She Prays

By She_Flourishes

5.7K 577 87

In this book, you'll find prayers with scripture references that can help and encourage you to continue livin... More

Faith in the Midst of Chaos
Prayer for The Suicidal Girl
Good company
Boldness And The Gospel
Help Me To Love Praying
Help Me Not To Comform
Help Me To Be More Humble
I Have Power Over The Kingdom Of Darkness
Let Not The Voice Of The Enemy Overwhelm My Heart
Learning and Avoiding the Snares of Sin
Light and Hope
Rooted faith
I give myself away so you can use me Lord
Lord, grant us the gift of discernment
Lord, help me to be led by your spirit
Help me not to take short cuts in life
Keep Our Thoughts In Obedience
The Battle In Her Mind
Open Doors Prayer
Prayer For Before You Go To Sleep
Shape And Mold Me
Peace Over Our Hearts
Enduring Out Of Love For Him
Pslam 51:10 And A Pure Heart Prayer
Prayer Your Gifts And Talents
Lord Give Me A Willing Spirit
The Grace To Resist The devil
Help Me To Remain In Your Presence
Let The Agenda To Me Fall Into Sin Be Destroyed
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Lord Remain My First Love
A Prayer For Our Homes
Flame Of Fire Upon People's Heart
You Increase
Help Me To Walk With You
Help Me Not To Fall
Give Me Revelation
The Grace To Dwell
Prayer Over You
Teach Me Wisdon
Ability To Know You've Called Me
Destory Before It Grows Into Tree
Correct Me Where Im Wrong
First Priority
Bad Influences
New Season
I Don't Want To Deny You Before People
Lord I consercrate

Come From Love

56 6 0
By She_Flourishes

Lord, as your followers we are known for love. The love that is in our heart, following your precious commandment to love others like ourselves. That we can give love to others from an overflowing cup. Fill us with your love, fill us with your peace, fill us with your spirit lord. Help us to overflow in love for others. Help us that in everything we do and say that it's all from a place of love. Help us to love those who hurt us, those who persecute us and to pray for them that they can encounter your love for them. We know they are broken human beings, just like ourselves. They are humans with weakness just like ourselves and that they need you.

You are mercifully, so help us to be merciful. You are love, help us to love. You are forgiving, help us to forgive. You are holy, help us to live righteously and be set apart for your glory.

We bless your holy name. We praise you and exalt you. For you, Lord, are too good. You exceed anything on this earth and you are out to love. In Jesus name, we love you. Amen


John 13:34-36

34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another."

Matthew 5:43-48
Love Your Enemies
43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

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