Heroes of War- Izuku X Reader

By _Alice_Love_

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(Y/n) with the superhero name, Roach. Dealing with the traumatic life experiences of two ex-pro hero parents... More

33. Yay hospitals and bad guys
A/N *will be taken down*


19 1 0
By _Alice_Love_

"I never realized you owned half of the fourth floor." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well I only spend my money on me and what I donate." I was giving him the tour of the place just past the door next to my bedroom.

It opened into a rather spacious area, I didn't design a lick of the interior. Hence why it looked like it was straight from a catalog. The big flat screen tv and plenty of seats between the two sectionals and little single-person chairs that face the smaller tv, I only used that to play games on when lots of people came over. Or when Hanta was particularly excited about a new game. I pointed towards the wide open windows that were pointed out at a small town square with many giant advertising screens, "At least the views okay."

Izuku seemed awestruck, "Here I thought you just had really quiet neighbors." I rolled my eyes walking past and towards the large custom table that sat in front of the nearly absurdly large kitchen I could never fill the thing, well maybe if everything was a miscellaneous drawer... then it's a possibility.

"I never really use the larger part of the house, it's meant for like some absurdly large family. I technically am in the in-law suite." I talked to him as I showed how empty the place was, "There's like two fully functioning bathrooms with closets and a laundry room off the main space," I pointed along the wall that had the door we came through, "then, down the kitchen and pantry alcove it turns into a little office," I turned around walking backward down the little opening with bedroom doors on the three walls, "not to mention three bedrooms with full baths each. And, not to mention" I pointed down a small hallway, "Two more bedrooms that share a bathroom. Then the best view, the master at the very end of that hall. I don't really like using it though." Izuku walked down and opened the door.

"Holy crap. I wouldn't believe you get this kind of view on the fourth floor." He was staring out at the small view of the water of a nearby river. I sighed, "Yeah, I just hate that people constantly dump trash in the water. It kills the fish that live in the stream, I think it comes from one of the parks nearby."

When I turned and looked at Izuku he had tears in his eyes. I was shocked, his lips were trembling as he looked down at the river. "The poor fishies who lost their friends." I placed a hand on his arm and he looked at me. He was about ready to burst into tears. "I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DON'T LIKE LOOKING AT IT." I rubbed his arm shaking my head, "Midoriya, you do know that the locals in the area have a monthly clean up? Not to mention that the recent additional taxes that are going to implement some mesh to stop trash from falling into the water?"

I never knew he was this big of a softie. I rubbed his back as he was comforted, "So the fish-" "Yes Midoriya the fish are doing much better." He started nodding his head as he looked outside, "Midoriya would you like to see the fish from the balcony? To make you feel better?"

He nodded his head and wiped his eyes, I gave him a smile and held his hand. He didn't seem to mind as I led him to the sliding glass door. With the click of the lock and a swift push, the wind rushed through the door.

The wind had been bad, moreover the weather in general. The sky above was grey and menacing. Izuku wasn't concerned with the upset sky, he was too busy looking at the shadows one could see of the fishes swimming in the stream that ran through the city.

He seemed to relax as he looked down at the fishes. He must have really gotten upset when I told him about the creatures. I looked down at the ground, at the entrance of my apartment complex. I looked about seeing that there were some police cars talking with the doorman, I recognized the uniform easily, and immediately started running through everything in my head.

Statistics of possibility that it could be Father that the police were called on, could it be anyone else? The other residents never seem to have problems, maybe the once or twice a wild bird has managed to entire we have had to call animal control- but that was when that one couple never shut any of their windows. If anyone was going to be robbed it was going to be them, yet nothing ever happened. Maybe it's because they sleep nude according to the guy who had the unfortunate task of cleaning the windows.

"Are you okay? You're making that face you made when you first opened your door." Deku had turned to look at me, with a head tilt as he lowered himself to my eye level. "I could hit you for this, mockery of my height-" He placed a hand on my shoulder, "You are shaking."

"Yeah... that happens." I tried to settle down. I didn't want to ruin the fun times I had been having, it was probably nothing.

The atmosphere had shifted as I sighed. I had definitely ruined the mood. Great now all I can think about is how I messed this up. I wrapped my arms around myself as I now felt a different reason to hide away underneath my bed. Izuku seemed a little concerned by my reaction, but I suppose he decided not to press into it.

"You know, you never told me the date of this movie night." He was giving me a gentle nudge in the arm to break me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times processing what he was implying. "Wait, so you want to come?" I wasn't expecting him to say he wanted to come. I was expecting him to not be interested, try to blow the entire thing off. "Of course I want to come! Just text me the time and the place-" His phone went off, that damn ringtone signaling heroes to work.

He wasn't happy. I could see that in his expression. Especially as he grumbled pulling the phone to his ear and clenching his jaw. I couldn't blame him. I never could complete an assignment during this time frame since I would be tracked down and harassed, that was the last thing my company wanted- having to actually provide resources for me.

I took his free hand as he talked. He was capable of doing both talking and walking at the same time. I led him to the door that could be used to enter the much larger part of my apartment from the hallway. Izuku trailed behind me as I walked him as he collected the information on his upcoming task of fighting something. I wasn't paying much attention to what they were conversing on the phone about, I looked at him and pointed up or down. He pointed up. I nodded going to the elevator taking it up to the 17th story. I then led him to a stairwell and up onto the roof access. Not many other residents in the building had access to the roof, for safety reasons but as a pro hero rooves were almost always given access to them.


1262 words!

Hello guys, I'm working on my chapters and hopefully I will get done with the most recent chapter I am working on.
College has been a lot for me, and right now I feel a character arc coming on

anyway- don't be afraid to leave a vote!
I know it's kinda desperate looking to ask but still- it lets me know y'all like the story, and not to mention it helps others find the story too.

So make sure to help out the authors!

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