
By Treacletoes

2M 85.8K 19.4K

Sang adds two and two and come up with five.... An Academy Ghost Bird story by C.L. Stone. Cover Credit: Ma... More

Sang's Discovery
To the shock of Mr Blackbourne
The Second Immaculate Conception...
Carry on as normal...
Completely innocent
Family Meeting
First lesson..
Pulling back
Nine guys?
Google would have been easier...
What's Oral Sex?
Making plans...
Tree Surfing
Shot to the heart...
We're human, not robots!
A North and Silas Sandwich...
Ye, of little faith.
Toe in tap.. but we do love you.
Murder in the dark...
Oh, believe me, it was us who won...
Trick or Treat
Perfect but not infallible
Pancakes with no sugar
Mr Blackbourne's House
Fire alarms and fights
Figuring it out...
Getting away with it
We never leave one of our own alone...
Dresses and dance lessons
"Well, how did you kiss him, Mr Griffin?"
Synchronized kissing
Graffiti and Pizza
More dance lessons and detention
We can be Yak Herders
Welcome home
You scrub up good
Talking it out
At the lodge
A short walk
Spiders and Showers
Mr Blackbourne
Dr Green
How did you know?
Caves, Condoms and Echoes
Bus trip
Ivory towers and showers
Kathy and Alice
Gabriel's Birthday
Shopping with Mr Blackbourne
The Olive Tree
Unknown Caller
Ghost Bird
Sword of Damocles
Korean Messages
Coffee and cake
We've lost her
Roller Skating
Food Prep
Bathing Mr Blackbourne style.
Group texting
Family Meeting
Decorating and Devastating
Kissing with hands - Gabriel
Clean up
Mr Hendricks
More Conversations
Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green
Mr Biggles
Emergency Family Meeting
Gift Giving
Spoils of war
Packing up
Mr Griffin
Too far away
Damage Control
"You are my fresh air"
Treadmill of Doom
Magazines and Eye Tests
"Nothing comes between us, ever."
Please read.
I'm not gay
Tony Taylor
Professor Dakota Jameson Lee
Called in
I can't.....
A Double, Secret Agent
Thomas Drew
Swimming pools and baths
Talking to Tom
The Sang Schedule
Mission accomplished
"You just made my year,"
Son of a Preacher
Show of Sass
No Regrets
Not a prank.
Not Guilty
Double Standards
You're not listening!
Stockholm Syndrome
Over at Nathan's...
Texting Blake
All it takes is seconds...
Neither required nor wanted...
Sunday Evening
"I really do love you, Owen Blackbourne"
An Idea
A different kind of blackmail....
Not going to plan
The calm before
The Storm
Three Ring Circus
Efharisto' poli', North.
Ghost of a smile
Thrown under the bus
She's a minor!
United We Stand
Dr Roberts
Not for him
Blood on fire
A bruise is a bruise
Karate Kid
Actions speak louder than words
Family Meeting
Rush of Sweet Fire
A brother's sins
Ties are useful items.
This isn't a test
Family First, Family Always.

Meeting with Mr Hendricks

12.2K 486 153
By Treacletoes

Part Thirty-Five

Mr Blackbourne's POV

I did up my tie and looked across at where Sean was finishing up his breakfast; some sort of cereal that was aimed at children. He saw me watching him and grinned.

We had left Sang's earlier, North and Luke had picked us up and dropped us back so that we could shower and change and Sean had even managed to pack in a bowl of kids cereal. He kept trying to get me to try them, but I was wary of anything that cheerful looking first thing in the morning. The rather strange looking cartoon aliens on the box did nothing to encourage me either. I would stick to my toast.

I slid my phone from my pocket and texted Sang, she should be up by now. I had not wanted to leave her earlier, neither did Sean, but it wouldn't do for her father to see us with her just yet. I wanted to see her tell me she loved me. She usually ended her texts with that and it never failed to make my heart dip.

My phone vibrated as I was putting on my shoes. I opened the message and dropped my shoe in surprise when I read her reply.

"What's wrong?" Sean came over straight away and I handed him my phone while I picked my shoe up again.

Sang: Im fine. See yoi later.

"Something's wrong," I told him. Her texts were always well put together and I had never seen a spelling mistake yet.

He handed me back my phone and took out his own, going to the section that would show us the cameras in her house. I hastily tied up my other shoe and stood up. I shrugged into my jacket and grabbed Sean's bag and my own.

"Got her, she's in the kitchen with her father and she's holding her cheek. He's hit her or struck her with something!" He reached out for the bags freeing my hands as we headed towards the car quickly.

Sean locked up and slid into the drivers seat as I got into the passenger seat. There was no way I could drive, text and watch her on the phone.

I sent her a text asking her what was wrong with her cheek and telling her that we were watching her. I hoped she'd look up and around but all she did was straighten up as if she wanted to hide her state from me. I tapped another message and watched her through Sean's phone on my lap.

"I've told her to switch on the taps if she needs us," I said.

"Of course, she needs us, Owen! He just hit her one!" he snapped and took a right turn at the bottom of the road.

"No, take us to the school. Kota and Nathan will get her out and bring her to us."

Sean nodded and with precision did a u-turn and drove in the direction of the school as I texted Kota.

Mr Blackbourne: Get Sang out of the house. Take Nathan. Meet us at the office in school. We think her father has hit her.

"Get North and Luke to pick them up," Sean said. "His car is more intimidating than Kota's car."

I nodded and texted North telling him what to.

"What about the others, do we text them?" Sean asked and stopped at a red light.

"I'm going to get them all to come straight to the office but we'll wait till they're there before we say anything." I said and started sending a group text to the other boys.

Mr Blackbourne: Leave for school now and meet us in the office.

"One more thing, isn't it?" Sean murmured and shook his head as he took a roundabout neatly. "There's always one more thing she has to deal with."

My phone vibrated and I read Sang's text aloud to Sean.

"Worries about everyone but never herself and she's still evading!" Sean shook his head in disbelief.

I tapped a reply telling her to not worry about Kota and to tell me what was wrong with her cheek.

Her reply made me snort with anger.

"What's up?" Sean demanded.

"She says that she "Spoke out of turn and he has disciplined me". Which is Sang speak for she said something he didn't like and he's hit her one."

"She probably thinks that as her father he has the right to smack her one when she "acts" up. She's got no idea how proper relationships work," he shook his head sadly. "None of us would ever hit her, but she needs to know that discipline should never be physical no matter what she does."

"And this is coming from the man who threatens to put her over his knee if she runs out," I murmured, watching as Sang took some keys, car keys I think, from her father. She left the view of the camera and I rotated quickly until I could see her in the camera that watched the driveway.

"Oh, come off it, Owen, you know I don't mean I'd really do it. If she ever does go over my knee for a spanking it won't be because I'm punishing her," he snorted.

I had a mental image of her spread over my knees, her skirts up. I shook my head, I didn't need to go down that road at the moment.

I saw Kota and Nathan appear on screen and they were all over her.

"They've got her," I said and switched off the camera app.

I heard him sign in relief, a relief that was echoed in my own mind.

"We need this week away," I said and slid both phones into my pocket. I would give his back to him when we got to school.

"Yes, it'll be interesting to see if we can make a whole week without some kind of drama."

I snorted and watched as he slid the car into the bay at the car park. He switched off, took the keys out and gave them to me.

"Here you go, Mr Blackbourne, not a scratch on her."

"I have never doubted your driving skills," I told him and flashed him a smile.

"You always doubt my skills, Owen. It was only because you were watching the phone and texting that I didn't get a running commentary on what I was doing wrong!"

"It was only because I was texting that you were allowed to drive her, Dr Green." I smirked at him and got out of the car and when he was out, locked it.

My phone vibrated and I opened the message.

Kota: We have Sang, we're on our way. He hit her cheek, but doesn't look too bad. Told her the Doc will check her out.

I let Sean see the message and then we were heading inside to our office. I had grown to hate this building quickly. I would be glad when we could finish this and get out.

Sang's POV

I could see that both Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green had changed from earlier so I assumed they had gone back to their place when they left me. As soon as I had arrived at the office Dr Green was on me; examining my face and cheekbone and then, when he was happy that there was nothing major wrong, he had let Mr Blackbourne question me.

Gabriel, Silas and Victor had all arrived by that point and I had told them everything that had happened, including what had lead him to slap me. They had all remained perfectly quiet as I talked, but I could see North shifting around as he got angry.

"Grooming her!" Nathan spluttered when I had finished at last.

"Well, whatever has been said and whatever he thinks, he's in no position to make a fuss." Mr Blackbourne said and checked his watch. "Ten minutes, Miss Sorenson and I'll take you down to meet your father. I want everyone else to head onto class, don't be late."

I said my goodbyes to everyone and then turned back to Mr Blackborne and Dr Green when the door shut.

"What's going to happen?" I asked and lifted my finger to my lip. Dr Green caught my hand and pulled me down onto his lap.

"I think he's going to push for expulsion and settle on detention for the rest of the week," Mr Blackbourne said and I groaned and hid my face in Dr Green's neck.

Mr Blackbourne came over and sat on the edge of the desk, putting his hand on my back.

"It will be ok, Miss Sorenson."

"What if he brings up the Academy?" I asked him and lifted my head. I saw Dr Green look at Mr Blackborne and something passed between them.

"We don't think he will," Dr Green said. "Because it will show his hand to your father that he's been blackmailing you."

Mr Blackbourne picked up Dr Green's bag and took out some papers.

"We were going to show you these last night, but you did a Cinderella at midnight on us," Dr Green said and I couldn't help the flush of shame on my face. He chuckled and nipped at my jawline, sending a ripple of pleasure down my spine.

"What are they?" I asked taking them from Mr Blackbourne.

"The results from your urine and the bottle. It was GHB you were given and it was a relatively small dose, it backs up what we thought, that he was trying to get you loosened up and not passed out. Which is no excuse, but might make it easier for you to deal with," Dr Green said.

I sighed and stared at the numbers and words not understanding any of it. But he was right. It did make it easier to accept; knowing that Tim hadn't meant to actually rape me. I was still angry, very angry with him, but knowing that he had only intended on loosening me up took away some of the fear that had been there. Especially if I would still be seeing him around school.

Mr Blackbourne took them back again from me.

"I'm going to give these to Mr Hendricks in a minute."

"Can you come in with me?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"I can't. Not unless your father specifically asks for me and he has no reason too. You're going to be fine and we will be listening."

I nodded at him and he stood up. He held out his free hand to me and I thought he was helping me up. I reached up and took a hold of it, getting down from Dr Green's lap. Mr Blackbourne pulled me into his arms and I hung on, burying my face in his shoulder.

"It's going to be ok," he murmured and then he was kissing me on the top of my head and letting me go.

Dr Green patted my back and then gave me a quick kiss on my temple.

Mr Blackbourne lead me to the door and then let go of my hand as he opened the door. I followed him down to the main reception area and saw my father just coming in. Mr Blackbourne's face hardened as he watched him.

"Sang!" My father ignored Mr Blackbourne and I don't think he made anything of another teacher being with me.

"I will see you later, Miss Sorenson," Mr Blackbourne said and I nodded at him.

"Yes, sir," I murmured and I saw a flash of something in his eye and a hint of his smile before he was turning away and heading back to the principal's office.

"Who was that kid this morning?" My father asked quietly as we sat and waited. He had informed the secretary that we were here and then he came and sat with me.

"Kota and Nathan, they're my friends. They usually pick me up for school as the bus is too cramped. You met them before when you.... gave us the trampoline."

I was going to say left, but realised that wasn't wise.

"Mr Sorenson, Sang."

I looked up and saw Mr Hendricks coming towards us from his office. We stood up and Mr Hendricks shook my father's hand and then lead us into the office.

"Please sit down," he said as he shut the door. I sat down and gripped my bag to my chest, my hands already shaking. I was feeling sick now and my stomach was cramping again.

"I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances, Mr Sorenson," Mr Hendricks sat behind his desk and folded his hands together on his desk in front of him.

"Yes, well, let's get on with it, shall we? I have to get to work," my father said sharply and I winced.

"Quite," Mr Hendricks said. "I know you work hard, Mr Sorenson and that you sometimes have to go away on business trips."

"I fail to see your point, Mr Hendricks. My daughter has informed me that she was drugged, not that she took drugs. I believe my daughter, Mr Hendricks," my father said and I was surprised that he was backing me up.

"Yes, well, it would seem that she was indeed drugged...."

"So you were wrong, apology accepted" my father snipped and I saw Mr Hendricks redden in anger, but my father just carried on. "Perhaps you were also wrong about this kid that my daughter hit?"

"Timothy Bennett has provided us with a watertight alibi, it was mistaken identity on Sang's part. However, case remains she attacked another student on school grounds. Instant expulsion is...."

"She was under the impression that boy drugged her with a view to raping her, what do you expect her to do? Shake his hand?" my father spat out and sat forward on his chair. I had heard him argue with my mother before, but I always got the impression that he was a weak man that she overruled. Now I was beginning to think I was wrong.

"No, of course not. I was about to say, Mr Sorenson, that under normal circumstances instant expulsion is the rule, however, there are always exceptions to the rule and Sang's case is one of them."

"Quite right," my father sat back slightly. "I am absolutely horrified to think that my daughter was drugged with a date rape drug at your school dance."

Mr Hendricks shifted slightly in his head and I felt like I was caught in a dream. I had not expected this from father at all, he was on the attack and not pulling his punches.

"We had an adequate amount of teachers supervising the...."

"That well may be the case, but the fact remains, it was your school dance, it was your responsibility to look after the safety of the students. I appreciate that Sang can't just go around attacking students randomly, but I'm sure you'll agree that there were exceptional circumstances here. She was sure in her responses to this kid."

"I can't be seen to allow fighting in the corridors though," Mr Hendricks said and I frowned. Was he not aware that there was fights practically every day that the teachers turned a blind eye too?

"No, I understand and I'm not condoning Sang's behaviour. She should have gone to one of the teachers with her suspicions, not just attacked. Especially as she was wrong."

"Exactly," Mr Hendricks said and looked at me briefly before looking back at my father. "I propose that four days of after school detention is in order. Are you able to pick her up to take her home?"

"Till what time? I don't finish till six usually and then I car share," he said.

"Usually detentions run for an hour from her entrance into the room. So about 5.30"

"Ok, I can make arrangements for someone to pick her up."

"Sang, do you understand why you are being given detention?" Mr Hendricks was looking at me as if he cared. I wanted to scream and shout at them, tell him that it was Tim. But I bit my lip and nodded instead.

"I think, with your permission, Mr Sorenson, that Sang would also benefit from apologising to Tim Bennett for her actions. Not to mention the upset caused to the young man in question. Do you agree?"

I heard my father agree and then Mr Hendricks was pressing his intercom and asking for Tim Bennett to be called to his office. I could feel the blood draining from my face, making me feel very lightheaded. They wanted me to face him, apologise for hitting him, knowing all the time that he had drugged me, taken me into the closet. A wave of nausea rose up and I swallowed it back down. I had to do this. If I could get through this everything would be ok. I would remain safe at home, Mr Hendricks would be none the worse about my father not being there and nothing would change.

There was a knock at the door and Mr Hendricks called out for whoever it was to come in.

The door opened, but I couldn't turn and face him. I was finding it difficult to breathe and my hold on my bag was a death grip, shakes rattled my body.

"Ah, Tim. Sang would like to apologise for hitting you in the corridor and for accusing you of drugging her. We want to get this over with and then we can put it behind us and move forwards. Are you acceptable?"

"Yes, sir," I heard Tim's slightly confused and relieved voice and I realised that he had thought I was still saying it was him. I hung onto the thought that Mr Blackbourne had promised me that they would make Tim pay and I had to believe that. I repeated it over and over as I sat there, staring blindly at the desk.

"Well, go on then, Sang, I have to get to work!" My father nudged me sharply and I almost toppled off the chair.

"I'm...I I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It wasn't the desk you accused, Sang," Mr Hendricks said. I forced myself to turn around and stare at Tim, but I could look no higher than the black t-shirt he wore.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

"No worries, Sang," he said equally quietly.

"Are you happy with that, Tim?" Mr Hendricks asked and I could hear that he wasn't happy with my response and wanted Tim to complain too.

"Yes, sir," Tim's voice was quiet and I was relieved that at least he hadn't followed Mr Hendricks lead.

"You may go," Mr Hendricks grunted and Tim went out quickly.

"Is that all?" my father asked and stood up already dismissing anything he might say.

"Yes, thank you for coming in, Mr Sorenson."

"You're welcome. Glad we could sort this out." My father shook hands with Mr Hendricks.

"I'll just go over Sang's detention with her. Can you find your own way out?"

"Of course." My father looked at me and then he was going out the door and shutting it behind him.

"Well, Sang..." Mr Hendricks sat back in his seat and looked at me. "You escaped that one, didn't you?"

I said nothing as I watched him warily.

"You should have stayed away from those boys and none of this would have happened," he said and shook his head. "But... it's to my advantage I suppose. I want you to continue to watch them, tell me anything and when they get kicked out of here, and they will do, you might just scrape by. It was your grades, now it's expulsion over your head. Do you understand?"

I nodded at him and he regarded me quietly.

"Do you have anything to tell me?"

I shrugged.

"What were you doing Saturday?"

"Sleeping mostly," I said and it was mostly true. "The drug took awhile to get out of my system."

"I see Dr Green looked after you," he said and looked down at the reports that Mr Blackbourne had. He must have passed them into him before we were called in.


"Whose house were you in when he looked after you?" he demanded.

"Dr Green's," I said and that was mostly true as well.

"Are you aware that he's moved from his condo?"

"um... he mentioned it, yes," I was struggling now. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Do you know where he's moved too?"

"Um.. no, I don't know where it is," I said and it was the truth. I had absolutely no idea where they lived, I didn't know the area or the address, I just knew who he'd moved in with, but he hadn't asked that.

"Useless," he shook his head. "We'll find him again sooner or later, it's no big deal. Any more on where the Academy is?"

I shook my head and he sighed heavily.

"Go on, get out!" he said suddenly and I jumped from the chair and was out of the door before he could pull me back. I shut the door and looked down the corridor towards the main area. I saw Mr Blackbourne and my father in the corridor. My father was almost backed into the wall and Mr Blackbourne was leaning towards him, one hand raised and pointing at him. I couldn't hear what was being said but I could tell that Mr Blackbourne was threatening my father. I wondered what that was all about, but I saw my father nod once. He turned his head and saw me. Mr Blackbourne looked at me sideways and I was taken aback at the look on his face. His normal face made me want to do whatever he asked, but this face, this face would terrify me into obeying. He looked back at my father said something else, my father nodded again and then he was walking away and around the corridor.

Mr Blackbourne came towards me and his face softened slightly and I breathed out.

"Follow me, Miss Sorenson," he murmured as he passed me and I followed him into the office. He shut and locked the door behind us.

"Well done, Pookie, excellent answers," Dr Green spoke up from where he was sitting at his desk with his laptop open.

I sank down onto the chair that had been brought into the room at some point recently and hugged my bag again.

"What did you say to him?" I asked Mr Blackbourne as he crossed to sit behind his desk.

"I told him what would happen if he ever lifted a hand to you again," he said quietly. "You did really well," he added.

"I wasn't sure how I managed to apologised to him without throwing up all over him," I admitted and Dr Green snorted.

"You should have just done it," he said and shoved back from his desk to come around and crouch beside me. "The least he deserves is sick all over him."

He took my wrist and felt my pulse, checking his watch, I stared at him in surprise, but he merely held his other finger over my lips.

"Bit fast still," he said and crossed to his desk and opened up one of the drawers.

"Why are you checking my pulse?" I asked him.

"I thought at one point you were going to pass out, you were listing to the right and looked very white."

He came back with a banana and held it out to me.

"Eat this, Doctor's orders."

I took it and began to dutifully eat it. I was still shaking and he saw it.

"You did well, Sang," he said and I looked up at him.

He jumped slightly and then he was pulling his phone from his pocket and opened it.

"Oh damn!" he muttered. "Some kid is fitting in the labs. I'll be back, keep her here still she stops shaking, Owen." He grabbed his bag and was out of the door before I really even processed his words.

Mr Blackbourne got up and relocked the door behind him and then crossed to sit on the edge of the desk beside me.

"I didn't hear what Mr Hendricks wanted with you after your father left, would you tell me now?"

I nibbled on the banana telling him what he asked me and what I had replied.

"Dr Green is correct, you answered well, you didn't lie but neither did you give him the answers he was really looking for."

"Thank you for talking to my father," I said picking a string of fibre from the banana. "I don't think I'll be seeing him again though."

"Maybe not," he said, taking my empty skin and putting it on the desk beside us. "But he knows where we stand now. Which in this case, Miss Sorenson, is in front of you." He took one of my hands in his and traced his fingertips over mine.

I sighed at his words and touch, I was feeling more settled now, although the cramping in my stomach remained.

It would take awhile for me to settle completely and every time I thought about Tim my stomach knotted tighter. I pushed it to the back of my mind. I bent my head quickly and brushed my lips over Mr Blackbourne's fingers on mine in thanks. I heard his quick intake of breath and I tried to back away, thinking I'd gone too far on school grounds. He tightened his hold on my hand and slid from the desk to his knees in front of me.

He let go of my hand, brought his palms to the sides of my head, and before I could even think, he was tilting my head and kissing me. I wound my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He licked at my lips and I opened them immediately wanting to feel his tongue against mine. I could still taste the faint hint of his toothpaste, I shifted closer to the edge of the chair, my hands in his hair now. I was slightly higher than him and I realised that I liked this position at lot. He let go of my head with one hand and I felt him touch my knee, pushing it outwards slightly. My knees parted and he moved between them pulling me closer at the same time until my chest was pressed against him. I slid a hand down his back, but I could feel nothing over the suit jacket and it frustrated me. He kissed me so completely that I was fast losing control. I wanted to touch him, wanted him to touch me. I brought my hand up to his neck and under his suit and down his back, it was a bit better, but still not enough. He had moved around my jawline and was kissing at a spot on my neck that made my toes curl, sending fire through my veins.

I needed him closer, I drew my legs up slightly till they were wrapped around his waist as I kissed his ear trying to work around to his mouth. His hand on my knee crept higher pushing my skirt upwards and that tingle started low in my belly.

He suddenly jumped and then he was pulling away from me, his hair was mussed and his glasses were at an angle and I loved how he looked.

"I'm sorry," he murmured and righted his glasses. He slid his hands onto my knees and I let them fall back to the floor.

"I want to kiss you, Miss Sorenson, I want to carry on, but this isn't the place," he said ruefully and I gasped.

"I forgot where we were," I said and sat back feeling the heat fill my face.

"As did I," he said and ran a hand through his hair trying to get some semblance of order back as he checked the text that had come in for him. I reached forward to help him smooth the back part down and found myself close to him again. His lips met mine again and I sighed into his mouth, he drew me in tightly and hugged me, his head going to my neck.

"Dr Green is on his way back and is inquiring about your pulse," he said and pulled back again and stood up. He straightened his tie and I was looking up at him, my hands under my thighs as I struggled to stop myself from reaching out for him again.

The door was unlocked and then opened. Dr Green came in and shut it behind us.

"How is she, Owen? Stopped shaking yet? The banana should....." He stopped when he turned around and looked at us. Mr Blackbourne was crossing to his desk, and I could see no signs that I had been kissing him at all, even his hair was back under control.

Dr Green looked at me and I couldn't help the burn that filled my face. I looked away quickly.

"Looks like I returned just in time," Dr Green laughed and putting his bag on the table he stepped forward, gripped my wrist and checked his watch.

"You were supposed to sit here and calm down. Not lock lips with Owen and get all flustered again. At this rate you might be ready to go back to classes after lunch!"

"Sean," Mr Blackbourne muttered his name and caught my eye as he sat down behind his desk, he gave me his millimetre smile and I couldn't help but beam back at him.

"How do you feel now?" Dr Green asked me catching my attention.

"I feel fine, just a bit of a stomach ache, but I think it's because I got nervous," I said looking up at him. He cast a critical eye over my face and frowned.

"You're very white still, Sang. What did you have for breakfast?"

"Porridge," I said, not bothering to say that half of it had ended up in the bin.

"Stomach ache? When did that start?"

"Last night, I don't feel ill."

"And the nausea? That's gone now?" He was reaching into his bag and before I knew it a thermometer was sitting just inside my ear for a few seconds.

"Yes. Honestly, Dr Green, I'm fine,"

"You're running a little high," he murmured and then crouched back down beside me. "Are you still taking those vitamins?"

I flushed slightly and he shook his head at me.

"How many have you missed?"

"I'm not sure, I forget to take them," I shrugged and bit my lip. He reached into his bag again and took out a bottle of them and shook two out for me.

"Honestly, Sang, how are you supposed to get back to normal if you keep forgetting to take them. I'm telling you now, Pookie, you most certainly are going for the implant, if you forget to take your pill we'll all be in trouble."

"I'm all over the place," I said. "Unless I keep a bottle at everyone elses house I sometimes forget to take them with me."

"That's a good idea, Sean," Mr Blackbourne spoke up and looked up from where he was sorting through some papers.

"Yes, good idea. I'll do that." He stood up and looked at his watch. "Five minutes and the bell will ring, where are you at next?"

I didn't know what the time was and I had no idea how many lessons I had missed.

"H.E.P. Classes," Mr Blackbourne answered for me.

"Ah, The school nurse is on that one today. In that case, we can all stay here till your next lesson after."

Suddenly the fire alarm went off and I jumped slightly.

"Not again, what is it this time?" Dr Green snorted and pulled me to my feet.

"Bring your bag," Mr Blackbourne told me and I scooped it up.

"Was it another bomb threat the other day?" I asked and Mr Blackbourne shook his head.

"No, for some reason, our bomber has gone very quiet. I think it was getting too hot with the authorities for him to carry on. I think it was a student mucking about and he's got scared off," he said as he lead us out into the corridors of the offices. All the lights had gone out and the hallways were dark.

"What the..." Dr Green put his hand on my shoulder and I was glad of the touch.

"Who's turned off the lights?" Mr Blackbourne demanded. "Stay close, Miss Sorenson."

I followed him down the hallway, aware of his dark shape in front of me, eventually we were in the main reception area where there was more light, the office staff were moving out the doors.

"Who switched off the lights back there?" he called out as he strode towards the doors.

"The electric has gone," one of the ladies told him. "Back up generator hasn't kicked in yet."

He frowned as he held the door open for her and us. I moved through and the relative calm of the reception area was lost in the sea of students all moving towards the exits.

I was jostled and swept along with them, Dr Green lost his grip and when I tried to turn around I couldn't see either of them as I was pushed along with the students.

"Stupid flippin' thing, probably another false alarm," one girl in front of me said loudly.

"Someone said that a kid set it off yesterday as a joke," someone else said as we all sweeped out of the entrance and onto the car park behind the main building.

"Keep going onto the fields and group together in your classes!" someone shouted and I saw Mr Morris looking tired and harassed.

I looked around for Dr Green or Mr Blackbourne and saw neither of them. I was alone out here, I began to feel uncomfortable as I began to walk alone slowly towards the fields. I took my phone from my bra and opened Kota's app.

Sang: Where are you?

"Well, well, little Sang, where's your friends now?" came a cold voice and I knew it was Jade without turning around. I ignored her and was rewarded with her poking me hard in the shoulder.

"Hey, talking to you," she said. I looked over my shoulder at her, she came to walk beside me.

"I'm looking forward to the game this weekend," she said and I saw a few of her friends move in around us. "We should win easily and the team deserves to be congratulated properly and I intend to do that."

"What all of them? Will you have time?" I asked casually and wished she would just go away, my face ached and I wasn't sure if it was remembered pain from the dodgeball or my father's slap.

"Just a few of them, well, two of them," she said and moved to stand in front of me, stopping me from moving forward. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand but I kept my eyes level with hers.

"I think North and Silas will appreciate me," she said and I smiled at her.

"I doubt it," I said quietly and she made a mock shocked face.

"Oh, but I forgot, you're seeing Silas, aren't you? But you do know that "Seeing someone" doesn't mean he has to be exclusive to you, don't you?"

"Goodness, that's a big word, Jade, are sure you know what it means?" I inquired softly. My hands were shaking again, I hated confrontation, but if she thought she was going to get her sharp claws into any of my boys she had another think coming.

Her eyes narrowed and she leant forwards to me and licked her lips.

"I want them both and I always get what I want," she said confidently.

I smiled at her and leant forwards to her as well.

"School rumour says you have the Clap. I don't think Silas or North will be wanting that as well, do you?"

"You fucking bitch! I do not have the Clap!" she shot out and her hand came up, but I was waiting for it and I stepped sideways quickly. She overbalanced and fell forwards just managing to save herself by grabbing at one of her friends.

I walked away, shaking hard and feeling very victorious.

"This isn't over, you little cunt!" she called after me but I borrowed a North mannerism and flipped my finger at her over my shoulder, without looking back. I had never, ever flipped the finger at anyone and I felt a rush of elation mixed with a feeling of being naughty.

"Lunch time detention, Miss William, tomorrow, for language," came the steel hard tone of Mr Blackbourne and I nearly stopped, but I kept going. Several people had overheard us and some of them smiled at me as I passed. I couldn't keep the grin from my face.

I lifted my phone and opened the message.

"Mr B is coming for you, stay where you are," I read and so I immediately stopped.

"Keep going, Miss Sorenson and keep your head up," was muttered in my ear as Mr Blackbourne swept past me. I followed him and was soon on the other side of the field where they were all gathered. Their faces reflected relief at seeing me and I grinned widely at them.

"That was well played, Miss Sorenson," Mr Blackbourne said as he went to stand beside Dr Green.

"What was?" asked Silas as he came to stand beside me, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, I may have told Jade that she has the Clap, but it's written all over the inside of one of the gym bathroom doors so..." I shrugged.

"You did what?" Gabriel demanded and so I recounted what had been said and he hooted with delight and high fived Luke.

"Well, you've given us a way out if she comes crawling around at the weekend," Silas said proudly and kissed my head.

A wash of jealousy went over me at the thought of her coming onto them. She was a very attractive girl and if she came onto them hard enough, would they be able to stop her? Would they want to stop her?

"Stop it, Sang baby," North commanded me and I realised he had read my fears on my face. He stepped towards me but didn't touch me. He leant close till his mouth was by my ear.

"There is only one girl we're interested in and she's standing here in front of me. I wouldn't want her even if I'd never met you, but knowing you? Knowing how much I love you? Not a chance, the only girl I want in my bed is you and it'll only ever be you until I'm old."

I sighed heavily and Silas scooped me closer and kissed my head again.

"Not a false alarm then," Kota said and I looked to where he was pointing at a window in the main building that had smoke pouring out of it.

"That's the science labs," Victor said.

"Silas, stay with Miss Sorenson, the rest of you split up and see what you can find out."

"You're not going inside are you?" I asked in sudden fear.

"No, Pookie, we just wander amongst the rank and file out here and see what loose lips are saying," Dr Green said and I sighed in relief.

"Come on, sit down with me for a bit," Silas said.

"Not on the grass!" North said as he moved away.

"Not on that skirt!" called Gabriel at the same time. "Let her sit on your jacket or your lap. Stain that skirt and I'll kill someone."

I chuckled as they all moved away and I was left being pulled onto Silas' lap on the grass.

"It's been forever since I had you on my own," he said.

"Saturday," I reminded him, as I wound my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Like I said, forever," he rumbled and held me close.

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