A Loyal Heart

By KittyQuinn3

103K 2.8K 328

Elsa Rogers is the daughter of Steve Rogers who is a super soldier and Kimberly Rogers who is a half Asgardia... More

Authors Note
Marvel Cast List
Harry Potter cast list years 1-4
Play list
Chapter 1: An owl and two letters
Chapter 2: Loki explains it all
Chapter 3: Tony Stark, the non beliver
Chapter 4: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Chapter 5: Diagon Alley
Chapter 6: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 7: The sorting hat
Chapter 8: Welcome to Hufflepuff
Chapter 9: First day at Hogwarts
Chapter 10: Let it go
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: The passing years
Chapter 13: The boy who lived
Chapter 14: Professor Loki
Chapter 15: She is beauty, she is grace, she will punch you in the face
Chapter 16: TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS! Thought you ought to know.
Chapter 17: Birthdays and Quidditch
Chapter 18: Hogsmeade and Dragons
Chapter 19: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing House Points
Chapter 20: End of year madness
Chapter 21: Who the hell is Gideroy Lockhart?
Chapter 22: The flying car and crazy rumors
Chapter 23: Classes and the Convergence
Chapter 24: A Kingdom of Isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen
Chapter 25: Mudbloods and advice
Chapter 26: Unexpected Events and Visitors
Chapter 27: Quidditch revelations
Chapter 28: Dangerous to Dream
Chapter 29: Monster
Chapter 30: On Your Left
Chapter 31: Rescue Mission
Chapter 32: Ghosts of the Past
Chapter 33: The Legend of the Winter Solider
Chapter 34: The first rule about going on the run...
Chapter 35: Welcome to the team
Chapter 36: Who the hell is Bucky?
Chapter 37: It all ends here and now
Chapter 38: Aftermath
Chapter 39: This isn't the end of the line
Chapter 39: Warnings and Consequences
Chapter 40: Valentines Day and Dueling Club
Chapter 41: Something is very wrong
Chapter 41: Happy endings are real after all
Part 2 Marvel Cast List
Part 2 Harry Potter Cast list years 5-7
Playlist Part 2
Chapter 42: Unexpected arrival
Chapter 43: Part of the team
Chapter 44: What once was ours
Chapter 45: No Strings on Me
Chapter 46: Time to regroup
Chapter 47: A different kind of witch
Chapter 48: Waking up and making plans
Chapter 49: A different point of view
Chapter 50: A new vision
Chapter 51: Explanations
Chapter 52: On the wings of a dragon
Chapter 53: Ultron's final stand
Chapter 54: The losses of war
Chapter 55: Odin's sleep
Chapter 56: Prefects and Prisoners
Chapter 57: Dementors
Chapter 58: Professor Remus Lupin
Chapter 59: Dealing with the pain
Chapter 60: Somethings never change
Chapter 61: Halloween frights
Chapter 62: Love, hate and quidditch
Chapter 63: Birthdays, Hogsmeade and the horrible truth
Chapter 64: Expecto Patronum
Chapter 65: Committees and Career advice
Chapter 66: Break ins, sentences and page 394
Chapter 67: OWLs
Chapter 68: Buckbeak
Chapter 69: A dog, a rat and one big lie
Chapter 70: The madness of a full moon
Chapter 71: But that's not a DeLorean...
Chapter 72: The great escape
Chapter 73: Saying goodbye is always hard
Chapter 74: Missing you
Chapter 75: Into the Unknown
Chapter 76: The portkey arrival
Chapter 77: The Four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 78: The Dark Mark
Chapter 79: A fathers fury
Chapter 80: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 81: Mad Eye Moody
Chapter 82: A Letter and Lessons with Loki
Chapter 83: The Arrival
Chapter 84: The Goblet of Fire
Chapter 85: The Champions
Chapter 86: All that followed...
Chapter 87: Elsa Rogers, Public Relations Manager
Chapter 88: Four Dragons and One Bouncing Ferret
Chapter 89: The First Task
Chapter 90: New Powers and Newspapers
Chapter 91: The man in the cave and S.P.E.W
Chapter 92: A tale as old as time...
Chapter 93: The ups and downs of a day at Hogwarts
Chapter 94: The Yule Ball Part 1
Chapter 95: The Yule Ball Part 2
Chapter 96: The Second Task
Chapter 97: Uncovering the truth
Chapter 98: Welcome to Hogwarts, Captain America
Chapter 99: The Third Task
Chapter 100: Show Yourself
Chapter 101: Waking up
Chapter 102: Good old country comfort
Chapter 103: Country roads, take me to the place I belong
Chapter 104: The Bifrost
Chapter 105: Let the training begin
Chapter 106: Family Rivalry
Chapter 107: Daylight
Chapter 108: Prefect, Quidditch Captain...Avenger?
Chapter 109: Operation; Rescue Harry Potter
Chapter 110: Number 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 111: The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 112: The trial
Chapter 113: Perfect and prefects
Chapter 114: Everything is going to change
Chapter 115: I have a bad feeling about this...
Chapter 116: A new kind of hell
Chapter 117: From bad to worse
Chapter 118: I AM Lady Elsa, princess of Asgard
Chapter 119: So where do we go from here?
Chapter 120: Birthdays and High Inquisitors
Chapter 121: Classroom interruptions
Chapter 122: Quidditch and the Hogs head
Chapter 123: Epiphany
Chapter 124: You can shove your decree where the sun don't shine
Chapter 125: The first meeting
Chapter 126: When it all falls apart
Chapter 127: Hagrid and Hogsmeade surprises.
Chapter 128: Dreaming of a White Christmas
Chapter 129: Christmas time in New York city
Chapter 130: Was that a Christmas ghost?
Chapter 131: Dark Confessions
Chapter 132: New Years Day
Chapter 133: The Inquisitorial Squad
Chapter 134: Polyjuice, Patronus and Probation
Chapter 135: Valentines Day at the Three Broomsticks
Chapter 136: Things even a seer can't foresee
Chapter 137: Together We Stand, Together We Fall
Chapter 138: Captain, my captain
Chapter 139: The Aftermath
Chapter 140: Quidditch finals and big little brothers
Chapter 142: NEWT's
Chapter 143: The Next Right Thing
Chapter 144: Grand Plans
Chapter 145: The Final Battle
Chapter 146: Voldemort's Return
Chapter 147: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 148: Endings and New Beginnings
Chapter 149: The Last...
Chapter 150: Epilogue
Authors Final Note
New Book!!!!

Chapter 141: Long Live the Weasley Twins

282 10 2
By KittyQuinn3

The weeks past, taking the last days of our days at Hogwarts with it. The NEWTs were getting closer with each passing day, but we had to wait for the fifth to finish their OWL's. Normal lessons were a thing of the past, instead we spent the entire class revising for our final exams. A lot of people, including poor Maggie, had to go to Madam Pomfrey for calming draught just so they could get a decent night's sleep. Thanks to our Avenger training, Cassy and I were able to keep our stress levels to a minimum, but even we weren't immune to bouts of panic.

The visits to Hogsmeade were our saving grace. Being able to get away from the castle and Umbridge with her stupid rules seemed to lift some of the stress that was filling our lives. Of course, most of the Ravenclaw's refused to leave the castle, choosing to stay inside and study 25/7 which left Henry feeling a little upset on the walk to the little village.

"How about we go to Honeydukes?" I said to Henry as I ran to catch up with him. "I'm buying so you can get anything you want."

"That okay, Elsa. You don't have to do that just to cheer me up," Henry told me.

"But I want too," I reassured him. "You seem to be down quite a bit lately and I don't like seeing you like this. You can tell me what's wrong, you know. I've been told I'm a good listener."

"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried about what's going to happen when we all leave Hogwarts. I feel like we won't ever see each other again," Henry confided in me.

"Of course, we will see each other again. We're friends and you won't be able to get away from me that easily. I know how to track people down, you know," I joked, making Henry smile just a little bit.

"I know, but you guys live such busy lives as superheroes. Able is going to be busy working at the ministry with his Mum, Hamish is going to be a St. Mungo's all the time, training to be a healer and Amanda is going to working with her aunt in magical law enforcement," Henry sighed. "Not to mention Zane will be going back to Wakanda, the twins will be running their joke store and Danny will be going back to America and Maggie will most likely being going with him. How are we going to be able to see each other?"

"Because that's what friends do, Henry. If I have to hijack the Avengers quinjet so I can kidnap everyone so that we can all catch up, I will," I laughed. "So do you believe me now when I say that we will see each other again."

"Yeah, I do," Henry said. "Now what was that about Honeydukes?"

"You know, one of these days you are going to turn in to candy with how much of it you eat," I joked.

"I could think of worse things to happen," Henry laughed.

"Just remember to send me an owl so I can come visit you after you turn in to a chocolate frog," I told him.

"Don't worry, I will."

After fulfilling my promise to Henry and leaving Honeydukes with considerably less money in my wallet, I headed back to the little old lady's store one last time with Cedric. Spring had finally arrived in Hogsmeade and all the flower beds that we snowed over the last time we were in the little village were now filled with colourful flowers that truly made everything seem more magical than it already was.

Not wanting to miss a thing, I tapped the side of my glasses that Cassy gave me so that I could record every second of my last time in Hogsmeade. I wanted to remember everything about it from the main street to the little side alleys. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade had been such a big part of my life for the past seven years and I intended on documenting everything I could so that I could look back on it all one day.

"Smile for the camera, Ced!" I giggled as I turned to face him.

"Very funny, Elsa. But if one of us should be recorded, it's you," Cedric laughed as he took my glasses off my face and turned them so that I was the one being recorded. "We need to document one and only cowgirl to walk the halls of Hogwarts because I don't think it will ever have the heels of cowboy boots click down the cobblestone paths ever again."

"Hey, don't knock the cowboy boots. This is high fashion in Nashville, I hope you know," I said as I twirled around so that the glasses would record every angle of my dress that was white with pink flowers and favorite pair of cowboy boots. 

Authors note: Not only is this the dress I pictured Elsa in but it's also a sneak peek of what I imagined Elsa to look like when she's older.

"I'm sure it is, love," Cedric laughed. "And no one looks better in it than you."

"I'm not too sure about that but can I have my glasses back now," I said as I held my hand out for the pink frames.

"I guess so," Cedric said as he placed the glasses back on my face.

The walk to the little store went far too quickly and soon enough we were standing outside the store. The door was now painted a cherry marigold yellow for spring and the flowers on the window boxes matched it perfectly. When Cedric pushed open the door, a small bell chimed to announce our arrival. Immediately the kind old lady who owned the store appeared behind the counter with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, dears," she said happily. "I'm so glad you could come and visit an old lady one last time."

"We promised that we would," I told her.

"It nice to see some young people who stick to their word," she said. "Now, before this old brain of mine forgets, I have something for the two of you."

Before either Cedric or I could say anything, the old lady had disappeared into the backroom. When she came back out, she was holding a small yellow box with a big light blue bow tied around it.

"I had one more of these hiding away and I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to have it," she said as she handed me the box.

"You didn't have to get us anything," Cedric said as I undid the bow and opened the box.

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to. Small things make old ladies happy," she said as I looked at what was inside the box.

Nestled in between light blue tissue paper was a rose gold mirror, identical to the one I got for Mum all those years ago. It was a mirror of memories and would show you all of your best memories from over the years.

"Oh, you shouldn't have," I said as I picked up the mirror and showed me images from the very first day I met Cedric.

"But I wanted to," she told me with a smile. "It's a nice way to remember your years at Hogwarts."

"Thank you so much," I said as I gave the old lady a hug.

"No, thank you my dear."

As Cedric and I went to leave the store, I turned to wave at the lady one last time and I could have sworn that her appearance shimmer and change for the briefest of moments. Her old lady appearance seemed to melt away to show a young woman with dark russet coloured skin and dark hair. The woman's changed appearance only lasted a few seconds, making me think that I must have been seeing things. But something to me that I hadn't and that there was more to the old lady that met the eye.

When we got back to the castle, I told Cedric and my friends in the great hall for dinner after I put the mirror safely in my room. But on the way back I got distracted. Sitting on a stone bench, crying was a Gryffindor first year who was being comforted by Fred and George.

"What's your name?" Fred asked him gently.

"Michael," the boy sniffed.

"Your hand's going to be fine, Michael," Fred told him.

"Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See?" George said as he held his hand out for the boy to see. "It's already fading."

"There right, you know" I said as I walked over to the boy and sat down on the other side of him. "You can't even see mine anymore and I promise it will stop hurting soon."

"Even you have been in detention with Professor Umbridge," the boy said as he turned to look up at me with a tear-stained face. "I mean you are the head girl. I didn't think you could get into trouble."

"Trust me, even head girls can get in trouble," I told him as I took hold of his hand in mind and used the healing magic that Loki taught me to take the sting off the carved words. "See, what did I say. It's already starting to feel better isn't in."

The twins looked at me with small smiled, knowing what I had just done for the first year. Loki had warned me not to use healing magic a lot when it came to non-Asgardians because it didn't always work on them. But I just couldn't leave the poor boy in pain, so I had to try. I was just glad that it worked.

"Here comes trouble," George whispered as he looked at someone who had just walked into the courtyard's hallway.

I looked up to see not only Harry watching the four of us but Umbridge as well. She was standing there looking like the cat who had got the canary as she smirked down at the first year. The woman was a sadist and took delight in hurting others. Shaking from fear, the boy ran out of the courtyard to get as far away from Umbridge as he could which only seem to please Umbridge even more.

"As I told you once before, Mr. Potter, naughty children deserve to be punished," Umbridge said before walking off.

Getting up from the stone bench, the twins and I walked over to Harry and watched Umbridge walk off most likely to find someone else to make miserable. It's all she seemed capable of doing, because she certainly couldn't teach to save her life.  

"You know, George, I've always felt out futures lay outside of the world of academic achievement," Fred said as he continued to watch Umbridge's retreating figure.

"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing," George told his brother.

"What have you two got planned?" I asked them.

"You will just have to wait and see," both twins said at the same time with mischievous grins on their faces.

Later that night, after dinner, we all met up in our secret room like we all ways did. But I was more eager than ever to get to the room after dinner because I was determined to find out what Fred and George had planned for Umbridge just to see if there was anything I could do to helps things along. Asgardian magic could do a lot of things and go undetected by anyone other than another Asgardian.

When Cedric and I got to the room, Fred and George were already there with their heads over a plan that they had spread out on the table. When I walked over to them, I saw it was a map of Hogwarts and that they had marked off a number of spots on it.

"Okay, can you two tell me what you have planned now?" I asked as I sat down on one of the arm chairs. "Because I am more than willing to help."

"I guess we can tell you one part of it," George said as he looked up from the map.

"We're going to set off one of our portable swamps but we are trying to figure out where to put it," Fred told me.

"The corridor that Umbridge's office is on," Cedric said, surprising the twins. "It will cause the most amount of disruption."

"You know, Diggory, we might make a prankster out of you yet," Fred laughed.

"Now we just need to figure out how to set it up without getting caught," George said.

"I can do it," I told him. "Seriously, I can get in and out of that hallway without ever being noticed."

"And how will you do that, Rogers?" George asked, sounding skeptical.

"Let's just say you two haven't seen everything that I'm capable of," I said standing and using a glamour to make myself look like the twins.

"That is amazing!" Fred said as he stood up and walked over to me to get a better look at me. "How do you do it? I mean, without taking Polyjuice potion."

"It's a simple Asgardian glamour and the best part is that no magic can see through it," I told him, turning back into myself.

"Then we leave this in your trusted hands, Stargirl," George said as he handed me the portable swamp. "Don't let us down."

I walked to the hallway where Umbridge's office was with the portable swamp in my backpack and my glasses on with AI Luke giving me tips on who was were so that I could use a glamor to turn myself into someone else without being noticed.

"There is an empty classroom five meters on your right," Luke told me.

"Thanks, Luke," I said as I ducked into the classroom. "Okay, let's do this."

Focusing on some random student that I had seen at Professor X's school, I created a glamor to look just like her and adding Slytherins robes to finish the look. Pulling the portable swamp out of my bag, I hid it under my robes to make sure that no one would be able to see it.

"How's it looking out there, Luke?" I said as I angled the glasses to have a full view of the hallway.

"A few students but no teachers in sight."

I knew it would only be a matter of time until one of the professor's turned up, so I quickly dashed out of the classroom. When I was just in front of Umbridge's classroom I 'tripped' and dropped everything that I was holding. I quickly gathered everything I dropped, leaving the portable swap behind, hidden behind a suit of armor.

"Broom closet on your left," Luke told me I walked away from the portable swap.

I ducked into the broom closet and changed my glamor to look like another random student, this time in Ravenclaw robes. Opening the door, I peeked out into the hallway and wait until I could leave without being noticed. It only took a couple of minutes before I could make my escape.

"Okay, Luke, you're up," I said, tapping the side of my glasses to release one of the nano drones that was built into the frames.

"I won't let you down, Elsa," Luke said as the tiny drone detached its self from my glasses.

"Stand by for instructions," I said as slipped into a corner, so I could drop the glamor and teleport into the hidden room where the rest of my friends were waiting.

"Red five, standing by," Luke said, making me chuckle at the fact that Cassy went out of her way to program in lines from the Star Wars movies into the AI.

Everyone was sitting on the lounges and arm chairs, waiting to watch the portable swamp to be activated. Hamish was sitting on one of the arm chairs with Amanda balanced on his lap, Danny was on one of the two lounges with Maggie and Zane while Cedric and Cassy were on the other which left the twins, Lee, Henry and Able to sit on the ground. I taking my spot in between Cedric and Cassy.

"Umbridge has made a critical error and the time for our attack has come," Cassy joked as she turned on the mini holoprojector that would show the swamp being activated. "Umbridge left her office thirty minutes ago and will return in moments. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Captain Spangles, if you please."

"Luke, start your attack run," I said, giving into the whole Star Wars vibe, even though Danny, Cedric and Cassy knew what we were talking about.

"This is red five, I'm going in!"

We all watched as the tiny drone made its way down to the portable swamp and sent a tiny laser bolt into the middle of it. The swamp started off small but soon enough the whole hallway looked like Sherk's home, complete with moss and frogs. There would be no way to get across it without a boat, which meant there was no way for Umbridge to get into her office without a boat.

It wasn't too long until the devil woman herself turned up and had a complete meltdown. Everyone laughed as Umbridge screamed and demanded to know who had set off the swap. She looked around the corridor as if she was trying to find the twins, wanting to pin this on them so she could get rid of them once and for all.

"Long live the Weasley twins!" Cassy yelled as we watched Umbridge fall head first into the swamp.

"No, long live the magic we made here, today, together as friends," Fred said as he jumped to his feet and pulling me into a hug.

"And long, long live the look on you face," I said, not being able to stop myself from quoting one of my favorite songs. "And bring on all of the pretenders. One day, we will be remembered."

Fred and George had something else big planned for Umbridge but wouldn't tell anyone what it was. They wanted to keep it a surprise and told us to make sure that we were all in the entrance hall on Friday afternoon so we wouldn't miss the show. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what they had planned because were they told us to be was just outside the great hall where the fifth years would be taking their last OWL exam. Unless they planned on destroying the exams, I couldn't think what else they could do. But I still made sure that I was in the entrance hall with the rest of my friends in the afternoon, not wanting to miss a second of what they had planned because I knew it was going to be big.

"So, when are they going to show up?" Zane asked as he looked around the entrance hall.

"I don't know," Cassy said. "All they told me was to make sure everyone was here at five and it's five now. So hopefully they won't be long."

"I hope so," Henry said, "Because I am starting to get hungry..."

Henry never got to finish his sentence because the twins came flying down the stairs on their brooms and headed straight into the great hall. They had a large crowd following them, which I guessed happened on the way down from the Gryffindor tower as people watched them fly throughout the halls.

"I don't think you have to worry any more, Henry," I told him as Umbridge walked out of the hall and a small firework appeared in front of her face which then flew into the great hall.

Fred and George followed the firework into the hall, sending exam papers flying everywhere as they set of more of their fireworks and creating a rainbow of colours that filled the hall.

The whole scene only become funnier when Filch ran into the great hall with a wet mop in hand as if he could stop the fireworks with it. Umbridge on the other hand was just standing in the middle of the hall, not knowing what to do. There was no way that she could stop all of the fireworks on her own and I had a feeling that all the other professor just happened to be busy as well.

Noticing Umbridge standing in the middle of the hall, looking more idiotic than usual, George pulled out another lot of fireworks from his bag.

"Ready when you are," he called out to Fred who nodded to let him know that he was ready for whatever the two of them had planned.

Lighting the fireworks and tossing them into the air, George quickly moved out if the way as a giant dragon made entirely of fireworks started to form. When it was completely assembled, the dragon took one look at Umbridge and head straight at her. I don't know what possessed Umbridge into thinking she could out run the fireworks dragon, but she stupidly took off running out of the hall. But she did and when she reached the door to the hall the fireworks dragon exploded, taking down all of the decrees that were nailed to the wall shatter and fall to the ground around her.

"Giver her hell for us Peeves," Fred called out to the poltergeist as both he and George flew out of the great hall, leaving a slightly singed Umbridge in their wake.

Peeves saluted the twins as they made their way out of the entrance hall and into the courtyard with a massive crowd following them. Pulling their brooms around to look at the school one last time, the twins smiled down and waved to us, the group of friends that had been there for them for the past seven years. Setting off one last lot of fireworks, the twins took off and leaving a giant firework shaped 'W' and the school behind them. Long live the Weasley Twins.

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