Son of Darkseid

By VgNishiki

81.5K 1.2K 463

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a... More

Training to become a God
A new God is born
League of Justice
The last training
The war Start
Fight between Gods
A Normal Life
A second chance
A new member in the family
A bomb of Laughter
Unexpected visit
Flash War Vol.46
Flash War Vol.47
Flash War Vol.48
Flash War Vol.49
Flash War Vol.50
Justice League vs Suicide Squad
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.2
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.3
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5
Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.6
Old Gods
Old Gods-First Contact
Old Gods-Lust and Power

Justice League Vs Suicide Squad Vol.4

464 8 12
By VgNishiki

A large and powerful beam of green light pierced the base and reached the heroes and villains. Chunks of metal in the large hole rolled to one side, revealing Maxwell and his new team.

Maxwell Lord: For to long Amanda Waller has manipulated the powerful into mantaining the status quo for her. Today that will finaly end.

The heroes and the suicide squad were ready for a confrontation, each of the villains that was under Maxwell's control had to be dangerous.

Maxwell Lord: Well, well, well ... the self-apointed saviors of justice. Standy side by side with the suicide squad. Should we be flattered by this team-up?

Superman was not surprised at all, he had already faced Maxwell before and this facahda he had was nothing new

Superman: Waller told us Everything, Maxwell. I have to hand it to you always wanted to inspire people to come together ... and by unleashing these monsters, you have. Lobo ... I'm surprised you'd allow yourself to be used by Maxwell Lord.

Lobo: Nobody's controling the main man, blue.

Maxwell Lord: Waller kept them locked up and she nees to pay, superman.

Wolf: Yea! Waller kept us locked up and she need to pay!

Maxwell Lord: Superman. It would really by in your best interest to just float aside and let us do the work.

Superman: I know too well how far you're willing to go for what you think is best, Max. You don't just push people to do what you want ... you push them to their brraking point.

Enchantress: Enough talk! I will end this ... My mind cannot be manipulated by the like of you, human.

Maxwell Lord: You're right. Your mind is a locked box, Enchantress ... but June Moone's isn't. June ...? I know you're in there. Aren't you angry that waller has kept you trapped with the enchantress? Wouldn't you like to do something about that?

June Moone shared a single mind with the witch enchatress, a mind that had just been broken. Yes, the consciousness of both of them were colliding with each other, it was an argument that was taking them to the brink of losing control.

June / Enchantress: I just wanted help ... but she. June? que? you don't have access to my magic ... But I do.

Enchantress gave a horrible cry of pain and began to scowl her face, her hair color taking on a whole white and red. Her eyes were white the great enchantress had fainted.

Simon Baz: What are you doing to her ?!

The green lanterns approached her and took her before she hit the ground, her rings began to sound the alert and Jessica realized the problem.

Jessica Cruz :: Lantern tech...?

Baz looked at Emerald Empress and saw the eye that was releasing electricity and was looking directly at them.

Simon Baz: The ring is not a really fan of that green eyeball.

The same bolt that pierced the base hit Baz, making it go through different rooms throughout the building, possibly knocking him out.

Jessica: Simon!

Harley Queen: Uh-Oh.

With all the commotion, Maxwell had taken the opportunity to sneak away, but not before giving a last word.

Maxwell Lord: This is our moment. Remember what you came for!

Johnny Sorrow: Fret not Maxwell Lord. I belive I can thik of a few ways to enterntain our hosts.

Sorrow was directing his hands to his mask, with this he would end all his enemies and end the woman who locked him in that cell. But by surprise, the captain threw his boomerangs at the actor, but they simply went through him, causing him to remove his hands from his mask, Captain Boomerang had saved them all from dying.

Johnny Sorrow: If your a critic of my performance ... I present my support cast. When I was kept in Waller's cell, I wasn't alone. The screams in the dark kept me company. It was the king of tears army demanding to be Free!

With his hands he opened a portal behind him, horrible beasts that had no precedents came out, horrible deformed bodies and parts of their bodies that did not fit and made them even more terrifying.

Everyone began to fight with the monsters, others like Harley prefer to run and leave this to the others.

Superman was attacked and caught in the mouth of one of the largest beasts but with his strength he could easily hold the monster's jaw.

Dav-Vel began to kill multiple beasts with his Super Speed ​​through their bodies easily, he saw that Harley was being chased by 3 small monsters while screaming for help and for pity he went to save her by crushing the three parasites.

Harley Queen: Ha! We make a great team, don't you think?

Dav-Vel: Go help Wonder Woman, and don't get killed.

Harley Queen: Yes Captain!

But this was not the only place in the base that was in danger, the surveillance room that could open all the cells of those who were locked up was in trouble, in the protocol of attacks on the base it was main above all to maintain this room with great protection.

Soldier: Secure the perimeter! We cannot let anyone get to the control room and release the prisoners.

They were sadly cut in half before they could get there, Rustam had arrived before them.

Rustam: Forgive me, my friends. I'm familiar with the loyalty Waller demands. But If we are truly to defend the devil ... it calls more that cutting of her head ... WE MOST OPEN THE GATES OF HELL THEMSELVES!

La cimitarra de Rastam estaba por destruir los controles pero para su sopresa algo para su arma , era una espada , una espada que el muy bien conocia , el consideraba esta espada peligroso y vil. Era la Soultaker.

Rastam: Ahh...The soultaker. You are unknown to me, girl. But I reconize the soultaker blade. Of courde Waller would have something so evil at her employ.

Katana: My names is Katana , you will learn it.

Rastam comenzo a lanzar ataque hacia la portadora del Soultaker pero ella no era cualquiera , cada uno de los ataque ella pudo l bloquearlos y incluso casi le acesta un golpe a rastam pero el Guerrero los evito. Esta era una batalla que cualquier espadachin experimentado desearia ver

Rastam: I was an innocent placed behind Waller's bars...who know how many locked within thse walls can say the same ?

Katana: I have lived among the prisioner of bele reve...and they are some of the wprse souls thr world have to offer. You will not release them!

While Waller's failed suicide squad kept her protectors busy...the vault is mine. Yo do like tu bury things that you don't want to deal with , don't you Waller? Revenge was never my first preority , unlike the rest of my allies...But I knew there was no way I'd never get down here without their help. If Amanda Waller dies...that's...a welcome ...bonus? Not one for subtlety...are you? ...Killer Frost?

A strong cold ran through Maxwell's body, from his spine to all parts of his body it was as if his body had received a current of electricity. Snow surrounded his entire body but he didn't care he had a backup plan for a situation like this.

Killer Frost: Never been the Passive-aggressive type, Max. Freezing you should slow down your motor skills ... make it tough for you to "magic talk" your way out of this. You won't be able to make me-

Maxwell Lord: I merely show people the direction they already want to go. Don't you want to see me take out Amanda Waller?

Killer Frost: Waller ... uhh ... use people but ... She--

He was about to break Killer Frost and he was also about to freeze he had to be smart and fast with was to say.

Maxwell Lord: Then D-don't you w-want to make s-sure that Waller never f-force her will on anyone again?

Killer Frost: Waller ... should never force her will on anyone again ... You're right.

Maxwell Lord: I knew you'd see it my way. And you're going to help me ... to save the world from itself.

And so Maxwell got another puppet, one step closer to his goal.

Captain Boomerang: What's yer kill count, Flasher ?!

Flash: I'm not killing them, Digger!

Captain Boomerang: You telling me you won't even kill monsters ?!

Flash was knocking out beast by beast and he put them in a pile in a corner, he did not know what they were or who they could be, he did not want to make a mistake and hurt someone but others like captain boomerang are killing these monsters without any care or some kind of curiosity dr that could be killing.

Flash: We don't know what they are. Better to incapacitate them and send them back wherever they came from.

Captain Boomerang: Yer a real pice of work, Flash. No wonder the rest of the squad always said I have the easy hero.

Deadshot had gone out with Waller away from the fight, I thought that if he kept her safe he could earn some points, a few years less in jail or probation, but it was not easy, less when a murderous alien motorcycle rider chases you to
kill you and it was much worse than bullet resistant

Lobo: You can't hide from this Czarnian, Waller!

DeadShot: We can't shake this gay Waller!

Amanda Waller: Just keep up, Deadshot. Max is manipulating you wolf!

Lobo: Max freed me.

Lobo threw his chain towards Waller, She simply covered herself with her weapon to try to make the impact not hurt her so much, but luckily someone saved her, it was Batman who deflected the chain with a kick

Lobo: No one makes me miss a fraggin shot!

Amanda Waller: Even without one of my brain bombs in your head, you still end up working for me, Batman.

Batman: Jump!

Lobo made a strong jump towards them with his arms raised to crush them, Batman seeing this shoots a rope to a wall so that the three of them jump off the bridge but this did not stop him from destroying the bridge and following them.

Deadshot: Where are those two aliens when do you need them ?!

Where was Superman? He was fighting Emerald Empress, the eye with the green lantern technology was strong, he was covering himself from the energy that the eye was throwing at him, he could easily defeat her but as always, the fear of hurting his opponents was gnawing at him. He would have to wait for the opportunity to attack.

Emerald Empress: If you only knew what the futures holds, Superman ... You'd let Max get away with what he wants!

Superman: The future?

Emerald Empress: You're better off death than ever knowing the truth!

To the bad luck of Emerald Empress, Jessica Jones had arrived to help Superman, with her ring she launched a ray that hit the eye but it defended itself, both weapons were fighting with the same energy.

Emerald Empress: Another Green Lantern? Do you belive you have a better chance against the emerald eye of Ekron?

Jessica Jones: You sucker-punched Simon! You're not pulling the same move twice!

Ekron's eye stopped firing and Jessica when she saw this stopped, Emeral Empress was stunned, why would the eye stop firing if it had not been fired?

Emerald Empress: The eye ... it won't fire at you. Why?

Jessica Jone: Maybe the eye respect games.

Jessica's Ring began to blink, drawing her attention, the voice of the ring was repeating the same words over and over again. Alert! Temporary energy detected. Alert!

Jessica Jones: What? ...

Neither woman understood what was happening, Emerald Empress was so confused that she realized very late that the other green lantern had attacked the Ekron bug, leaving him aggrieved.

Emeral Empress: NO !! if the eye break I'll be trapped here. But I have to find her. I have to find saturn girlll ....

To save the eye, Emeral empress enclosed herself in a bubble made of green lantern energy.

Jessica Jones: Who is Saturn girl?

Superman: We'll deal with that later. We need to put a stop to this before someone gets hurt.

Returned to the facility, Captain Boomerang had encountered a monster that was giant, he tried to confront him with his boomerangs but they simply got stuck inside the beast.

Captain Boomerang: Me Boomerangs got lodged-- ?!

The monster felt the pricks and got angry and was about to finish Digger, who really couldn't do anything so he just stood still.

Captain Boomerang: This death sucks!

The fists of the beast were about to kill Digger but he was saved by flash away from the monster but even saved he kept screaming for his life.

Flash: You can stop screaming Digger. Jeez.

Captain Boomerang: Ya ... ya saved me?

Flash: I promise not to tell the rogues, if you dont.

Captain Boomerang: Deal.

Rick Flag was already a veteran of the suicide squad and had seen strange things since he had joined the team as leader, this was not something new, he had seen more grotesque monsters, his training kept him alive but right now Katana's Soultaker would do them very well .

Rick Flag: Where the hell is Katana ?!

By coincidence both bearers of the swords fell from the ceiling while they continued fighting, they hit the ground hard and their fight stopped for a few moments giving them both a break.

Rick Flag: Rustam stop! I know you don't want this! I've been in your shoes, Man. You led Waller's first suicide squad into the field ... that's my assignment now!

Rustam: Then killing you would be a Mercy!

Rustam got up from the ground and went to flag to kill him with his scimitar, Katana was not going to allow it, she was fast enough to stop Rustam.

Rustam: Nothing can stop my blade!

Katana: I'm counting on it!

Katana used the Soultaker to bring the fire from Rustman's scimitar towards his own face making him scream in pain. Rustam had been defeated.

Johnny Sorrow: You are not my true enemy ... But the show must go on Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman: If we're not your enemy, Why are you helping Max Lord?

Johnny Sorrow: Because I like to watch people suffer.

Sorrow removed her mask and Wonder Woman could only cover her eyes, she could not attack without seeing him and there was still the problem of seeing him in the face that would be fatal.

Harley Queen: Stay away from my bestie !!

Wonder Woman: Harley don't look!

She couldn't believe what her eyes saw.

Harley Queen: Cute face.

Sorrow was dumbfounded, no one could survive seeing his face, what he didn't know is that Harley was already too crazy to be affected by something like this.

Johnny Sorrow: No clown will upstage me! Witness the true face of madness!

The glow on Johnny's face grew brighter and made Wonder Woman against the wall for cover.

Harley Queen: Wonder Woman, No!

Wonder Woman: Sorrow reminds me of medusa ... I wonder what happens when he look at his own faces.

Wonder Woman's bracelets reflected Sorrow's face, her body
He began to stretch and I started to turn like a whirlwind inside the portal that opened behind him, looking up and only leaving his mask on the ground.

Harley Queen: No encore for you buddy! Exit stage left!

Like sorrow, all the hideous beasts of the King of Tears' army were consumed by the very portals that brought them.

Wonder Woman: It appears the king of tear's monster can't exist on this plane without Johnny sorrow. Harley ... How did you survive looking at sorrow's face?

Harley Queen: Oh, please once you've looked into the abyss you've seen 'em all.

Wonder Woman: You saved my life today.

Harley Queen: It's no big. Aww who am I kidding. We're a team again, Sister! We should be the new Wonder-twins!

Harley hugged Wonder Woman who accepted her "friend's" show of affection with a smile.

Wonder Woman: We should assist the others, Harley.

Only two of Max Lord's allies remained standing. Doctor polaris was a formidable enemy, his power was dangerous, he had to be stopped and again imprisoned. And this task was for Aquaman, Cyborg, The Devil and Killee Croc.

Doctor Polaris: SCREAM FOR ME!

Piece of iron began to beat the two members of the suaicde squad and aquaman, their bodies inside felt hot as if their blood burned inside.

Doctor Polaris: Do you feel that? Is the iron in your blood twisting and burning inside you!

Cyborg: That's enough, Doctor Polaris!

Doctor Polaris: They sent man of steel to stop me ?!

Cyborg: I've have this body for a bit now. You really think I didn't plan for magnetcs? By channeling electricity through my metal body I can create my own electromacnetic field ... that cancels yours out!

Cyborg fired at Polaris, knocking him out instantly, giving the heroes and the two villains a break who were on the verge of fainting.

Aquaman: Thanks Cyborg. Fid you judt Google that magnet stuff ...?

Cyborg: Nah, man ... learned that in kindthergarten.

Aquaman: Who's left on max team?

Lobo was unstoppable, his regeneration was incredible and his hunting skills were recognizable, nothing was going to stop him until he caught Waller and finished it. They had gone further into the facility, Waller knew everything that was in its base, so they were trying to get to a small armory.

Deadshot: Lobo takes everything we throw at him! He just keep healing!

After so much running he had finally reached the armory.

Batman: I need you both to shoot him with everything they have, we need to buy time.

Deadshot: Are you crazy nothing can stop that thing!

Batman: Just keep him busy!

Lobo: Nuthin's gonna stop me, Waller!

DeahShot took out a laser weapon that was the size of a rocket launcher, and fired two bolts of lightning that hit Lobo, but that wouldn't stop him. When the smoke cleared Lobo came out with multiple lethal wounds that would kill a normal man, he was missing an arm, part of one of his legs was missing and his chest had multiple holes.

Lobo: Ha. That's the best ya got? Take a lot ... to kill the main man !.

Lobo nailed his chain into DeadShot's arm pushing against the wall and began to choke Waller.

Amanda Waller: Max, ... * Kaff * ... is ... kkk ... controling ... you ...

Lobo: No way Maxie'd pull that on me. You buried me alive, Waller. You erned this.

Batman did not think twice and jumped on Lobo's back causing him to let go of Waller.

Batman: You're being controlled by Max lord whether you want to beleve it or not, Lobo!

Lobo took Batman from his back and threw him to the ground. He was already tired of being interrupted when he was about to finish off Waller, and he didn't like that.

Lobo: Dunno what are you trying to do man but it's very annoying, You can stop me.

Batman: I'm just buying time.

Lobo: That's suppose to scare me?

Lobo was about to finish Batman but before he could finish Batman something quickly he took him from the backs, he did not have time to react and hit him against the wall making everything around the place shake.

Lobo got up and saw someone he knew very well.

Lobo: Hey, I fucking know you, you're the bastard who cut my head off and launched me into space. Do you know how much time I spent drifting in space?

Dav-Vel: I don't care.

Lobo was about to attack but he could not do anything because Dav-Vel with his super speed grabbed his head and used his vision lazer disintegrating his head in a moment making the wolf's body fall to the ground. It would take a long time for him to regenerate his head and brain.

DeadShot: Holy shit. You don't play around man.

One more step, he only had to open this giant door to reach his destination.

Maxwell Lord: Here we are Killer Frost. All that stand between us and the powdr to change the world is one last door. Now destroy the vault.

Killer Frost: Nn ... no

She was trying to resist the mind control, but it was too difficult, she had to break free she was giving Maxwell a power to control the world, she had to get her mind back.

Maxwell Lord: Do it! NOW!

Sadly he was stronger than her mentally.

Batman: What is Max really after, Waller? You said it was a weapon ... but this is bigger than that. What are you hidding?

Amanda Waller: It's a diamond ... containing an incredibly malevolent amount of power. Anyone who touches it becomes corrupt by it.

Killer Frost completely froze the door and started to fall apart. All the heroes and villains who had defeated Maxwell's minions Except for those who had defeated Wolf were heading to the vault.

Superman: We need to stop max!

Rick Flag: I know where the vault is. Let's go.

It's doesn't matter how pure of souls ... or strength of will ... the darkness within infects you at your core. In some parts of the world its been called 'Nalusa chito' ... or the eclipso diamond 'but it's most commonly called the heart of darkness.

Max was bleeding from his eyes, nose and ears, he had used his power to much but that did not matter he had achieved what he wanted, the brilliance of the diamond was purple, it was beautiful, he could not believe he did it.

Maxwell Lord:!

If Max can use his abilities to control the heart darkness he won't just be able to suggest people to obey him ... Max will be able to force everyone to become the worst versions of themeselves. And we'll have already lost.

The heroes were already in front of the great broken door but they were not prepared for what was to happen.

Maxwell Lord: Stop.

All the heroes fell to the ground, the members of the Suicidd squad stood behind them and did not understand what was happening.

Harley Queen: Is max try'n to control them?

Captain Boomerang: Why not us?

Maxwell Lord: Because why would I want to control a group of losers ... when I can use the greatest powers in the universe.

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