Unmasked (Dream x Oc)

By JaydenSorrows

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Authors note: Just to be clear, I have not been in the mcyt fandom for a year or more and don't actually know... More

New Years Special Cross Over!
Famous Birthdays - Fae
Famous Birthdays - Addy
Famous Birthdays - Zafar
Special Chapter! Pt.1
Special Chapter! Pt.2
!Author Notes!


816 27 9
By JaydenSorrows

"Fae wake up, it's lunch time.." Ads voice wakes me, I open my eyes to see I had been put in Schlatt's bed. I fell asleep on the couch last night so he must of carried me to here, he really acts like my father sometimes.

"Hey Addy... I'm sorry if I wreck your party last night" I mutter as I sit up.

"Honey it's alright my hangover and lack of memory of most of last night help with the zero idea on what you mean" she smiles out.

"Dream and I got into a fight... well not really I walked in on him kissing Amriel.. so I dragged Conner and Schlatt here instead of celebrating you" I really feel bad for taking Schlatt from her on her birthday.

"Girl I'm pretty sure you saved them then, apparently I tried to even make out with Toast last night so it's  good on that part and with the amriel thing... I've heard a few sides of that story and I rushed over here as soon as I could walk with help of goggles! Imma marry sapnap and him like man they have been helping me clean and like sobar up!" She smiles hugging me.

"You starting a Haram?" I question.

"Only if you join" she kisses my cheek.

"Thank you for the offer but I already have a mess of a love life right now so wait a bit for me to sort that out" I hug her tightly.

"Want the boys to drop you off at your place cause I apparently gave your phone and keys to Dream" she awkwardly laughs.

"Thank you and yes please" I smile.

"He's gonna say something about the fact your wearing a men's shirt and tacky pants" she laughs a bit.

"He will think damn she hot even looking like that, why was I so dumb to make out with a basic white Girl instead of this beautiful woman I had in front of me" I joke.

"That sounds about right" Nick says scary the shit out of me, is everyone a fucking ninja today.


"God they didn't lie you really do scream weird stuff when people sneak up on you" Sapnap laughs out.

"Don't be a menace to the poor girl" Georgie comes to save me.

"Defending your competition?" Sapnap laughs out.

"There is no competition" He softly smiles at me, great even Dream's friends feel sorry for me.

"He'd pick anyone but me" I mutter.

"Fae as soon as whatever went down last night he had a go at that pink haired girl, then asked where Schlatt's place was to come find you but after Ads drunkly said Schlatt lived on her bedroom floor he realised that you need time so he moped back to your place" Georgie smile is gentle and pure, he is such a good friend defending his best friend to me and I really want to believe that.

"Even if he did doesn't make up for the lip fighting that I witnessed" I mutter.

"Oh I cannot defend or explain that, he refused to explain it to anyone until he talked to you." Georgie throws his unlocked phone to me, on it was Twitter.

"As bad as it seems we are pretty sure this internet drama was started by the pink haired one or her red haired friend" Sapnap rolls his eyes.

"When did our friends chose to do this?" I ask Ads.

"I don't know but I wouldn't call them friends, what they did was so out of line especially at their friends birthday party. From today on, they are nothing but people on the same platform as us and if they try another thing like that I'll personally make their lives a living hell, I know enough circus folk and criminals that no matter where they go... they will suffer" Ads evil laughs.

"Okay I'm ready to go talk to the minecraft boy, after we get food or I might get hangry" I smile at Georgie.

"You won't regret it" he smiles back.

"As much as wingman of the year says it, you actually might regret it but you probably will regret it more if you don't" Ads smiles.

"McDonald's run?" Sapnap jokes.

"Yes please! I love good McDonald's run after a long night of drinking" Ads laughed.

"Americans and their fast food" George smirks.

"Barely American, my father... and his sister were born in Korea. So both my bio mom and adoptive father are full blood Koreans, so I'm no white bitch" I defend my honour.

"You are born in America from teen pregnancy, i love you but that's more American then a lot of people I know other then me! The bitch who birthed me is a night walker and my dad is drug addicted idiot" Ads laughs.

"All we are missing is being related" I smirk.

"We can change that!" She smirks back.

"SWEEET HOOOMMMMEEE ALABAMA" we both sing out while the boys just watch in horror.

"Are you two alright?" Georgie questions.

"I blame the alcohol" Ads laughs.

"I blame the heartbreak" we both get off Schlatt's bed, while those three wait with Schlatt and Conner in the kitchen I grab my clothes from last night throwing them into a bag I pinched before heading to the other's.

"Conner thank you for letting me crash here last night.." I smile.

"Fae anytime, you have a key so anytime means anytime." He smiles back.

"Hey it's my place too" Schlatt Announces wanting thanks as well.

"Yeah whatever dick, I know you'd let me crash here anytime loser! Plus I only thank nice people" I roll my eyes and Schlatt walks over to me to flick my forehead.

"You better be thankful for me, or else you'd be a hermit still" he announces once more.

"Fine thank you" I hug my friend before letting go.

"You guys Wanna join us for our McDonald's run?" George asks.

"God we don't need two more Dream smp members joining and since we are canceling the cancel squad! We don't have back up" Ads states.

"Addy you don't need to stop being friends with them because of me, I don't mind" I state.

"They didn't just break your trust but mine as well, yes they didn't go kiss Schlatt at the moment I walked by but they started drama with my best friend at my party which made my drunk ass be watched over by bad kisser one and two here" she laughs making fun of Georgie and Sapnap.

"I knew you kissed The refrigerator but Georgie too?" I question.

"I kissed a lot of people apparently, though I don't remember George and the ram boy and me pants over here left before I got a drunken kiss from them" she smirks.

"Wait you compared Dream to me like Schlatt to you" I mutter.

"Girl I was joking I rather kiss sapnap again that Schlatt" she laughs.

"Hey I'm an amazing kisser" Schlatt states a bit annoyed.

"I know but once was enough for a life time, but Conner how you doin?" She winks at Conner, she is just trying to hurt Schlatticus's ego.

"Anyway let's get our food and drop me home then y'all can wait outside to see if Dream will need a lift to a hotel or not" I snarky reply.

"So 10 minutes and if the building starts to shake we will not need to stay" sapnap laughs.

"Breakup sex" Ads adds.

"True, good point Hmm 20 minutes then" he retorts.

"If he makes you cry again... call me straight away, I'll move the earth to beat him up for you" Schlatt smiles at me before giving me one last hug before the four of us depart for food.

"Wait out here and I mean it! I will text you if you will be taking a person with you or not when I let him try to explain only because I am feeling nice." I glare at them all as I get out of the car.

"Twenty minutes before we drive off" Ads smirks.

"You guys are so weird" Georgie mutters.

"Baby girl don't do anything I wouldn't" Ads smirks.

"More like don't do anything she would do" Sapnap snaps back.

"Use protection" Ads smirks as I begin to walk inside as I'm so done with these three idiots right now, I can hear ads and refrigerator boy arguing over dumb shit as I open the building's front door, I take the states to get to my apartment.

Remembering I don't have my keys I knock on the door. No reply, I knock again but louder this time Roky starts to bark. I hear footsteps moving towards the door, i hear my locks Click as the door slowly opens. There stood the man who has so much power of my emotions, even right now I either want to hug and kiss him or murder him but u haven't chosen which yet. He looks like shit; still in his clothes from last night, hair all messy, darken bags under his eyes. Good he should look like shit but my god why do I find him so attractive even looking like he's 45 and an alcoholic.

It takes him a second to click on me standing there, he pulls me to his chest hugging me tightly. I needed this but I didn't want to forgive him so quickly, I should be super mad at him but I just want to stay in his arms for as long as I can be.

"I'm so sorry... no sorry isn't good enough, It was a misunderstanding but that doesn't mean you have to forgive and forget and I understand that" he mutters.

"You don't need to be sorry, we aren't anything. Just as I am not yours, you aren't mine." I state pulling myself out of the hug.

"Fae..." he mutters as I walk inside, he closes the door turning to face me.

"Dream we kissed just as you kissed her, it was just a kiss nothing more." I shrug holding back all I can.

"Is that really how you see it? Like we are nothing and that neither of those kisses meant anything to you?" His voice cracks a little.

"No Dream it meant everything to me and I'm trying to not go on a rampage at you or the world.. can't you see that even if it was her forcing herself on you, it broke me.. you broke me." I dig my nails into my palm still trying my hardest to not fully become in that low place I've been trying to fight out of since meeting Dream, he was my rope and now I feel it snapping as my hands start to slip.

"Fae scream at me, hit me, cry! Just let it out so we can talk properly, i never saw her the way I see you and I was only trying to help her when she pushed herself on me." He starts to explain.

"Trying to help, you were in a fucking bathroom barely an inch apart what did she need help with?" As I speak my own words hurt so much leaving my mouth and I really wish I wasn't saying them but If I don't I'll probably regret it more.

"I swear to god they set me up, Fae I wanted to kiss you again and hold you just be with you" he mutters stepping forward towards me.

"Dream I want to believe you so badly but I just cannot trust easily" I mutter.

"I completely understand, you need time and I am find for you to take that time because I want to be with you, you said that you aren't mine and I can accept that but I want you to know that I am completely yours. It is you I smile at Everytime I hear your voice, the lyrics to all those love songs make sense when I think of you and just the thought of you makes my mood brighten. I want you and I mean all of you, scars and all. You are my first and last thought each day, when I hear something silly I want to tell you" he smiles, somehow he had closed the distance between us, he stood a breath away from me.

"Those are just words..." I mutter.

"They might just be words but the meaning can be felt without a single one" he smiles down at me.

"How?" I mutter. His hand softly lands at the back of my neck, he leans down as the seconds disappear we connect becoming one with a kiss and he was completely right, I felt every word's meaning just from this kiss. I am not ready to be heart broken again, if I accept his confession with my own and he chances his mine... I will be alone again..

With that thought I broke and tears fell from my eyes rolling down my cheeks, Dream pulls away just for his hands to land on my cheeks and with his thumbs he wiped the tears. His forehead rested on mine, we just stood in our moment for a while without a single word between us.

"Your a smelly boy" I mutter and we both start to laugh.

"Okay so was that every emotion?" He jokes.

"No but I think we definitely went through the stage of grief" I laugh a bit.

"So we good?" He looks really worried.

"As long as you don't kiss another one of my friends then we are good"  I smirk a bit.

"I swear on my minecraft account" he smiles.

"and to fair it up I should get to kiss one of your friends" and the penny drops.

"According to Amriel you have already kissed Schlatt and that Zafar boy" he laughs a bit.

"Ew no, Dream you are the only guy I've kissed. zafar and I never had a thing at all, he is like totally in love with the pink haired pain. It's why Cherry probably set you and amriel up since Cherry has a thing for Z and Z like Amriel and that bitch is stupid not to see either of them" I roll my eyes.

"Well so basically I was used to make that Zafar dude available to Cherry? Damn throw me under the bus over a high school love triangle" he wheezes out.

"Yep I thought keeping the most hated people as my friends means I will be safe from them but nah trust issues just grow" I snicker.

"I will always be on your side even if you chose that I am just a friend to you" he smiles.

"Kiss me then friendzone me damn this definitely is a new situation for me" I laugh awkwardly.

"I mean it's completely up to you how far we go, and what we become. I hope it is more then just friends I'm not going to lie but I am okay with working with whatever you want" he smiles awkwardly, this man is so hot one second to a blubbering cute idiot.

"First let me kiss your friend then we can talk about it" I smirk.

"Wait so what was that text about... with Schlatt? He wanted you to do it again but you said you cannot since getting him?" I question, it takes me a second to figure out what text he was talking about.

"OH SHIT! Lol so it was right after I just got Roky, the him wasn't you but Roky and the It again was about going shopping for pet toys..." I laugh out.

"Wait you guys text sound like you two put your minecraft bed together but it was about how you didn't want to but more pet toys" he wheezes out.

"Yep also the only people my bed goes next to is my husband and my wife, since Ads is the car with your boyfriend and your room looks like you win." I smile.

"Good" he leans in and kisses my forehead.

"That isn't where I want to be kissed  by the hot famous faceless minecraft man who is in my house alone with me" I smirk jumping onto  my tippy toes to land a kiss on his lips.

"Short" he laughs.

"Smelly" I poke my tongue out at him.

"I will bite that tongue" he jokes.

"Yes please..." I mutter without a thought.

"Horny gamer much" he smirks.

"Maybe, but only with your smackable ass there" I laugh a bit.

"So yeah Ads wasn't lying on why she was calling me dump truck" he seems so proud of himself.

"I bragged from the moment we met irl in that awkward airport meeting about that thicc ass" I laugh as he hugs me, the door is swung open.

"MY EYES ARE CLOSED BUT I REALLY NEEDED TO PEE, SO STOP THE SEXY TIME OR THE HORNY ANGRY WRESTLING GOING ON SO I CAN REMOVE MY HAND FROM MY EYES" Ads screeched with one hand covering her eyes while the other hand on the doorknob.

"They have their clothes on and are hugging so I think we are safe" Sapnap laughed out.

"Oh well that's boring" Ads moved her hand off her eyes and just sighs.

"George it's safe to come in" sapnap laughs out and the third pain walks in.

"I thought you said you needed to pee, since when does it take three to pee?" I question as Dream and I release from our hug.

"Well I needed eyes and ears just in case y'all murdered or started to-" George covers her mouth.

"Ah you trained your boyfriend on Ads's etiquette" I laugh softly.

"I Learnt from the best" he smiles at me.

"Yucky ewwww stop, I wanted to watch y'all like bitch fight not flirt! It's not fair Fae was my wife first" Ads crosses her arms chucking a fake tantrum.

"I'm sorry but you can have his boyfriend" I smirk.

"Don't sell me out" George quickly replies.

"OW! I AM NOT THAT BAD! YOU'D BE LUCKY TO LAND A GIRL LINE ME! why does no one take fake dating me as a good thing?" She pouts.

"I'll be you fake husband, gotta team up to make sure our best friends don't murder each other" Sapnap smiles at her.

"How the fuck you say got no bitches yet you have me, Bec, Schlatt, sapnap and who knows how many Simps" I state.

"I am hot, you have Simps too! Hell look at the simp next to you who has been obviously crying all night waiting for the phone to ring so he can make sure you are alright! Let me guess when he opened the door he pulled you in tight and whispered I'm sorry" Ads hums out.

"Definitely not..." I mutter.

"She's onto us..." he whispers to me.

"I'd trade you, I'll take that type of simp over mine. A simp that only thinks of me" she pouts.

"You'll find that simp one day" George rolls his eyes.

"Okay how about everyone moves inside my apartment before Roky figures out how to use the stairs" I laugh a bit, Ads picks up the dog in question moving my pup inside with us and close the door.

"Y'all get comfy, i need to feed my babies" I smile as I walk into my small kitchen, I notice the florida man follow me in.

"I want to be helpful" he smiles.

"You think I'm going to climb out my kitchen window and down the fire escape?" I smirk.

"You have a habit of escaping me when I want to be by your side" he smiles.

"If you wanna help, you gotta hold bugs" I smirk.

"I have younger sisters, I can hold a bug" he has an evil smirk.

"You sound like a sucky brother, though that sister of yours seems to know more about me then I know about her" I smirk.

"I told my mom about you and she the little demon she is was ear dropping also like it's hard to avoid the rumours about us on the internet when she is a teenager and your brother is super famous" he smirks.

"You told your mom about me? Mommy's boy" I laugh to myself.

"No shame there" he proud that he loves his mom, that's adorable.

"Okay do you want to feed, the lizard or the snake?" I smirk.

"ah do they bite?" He looks a bit scared.

"Well basilisk is a good boy, he doesn't bite but you won't have to touch bugs, Dragon is a grumpy boy sometimes he has scratched me a few times but other then that they both are my beautiful baby boys who I love more then anything. Though basilisk doesn't alway need to eat, I just like him to have the food in there which isn't always healthy so today we will only feed dragon" I explain.

"Okay so what do we need to do?" He questions.

"Mix of crickets and plants, I'll do the bugs all you got to do is cut the greens up. Dragon is a bit spoiled and only eats cut up plants, Schlatt learnt that the hard way and got the scratch to prove it" I laugh a bit pulling all the plants for his salad out sitting them in front of him and a knife.

"You trust me enough with a knife?" He smirks.

"Yeah I watched that thing people killing thing on your videos, you seem good at stabbing people" I laugh a bit.

"People killing? You mean manhunt" he wheezes out.

"That's the sex thing you edited a while ago so not that the one where those idiots and the muffin screeching one chases you" I explain.

"That is man hunt plus I've told you time and time again that there is no minecraft sex mod or sex related videos on my channel" he continues to wheezes out.

"This is why I don't watch your channel, minecraft but your girl don't watch yo videos" I smirk.

"You so do watch them and your my girl now?" He smirks.

"No but fine I admit I watched a couple... are you saying you haven't watched any of mine?" I softly and awkwardly laugh.

"I might of a watched a couple of your vr chat videos and one or two of your smash or pass streamers videos. Though my favourite were the Jack box ones, you and Ads have the worst humour I have ever watched" he smiles.

"Did you watch the minecraft streamer one?" I really hope it's a no.

"Yeah Karl Dm it to me a bit after we met, what you said after just watching a clip of me role playing on  the server was so-" I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Sssh I didn't even know you back then and we only did minecraft streamers since that... agh you know who was so obsessed, I just liked your voice so I said it and i don't regret anything" I state before moving my hand off his mouth.

"Holy shit you need to fuck me, here and now! If your watching this dm me your number and I'll set it up" he mocks me, so in return I punch him.

"I don't take it back, but you never messaged me" I smirk.

"Do you want me to dm you right now?" He cheekily grins.

"Well I already have your phone number and your in my house so I think I won without even trying" I snicker.

"Well your my favourite simp" he smirks out.

"Ew no, now let's feed my dragon before he tries to eat your boyfriends" I smile grabbing the plastic Container where I kept the crickets, Dream puts the plants in the little food bowl I had custom made for dragon and we both walk to the lounge room where my pet's terrariums are. I place the container on top as I open the glass, I lift my lizard out placing him on my shoulder.

"Put the bowl into then I'll let you hold him" I smile, Dream is a good man slave and does what I tell him.

"What a cute family" sapnap rolls his eyes at us.

"I will let my attack dog on you if you make fun of my babies" I glare at him as I place Dragon on Dream's shoulder.

"Now this is my favourite part" I smile slowly opening the plastic container and quickly grabbing a cricket and hand feeding it to dragon.

"You are the weirdest person I have ever meet" sapnap snickers.

"You have meet Ads yet I'm weird because I can hold a bug?" I laugh placing a few of the crickets in his bowl before putting dragon back into home to eat.

"Well I have to agree with Fae on this one" George laughs softly.

"see that's 3 against 2" I smirk.

"Who said I'm on your side?" Dream wheezes out.

"HEY!" I quickly turn to him and kick the back of his knee, watching him almost fall was worth it.

"Abuse" sapnap called out.

"As a wise ninja turtle once said it's only illegal when you have laws so in my house ain't no abuse happening unless I say so" Ads bursts out in a Texan accent mocking sapnap.

"This isn't your house... it's mine" I mutter.

"SSSSHHHHH AS YOUR LAWYER I DEMAND YOU TO REMAIN QUIET" Ads Screeched out, the four of us who just had to witness this weird act just start to laugh our asses off.

"WHY YALL LAUGHING, I AM THE SHREK OF THIS SWAMP!" Ads screeches before breaking into her own laughter.

"Whatever crack you have been doing please share" I mutter in complete confusion, she was acting normal before she walked into my bathroom to piss.

"You can never get this level of crackhead energy since I got it from my father! Who got it from hissss!" She explains doing weird poses almost as funny as that Jojo anime, those poses do be weird though no matter how much she says weirdly.

"Let's have babies together then we can be a family" I pout at Ads who runs over and tackles me to the ground.

"Dream I think you just got dumped" Georgie snickers.

"Ow Addy I think you broke my back... that is Dream's job" I laugh out though my back does fucking hurt.

"George I think your boyfriend is blushing over his horny woman" Sapnap laughed out.

"She isn't mine, I am hers though" he snickers.

"WAIT YOUR MY WOMAN! YES PLEASE" I burst out in laughter, Ads and myself slowly stand up.

"He's yo bitch!" Ads smirks.

"Damn straight" I laugh back.

"Barely" she pokes her tongue out at me.

"Well at least I can get a man to kiss me more then once" I poke mine back at her.

"They are literally children" Georgie laughs to himself.

"She may look like one and talk like one but when the eyes aren't watching Fae is more of a woman then all of you" Ads defends.

"Ads they identified as men.." I whisper

"Are we sure?" She whispers back.

"You two know we can hear you right?" Georgie asks.

"Yeah anyway Wanna hit some pet shops... I'm thinking about getting Basilisk a brother" I shrug.

"I thought you said you had a creepy and terrible landlord?" Dream questions.

"Oh I do, they are super creepy and terrible like when I was unwell they just gave Ads a key to my apartment... they also never check complaints or do house inspections and like they don't care if you break the whole place as long as the cops don't show up. It also help that they fix everything in one day, though that dumb ass repair lady can't even fix a smoke alarm so basically I can do whatever I want in here" I explain.

"Why do you still live in this dump if they don't keep it maintained? Is it a money thing because we can help to raise money to get a better place" Georgie kind as ever asks.

"Nah I love it here, sweet offer but money isn't an issue. This apartment is castle de Fae, i am the king and all inside my tiny apartment are my people. It might be falling to bits and tiny as hell but it's my home, i would rather give up my channel before this space" I smile.

"I've seen her bank account, she is fucking loaded. Apparently Fae rather save all her clout money then spend it on cute outfits for her babies." Ads laughs.

"And here I thought I was meant to be your sugar daddy?" Dream pouts.

"You still can be, it's just I only buy what I need and like the last big purchase I got other then Roky was my Vr headset and full body tracking which I haven't used in almost a year. I'm not a big fan of wasting money, since my dad's passing I had to earn my own money to get food for myself..." I mutter that last part but the other obviously hear, they looked worried.

"What about your mother?" Georgie questioned.

"Rough topic, the woman who she thought was her bio Mom basically Cinderella her! And thanks to Prince Charming over there they got letters from her actual mom who explained that she was adopted by her uncle because her mom had some rare thing that basically made it impossible to survive childbirth and Fae took her first life on day one" Ads explains speaking way too quick for a normal person to understand, for that last comment I pinch her arm hard as hell.

"Ow sorry that was mean of me" she pouts.

"Yes it was, also i told you about referring to me as Cinderella" I glare.

"Hey beautiful, smart and kind king of this castle what is so bad about me being your prince charming?" Dream smiles at, i walk over to him looking up to his eyes.

"Well to marry me would make you my queen" I smile, without a thought he leans down landing a kiss on my lips. I feel my whole face heat up, we have kissed a couple times now but never in front of people, I burry my head into his chest hiding from the audience.

"Sorry" he mutters to me, I can hear the chuckle squad behind me. It quickly turns to the two children aka Ads and Sapnap making fake kissing noises.

"Children... all of you" Georgie huffs a laugh out.

"Dude you really are obsessed with us aren't you?" I roll my eyes at Ads, I put Dream's phone back in his pocket.

"I'm sorry dreamkiller, the Bimbo team are doing some man hunt irl" Ads laughs out.

"Wanna Ditch them?" I smile at Dream, he smirks and nods.

"Bye suckers, we are going to go make out on the movies so don't follow us" I grab Dream's hand and we bolt away from the other, once we are a couple of corners away we stop leaning against a wall taking a few breaths.

"So the movies" he laugh still a bit out of breath.

"Give me a min" I am way more out of breath, it probably has something to do with the fact I don't exercise at all.

"Damn and I thought you were the breath taking one in this relationship" he snickers.

"Simp" I mutter finally getting a hold on my breath.

"Says you, anyway whatcha Wanna do since I'm assuming you don't actually want to go to a movie" he smiles.

"There is a cat cafe up the street it's also next to the pet shop so two in one" I smile back grabbing his hand interlocking our fingers as we begin to walk.

"Ads has a point about you saying your not a normal pet type of girl yet you want to take me to cat cafe" he wheezes softly.

"Well Tea kettle boy, I just like scaled pets of fluffy. Though Roky is an exception, I guess patches too and Jambo... okay so I like all animals... but my boys will always have my heart" we arrive in the cafe, I've been coming here with Ads a lot lately plus the owner even lets me bring Roky since he plays well with the kitties.

"Ah fae your back, this must be the guy your always gushing about with Addy. Clay right" the owner is a nice older lady who takes the time to get to know her regular customers.

"Yes this is clay, he's in town for a couple of days so I wanted to show him my favourite places! He's also a cat dad who spoils his little baby so I thought here would be Extra fun for him too" I smile at her as we take our seat, the restaurant is very Asian cat cafe styled. It is honestly my favourite restaurant I've ever been too.

"Well Clay you are a very lucky man, Fae here is one of the sweetest customers I have gotten to know. Plus all the fluff balls love her" she smiles at us.

"I know, she has that effect on humans too" he smiles at me

"Can we get two strawberry thick shakes?" I awkwardly change the subject since I'm already blushing my butt off.

"Of course and just for your cuteness I'll give you a special deal plus I'll throw in that strawberry cake you love so much" she smiles before walking into the counter.

"So everyone does fall for you at first site" he smiles.

"Nah just people with taste" I smirk.

"Then I must be an expert taste tester" he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear like that cute moment in every film right when the main girl is broken and crying and the male lead is like yo gurl yo perfect now let's go to that dance that my friends defo haven't set you up at. God I need a life...

"You... you are an evil man" I stutter out honestly just flustered by this kid.

"I have to keep up with m'lady" he pokes my nose with his finger, how dare this florida white boy boop me before I booped him. Life is unfair.

"Waitttt you just called me evil! Finally catching on, if you want to keep up with me getting canceled over cheating in a video game isn't on my level but hey that minecraft sex mod definitely getting there" I smirk.

"Your a bit behind on cancellations aren't you?" He laughs a little.

"Okay maybe a little bit but hey at least I keep up what terrible shit I apparently have done, like how I'm being cancelled for making a scene at a party because they guy I had a one sided crush on hooked up with my close friend" I hum about a laugh of my own.

"One sided huh, must be heart broken that he only has eyes for the fairy killer queen" he words were really were so sweet to hear, I want to trust him completely but that voice in the back of my thoughts is getting louder. Saying all he will do is shatter me worst then those before, if I fall into a place where I'm happy won't it be taken away so much quicker.

Dream I told you not to hold back from me yet I sit across from you doing all I can to hold myself back from you. I want to be yours just as you said you are mine but it's all too good to be true, please be patient with me.. I am sorry. I probably should get around to actually getting these words out to you and not talking to myself in my head while zoning out on the hot guy infront of me.

"Fae your milk shake is here" his wheezing cuts me out of my thought.

"Sorry just mental watching porn" I joke before taking a sip.

"You are so weird" he smiles at me.

"Hey at least I'm weird and hot!" I smirk.

"Trueeee" he replies.

"To be honest I was calculating how many horses I can buy and put in my apartment before getting yelled at by someone" I take another sip.

"Please say you are joking" he laughs softly but awkwardly.

"No but out of spite I will do it now, your looking at the owning of many horses! Hell I will buy a stable on a farm to house my new horses!" I chuckle a bit but now I'm tempted to do just that...

"You worry me sometimes" Ads laughs out though I can barely hear the girl since the pounding music in this club is loud, luckily for us Ads somehow got a vip booth so ain't no random hoe gonna put one and two together to realise that I am me and Dream is him. After we ditch the bimbo team as Ads calls the three of them earlier, she now understands with three famous streamers who can easily get recognised plus the knowledge of them being with me and Dream means we can obviously been placed.

"Girl I am a horse whisper now" I smirk.

"So is that all the two of you did between leaving us and meeting up again here... talk about horses?" Sapnap is trying to sus us out.

"Oh Fae I want to slam you into the moon and make you taste my cheese" Ads mocks Dream's voice really badly like super badly but enough that we know it was meant to be dream.

"Hehe dick cheese" I snort a bit laughing at that terrible thought.

"Nutcases" George laughs.

"My favourite nut ever" Dream snickers.

"Cruel man making me think dirty thoughts" Ads huffs out.

"Only I and Georgie can think the no no thoughts about my dreamy" I cross my arms as a joke.

"Oh honey my naughty thoughts was him referring to you as his favourite nut.... Do I need to explain in more detail?" She laughs out, it takes me a bit to realise what she means.

"I'm good thank you" I shake my head.

"I'm pretty sure the whole club would know what you were thinking" sapnap laughed out.

"Your lucky the owner likes me, otherwise you wouldn't of gotten it" Ads pokes her tongue at him.

"Leave the poor child be..." I roll my eyes.

"He's only got a year before he can have real fun! But for now he is our chauffeur!" Ads bursts into laughter, it seems like normal she has started drinking before I even got here.

"I will go get up some drinks, so you lame people wait for my sexy ass to be back" I laugh standing up and walking out of the vip booth to the bar, I get a couple of Bourbon plus Coke and rum plus coke. I bring them back to the booth passing them to those who legally can drink.

"So Fae have you chosen what your giving your lover for his birthday?" Sapnap laughs out.

"Birthday?" I mutter.

"Nick!" Dream flicks sapnap.

"Your birthday is coming up and you didn't tell me! When is it?" I ask looking at Georgie and sapnap.

"12th of August" George shrugs as he says it.

"Dreamy why didn't you tell me?" I look up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"I didn't want you to worry about me or my birthday, I just want to spend time with you now" he smiles back at me.

"As sweet as that is you should of told me, Now I have less time to get the perfect gift for you" I have to think about this later for now I just need to enjoy this time we do have. He won't be here for much longer and I don't think I'm ready to say goodbye just yet.

"All I want is a voice memo of you saying good morning" he is so fucking sweet like god I must of lucked out with such a dorky guy to be in my life.

"Gamer boys are so adorable" I mutter.

"Trueeeeee! Even the pretty boy goggles over here might be older then me yet he is so adorable" Ads smiles out.

"I feel like this is harassment?" Georgie questions.

"I can harass you if you want hot stuff" Ads winks, it's nice to see her back to her flirty for no reason with no feelings behind it self.

"Who's the bad influence? Fae or Ads? Who made who this way?" Sapnap laughs out.

"Equally each other, but thanks to Ads I gained confidence online" I smile.

"Awww baby girl!!! Marry me!" Ads screeches out.

"Addy I already told you I'm a tiny bit married already and before I leave him I want to fix our marriage if I can" I smile at Dream who is having a hard time holding back his laughter.

"So you pick you rich husband over my sexy face, hmpt! When he leaves you for Goggles I'll be still here waiting for you!" She smiles at me, both us and Dream burst into laughter the other two are quick to join in.

"Now let's drink to our friendship, love and pure dread we have to look forward too in the future. Also like two weddings and a funeral!" Ads laughs out as we hit our glasses together.

"I honestly love being with you guys" I smile taking a sip just enjoying the Company I have by my side here and now.

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