah, you can say that. They have been with us for about 3-5 years now.

Kirishima: 3-5 years? That's not very long for a guardian.

Yuuto: We have some "circumstances" back then so pay no mind to it. We don't want to bring up something that is not necessary.

Kirishima: Oh, okay then.

Kenichi: Why don't we have some talk with each other while we eat the food that we made for all of you? We even make food from our menu free of charge.

Class A: Really?

Naomi: Really, you guys must have been tired from all the unpacking stuff so why don't we get some energy back?

Class A: That sounds amazing! Thank you very much!

Naomi: That's fine. Say where's Bakugo and Tsuyu? They still doing something back at the dorm?

Uraraka: Oh, Tsu is still in her room and Bakugo just went to sleep early.

Naomi: For Bakugo that's obvious to know, but Tsuyu? What happened to her to go to sleep early?

Uraraka: Well she said that she was kinda not feeling well so she tooke a rest for the whole night.

Naomi: Hmm, alright then I might make something for her to get better then. For now let's dig in.

Class A: Right! Itadakimatsu!

The class then starts to go to their tables and start eating the food that the trio made and joked around here and there. Izu then brings some drinks to the girls table and when she is there the girls want to ask her something.

Ashido: So hey Izu-chan, how did you guys meet each other for the first time?

Yaoyorozu: I'm curious a bit too.

Izu: Well we all came one at a time so the first one was Ankh. He's quite bashful and arrogant to them as they describe it to me. He even tries to attack them due to his greedy personality.

Jirou: Really?

Izu: Due his origin

Izu: Parad came after him a few months later and he was acting very playful and wanted them especially Yuuto to play with him on his games.

Hagakuge: Games, I really like games. What kind did he want them to do?

Izu: Well it's about a battle royal to the death.

Those words cause some silence about the girls and shivers when hearing Izu saying it so casually.

Uraraka: (shiver) To... the death...?!

Asui: Yes, that is very scary.

Jirou: What, that's crazy! And why do they fight in the first place?!

Izu: It's quite complicated but I make it simple... it's just that Parad at first refuses to see Yuuto-san as the person he once was with.

Ashido: Who was that person?

Izu: He was a doctor... that never stopped continuing his work. Always try to bring a smile to those patients he cured.

Asui: Wow, he must be a great guy.

Yaoyorozu: That must have been very tough for him.

Izu: Yes, it was, but Yuuto-san was able to bested him in his own game... barely.

Asui: So how do you meet them?

Izu: My encounter with them is when I was assigned by my guide to be their assistant.

Yaoyorozu: Assistant, that's all you do?

Izu: Yes, even if Yuuto-san and the others never were like my previous president that I used to work with, but it is their will to keep doing the right thing that makes me respect them and that is the reason why I walk with them now.

Uraraka: That's very admirable. Kinda like how Deku.... inspired me.

Ashido: What was that~?

Uraraka: It's nothing.

Izu: I also have... a twin that was with me when I first met Yuuto-san.

Yaoyorozu: Really, where is she now? Is she in this house sleeping perhaps?

Izu: No, she is with someone else and I don't know what she's doing now.

Ashido: That's a bummer. I hope she is okay out there.

Izu: Yes, I'm sure that she will be.

Naomi: So what have you guys been talking about this whole time?

Hagakure: Oh you know just some question about how you came to meet with these guys.

Asui: And some of it she tells that you've been through some fighting.

Naomi: Yeah, it's quite complicated back then.

After that they finish their nice dinner meal with each other, they regain their energy back and start to feel more relaxed. One good sleep on their beds should seal the deal for them. That is until Mineta decided to try to sneak in the shadow to try to look for secrets in this house.

Mineta: [If they have this big of a house they must have some big secrets hidden here]

They see Mineta trying to sneak around at the closets and drawers to see if there's any "secrets" that he can find and also try to smell some places.

Naomi: *sigh* That kid sure keeps looking for "treasures".

Kenichi: Till to this day I keep wondering how the school and the teacher put up with this kind of behavior in general. The people there are either lazy, ignorant or they just braindead about these things.

Naomi: I also wonder why we didn't try to reprimands him for his behavior?

Kenichi: Maybe it's because it's not our problem really.

Yuuto: Well we could do something about it right now, but don't know what.

Naomi: I think I have an idea about cruising his hopes and dreams into pieces, but I need you permission.

Yuuto: As long as it stops whatever this behavior he's doing here, fine.

Naomi: Okay then. You know if you just ask then we can show you some pictures that we have.

Mineta: (froze) Uh... what?

Yuuto: You're not gonna show them the pictures right?

Naomi: Hey, it's been stuck in our basement for so long that it's bound to come back up again.

Yuuto: Isn't this a situation that always happens in manga and anime?

Naomi: (smile) I don't know~. Say why don't you guys come down with us to see more of what we have here.

Kaminari: Wait, you have a basement in this house?! I thought this house was big enough for all of you.

Kenichi: Well the basement is where we keep our... "stashes" you would say.

Todoroki: What kind of stashes do you have down there?

Yuuto: Well it's just....

Right next to the stairs that leads up there is a bulkhead door that will lead to the underground of the house. Then they all slowly went down to the basement and they were shocked to see an incredible amount of stuff that they never saw before. Ranging from small books, hanging swords, stamps, rings and many many more down the line.

Naomi: You know if you just ask then we can show you some pictures that we have.

Mineta: Uh... what?

Yuuto: You're not gonna show them the pictures right?

Naomi: Hey, it's been stored in our basement for so long that it's bound to come back up again.

Yuuto: Isn't this a situation that always happens in manga and anime?

Naomi: (smile) I don't know~. Say why don't you guys come down with us to see more of what we have here.

Kaminari: Wait, you have a basement in this house? I thought this house was big enough for all of you.

Kenichi: Well the basement is where we keep our... "stashes" you would say.

Todoroki: What kind of stashes do you have down there?

Yuuto: Well it's just....

Then they all slowly went down to the basement to see an incredible amount of stuff that they never saw before. Ranging from small books, hanging swords, stamps, rings and many many more down the line.

Sero: What are all these things?! They look so--

Uraraka: --Amazing! And why are there so many?! You can fill my entire house with these!

Midoriya: Woah woah, you guys have a ton of collections here. Are you a geek for collections?!

Kenichi: (sweatdrop) You can say that.

Yaoyorozu: Just what are these items? I've never seen anything like this anywhere around Japan since childhood? (look at the swords) They look quite high tech and complex yet the look is so simple.

Ashido: They look like toys to me. Wait, don't tell me that you guys are addicted to kids toys. Is that why you have so much of these?

Kirishima: Yeah, you guys are kind of like Midoriya where his room is filled with All Might figures and posters, but this is more hardcore.

Naomi: Wait, really? Are you really that obsessed with him, Midoriya-san?

Midoriya: A-Ah! W-W-Well t-that's....

Naomi: Well I can't blame you for that, people often get too obsessed with things but for people then that's a different story. I might suggest that you need some mental help with that.

Midoriya: W-Wait what... I-I'm not...?!

Naomi: (smile) Hm, just kidding~.

Yuuto: Anyway about your question Ashido, yes, we are kinda addicted to these "toys"... but I will tell you that these are not toys but the device we use that help with our Quirk. Which you guys see multiple times or all the time that you've been with us.

Iida: Oh so you like an inventor type hero.

Kenichi: Yeah, we kinda were meant for the developing gadgets type of person but "luckily" we were given in to the heroes one.

Sato: Of course, now that we think about it, it makes a lot of sense.

Hagakure: It explains the armor they wear and fought with. For an inventor the way you show your devices and the way it works is really amazing and cool.

Naomi: We only have these armor but we have companions like these guys. Kivato! Kivala! Yurusen! Dark-ko!

Then the three bats that were hanging upside down on the nest came out and then there's one that look exactly like a ghost was resting in a custom made small room that is also hanging next to the bat nest.  He wool up and star floating down to them.

Kivat: You call?!

Yurusen: Why do you have to call me? I just got a good nap.

Kivala: Well you can have a good sleep later, Yurusen-san.

Dark Kivat: You want us to greet your schoolmates here?

Hagakure: Woah! What are they?!

Yuuto: These are our companions like a pet dog or cats but they are all mechanical robots.

Yaoyorozu: Really? The way they speak sounds so human.

Sero: Especially that one eyeball one. It looks creepy!

Yurusen: Hey, I hear that you know!

Naomi: Don't say that to him, Sero. He doesn't like being called names.

Sero: Ah, sorry.

Kenichi: Well we... record the voices of a person and add the voices... of people that we found fitting to them.

Midoriya: Wow really that is so highly advanced even by today's standards! Thenyoumusthavetomeetthepersonandrecordtheirvoicesothatyoubeabletomimicitandaddingittothebats. (mumbling) (mumbling) (mumbling)

Naomi: (sign) You keep over analyzing things again.

Jirou: But why didn't you join the support course? This kind of device would be better for some students that have a hard time with their quirks. This type of invention I think would help them tremendously.

Yuuto: ...We don't do that because... not everything that people make can be used by everyone, if it does then the world would have changed in an instant.

Jirou: What does... that means?

Naomi: Ah it nothing really it just the way he says no to your statement about giving these stuff to other people.

Kenichi: You guys can go around and take a look at it, but don't try to grab or open any of it for safety reasons.

As they look around the places checking out all these new and amazing things,then one of the students, Ojiro, has his attention on a container that has a horn-like item.

It looks like a stamp seeing the symbol from the head of it but it is also glowing red too, and Ojiro starts to hear a faint voice that is calling to him asking him to use it. Then as he slowly reached his hand to it and about to open the lid Kenichi came in to stop him.

Ojiro: A...A-Ah.... what...?

Kenichi: You okay?

Ojiro: Ah, yeah... I'm okay. Sorry for trying to touch your stuff.

Kenichi: That's fine, this is our fault anyway since we forgot to cover this thing.

Kenichi then grabs a small blanket to cover the display of the stamp so that no one can see it anymore.

Ojiro: What is that thing?

Kenichi: Let's just call it an unequip stamp that has some... "uses" for a contract per-say, but let's not go any further than that. Let's go back to the group.

Ojiro: Oh, okay then.... [I don't know why I felt so drawn to it. Like it wants me to release it.]

Naomi: So~ you guys know that me and Yuuto are like a couple right.

Class A: You are...?

Naomi: Wait, you guys didn't know? I thought that was obvious to you the moment you saw us together.

Sato: Well we never pay attention or see you together that much.

Todoroki: We just thought that you three were all siblings playing with each other.

Mineta/Kaminari: (That bastard! He already got a girlfriend before us and at high school age no less while we were not even noticing! LUCKY BASTARD!!!!!)

Naomi: Fair point, but Kenichi is my true biological brother

Tokoyami: Really, but you two look so different from each other.

Naomi: Well it's just the hair color change, but never mind that let's continue with the tour.

Then they have reached the end of the basement hall where there's a big closet inside there's two big books that are laying on stands but what they are most curious about is that it has chains that are locked on to them.

They wonder why, some think it's their diary and others think it's a "special" book containing hidden mystic secrets, but the question comes later. After Naomi searched through multiple lower drawers she was able to find the book that she needed. She took it out and then all of the class went back up to the dining room, Naomi laid the book on the table and started turning the pages of the ones she wanted to show them. 

Naomi: What if I told you that he used to meet a lot of pretty girls.

Class A: Okay.... wait... WHAT?!

Naomi: Well why don't you look at this?

Naomi opens a photobook and picture that shocked them (especially Kaminari and Mineta). They see four photos of Yuuto who doesn't change that much other than his height and in different styles of clothing and with four girls each with their own very unique look. Starting from the first one it has Yuuto holding hands with an adorable girl that has a doll in her other hand she is the same age as him.

The second one has him in a bit more older look and is with a quite unique looking woman; it makes her look like an empress. She's a grown adult woman that has purple hair and is wearing a medieval Japanese style of clothing which is also dyed in the same color but it's lighter. The next girl is the most cutest one wearing what seems to be a Chinese style ghost looking outfit that has an actual ghost coming out of her.

Last but not least, the girl at the end of the page was shown to be wearing a sweater with short skirt and stockings having gorgeous white hair like the clouds in the sky with Yuuto who is wearing a suit of a Navy captain. One look at her can make most males drool over her and with her hugging Yuuto it can easily make them jealous out of their mind.

This surprises the class, especially Mineta and Kaminari. They start to grab Yuuto's collar and shake him violently like their whole life goal is already shot dead the moment they see these pictures.

Mineta/Kaminari: You BASTARD!!! HOW COULD YOU?!!!

Kamainari: If it wasn't bad enough that you have one girl!!! But FOUR MORE GIRLS!!!

Mineta: What is your secret man we must know NOW?!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!

Yuuto: What are you talking about? There's no secret, I just met them while the three of us were traveling and happened to befriend them along the way, that's all.

Mineta: Then why the FUCK they look like they in love with you! You Ladies Man!

Kenichi: Okay okay, knock it off both of you! What he's been through is his personal life. There is no need to throw a tantrum over it, geez.

Ashido: Their clothing looks so amazing. Are they new heroes because I never seen anyone having outfits like this before?

Yaoyorozu: Yes, I never talked about these people before.

Naomi: U-Um yeah, they... they are just not famous or well known. We just happened to meet them when we were traveling around the world sightseeing.

Yaoyorozu: You traveled the world before?!

Naomi: Yeah, we travel almost the entire world already but we didn't explore the entire thing we've been here and there for a couple of months at a time.

Ashido: Wow, I wish I could travel the whole world and see many other things out there. I might be able to meet tons of hot foreigner guys.

Yuuto: You don't have to say that out loud.

Naomi: Okay then why don't we start. The first one here is named Plutia. She is from Northern Europe, quite a shy, mostly lazy girl. We happen to meet her while she's just strolling around town. She got lost often so Yuuto accompanied her, play around with her so they became best friends.

Mineta: What about this hot one?

Naomi: (sign) You always keep asking that aren't you?

Kaminari: Well you show us the pictures of them so we have to know the big one.

Naomi: (sign) This one's name is Ei but she has a hero name which is Raiden Shogun.

Tokoyami: Quite a fitting name for someone like her. Like she was destined to walk through the abyss.

Kenichi: (sign) You and your edginess.

Midoriya:  And the name Shogun is quite an interesting pick.

Yuuto: Well she is the leader of a "group" of people.

Naomi: And Hu Tao the one that cosplayed like a ghost she's the director of a parlor and she is very into a lot of dark humor things.

Jirou: Like what?

Naomi: Oh you know things about you and your relatives end of the road or "The coming of their big day" as she said it herself.

That causes some shivers to a few students because they understand what she means when hearing those words.

Uraraka: Wow, that's really dark.

Naomi: I know right?!  Finally the last one here is Belfast, a one of a kind maid in the whole world no one can compete with her.

Yaoyorozu: That name sounds like the battleships from the Royal Navy.

Kenichi: It fits her really well because her "Quirk" is creating artillery cannons from her arms and legs.

Kaminari: Well that's a pretty cool name for her to have.

Naomi: (close book) Well that is all that I have to show you guys. I could show you some of the location of the trip but It will take all night so let's end it here.

Ashido: Aw man, I really want to see more of it and also about you guys' travels.

Yuuto: Sorry Ashido, but it's quite late now and besides we don't want to keep flexing off what we have been through in the past. It will take too long for us to explain and answer every question that you will give us.

Iida: Okay then. Class A! We are going back to the dorms and rest tomorrow is gonna be a big one for us so hurry up and sleep.

Todoroki: I will go first then. (turn around)

Uraraka: Ah! Todoroki wait a minute!

Todoroki stops once he hears Uraraka calling to him to stop.

Uraraka: Deku, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, Hiroyuki, Yoshiko, Mitsuo. Could you all come with me outside for a minute?

Naomi: What for?

Uraraka: Well there is someone... that wants to speak to you guys. It's really important.

So after the rest of the class return to their rooms in the dorm the ones that Uraraka call out went outside to the field, and one their got out they see its none other than Tsuyu who is waiting for them. It's hard to tell what she is feeling right now due to her face not showing much expression.

Uraraka: You see, Tsu said she had something to tell you all.

Tsuyu: You know I'm pretty straight forward and I can't help but say everything that comes to mind. But there are times when I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss. Do you remember what I said back at the hospital when you were talking about the rescue?

Midoriya: (nodded) Yeah, I remember every word of it.

Tsuyu: My heart was hurting and saying the things I said must have upset you.

Uraraka: (pat Tsu back) It's okay Tsu.

Tsuyu: Even with my warning, you still went and saved Bakugou. I didn't hear about that until this morning, I was shocked. I know you three were there too on the battlefield, everyone saw you fighting on TV even Aizawa didn't mention you guys when he called out. I thought I'd stopped you all, but I was filled with disappointment and I feel I was worthless... a complete failure. Then suddenly I have no idea what to say... I didn't feel like I deserved to have fun talking with everyone... But... It makes me very sad.

Then they see a sad frog with tears slowly coming out of her eyes and that expression makes the group start to feel the same if more pain than what she is feeling.

Tsyu: That's why I wanted to tell you even if I couldn't gather my thoughts and feelings properly, so that I could have fun and talk with everyone again. *sniff* Ribbit...

Uraraka: It's not just Tsu that feels this way. Everyone felt really bad and wanted to make that feeling go away... That's why we did the Room King and everything was because to bring us closer together and make us feel like a class again. They understood how you all felt... So don't blame them, but you know... I mean, I know it's hard, but anyway... let's work hard together and laugh together again!

Kirishima: Tsu...!

Tsuyu: Ribbit...?

Kirishima: I'm sorry! Thanks for telling us how you feel!

Yaoyorozu: It's ok Asui-chan!

Iida: I apologize.

Todoroki: Asui, sorry.

Midoriya: Asui--Tsu-chan!

Kirishima: I won't ever make you sad ever again.

Yaoyorozu: Me neither.

Iida: We promise!

As the group shed their tears for her feeling her pain for the trio though they have a different feeling about what she said. Sure they felt bad that they hurt their friend's feelings, but her telling them that they make Tsuyu look worthless doesn't feel right to them so they raise their voice against it.

Yuuto: Tsu, you don't get it...

Tsuyu: ...Huh...?

Kenichi: We have to be there because there are things that we know that the pros don't. If we do not then more will die or things become bad to worse and we don't want that to happen.

Naomi: We know that we hurt you but that doesn't mean you should just feel bad or hurt yourself just because of us. (grab Tsuyu shoulder) What you said back then was in your right mind, but the meaning of it can most of the time be wrong to others.

Kenichi: We know what we are getting into and we have prepared to take any kind of responsibility, consequences and the damage of a friend's heart that we caused. That's what heroes should always have in their mind and they never put that in the side line of their mind.

Yuuto: So don't try to think of yourself as worthless, that's the thing that we don't want to hear from you or anyone in this school. Instead of thinking negatively you should focus on what's ahead of you with positivity, okay? Whenever events happen that we are a part of it's up to us to be the ones to take responsibility for it not you... When it comes down to it one day we can share those burdens together if that ever happens. So right now just keep going with your life and just... just live more.

Tsuyu: Hiro...san... *sniff*...okay, I'll try.

Yuuto: (small smile) That's more like it.

Kirishima: (crying) That's the most manly speech I heard!

Yaoyorozu: Yeah... it is.

Iida: I never knew that you could give such philosophy.

Yuuto: I don't consider myself that type of person. I just say what I should say from my own viewpoint of things.

Naomi: Now all of the sad atmosphere is over let us all go back to our room so that we could have a nice sleep.

All: Okay!

So the group slowly went back to the dorms while comforting each other in pain. On the other side there is the other group who are watching and hearing all of the conversation.

Woz: (open book) So that the conclusion of this whole ordeal of the Class A of UA, but now the next sunrise will have--

Ankh: --Could you stop with that monologuing doing it getting on my nerves to keep hearing that pointless speech!

They look to see that Ankh is above them watching the scene with his popsicle on his hand and another on his mouth.

Parad: But it's better to hear it than keep sitting here watching them from the sidelines. It makes us kinda more relevant here as Woz would describe it wouldn't you say, Ankh?

Ankh: Ha! Like we ever needed to exist here in the first place.

Izu: But we are existing here right now aren't we? So we should try to cherish it, Ankh.

Ankh: Do what you want I'm going to sleep. (go inside the window)

Parad: Well he sure is in a grumbly mood than usual.

Woz: That's just the way he is Parad.

Mr. Belt: Maybe he still has his greed sense since Ankh has all the core medals of his kind and also he has his own full human body he stops having the desire to get them. He might be trying to rekindle those feelings again.

Kivala: That makes sense.Your desire to want something now is now the palm of your hands in an instance without the work that you have to put through.

Yurusen: Could you continue where you left off, Woz?

Woz: Of course! So that concludes today's story about the event that occurred days ago, most if not all of the students were able to get over what has occurred for past days which is quite unusual for kids their age.

Mr. Belt: Yes it is, which is the reason why I felt weird seeing them never express any of their concerns about the status quo. Such strange childrens...

Kivat: Yeah, they should literally think some more about the world and the society they live in. They all strive to become heroes after all they should be thinking more about it.

Kivala: Well children can grow out of it better than the adults can. Like what the three of them did back then.

Mr. Belt: You may be right on that.

Dark Kivat: It doesn't matter what age you're in as long as you experience a traumatizing event it can change your mind and viewpoints drastically.

Parad: So then is there anything exciting gonna happen tomorrow?

Woz: Yes, we have to wait for the next few days onwards and what will occur next will have an interesting story that it will present.

Yurusen: What is it, can you tell us?

Parad: Yeah, can you give us a hint? We don't like mystery games.

Woz: Well it's easy to know once I tell you, but it is about Waga Maou..... and the reunion of a new person in the next page. (close book)

At the same time from a different location or rather an old place which is the forest where class A go to and the base of the Pussies Cats. In the house Rizky and Amber have their bags filled up with things they need with them wearing some nice casual clothes.

Rizky: You ready to go?

Amber: Yeah, I just hope that this road that we're taking won't lead us to some dark path.

Rizky: ....Me too.

Amber: I got all I need so I go first. You go check the whole house again so that you won't forget anything important to bring for this trip. We properly never come back here anymore.

Rizky: Fine, I go check again.

Amber was the first to get out and Rizky went to check the whole house again. After he's done he remembers that he forgot to take the swords with him so he grabbed the Saikou driver and book into his bag. Once he gazes upon Kurayami he starts to remember what it did to him before so he grabs a handkerchief and uses it to grab the sword and put it into the bag. Then he finally walks out of the house and to the bus stop where Amber is there with the Pussies cats also there.

Mandalay: You really have to go to UA Rizky, Amber?

Pixie Bob: Yeah, going to that place isn't going to be easy since UA is now starting to put more restrictions on the people who come to school grounds. Also there will be more possible villains to attack in the future.

Rizky: I know, but we got to try since we got ourselves involved with a situation that has to do with Hiro-san so I don't think you guys can help much even though you guys are heroes. Also I want to try to face these problems with me and Amber together. We need to start growing up a bit so we are doing this as a young adult's decision.

Tiger: Well if that's your choice then we won't stop you. Just... be careful in future we don't know what will come to you two.

Amber: You don't have to worry about us Tiger-san, me and Riz have been trained in self defense for 3 years now so we know how to deal with dangerous things.

Ragdoll: That's more like it! Keep up that spirit and remember to always show your bravery!

Rizky: Haha, good thing you still have your hyperactive energy like usual.

Then the bus arrives ready to pick them up

Mandalay: Welp, here's your ride.

Amber: (breath) Right, well see you guys.

Pixie Bob: Hey you don't have to be sad. When we have time we'll come to visit you at the school in the future.

Rizky: (smile) Yeah, we'll wait till then.

So the both of them walk into the bus and turn their back around to give the Pusssycats one last look before the bus starts moving.

Ragdoll: Give all of Class A and B our regards, okay?!

Rizky/Amber: Will do! (wave)

That was the last word before the bus driver closed the door and started to drive on the road to the duo destination which is UA High School.

A/N: The dialogue of this chapter is so hard for me to think and write to make it not cringe to read.

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