With Child - - **EDITED Aug 2...

By Jimjams79

3K 36 18

Newly weds Luke and Claire move into No. 6 Beech Close, the house has been empty for many year, the garden is... More

part two "The wardrobe"
Part 3 The Hospital
Part 4 The Relative's room
First day at work
Good News / Bad News

With Child

1.3K 12 8
By Jimjams79

*** Hey guys this is my first attempt at writing a story , so please be gentle with me, I haven't proof read this, and I do have dyslexia, so sorry for spelling mistakes. I started writing this story two years ago and then got writes block so deleted it (which was a mistake!) so I had to start from scratch. I have classed this as PG as its may get a little scary and there maybe some bad language, but am not sure yet as I don't know how its going to develop, I have a general idea where I want the story to go, but not sure how it will end, so hopefully you will enjoy reading it I am kinda bobbing my pants uploading it :) ***

*****Editored 18/08/2017 I ahve been away for a while, I am back now and edited the first *****chapter. Hopefully it will read better.

Dedicated to : musically  her stories are amazing and I wanted to repay her by dedicating the chapter to her :)  


It was a lovely warm autumn morning, the sky was clear and the sun was shining down. We was in the mists of an Indian summer, but signs of autumn where starting to show. The leafs where changing and starting to fall from the trees. One of the leafs danced down the quiet cul-de-sac of Beech Close. A cat laying on the roof of a parked car lazily lifted its head to see what was making the noise and then jump as it saw the postman entering the cul-de-sac. It scowled at being disturb and settled back down.

The postman made his way happily down the street, whistling as he went. Delivering mail to number 1 and then 2 and 3. As this cul-de-sac was like the shape of a key hole the houses went up in ones as there were only 14 houses, in the street. As he went about is work he casually worked pasted number 6 without a slight glance. Number 6 has been empty for as long as he can remember. The garden was over grown and the paint was peeling off the window frames. This house has been unloved for so long. He used to stand and stare at the house and wonder why no-one had moved in, it was a nice area and all the other houses where all well kept. He did notice that a few months ago a sign went up in the garden, saying for Auction and at the time he did think why they hadn't tried to sell it first? And considered going to the Auctioneer's and seeing how much the house was being sold for but never got round to it. He delivered the last mail at number 14 and made his way out of the cul-de-sac and the all went quiet.

Half an hour pasted and once again the cat was disturb, but this time it was a small car with a young couple in it, they pulled up outside number 6, they got out of the car excitedly, the young lady stood on the curb and stared at the house and the young man skipped round to join her, lovingly wrapping his arm around her waist.  He leaned into her and kissed her cheek "welcome home Mrs Harris and bump" said Luke as he hand slid over Claire's pregnant tummy, "welcome home too you  Mr Harris" said Clair. They stood and stared at the house for a moment until Luke stepped forward and pushed the gate opened, it dragged through the over grown bushes as he pushed it open until finally he stepped though Claire was closely behind, they hopped over the weeds on the path up to the blue 1930's front door the paint was flicking off showing the many other colours it had been painted. Luke took out the key from his jean pocket, place it in the lock and turned the key and with a gentle push the door rattled open revealing the hall and staircase on the right hand side of it, the living/dinning room door was on the left and the kitchen door was straight ahead.

Luke and Claire walked into their new home, there were talking about Luke carrying Clair over the threshold, but due to her condition, that being she was 5 months pregnant. They didn't think it was wise. As they walked along the hallway and into the living room, their footsteps echoing on the bare wooden floor, they walked into the centre of the room and Luke hugged Claire from behind resting his chin on her shoulder and they both seemed lost in thought, as the sun light shone through the windows. Claire stared at the dust in the sun light dancing and floating around like golden glitter. "penny for your thoughts" Luke said breaking the silence "I was just thinking how happy we are going to be here" Luke gentle kissed Claire's face "we are aren't we, but there's a lot of work to do to make this our home" said Luke, then Luke's phone rang "hello? Yes this is Mr Harris, oh that great yeah we are there now, we have just arrived and the removal guys are due at 2:30, so it will be tight but we would love to get the carpet fitted before they get here, in 15mins that would be great, I would say I would put the kettle on, but its not arrived yet" and with a laugh Luke hung up the phone, " carpet fitters" he said to Claire and she nodded. "am going to have another look round" Claire said and she walked out of the room, as Luke walked over to look at the back garden through the window.

Claire walked up the stairs noting that only the stairs and landing had carpet on it, all the other carpets had been taken up, but not this one. As she reach the top of the stairs her eyes focused on the wardrobe. They both laughed when they was this, who would put a wardrobe on the landing and why did they not take it with them? It was a lovely old wooden wardrobe with lovely carvings on it. Luke joked that that's where the previous owner had hid the body of his wife and opened it all dramatically, only to find it was an empty old wardrobe the smelt fusty. Clare walked into the main bedroom and looked around imaging how it would look when all their stuff was in it and then she went into the second bedroom. Which will be the nursery over looking the back garden, which at the moment is so overgrown, but when Claire looked out all she could see was a nicely mowed lawn and the child's swing and play set. In fact she was sure she heard a child laughing. Shaking her head and putting it down to being tired. She walked into the bathroom looked round at all the old fixtures, nothing had been updated for years and finally she went into the box room which would be Luke's office, it was situated at the side of the main bedroom over the stairs, as she went to the window she saw the carpet fitters arrive, so she went down to greet them, but as she reached the top step she paused and thought I never noticed where the loft hatch was?

The door bell rang but curiosity got the better of her and she went back to look for it. She heard Luke welcome the fitter in, as she went from room to room. This was silly there was no loft hatch? That can't be right. She checked again and again, room to room, no hatch! No hatch! That's impossible! She started to run from room to room frantically look for it, but it wasn't there. Luke heard Claire running around and thought something was wrong, so excused himself from the carpet fitter and ran upstairs and nearly straight into Claire "what's wrong" he said grapping Claire and stopping for from running around anymore. "NO LOFT HATCH" was the reply, more confused Luke looked at her "what are you talking about Claire?"

 "I have checked every room and we don't have a loft hatch how can that be?" she replied "well that is strange" admitted Luke "lets check together"

 "WHAT We don't need to! don't you trust!" shout Claire "hey hey calm down love of course I trust you, but I think it strange to and look how many times have you checked on your own, will hurt to check one more time together" Luke cupped her cheek and looked into his wife's eyes he could tell she was on the verge of crying. She nodded and they walked from room to room Luke thought that it would just be in a place that Claire hadn't look, but after checking all the rooms together he had to admit there was no loft hatch, how strange what if we need to get into the loft. He thought, what if we need to put some insulation down, he thoughts where interrupted by the fitters calling him, he placed his arm around Claire give a quick kiss on the cheek and told her they would sort it out later.

They both went downstairs and to their surprise the carpet fitters had already laid the carpet in the living room which ran full length front to back, as it was a living / dining room in one. "wow that looks great thank you" said Claire "you don't hang about do you" Luke added. "so if your happy with that we'll go upstairs and lay the bedroom carpets for you and I hope you don't mind me asking, but you to ok up there?" one of the fitters said, "well" said Luke "erm we was just looking for the loft hatch and cant find it that's all" "no loft hatch well that's a new one on me" he replied "we if we find it while we are up there we'll let ya know" and with that the two fitter left to their van to get the next carpet.

"wow what a different a carpet makes to a room, its starting to feel more like home" said Luke and Claire smiled, but her smile was tinted with worry. "hey the removal van will be here soon" Luke look at his watch. "lets get the stuff out of the car before it arrives". They went out to the car and opened the boot, took out the boxes and into the kitchen to unpack. " I cant believe we didn't pack the kettle in the car" Claire complained " I could really do with a cup of tea right now". They unpacked the boxes and had just finished when the carpet fitters came downstairs "ya right there's no loft hatch up there, but all the carpets are fitted now..........by the way is the child ok now?" Luke and Claire looked at each other puzzled "what child?" asked Claire "the one we heard crying" he replied "am sorry, but there has been no children in here other than our little bump" Luke replied rubbing Claire's tummy. Looking confused and puzzled the carpet fitters said their good byes just as the removal van arrived.

***So just a little introduction to the two main characters if you would like to suggest who should play them feel free to message me, also feedback would be great I know theres not much , but its a start :)***

***I was going to make it a new chapter but as the first one was only 3 pages long I thought it was a little lame so am just going to add on to it***

 After a busy day unpacking Claire and Luke finally sat to relax, there was still boxes cluttering each room, but things where starting to fall into place. Claire yawned and looked sleepily at Luke, "you look tired" Luke said. "I am I think I may have done a little too much I think I am going up to bed" and with that Claire gave Luke a kiss and went up stairs. Luke stretched out on the sofa and turned the TV over to watch the news at 10, as usually it was full of depressing news about wars and death, why cant people just learn to get on? I have heard enough I think I'll grab one more beer before bed, and Luke went into the Kitchen and to the sink, which was full of cold water and ice cubes, with the last can of beer floating in it, along with the milk, as the fridge had just been moved. He reached in to out the can and wiped it with a t-towel and went back into the room and throw himself on to the sofa, opening his can of beer, he started to flick through the channels. He found a film to watch and settled down to watch it and it wasn't long before he was starting to feel sleepy and fell asleep on the sofa.

He woke up with a jump, someone was screaming, but not just anyone but Claire. Claire was screaming. Oh my god my Claire whats up? Luke stumbled to his feet trying to work out what was happening, he ran upstairs to find Claire, sat up clutching the bed sheets sobbing, Luke crawled on to the bed at the side of her, "Claire my love what's wrong? Why are you so up set? Come on baby, calm down!" Claire tried to speak "it..it..it was so oh my god I was so scared Luke, our baby our little baby had died and there was nothing we could do to stop it.... Luke our baby DIED!!" Luke cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes, "Claire you were dreaming. That's all just a dream, our lil ones safe inside you, look feel", Luke placed Claire's hand on her tummy and after a little while they both felt the baby kick as if it knew that's what they need. Claire wiped her eyes and looked at Luke "sorry baby it..it just was so really"

 "you have had a very busy few days Claire it was bound to catch up on you eventually, just try and get some rest, okay babes" Luke leaned in a gave her a kiss "Luke don't go, come to bed I need to hold you"

"ok but let me go and switch the lights off and make sure the doors are locked."

 "okay but don't be long". Luke left Claire still sat up in bed and went down stairs, he checked the front door went into the living room and switched the TV off. Picked the can up off the floor and took it into the kitchen, placing it on the side and checking the back door.

He turned around and pursed. What's wrong with Claire twice now she has freaked out, what going on with her? Hmmmm I don't know maybe she is just over tired, but if it carries on am gunna suggest she goes to the GP, I don't like her freaking out like that, but now we have moved in and things are starting to settle down hopefully she will be okay. Luke rub his hand over his face sighed and went upstairs to bed. Claire was waiting for him, he gave her a little smile and stripped down to his boxers and went in the bathroom to get ready for bed, he walked back into the room throw the covers back and jumped into bed, and snuggled up to Claire, she hugged him back and they stilled down to sleep without speaking.

The next morning they woke later then usual, but they put it down to them being tired with the move, Luke got up first and took a shower, while Claire laid in bed looking up at the ceiling and thinking of what they had to do today. But her mind soon wondered back to that dream last night it was so clear.

She walked into the nursery to check on their baby and even though they didn't know what baby they where having as they didn't want to know. In the dream it was a baby boy. All the nursery was decorated and he was asleep in his cot, but when she look at him he was blue, she panicked and started screaming. Luke ran in and she couldn't speak all she could do was scream and point. Luke looked into the cot and saw his poor baby boy lifeless and blue, he picked him up and gentle shook him, but nothing.

Now Luke was shouting, shouting to get help. He laid their baby on the floor and started to gentle breathing into it mouth and nose and with two finger gentle pressing on it chest, he looked at Claire who was still standing there, and shouted "get help now it all your fault" the last three words echoing "all your fault".

Luke walked back into the bedroom and looked at Claire with concern, she was sat there crying. "what wrong Claire why are you crying"

"you...you said it was all my fault...my fault our baby died" Claire broke into sobs of crying. Luke still wet with his towel wrapped around his waist rushed round and sat at the side of her "hey come on it was just a dream. Nothing more and I would never blame you came on stop crying, this isn't like you".

 " But it was so really Luke you don't understand I saw our little boy lifeless and died and there was nothing I could do I just stood there starring"  

"Come on go and get a shower you'll feel better and I will go to the shops and get us some bacon and eggs for breakfast yeah?" Claire nodded and got up, Luke took her in his arms "it will be okay" and kissed her forehead, it always made Claire smile when he did that because he only did it when he was be protective. She gave him a kiss on the lips "I know it will, am just being silly it was just a dream I know that. You go and get breakfast and I'll get a shower, but don't forget to lock the door okay."

 "Yes mum" Luke said playfully and started to get dressed, Claire walked into the bathroom closed the door and turned the shower on.

Luke P.O.V

Whoa she is really starting to get me worried now! Am just not used to her crying like that, I know while I am out I will call my mum and see if its normal. Luke got dressed looked in the mirror ruffled his short brown hair and jogged downstairs. Picked up his keys, unlocked the door and step outside. It felt strange stepping out of this house, his house, his very own house. He locked the door behind him and headed off to the shops. He had just reach the gate when his phone rung. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID it was Luke new boss, the reason they had moved 90 miles away from their family, but it was Luke's dream job and Claire told him that he had to take it. She was so understanding, she knew how much Luke had been waiting for an opportunity like this and as she wasn't going to be working for a while she didn't mind and she didn't really like where she worked before. Claire was an office manager and a damn good one, but her company just couldn't see it. They still believed that women should just be secretary for the men folk, it really pissed them both off. Luke on the other hand was a computer programmer and was head hunter by the top leading IT company in the country, £32.000 a year salary, company car, phone and laptop and the great thing is he could work from home some of the time, so not missing out on the baby growing up and doing his fair share. Luke always said he would do his share and he wanted to make sure he did.

Luke answered his phone "hello Tom how are you?" his boss told him from the first day that it's a first name type of company, "yeah am good thanks Tom, everything went as smoothly as it could yesterday...........tomorrow? I didn't think you wanted me in until Monday?..............no no its fine I cant wait to start to be honest, just didn't think you want me in on a Friday..........yeah I know the system........really yeah, am sure I can get that back up and running for you.....ok Tom see you tomorrow." Oh jeez am working tomorrow. Claire will be pissed and I really wanted to make sure she was settled before I started work, but don't wanna piss the boss off before I start.

 Luke had made it to shop by the time he had finished on the phone, he walked in to the little corner shop, said hi to the assistant behind the counter and made his way to the fridge section, WHAT how much for bacon jeez this shops a bit of a rip off, but hey I can afford it. He picked up some bacon, Eggs, sausage, tin of baked beans and some bread and butter and took it to the counter picking a news paper on the way. "morning" said the lady behind the counter "how are you today"

"am good thank" Luke replied "We have just moved in, the house on Beech Close"

"Beech close you say. Not number 6?"

 "Yeah..Why" Luke said slightly puzzled in the way the assistant asked "oh...oh no reason its its just been erm empty for a long time"

 "Yeah we noticed that we thought it was strange. Did you know the previous owners?"

"well erm am not one to gossip if you know what I mean. Is that all? Ok right well, that will be £8.75" not one to gossip whats that all about it was a simple question? Jeez I hope they are all not odd round here. Luke handed her £10 and she quickly give him the change "well nice meeting you. I need to get some stock out of the back, bye" and she hurried off in the back, leaving Luke stood there looking bewildered, he shook his head and left the shop.

On his way back he took out his phone and called his mum, "Hi mum howz you?.........yh am good thanks.......yeah and Claire's okay too actually mum it Claire am ringing you about....what yeah the move went fine.....yeah say hi back to dad.... Mum mum stop please I need to talk to you about Claire......what no we haven't spilt up.....mum pleeeaaasseee just listen, its about her pregnancy......oh mum please stop trying to guess what it is and just let me finish please...thank you..is it normal to get all emotional when your pregnant?...........well its just that she is getting upset easily and having odd dreams and waking up crying? It that normal?...........true she been under a lot of stress with the move, so you don't think its anything to worry about..... ok mum well if she doesn't settle in over the weekend am going to ask her to get checked out with the GP to make sure. Okay bye mum yes I will Bye". Luke hung up the phone feeling slightly better if not a little exhausted after speaking to his mum. Luke had reached the gate to his house and was looking forward to making Claire some breakfast.

Claire's P.O.V.

Claire had just stepped into the shower when she heard the front door close. I hope Luke not long I don't know why, but I just don't feel comfortable on my own at the moment, oh come on Claire you are being silly now you are a grown women, wait what's that noise? Luke no Luke can't be back by now? What its that noise, it sounds like a baby laughing? How can that be? I know it will be one of the neighbours, yeah of course. Oh come on Claire pull yourself together woman. She finished washing her body and let the water run over her bump, she always thought the water helped and calmed the baby and if nothing else it calmed her, but there it was again, a baby, she heard a baby definitely this time. She definitely heard a baby and it sounded like it was in the house. She turned the shower off listening intently, took the towel and started to get dry. There! I heard again where is it coming from. She wrapped the towel around her and headed into the landing. Where? Where is it coming from. She walked into their bedroom and listen. No its not in here, it sounds like its coming from the nursery. So she walked in there and listened. No, no where the hell is it coming from... the landing its coming from the landing. She rushed onto the landing and stood there spinning around looking for the sound and then she froze. There that's where its coming from. The wardrobe. She walked up to it, placed her hands on the handles and took a deep breath and just about to pull them open, Then she jump and let out a little scream.

End of Claire's P.O.V.

"Claire are you okay where are you" Luke had just walked in. He ran upstairs to find Claire white as a sheet looking at him still holding into the handles. "Are you okay? Your still wet. What are you doing and why are holding on to the handles of the wardrobe?"

"Oh Luke what's happening" Claire said slumping down on to the floor crying "I think I am going insane Luke I really do. I keep hearing a baby laughing and sometimes crying and what with that dream, am scaring myself Luke. I need help." Tears poured down Claire face, it was breaking Luke heart to see the love of his life so upset, he swallowed back the tears, "come on your not going insane. Your just exhausted with the move. Now go and get dressed and I will put the breakfast on okay." Luke helped Claire to her feet. Hugged her and gave her a kiss, Claire smiled and turned to the bedroom.

 Luke stood there for a moment concerned all over his face, he turned and went down stairs. What going on? What with Claire and the freak of a shop assistant. Did they make the right decision?  I hope so, but if its going to effect Claire like that. Its not worth it I give up my job my house anything I had to, as long as Claire was happy. He mind was so preoccupied he nearly dropped the eggs, so he gave himself a shake and told himself to pull himself together, one of them has to stay strong. Oh no and I have to break the news to her that I have to work tomorrow or shall I just phone Tom and tell him I cant make it, but that wont look good, jeez what do I do?

***Well that's chapter one guys please let me know what you think, you know the score vote- comment-fan, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it, and hope it make sense as I don't do prove reading : ) **** I seen that lots of you have read this chapter,but not the others :( it does get better Honest :) x 

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