The Genius Within The Shadows...

By Kuragari_Mei

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I Honestly Don't Know How to Describe this Story anymore. But if You Wanna Know, then you're welcome to try o... More

Act I - Chapter 1 - [Start of a New Life]
Chapter 2 - [Life as an 'Ordinary' Student]
Chapter 3 - [A Glimpse of His Power]
Chapter 4 - [Unwanted Attention]
chapter 5 - [The Devil Within]
Chapter 6 - [Calm Before The Storm]
Chapter 7 - [A Small World]
Chapter 8 - [Prologue]
Chapter 9 - [Interaction]
Chapter 10 - [Lingering Doubt]
Chapter 11 - [Light]
Bonus Story - [Hiyori's Melancholy]
Bonus Story - [A Tyrants Obsession]
Act II - Chapter 1 [Relations]
Chapter 2 - [Gathering]
Chapter 3 - [Pride]
Chapter 4 - [Chance Encounter]
Chapter 5 - [Welcomed Return]
Chapter 6 - [The Normal Life I Want]
Chapter 7 - [A Normal Highschool Student]
Chapter 8 - [Rest Of Summer]
Chapter 9 - [New Look]
Bonus Story - [A Different Perspective]
Chapter 10 - [Preparations]
Chapter 11 - [Summer Paradise]
Chapter 12 - [The Seed Of Curiosity]
Chapter 13 - [Change]
Chapter 14 - [End of Summer]
Chapter 15 - [A New Beginning]
Chapter 16 - [Loopholes]
Chapter 17 - [War]
Chapter 18 - [Trouble on the Horizon]
Chapter 19 - [Plans Set in Motion]
Chapter 20 - [A Change of Pace]
Chapter 21 - [Individual Thoughts]
Chapter 22 - [A Delightful Meal]
Chapter 23 - [Opportunities]
Chapter 24 - [One of Many]
Chapter 25 - [An Unusual Pair]
Bonus Story - [Resolve]
Chapter 26 - [Passage of Time]
Chapter 27 - [A Sudden Turn]
Bonus Story - [Perception]
Chapter 28 - [Vow]
Chapter 29 - [Thereafter the Cold]
Chapter 30 - [Sports Festival]
Chapter 31 - [Accumulating Pain]
Chapter 32 - [Acceptance]
Chapter 33 - [Confrontation]
Chapter 34 - [Unveiling]
Bonus Story - [A Highschoolers' Heart]
Chapter 35 - [Connected Dots]
Chapter 36 - [Unrequited Trust]
Chapter 37 - [Glass like Heart]
Chapter 38 - [A New Tomorrow]

Chapter 12 - [Epilogue]

6.3K 268 124
By Kuragari_Mei

Ryueen Kakeru POV

If I have to describe my life up to now in one word. I wouldn't hesitate to say that it's fcking boring.

Everything's the same. The things I do - the things I have to do and the things I've done.

It's all an endless routine.

I got sick of it of it of course and that's what lead to me being the way I am. I used to brawl with other people often for no particular reason.

Fight some arrogant bitches for no particular reason.

Get beaten up for no particular reason

Then finnally Teach them who stands on top again using dispicable means to win. Look, nothing else matters as long as you're the victor so don't fcking judge.

Tho, I was pretty wild if I do say so myself back in the old days Kukuku

But then it happened - Everyone got scared shitless that no one even approached me anymore. There were those who did want revenge but God that also got boring.

Everything... Eventually repeated it self again.

The fck happened? Sure, it was a little different but that doesn't change the fact that everything's beginning to repeat again.

Everything's one big routine. Where the fcks the excitement in that!?

That was the gist of my life until I received a recommendation to this school. With nothing better to do - I accepted it.

And oohhhhhh boy that was one of the best decision in my life.

The moment I took my first step in this school, I suddenly felt like I got reborn.
People would say that this was one of the best school in our country but I know that wasn't all.

Everything was different here. Except for the shitty lessons that happen almost every fcking day!; everything here... Excites me!

"Let's start the first special exam shall we?"

Currently we were on a deserted island. Even I didn't expect this.... But that's what makes it exciting.

Upon receiving all of the rules and instructions, I suddenly got a crazy idea-

"Sensei" I approached our homeroom teacher. He gave me curious look but I just shrugged and continued asking my question
"What happens when our S-Points hit dead zero?" Grinning, I ask a rather vague question.

The old man laughed suddenly. After a short while he gave me an answer "Nothing. Ones it hits zero that's all there is to it. It won't go down to negative or anything"

Even though the latter wasn't part of my question, he still gave me the information I needed.

"Kukuku. Thanks sensei" I walked over to my class where everyone was giving me worried glances

For people who supposedly hate me, they sure are weird to rely on me nonetheless. Kukuku

"Okay bitches gather around. I'm gonna explain what we'll be doing for the rest of the island exam"

I could hear murmurs discussing the content of the exam. Some were trying to formulate some plans. Set some goal and so on.

"Just get it over with" looking tired and everything, a blue haired girl responded.

"Ryueen-san. Are we gonna do something this exam?"

Ahhhh. My class has some weird chemistry here. The corner of my lips couldn't help but curve upwards.

"Ryueen-kun.. do you have a plan in mind?"

"Yeah" I finnally answered the barrage of questions "we're gonna have fun"

"Oi! Ryueen are you sure about this?" Ibuki paled when a lot of equipments suddenly got delivered to our spot. Simple math could tell that this was worth all the points we had.

Some of my classmates also got worried. I just grinned at them without a care.
"Don't worry Ibuki. Just follow the plan"

"Tch" Clearly irritated, she left.

I'm confident here. Everything's according to plan.

I already made the deal with baldy. Made another deal with a fcking snake. And set everything up so that we win this exam.

The leaders are what matter most in this exam. Everyone would soon realize that they can't really survive in this exam without using the points. All I have to do is take advantage of that.

Making a deal with baldy was just process of elimination. Class B is too busy living in their lala land. And Class D... snicker... they aren't even worth my attention.

And Besides, it has to be Class A since they are the only ones who meet the requirements. Add the desperation of their leader and you get the perfect bait.

All I need to do is trade this equipments with them and I achieve the most important goal I have right now.

The deal with the snek was pure coincidence. Since I would be finding the leaders of each Class Anyway, I accepted the deal

Sending spies to other Classes is just taking advantage of the reputation I built in this school. They would naturally think that with my attitude, everything they would say is plausible. With that all set, I just need to make everyone drop out. Making everything look convincing.

They would think class C gave up making it the perfect opportunity for me to lurk in the island for the rest of the exam - making it the perfect opportunity for me to aquire spots without anyone noticing.

Haahhh it's all so exciting! Just thinking about makes my body tremble!

"Ryueen-kun..." A voice called me from behind. I stopped my grinning and turned to look at the speaker.

"'Sup Shiina?"

"Uhmm... Are.. you sure you don't need to tell them...?" She stopped for a moment giving me a worried look. I just starred back urging her to continue

"Don't they have to know that I'm the Leader?"

"Ahhh that" I finnally realized what she was figeting about. "it's better if they don't know. That would make our chances of fooling everyone better" it would affect their acting if they know. That's why it's better to keep it a secret

"Uhm.. that's true"

"'To fool the enemy, you first fool your allies' that a pretty good and reasonable quote indeed" I grinned at her. This school isn't like any other. If you want to stand on top, you need to be one step ahead Everytime.

"'sigh' Okay. I'll trust you ok this one Ryuuen-kun"

"You just need to act the way you always are. The key card is with me in the first place so they won't guess that your the leader"

Despite being troubled, Shiina Still smiled and nodded. That's what make her the perfect candidate to this plan. She can hold out her own no matter the situation

Well maybe I could also make one of the spies the leader but that would weigh on their mind - affecting their acting being a helpless student who got beaten up by their leader - Yeah, it's better to be careful in this situations

With that everything is really set. All would be according to plan.. Kukuku. This is gonna be fun.

It finnally started. Kukuku. Yeah I'm living in the island like a literal cave man right now. I don't even know if I'll survive. It's fcking hot in the day and ice cold in the night. Not to mention the endless amount of insects. but fck off - that's what make it fun.

You can't make a future if you don't take risk right?

Beside, the number of days I have to live like this isn't even that long. Hell, what I get in return will make it all worth it.

With the key card in hand, I can occupy spots in the island. Since this Island is larger than everyone thinks, they're bound to miss some of it.

Yeah, it's only one point each but you can't have a thousand without a one ain't I right.
Kukuku. Over all, by the end of this exam, our victory is set in stone.

50 Points each for guessing the leaders of every Class. That's already 150. Class A would naturally lose some points because of us. and while I'm not sure on this one... it's infinitely possible that he'll guess I'm Class C's Leader despite that not being part of our deal. That's just how desperate he would be for the points.

Add the points for the spot I occupied for the rest of the exam and we would stand on top.

Kukuku. And all of that isn't even my priority. Sure that would be great but that aint what I want right now. I'm not so stupid to be Contented with a simple mindset like that.

This is still the First Special Exam. There ought to be more whether we like it or not. It's better to prepare for the Latter so that we can overcome everything. Everything in this school isn't normal. You need to expect the unexpected if you want to survive. Kukuku..

Haaahhhh... This school really is Amazing.

° ° °
"Looks like you lose this Fight Ibuki. Kukuku"
I emerged form the dark to reveal myself to the two girls fighting in the middle of the forest.

The moment I did, I was greeted with both surprised and annoyed response.

Since im not your typical gentleman, I added fuel to the fire to make it more fun. It's always the things that are dangerous that people find interesting I suppose.

Obviously, the blue head girl didn't like my approach.

"Yo" I casually greeted with a grin. She clicked her tongue in annoyance. Susuze seems to be lost in thought by my sudden appearance. Kukuku.

After receiving some complaints from my partner in crime. I checked the time. It was almost 1 am.

We still need to meet up with the other one to get our hands on Class B's Leader. Turning my head to the girl complaining, I signaled her what to do.

"Sorry Suzune, the clocks still ticking" I stated with a grin. Suzune seemed to snapped out of her thought with my voice

Suddenly Ibuki kicked her by the shin. I gotta admit that was pretty dirty. Dodging was Nigh impossible in this situation. Add the darkness looming over us and it was sure to hit.

Ibuki closed in slowly to the other girl who was kneeling on all four on the ground "Sorry bout this Horikita" without hesitation, she performed an earth shattering axe kick to the head. That decides it I guess

Suzune finnally collapsed completely. With one last stand, she tried to get back up but to no avail. Before her consciousness faded, she left us with some amusing words.

"... You're..The Leader" I couldn't help but grin maniacally with her remark. She fell for it, hook line and sinker.

"Oi, isn't that bad!" Ibuki, upon hearing Suzunes final words, broke into a panic.

"The fck do you men?"

"S-She figured out that your Class C's leader! What are you gonna do now?!"

Hahahaha ohh right she doesn't know. Well let's leave it at that since why the fck not - actually no. It's better to leave it at that since their faces would be priceless when the results show.

"Kukuku, don't worry, that doesn't matter that much. Besides, I already got what I need from this exam. No need to be so Greedy" Ibuki ofcours wasn't fond of my nonchalant attitude regarding the situation.

Changing the topic I asked her how'd she go. Ibuki instantly froze by my sudden question. Ahhh shit, here we go again..

"..About that..." She crossed her arms in an attempt to comfort herself "I did figure out who was their leader but.... I didn't exactly get the proof that you needed" so that's why. That really took a hit on her pride huh. Well not that I care either but-

Hahahahaha interesting. Well I wasn't the one who needed the proof in the first place but that's what makes it interesting. No way in hell would baldy trust me. So how would he approach this unexpected situation...?

Would he still accept the leader we would give him even though we didn't have the proof he needed? Or would he choose to play it safe? Only time will tell.

"Don't worry about that. That was just insurance. For now let's meet up with Kaneda" I started walking through the shrubbery without second thought.

They still need to drop out, the sooner they do the better. Ibuki soon followed despite being confused by my answer. I just Shrugged it off.

"Is it a good idea to just leave her like that?" Ibuki asked me a rather unexpected question gesturing to the Girl collapsed on the ground.

I turned my head and stopped. Facing her with a grin "Well well well, looks like Ibuki did make some friends their. I didn't know you had a soft spot" I seemingly mocked without intending to

"Tch forget about it" she sped up her walk, overtaking me. Hahahaha this never gets old.
I soon followed her making our way to our meeting spot. We just need to meet up and make them drop out. Share the information with baldy as promise and then...Win

Kukuku despite the minor problems that occured - everything's going according to plan - or so I thought

I gust of wind blew through the forest brushing the cold wind through our face. I stopped dead and my tracks. My stomach suddenly churned giving me Bad feeling that's something bad's bout to occur

My feelings hold True when suddenly-

ᗷOOᗰ!! - a sudden explosion reverberated through the forest. Both Ibuki and I turned our heads to the source. It was closer than we expected.

"W-What's that?!!" Ibuki shouted, asking me what was also in my head. I kept quiet trying to analyze the situation.

Narrowing my eyes, I saw a crimson light emerge from a pot of the forest nearby.
Time seemed to slow down as I began to ask myself some questions of my own



What caused it?

Was it intentional?

My questions remained unanswered as we were frozen in place. The flames suddenly spread lighting up the forest infront of us.

"Tch. Ibuki snap out of it!" I shouted at the girl besides me. Color seemed to drain from her face as she watched the situation unfold infront of her.

"W-What the hell is going on?!"

"Don't ask me but that would soon spread. Tch! I hate to do this but we have to go back"

I clicked my tongue in irritation. We can't exactly leave a certain girl collapsed on the ground when sooner or later her surrounding would be a burning hell. Even I wouldn't stoop so low...

But if this was intentional, the asshole who did this certainly would

Explaining the situation to Ibuki quickly. We began to make our way through the Forest yet again. Only this time, we're going back.

But as if everything wasn't confusing enough. The moment we arrived, we were met with another mystery.

"She... She's gone..."

"No shit, Sherlock!" Damn it what the hell is happening!

This isn't part of the plan

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV

"Horikita, wake up" I tried to wake up the girl in my arms as I was making my way through the forest. That kick way more damage to her it seems

Sooner or later the school's gonna take notice and would probably take action. And since the content of the fireworks was more effective than I calculated. Uhhhm yeah let's just say that the flames spread faster than I expected.

But Hey! No ones dead......yet-I... Hope. Well I have counter measures in place so all's well that ends well.

Back to the topic. The schools gonna make a move. If they care about their students then it's obvious that they'll try to evacuate us - afraid that the fire would engulf the whole forest. If some of us are missing then they would surely panick

That's why "oi Horikita. Wake up" gently slapping her in the face to forcefully wake her from her slumber.

After a few more attempts, Horikita finnally came to be "Aya...nokoji-kun...?"she groggily said upon opening her eyes.

"Finnally..." I murmured. And here I was considering the option of leaving her behind...

"...where..are we?"

"I found you passed out in the middle of the forest - well I did follow you... Sorry bout that"

"Passed out....?......... The key card!" She half shouted, remembering the events that took place "Ibuki-san stole the Card! Did you retrieve it?"

"'sigh' don't worry. I have it" I can't exactly tell her that I'm the one who stole it in the first place so I'll just keep quiet

"I see... That's good" she let out a sigh of relief "....Ayanokōji-kun.. can you put me down please?" She grabbed my shirt signalling me to stop

"Can you run properly?" I asked her

"Run? Is there a reason for the hurry...?"

"Yeah" I stopped and showed her the disaster occuring behind us. Her eyes widen when she saw it. Blood draining from her face, she asked me

"Wha- What is that!?"

"Fire" she seemed to glare at me for a second but I'll just shrug it off

"Put me down" Following her request, I slowly set her down. She was threatening to fall so I grabbed her waist and used my body to support her up

"...thank you Ayanokōji-kun"

"Don't mind" Well taking an axe kick to head isn't exactly something you can take lightly so it's understandable.

"This is gonna affect the exam right..." She asked me. It's amazing that she can still stay calm in a situation like this. Good to know that all that boasting isn't only for show.

Regarding her question, I hesitantly nodded. She clicked her tongue in annoyance. "it's one disaster after another. I can't seem to make improvements!"

She was half shouting. Only she knows if she's talking to herself or to me... Either way-

"Horikita" I looked at her. She caught my gaze and out on a more serious expression. The helplessness in her eyes seemed to disappear making her look strong and determined.

Her gaze bore into me urging me to continue. Silent befall us two us I uttered my next words.

"Do you want to win?"

And so it began. A mysterious disaster that would go down in school history. The crimson flame lighting up the night sky as the fire engulf a chunk of the island.

Students and teachers alike woke up to this tragedy. Upon seeing the red flames, alarm bells rang in their head proving the desperate situation at hand.

While some panicked, shouted from fear. Some frozen in place as the fire drew near.
Some remained calm, analyzing the situation. Trying to take all the information and make a smart, saving grace decision.

"For Now Let's Gather The Students here on the beach. Let's think about the Island exam Later"


The teachers make their move, Dispersing into the island ones more. Facing the unexpected, they run to their respective Classes. Gathering the aforementioned students who takes priority.

"Everyone remain Calm" Class A's teacher caught the attention of the students of his class. Everyone turned to him as he began to explain.

Moving to a different Class. What would happen didn't take much of a difference. As the panting young lady emerged from the shrubbery to alert her Students.

"M-Mina!! '𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒕' "


"Are you okay Hoshinomiya-sensei?!"

"Haaah.. haaah. Im....Im fine" she reasured the worried looks her students gave her. "Anyway... Everyone please Gather up! We're gonna evacuate to beach. The same beach where we disimbarked 7 days ago!"

The class B students instantly got a hold of the situation. Quick yet organized as how they should be. The class soon finished their prepare. But someone was missing-

"Uhmm.... Did anybody of you see Kaneda-kun somewhere?"

Class D.... Was slower to react. Showing the obvious difference in the different Classes.
Two Students guided the rest. Trying to calm everyone down.

As they try to prepare they came looking for a certain someone missing from the group.

"Uhmmm, where's Horikita-san?" Kushida being the good girl she is asked, worried about the formers well being.

The class soon burst into a panic once more. Several Questions arose, remaining unanswered throughout the night.

When all hope seemed lost, the missing person finnally came to light. Emerging from the surrounding forest.

"Calm down!" She ordered freezing the class in Place. Upon recognizing who it was, they finnaly calmed their mind - atleast the majority of them

Matsushita kept looking back and forth, searching for a certain brown haired boy. The same holds true for the the class C student staying in the the Class.

Their face paled, the friend their looking for no where to be seen. As they internally panicked, the Homeroom teacher of the class finnaly arrived.

Chabashira let a sigh of relief knowing that her class atleast managed. She gathered everyone as ordered - while the rest of the students followed.

Matsushita however was hesitating. But just when she was about to voice out her concern, she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder

"what are you doing spacing around?"
Ayanokōji... The one she's looking for asked.

Turning her head in surprise, she called out his name


"Hai Hai I'm Kiyotaka"

"Thank God.... I thought you were missing for a second" color returned to her face as she breath a sigh of relief.

"Thanks for the concern. But we should probably go" Ayanokōji grabbed her hand and pulled her the group. Flustered, Matsushita meekly followed his lead.

Since Class D was in a slight panic, no one seemed to notice the unnatural interaction between the two - no one but one.... But that's a story for another time.

Four Classes disimbarked on the deserted island - three returned. Seven days of survival but a disaster occured.

Though the test wasn't at it's end, everyone agreed. All needs to return, return to the place where it all started.

During the time where everyone was evacuating. The magenta haired student called Ryueen still continued to lurk the island. Carefully avoiding the danger.

"He's late!" He's accomplice, Ibuki, complained. Both of them were eagerly waiting a third. What happened to him? Only time will tell.

"What do y'think he's doing?" Ryueen asked. The other shrugged, while rapidly tapping her foot in irritation.

Both waited not so patiently for a little more time. A minute - two minutes - five... And then suddenly he arrived.

"Haaaah.. Haaah .. Haaaah" the boy with Glasses who goes by the name Kaneda - was panting Vigorously as he arrived " S-Sorry I'm ...Haaahhhh... I'm late!"

The two instantly took notice. Ryueen approached the panting boy and gave him a smack on the head "where in the fck have you been ehh?!"

Kaneda apologized. Despite being completely exhausted from running, he tried to explain the situation.

"I... Got Class B's Leader"

"Did you get the Photo?" Ibuki asked him


"Then why in the fcking hell did you make us wait! Did you get lost or something?! What are you? Five years old?!"

Visible irritation was leaking from Ryueen's voice. Veins bulge from his forehead. Considering everything that happened - considering all the mysteries he encountered. It was natural for him to get ticked off

This would usually be fun for him. But this was different. All of the things happening can ruin all the hard work he went through for the past couple of days.

"No... It's just... After I took the photo, I suddenly lost my consciousness..."

""Huh?!"" Visible confusion was seen on their faces. If what he told was real, then how did it happen?

'Did someone knock him out of something?' Ryueen thought, pondering about the situation

"Setting that aside. What are we gonna do now...?" Ibuki asked them.

"We'll stay here. It's already Day 7 of the Island exam. Let's just wait for all of this to end"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Back to the three Classes on the summer Islands Beach. Though sleepy and tired, they forced themselves to partake on the headcount. Determining who was missing and who was not.

Class after Class they soon finished. Confirming that no one was, One of the Teacher spoke, giving them permission to rest on their respective spots

Students collapsed on the grounds as if showing how tired they were. Some was finnaly able to calm down a little.... but everything wasn't over yet.

Teachers were still discussing how to handle the problem. Sooner or later, the fire would spread engulfing the while island.

Outside help would be great but that would take much longer than expected.

"Should we cancel the exam.... And evacuate to the ship..?" Mashima calmly suggested

"We can't do that suddenly without permission" Sakagami retorted

"Yes but students safety takes first priority"

"That's true...."

"Mashima-kun, any luck contacting the school?"

"Yes,. Fortunately I got through. But help wouldn't be coming here soon so don't get your hopes up"

All of them debated. Considering every little possibility available. Stress level rose. They were nervous and afraid. The longer it took the more the flames spread. Their face paled by the second. Time continued to tick, showing no sign of a stop.

"There's no other choice..." When all hope seemed lost. They finnaly embraced the undeniable fact. Making the decision, He Spoke "let's-"

Mashima was about to cancel the exam, but then a single drop of water fell from the night sky.

He stopped his answer and looked at the source of the droplet. One after another, a lot more came.

The sky tainted with orange hue began to rain

"It's Raining...?"



"Yes, rain"

"Wait! so you're telling me you burned that fcking forest expecting for it to rain all along?!"


"Don't "yeah" me! What are you gonna do if it didn't go the way you expected!??!"

"What I'm gonna do? There's nothing I could have done Kushida. For better or for worst I don't even care if the whole island burned to the ground"

"You're crazy..."

Kushida took a step back. He somehow got more wary of me but I just shrugged it off.

"It was hot the whole week, it was bound to rain sooner or later. Besides, I saw the rain clouds looming over the island the day before I set the forest on fire"

"Explaining that with your monotone voice doesn't help.... Infact it just fcking creeps me out" She complained, hugging her arms to comfort her self.

Yes, it was the middle of the night on Speranza. Drifting on the sea, while I explain to Kushida everything what most likely transpired on the Island for the past Couple of days. I see no reason to hide it from her, in fact I actually explained so that she'll trust me even a little - tho it sure was doing the opposite

"You're the one who asked me to explain what happened on the Island"

"What did you expect?! The moment Horikita-san asked us to get Class D's Key card, you suddenly told me to make 'you' the leader!? Who wouldn't be curious in that!"

"I did that so that we would fool everyone - though I guess I wasn't the only one who thought of a similar plan" I stopped for a moment explaining some of the parts of my move

"Ryueen also did the same. But he made the wrong move of showing himself after the fight with Horikita and Ibuki. That was what lead me to guess that He wasn't the leader. Since there would be no reason for him to just intentionally lose some points"

"...can you tell me how your mind works Ayanokōji-kun? Because that's not normal"

"That's actually a pretty good question"

"'sigh' back to the topic. that was cheating you know. It was even mentioned in the rules that only the leader could use the Class Card"

"It's only Cheating if you get caught"
I nonchalantly explained

"....I give up. I can't understand you at all"

"You don't need to understand me - though I gotta say that you did good, following on one of my whims"

"I don't need Your praise - wait! 'Whims?!' Wait wait wait wait just a fcking minute!!" She shouted at me. Kushida massaged her temple for few few second then continued to shout

"You're telling me, you burned the island, Utterly destroyed the other Classes and come out unscathed...!? And All of that was a fcking whim?!"

Finding her questions hard to answers I averted my gaze and changed the topic

".... I'm not praising you. I'm just stating facts."

"Oi! Don't ignore what I said!! What do you mean whim?!"

Kushida was shaking me nonstop but I just ignored her. She doesn't need to know that part.

Thinking back, that really was one hell of a whim......

° ° °
Everyone seemed to expect what the results would have been already

"Okay everyone, I have to apologize for the recent events that happened but we can finnaly announce the results.... Class C students can come out now"

"Kukuku. That was one hell of an Exam"

Everyone seemed to think that they were step ahead


"Wait there's also Ibuki-san"

"Kaneda-kun! So that's where you were"

"Tch. So he really was a spy"

In contract Everyone else was narrow sighted. Getting Fooled, taking the bait and getting preyed on

"Kukuku you're all idiots"

"Everyone please be quiet. Now, we will announce the rankings. In last place...... Class C, with 0 points"

But I'm different

"In third Place with 70 points.... Class A"

No matter what plan you have in mind. No matter who you are.

"In second place we have Class B with 120 points"

No matter how united or how many there are....

"For First Place.... We have Class D with 246 Points... That's all"

As long as I'm there. Lurking within the shadows..... You don't matter



Word Count: 4995


Wellll.... If I felt like it. Kukuku,I am having fun but also running out of ideas.

What I'm sure about tho is that I'm won't be updating for a while. Kinda busy....

That's about all. Thanks for reading again. Hope you enjoyed it. Give your thoughts

Peace ( ◜‿◝ )♡

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𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝗲, 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗿, 𝗔𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 �...
161K 5.7K 91
Ahsoka Velaryon. Unlike her brothers Jacaerys, Lucaerys, and Joffery. Ahsoka was born with stark white hair that was incredibly thick and coarse, eye...