~Sharp Shooter~

By Noodle_official01

45.6K 1.2K 833

Complete Reader x Midoriya In which a self proclaimed assassin is forced to rehabilitate in a new u.a progra... More

Hero Meeting
Let us help
Thats what we can do
I could
You can't
I'm back
A class or a team?
Be more open
Now or never
I'm gonna die
As of now
Bitch I'm famous
Christmas extra!
How can I show you?
Where the magic happens
Today is the day
I'm done

Are you kidding me

1.5K 46 23
By Noodle_official01

Midoriya woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen. He rubs his eyes as he walks down the stairs seeing Y/n humming and cooking. Y/n turned at the sound of someone walking down the stairs.

"G'morning." Izuku said through a yawn.

"Morning." Y/n stopped humming and continued to cook in silence.

The two sat in silence until Y/n put the breakfast on the table. Y/n sat down across from Midoriya as he started eating, "I have a few errands to run after breakfast. If you want you can come with me, or I can dr-"

"No I wanna come with you." Izuku interupted with a smile.

Smiling, Y/n stood up and headed up the stairs, "I'm gonna get dressed, oh your clothes are on the couch when you're done."

Izuku smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket and checked his messages.


oh and good morning

Mom <3

Good morning Izu don't forget breakfast

He smiled at the messages and replied as he heard Y/n talking on the phone, and from what he could hear she didn't sound to happy.

"I don't give a hell what you're willing to pay, I'm not doing it.................I don't give a flying fuck who you're working with Stitches, I don't want in."

Midoriya walked slowly up the stairs and watched Y/n pace while on the phone, the girls eyes widened in anger, "You leave a single mark on him and I'll make sure dear old dad knows exactly where you are."

She put a hand on her forehead, "No, I'm not getting out of the business, I just don't want on with you. My partner and I, will make sure he's stopped. You might want to cut off contact with him to stay out of cross fire."

Y/n hangs up the phone and turns to see Midoriya peeking around the corner, "Y'know, you're lucky you're cute, usually people would get smacked for listening to my conversations."

Midorya sent a worried smile her way as he went to the bathroom to change.

Who was she talking to? Stitches? Cross fire? Don't leave a mark on who? Was Stitch trying to recruit Y/n for something?

His thoughts were interupted by a knock on the bathroom door. "Hurry wonder boy, I have things to do."

Izuku slipped his clothes on quickly and opened the door greeted by a smiling Y/n. "Ready?"

Izuku nodded his head as they went ouside to the car.

"Where all do we have to go?" Izuku asked after a while.

"Well first, I'm gonna drop off the car then we'll go to a few shops for holsters, ammo, and knives for you."

Midoriya's eyes widened as a smile lit up his face, "For me?!"

Y/n smiled while her eyes were still on the road, "Yes for you, you're my partner right? So my partner needs to look as badass as me."

The car finally pulled up to the apartment complex and Y/n pulled into the usual spot. They both climbed out of the car and Y/n took the bags out of the back seat before they walked up to the door. Y/n opened the front door to the aparntment to see Aizawa and Mic standing in the kitchen with their arms crossed.

Y/n tosses Aizawa his keys and walks to her room setting the bags on her bed, "You look like to angry dads."

Mic stepped forward and started speaking, "We are angry dads!"

"No we're not we're angry but not dads."

While the two argued about whether or not they were dads, Y/n and Midoriya slipped back through the front door.

" Are they always like that?" Midoriya asked holding back a laugh.

Y/n nodded with a smile as they began walking to the mall.

After twenty minutes of walking they finaly reached the mall, well a small building behind the mall.

"I never even knew this place exsisted.", Izuku said in amazement.

Y/n chuckled as she opened the door to the building. A small bell let the owner and workers know there was a customer.

"Hel- Y/N!?", an older lady ran up to Y/n and engulfed her in a hug while Izuku stood beside them very confused. The woman started sniffling and crying a bit, "It has been so long little one...I thought we were never going to see you again."

Y/n pulled away from the hug and looked into the woman's eyes, "A promise is a promise Auntie."

Midoriya's jaw dropped as the woman's gaze turned to him, "W-wait, you're Y/n's aunt?"

"In the ways that count." The woman put simply as she made her way to the green haired boy, "Just let me tell you," She pulled Izuku into a hug as well, "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."

The woman pulled away and smiled as Izuku stood a little worried.

"So what can I get for you guys today?" The pair followed her as she started walking to the back of the store.

"We need some holsters but I wasn't sure what size to get for him so i figured we'd be better off to bring him in to get measured." Y/n finished with a shrug.

Midoriya stepped forward to be right beside Y/n, "Y'know you could have just asked right?"

Y/n laughed and shook her head no, "It's different than clothes."

The lady that Y/n referred to as Auntie tossed a tape measurer used for sewing. "Hold that around your waist for a second."

Y/n chuckled as Midoriya tried to do what the scary lady told him to.

Y/n went back to the front of the store and browsed the many weapons on the wall.

"Long time no see Y/n."

Y/n didn't turn around to see who it was, she could tell from the voice alone, "Not long enough Dabi, I thought I told you I wasn't interested?"

"Ah that's not why I'm here, see Toga lost her knives."

Y/n chuckled knowing that she didn't lose them, but they stabbed into Y/n, and now at her home.

"I hope you know the offer is still up." Dabi said walking toward Y/n.

"And my answer is the same Stitch."

Dabi said nothing else as he left the story frustrated and confused. If this were the old Y/n, she would have said yes as soon as money was involved. Now suddenly she has morals? And a partner? She always had a team by her, but they usually follow Y/n's orders and go with what she says. Now suddenly some human broccoli turns a cold blooded assasin, into what.... a hero? A saint? What was so specail about the stupid kid that changed some one he considered to be a friend to him?

Flash back to 2 years ago

"So all I gotta do is take down some low life hero and I get, the money, the alchohol, and the-"

"You get on or the other hotshot."

The 15 year old girl turned to the burnt looking man, "Hey shouldn't you be in some medical show or something with your burnt ass?"

"Watch it."

Y/n turned back to Shigiraki, "You want me to watch my mouth? Tell Stitch to shut the hell up."

Flash back to 1 year ago

"Hey Stitch where the hell are you?!", a very angry Y/n said through a walkie talkie.

"Yea yea wait a minute hot shot." Dabi replied through his own walkie talkie as he zipped his jacket.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she heard the jacket zip, "Maybe you should put your foot on the pedal instead of playing with your toys Stitch, there's plenty of other girls that would take your burnt di-"

"Hey enough!"

Y/n laughed as Dabi pulled up to where Y/n was perched.

"My team is waiting for me so just bring me to that one shop."

End of flashback

Dabi shook his head as he continued walking to the LOV. Away from the same shop he last dropped Y/n off at.

An hour went by and Y/n was scrolling through her phone when she heard someone tapping their foot infront of her. She looked up to see none other than Izuku. When she left him with Auntie he had an All might t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Now, however, he was dressed in a black suit with a dark green tie. Midoriya pulled back the suit jacket a bit revealing a holster holding a pistol and a knife on each side.

"Huh....you look.....hot." Y/n said with a smirk.

"God damn it Y/n!" Izuku said with a large blush.

"Go get chenged pretty boy I'll buy us some lunch."

"But I'm not hungry?" Midoriya said with confusion.

"No? But I am, go get changed."

After Izuku got changed the pair took their bags from the shop and walked to the food court outside of the mall. Y/n looked around before handing Midoriya the bags, "Here find a table while I get the food."

Izuku smiled and tried to salute, "Yes ma'am." He laughed as he walked away.

Y/n smiled and shook her head as she walked towards where she was getting food from. As she waited in line she turned towards where Midoriya had started walking. She used her hand to sheild her eyes from the sun, and turned a bit looking for him.

"Order." The server held out Y/n's order and she nodded a thank you, while putting money on the counter. She took the food to where she finally found Midoriya. As she got closer a group of 3 boys came forward and started talking to Izuku.

"Awww look at the little Deku!" The other two boys started laughing as the first one continued to talk to Izuku, "Wow I knew you were useless and pitiful, but to think that you would fake not having a quirk, now that's petty!"

Midoriya was starting to look worried and continued looking down at his feet while the boy continued to insult him, "Aw is little baby Deku gonna cry."

Y/n came forward and put a hand on Midoriya's shoulder, glaring at the boys, "No he's not crying but if you keep it up you will."

The boy smiled as he took a step closer to Y/n until they were only a few inches away from their noses touching. "Wow another useless Midoriya, I knew that one was useless but his sister is hot."

Y/n's face turned to one of disgust and moved back a bit, "He doesn't have a sister, I'm his girlfriend fuck face."

The boys looked back and forth to each other and started laughing, "Right, because Deku of all people has a girlfriend."

Izuku was beginning to speak when all of a sudden he felt something against his lips. Y/n had softly grabbed both sides of his face and pulled him into a kiss. Izuku closed his eyes as Y/n opened hers. She looked at the boys and a smirk played on her lips as she flipped off the three boys, as they stood amazed.

Izuku pulled away from the kiss, speechless and a bushing red mess. The boys had started walking the other way as Y/n gently grabbed Midoriya's hand and brought him to the table she had put the food on.

Midoriya sat in silence as Y/n went to the opposite side of the table.

"Hey bitch!" Y/n turned at the sound of the voice, just in time to see the boy from earlier throwing something. Do to the boys quirk, Y/n wasn't able to dodge and a strawberry smoothie hit Y/n in the side of the head.

Midoriya seemed to be unfroze now as he stood in surprise, "Oh my god, Y/n are you okay?!"

Y/n wiped the smoothie off her face and looked at Midoriya with a disgusted look, "I'm sticky.....and this smoothie is warm....that's fucking gross."

"Uhm, do you wanna go home and shower or something?"

Y/n grabbed the bags off the ground and Midoriya grabbed the food that was now cold, "I know a place we can go, they have showers and you can reheat the food. Plus I think it's time I introduce you to some people."

Midoriya just followed Y/n as she got weird looks from people passing by. They only had to walk for a few minutes until they got to a sketchy abandoned building. Izuku quirked an eyebrow as they got closer.

"This looks like somewhere a drug dealer would work."

Y/n turned to him as she unclocked the door with a code, "You do realize who you're talking to right?"

"Oh my bad."

He laughed akwardly as they went into the well lit building. Midoriya looked at the ceiling and saw many string lights hanging.

"Hey whore!" A male voice yelled from somewhere in the building. Y/n smiled and set the bags down as she walked further into the building and saw a boy her age sitting at a desk, with a computer in front of him.

"Hey bitch." The boy looked at Y/n and laughed.

"You look like shit."

Y/n took her jacket off and chucked it at the boy, "Can you watch him?", She pointed to Midoriya, "Oh and Brian, don't be a dick."

Midoriya waved akwardly as Y/n walked away. Brian took his glasses off and rubbed eyes before looking at Midoriya, "I don't bite you know, well usually."

Izuku stepped towards Brian slowly and put a hand out to shake, "I uh I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm-"

"Yea I know who you are broccoli boy, Y/n is always talking about you." As the brown haired boy finished his sentence the door opened revealig two girls.

"Ugh Bri we're back." a girl with shoulder length silver hair took off her sweathshirt, behind her a girl with bright orange hair down to her waste pointed to Izuku, "Who the fuck-?"

"This is Izuku Y/n's boy toy." Brian said before putting his glasses on and turning back to his computer.

"I-I'm not a boy toy we're friends."

The orange haired girl laughed as she walked to Izuku, "Yea Y/n doesn't have many friends, colleuages maybe,but friends no. I'm Samirah by the way, nice to finally meet you."

"Oh oh I'm Kiara, Y/n was right you do look like broccoli." Silver haired girl jumped up and down as she talked.

The girls waved to the two boys and went to a differemtnpart of the building. The brown haired boy had already turned back to his computer and Midoriya studied his features. Everytime the boy blinked his eyes would change colors, varying from green, to red, yellow many different colors at a time even.

"What's your quirk?" Midoriya asked still watching Brian's eyes on the screen.

"It's called glitch, exactly how it sounds too." Midoriya nodded his head as he heard music playing from the room the girls had gone to.

"Is that normal?"

"Ah time for Y/n's serenade."

"Her what?"

"Here follow me." He stood up from the desk and Midoriya followed him to the room the girls had gone to. When they opened the larger door they saw the three girls dancing and singing together. Brian smiled and put hand on Midoriya's shoulder, "Here ya go."

He jogged to where the girls were dancing and joined them. Y/n turned to smile at the brown haired boy and saw Midoriya had entered with him, "Hey come here wonder boy don't be shy!"

Midoriya akwardly tried to dance before Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed his hands. They danced for about half an hour before they were all panting for breath. Brian walked back to his desk as the girls sat down on the floor. Midoriya smiled as Y/n patted the floor by her and he sat down beside her.

The four sat in silence for a bit until Brian's voice came through the doorway, "Hey Sharp you got a message!"

Y/n leaned towards the door, "What's it say Glitch?"

"Uh meeting now be here."

"Wow Aizawa great skills." Y/n rolled her eyes as she stood up looking at her clothes, which were sweat pants and a t-shirt.

Samirah stood up and grabbed Y/n's hand, "Here you can borrow some of my clothes dude."

The two left the room leaving Kiara and Midoriya alone. They sat akwardly until Kiara spoke up, "Sooo you're training to be a hero?"

"Yea I am."

The silver haired haired girl smile and cocked her head to the side a bit, "That's surprising."

Izuku looked at her a bit confused, "What's surprising?"

"That Sharp is interested in you, she hates most heroes."

"Wait really?"

"Oh definitely, something to do with her parents death. I'm not sure exactly, you shoud definetly ask her though if you're interested."

Izuku put his head down in thought, "Yea I will. Thanks Kiara."

"You can call me Ki, the one that took Y/n to the other room is Samirah but you can call her Sam, and Brian prefers Glitch."

Sam and Y/n came back into the room, Y/n was now earing a pair of jeans, a tank top with an unbuttoned shirt over it. "Alright wonder boy lets go."

Izuku smiled and waved to Kiara and Samirah before following Y/n. She walked up behind Glitch and put her arms around his shoulders.

"Can we borrow- the fuck are you reading!?" Brian spins his chair around as Y/n looks closer to the computer screen almost horrified, "You remember how you wanted me to see what people thought about you? Well I did that and apparently people write stories about you, like fanfics or something."

Y/n logged off the tab and turned to Glitch and Midoriya, "Never read that shit...ever......again."

Y/n shook her head and rubbed her eyes, "Anyway can we borrow the car?"

"No but I'll drive you." He swung keys around his fingeras they walked towards the door.

"You guys don't actually think you can leave without us right?"

Now the five of them pulled into heights alliance parking lot. They all hopped out of the car and Ki jumped on Sam's back making her give her a piggy pack ride.

They opened the door to the meeting to see all the teachers and other heroes sitting at the table. Glitch snruched his nose as soon as he walked into the room.

"Damn I knew there was a piece of shit hero in here but I didn't think it'd actually smell like it." Sam smiled and played along, "Almost like a dumpster fire huh?"

Endeavour scowled at the two teens as Y/n and Midoriya sat down at their usual spots. Aizawa leaned forwards in his chair towards the two, "You're late."

Midoriya nodded his head slowly, "Yea and you're still calling us here everytime?"

Y/n tried to hide the smile on her face as she turned the other way to grab something from her bag, "Heres your information on Hinu. Or what I could gather."

All might nodded as he grabbed the file folder and started reading it, "And who are the people you brought wiht you today."

Y/n pointed her finger towards her freinds as she spoke, "This is my team, Glitch is my tech guy, Sam specializes in disguises and undercover shit, and lastly is Ki, she's my sword lady."

Hawks stopped spinning in his chair as he looked at the team of teen villians, "Wait like Glitch, Samirah, and Slicer? That's you're team?"

Ki jumped up to Hawks and shook his hand, "Nice to meet ya Mr. Hawks, big fan by the way."

Muriko gawked at the taller long haired girl still in the corner, "How...I......I'm done."

She stopped trying to speak and the meeting went on for about an hour before it was finally ended by Aizawa's snoring. After being woke up by Present mic he just nodded his head as all the heros left. He watched as Y/n, Midoriya, Sam, Glitch, and Ki left the building.

"What's up with you Shota?"

"Those five little fuckers are gonna be the death of me I just know it."

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