Fluffy Harry One-Shots

بواسطة 17blackcherry

53.2K 475 180

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! المزيد

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Home Sick
Night Time

Six Flags

1.7K 21 1
بواسطة 17blackcherry

This was requested by @lillianbogart  Enjoy :)

Louis- 20
Liam- 20
Harry- 12

Summary: The boys go to Six Flags for the day 

*We don't have Six Flags where I live and I don't know anything about it so bear with me*


"We're going to Six Flags today!" Harry was bouncing up and down in his seat at breakfast. 

"Only if you finish your eggs," Louis told him, trying to get him to focus on the task at hand first. Harry always got distracted easily but, he was always so excited and it made everyone happy. 

"Fine," Harry shovelled the rest of his breakfast into his mouth and took off upstairs.

"Ah, Harry, get back here and put your plate away, please," Liam called. 

"Right, sorry!" Harry ran back in and quickly put his plate in the sink and ran back upstairs to get ready to go. 

He was so excited for Six Flags. The boys had a bit of time off in America during the tour and they had decided to take Harry on the outing to the amusement park. 

Harry got dressed and brushed his teeth then ran back downstairs. 

"When're we going, Lou?" 

"Well, Niall is the only one not ready yet so if you can get him up and going we can be out of here in half an hour," Louis told him.

Harry turned and went into Niall's room where he found him still asleep. Niall was not a morning person but, Harry definitely was though. 

"Nini, get up, we're going to Six Flags!" Harry squeaked, jumping into Niall's bed. 

Niall groaned and rolled over, "Harry, get out! You're too loud and I don't care where we're going." 

This, of course, upset Harry because he didn't like when people were mad at him and he really didn't like yelling of any kind. 

Harry climbed off the bed and turned to leave. "Sorry, Nini," He said quietly, holding back tears as he left the room. 

Niall was still half-asleep and just rolled back over and closed his eyes. 

Harry went to find Louis, he needed a hug right about now and Louis was good at those. He went to the kitchen and it was empty, he went to the living room and Louis wasn't there but Zayn was. 

He was on his phone sitting on the couch. 

"Do you know where Louis is?" Harry asked, really just wanting to cry. 

Zayn didn't look up from his phone but answered, "I think he's in his room." 

So, that's where Harry went next. Sure enough, Zayn was right. Louis was in his room sitting in bed also on his phone. 

Harry didn't say anything, just climbed onto the bed and squeezed his way under Louis's arms. 

"Hey, Bubba. Are we going yet?" Louis asked, hugging Harry. He was a bit confused about his sudden mood change. 

Harry didn't answer, just sniffled and let his tears go now that he was safe in Louis' comfort. 

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?" Louis asked, rubbing Harry's back and trying to figure out why he could be crying. "What's got you so sad, bubs? You were so excited to go to the amusement park." 

Harry just let it all out and when he was feeling better, he told Louis. "Nini yelled at me when I woke him up." 

"Oh, well that wasn't very nice of him, was it?" Louis cooed. He knew Niall could be an arse in the mornings and Harry had been pretty excited so he was probably a little too loud. 

"No," Harry shook his head, "Not nice at all." 

"Well, how about we go get our shoes on and then I'll get Liam to go get the grumpy Irishman up," Louis suggested. 

Harry agreed. Louis told Liam to get Niall and the rest of them went and got their shoes and coats on to leave. 

About thirty minutes later, they were in the car and on their way to Six Flags. Everyone was in a much better mood too. 


"I want to go on the teacups!" Harry pointed excitedly, jumping up and down. 

Louis figured he wasn't going to get to go on a lot of adult rides because Harry was too small to go on most things (he was very tiny) and he didn't like to leave Louis in public for some reason anyway. Louis was fine with it because he knew Zayn would stick with them too because he hated rollercoasters but, Liam and Niall had already taken off to go get in line for one of the bigger rides. 

"We can go on the teacups, love," Louis said. "But I need you to hold my hand or Zayn's, please. It's a big crowd and we don't want our little monkey getting lost, do we?" 

Harry giggled and shook his head then, took Louis' hand and the trio walked to the teacups. 

They waited in line and when it was finally their turn, Harry picked a bright orange and blue teacup because those were his favourite colours. They all jumped on the ride and soon it started up. 

They all spun the table in the middle together (Louis and Zayn did most of the work but they wouldn't say that to Harry). 

Once the ride was over, they got out and Harry instantly found another ride to go to. This time it was bumper cars. 

Louis and Harry found one that had two steering wheels, one real for Louis and one fake for Harry even though Harry thought he was driving the whole time. 

After a few more rides, Harry decided he was going to die if he didn't get something to eat so Louis, Harry and Zayn met back up with Liam and Niall. 

It was getting pretty late into the evening, they had been there most of the day. 

They found a place selling hamburgers and fries. After they all got their food, they found a table to sit at and they ate. 

When they were done eating, Harry and Niall both wanted cotton candy so they went to get some while Zayn, Liam and Louis stayed at the table. 

"Harry says he's sleepy," Niall told them when they came back. 

Louis cooed at the sight of Harry leaning into Niall, holding his hand and rubbing his eyes. He picked the boy up off the ground and sat him on his lap. "Should we get going home, love?" 

Harry nodded and rested his head on Louis' chest. The boys started their walk back t the car, Harry half-asleep on Louis' shoulder. 

In the car, Harry wanted Louis to sit in the back with him so, Liam drove and Zayn rode shotgun while Louis sat in the middle of Harry and Niall. Harry fell asleep before they were even on the road, all tired out from such a fun day. 

When they got home, the boys got Harry inside and ready for bed, skipping his bath because it would only result in a very tired, very upset boy. 

"Loulou, will you snuggle till I fall asleep, please?" Harry asked while Louis was tucking him in. 

"Of course. I would never turn down Hazza cuddles," Louis smiled and kissed his forehead before climbing in and wrapping his arms around Harry. Soon enough, both boys were fast asleep for the night. 


Sorry about the end, this definitely didn't turn out how I wanted but I hope you all still enjoyed. 

Anyway, I'm closing my requests for now, I'm working on something else right now and I don't have a lot of time to fill requests but I might open them again in a while i don't know yet

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