The Purest Touch

By drippy_gay

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Jungkook, who is living in his adoptive father's legacy of running Korea's most dangerous Mafia with his brot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Not a Chapter//Read it!!!

Chapter Sixteen

82 5 0
By drippy_gay

It's been a few weeks since they brought Julia home, and the newly married couple, Tae and Suga, couldn't help but spoil the life out of her with clothes, toys and blankets that she has come to love.

She's gotten good about sleeping through the night, so she now sleeps in her nursery with a camera in every corner of the room, and her baby monitor, in case she cries.

Suga and Tae have also started their adoption appointments and will be bringing home baby Van next week, so they went out and bought everything they thought they would need. They baby proofed every inch of the house and built the nursery for him, they've talked non stop about how excited they were to finally bring him home.

Jimin and Jungkook just couldn't wait to spoil Van like they've been spoiling Julia, and then eventually they would start play dates, and sleep overs and slowly get them to grow used to each other, seeing how they would grow up together, and maybe one day run the Mafia business together, or not.

Suga has been meaning to talk to Jungkook about the Mafia for a while, but he's been holding off until he gets everything situated with Van.

Tae and Suga go to their first adoption appointment, and right off the bat were set up with a healthy baby boy. They filled out all the paperwork, named him Van, and then within a week's time they were bringing him home after all the house visit checkups, and finalized paperwork were filled out.

"Welcome home baby Van." Suga, normally well put together, was having an emotional moment with His and Tae's new son, carrying him like he was the most precious thing in the world, that he would always protect.

Jungkook and Jimin met them in their living room and couldn't help but coo at baby Van. They brought Julia over with them, Jimin carrying her in a baby sling on his frontside.

"He's so adorable, you guys got lucky with that one." Jimin loved Julia and thought she was the most adorable thing ever, but he could admit that Van came a close second to their daughter. "I agree." Jungkook couldn't help but smile at his brother carrying his new nephew.

It's been a few weeks since the babies came into the four boys' lives, and they couldn't be any happier.

Suga thought it might finally be time to finally sit down and talk to Jungkook about leaving parts of the Mafia behind, and then discussing it with Jimin and Tae.

Suga walked to Jimin and Jungkook's house while Tae watched Van with Jimin while he watched Julia. Jungkook was in the kitchen cooking food for everyone so that they could put the babies down for a nap while they ate.

"Hey Kook, I have something I want to talk to you about." Suga started off slowly, he didn't know exactly how he was going to bring it up, but he knew he needed to.

"What is it Yoongs?" Jungkook had just finished cooking everything and was waiting for it to cool down enough to plate for everyone to eat. In the process of waiting he turned around and looked towards Suga for the first time since he came in and saw the look of seriousness on his face. "Are you okay Suga?"

"Yeah I'm okay I just, I think we should get out." Suga could see the emotion change on Jungkook's face, curious, but serious at this point. "What do you mean, get out?" Jungkook knew exactly what he meant, but he needed him to clarify, just in case he wasn't entirely right.

"You know what I mean. The Mafia. It doesn't have to be entirely, but at least the hard part, the unsafe part. I know we can't leave entirely, but I want our kids to grow up safe, and not have to worry about taking on a horrible legacy. There will always be paperwork, or plans to be made or things to do dealing with the mafia, but that doesn't mean that we have to do all the hard unsafe stuff. It's been quite Kook, I think it's time, we both have a family to care for now. We are a family together.

"I never thought you'd bring it up. I've been thinking about it for a while but I didn't know how to bring it up because I didn't know how you would feel about it, but I guess Van and Julia have put new insights in our life. I agree I think it's time. We have to talk to Jimin and Tae about it though." As soon as Jungkook finished his sentence, that's when Jimin and Tae walked in.

"Talk to us about what?" Jimin spoke quietly, he was holding a sleeping Julia in his arms and Tae following in behind him, holding a sleeping Van.

Jimin and Tae go and lay the babies down in Julia's nursery, so they can nap and they can finally eat. When they make it back to the kitchen, Jungkook is already plating the food and everyone is taking their seats at the table.

"So what did you need to talk to us about?" Tae spoke up. Suga and Jungkook glanced at each other, hesitant, but ready as they'll ever be. Not that them being out of the Mafia affects Jimin and Tae a great deal, but they do need to be informed about it because it does affect the kids.

"We are thinking about getting out." Jimin and Tae looked at each other and then back at Suga, confused as to what he might be insinuating. "The mafia." To clear the obvious confusion on their faces, Jungkook spoke up. "Oh." Tae spoke up. Honestly he and Jimin had forgotten completely about the mafia, considering how quiet it has been. Some of them still remember bits and pieces, but they try to shove it as far in mind because of all the bad things that have happened.

"Are you guys ready for that?" Jimin was speaking to them both, but looking directly at Jungkook. "It's time. We've been thinking about it for a while, but just now decided to discuss it officially. We have enough money to keep us comfortable for a really long time, and there are always things that are going to need to be done, we are just trying to stay out of the danger side, we have you guys and the kids to worry about now. You are more important than the past legacy we were supposed to live out."

Jimin and Tae listened to Jungkook's words carefully, they waited for the day that the danger would be out of their life for good and passed away to someone else to deal with, if just having to deal with paperwork or whatever minor work they have to deal with, means getting their kids out of dangers way, they were all for it."

"Well we agree. If this is something you are serious about we support it and want nothing but to be safe and happy with you guys." Jimin spoke through a smile. He was happy and if getting out made them happy and content, then he was all for it.

It was settled, Jungkook and Suga spent the next few days contacting who needed to be contacted and dropping out of most of the mafia duties they had upheld since their parents had died. They were just ready to move past all the lies and hurt that has been suffocating them about the past.

It was time. 

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