Let's Be Best Friends Sequel...

By RobinBirdie2

855 69 42


Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Continuing!)
I Hate Her
I'm Sorry
Lets Be... Best Friends
New Mom?
I Like You!
Father Daughter Time
Nightmare vs Jay And Haou Pt 1
Nightmare vs Jay and Haou pt 2
New Girl... Aaaannnnd She's At The Nurse
Missing Memories
Should I Change The Name?
Still need more results
Burned Alive
What I Didn't Put In The Story
Fire 'House'
Titles are mainstream fuck it
Meeting everyone again
Seeing Him Again
Meeting Everyone
Very Very Sorry!

I'm Done With You

20 3 0
By RobinBirdie2

Eric' P.O.V

I can't believe it... Jay was set on fire... I turned to see Britney smiling. I walked up to her angrily.

When I got up to her and she smiled at me. "Oh Eric did you see what happened to poor Jaclyn~? Oh well she deserved it~"

The she started laughing... The same laugh everyone use to do when Jay got hurt.


I slapped her across the face and everyone looked at me even her father.

I don't care if she's the daughter of a fucking demon. "You just hurt someone that was close to me since i was 4... I hate you..."

Then I started to walk away but then I turned around. "And we are over.." Then I walked away.

~At Le Hospital~

Alex's P.O.V

We were inside the hospital waiting for the doctor to tell is if Jay was going to be alright.

Liu was freaking out and Axel is crying. "M-mommy is big sissy goijg to be okay?" Axel said with his big green eyes in tears.

"Yes sweetie she's going to-" "She's gonna go insane when she gets out this hospital!!" Liu or um er Sully said angrily.

"How would you know? You've never been set on fire!" "WELL I KNOW SOMEONE WHO DID AND HE BETRAYED OUR FUCKING FAMILY!"

I just stood there staring at Liu... "Jaclyn will never turn out to be like Jeff... And I'll make sure of that"

Then I turned away from Liu and walked away with Axel in my arms.
(This was a bit dramatic i guess its, so i just wanted to hurry and wrap this up soo bai)

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