Mystery boy (a owl house stor...

By yampariv

1.5K 50 30

Blights, one of the most esteemed and richest family's of witches in the boiling isles. They have three kids... More

The accident on melancholy hill
The black sheep
Oysters and curses
A human and a chalaca
The meeting of two partys
Blights and snobs
Partying and suprises
Smugleing two humans
Rhinstone eye of a monster
Seven nation army.
beasts and dancing
Birthdays and destruction
Wrath and truth
Waves are rising
The wars inside and out
Fire coming out of a demon
Everything ends eventualy
Lots of pain killers and a flower bud
An emperor, a demon, and a stuborn teen with a bat
Revilations and despairs


28 1 1
By yampariv

It was the next day again and I woke up from the couch. "Why does a couch feel like a five star bed right now" I ask myself
I try to get up but I feel a weight on me stopping me. I look over to Lucia whose out like a light. One of her legs wrapped around mine. "Come on noceda you still aggravate me even when you aren't awake" I sigh
I use a shadow step to get out of it. I put my hands in my pockets and look around. "Ya know now that I think about it I should probably have a weapon other than my scythe. I would definitely kill anything with that" I said
I look and see lucias bat. I then get a idea. I go too edas human stash and look in the pile and low and behold there was one. It was a golden bat with leather wrap on the handle.

"Yeah you will do" I said
I swung it a little and it was perfect. I went out of the pile but then tripped as something rolled out from under me. I look down and see a skateboard.

"Guess this is good too, I can annoy bump with this" I said
I pick that up and go back to see Lucia still asleep. "Geez she can sleep through anything" I said
I shake her awake. "Noceda get your lazy butt up" I said
She didn't budge. I sigh as I grab a bottle of whiskey. I open the top and take out the quirk making a pop sound. She then sprang up and looked around. "Where's the booze" Lucia said
I drink a little and throw it to her. She caught it and drank some. "Oh how I miss you" Lucia said rubbing her cheek on the bottle
How is she so cute when she's wanting booze. "Noceda it's breakfast time." I said
She finally got up from the couch. "Alright blight" Lucia said
"No it's Noceda now" I said
"I know I just wanna annoy you" Lucia said
We went to the kitchen and I looked in the fridge. There was some weird version of milk here that's from a slitherbeast. I guess that will work. I got some flour and griffin eggs then started making pancakes. Lucia was cooking something else. "What are you cooking lu" I ask
"Is that a new nickname I hear" Lucia said
"I can't call you noceda anymore since I'm changing so that's what I came up with. So what are you cooking" I ask
"Breakfast burrito" Lucia said
"That actually sounds good. Camilla's recipe I'm guessing" I ask
She nods her head. Oh I can't wait for that. Then as we were cooking I heard tiny footsteps approaching. "Looks like we have royalty coming for the feast" I said
"Yes the king of demons has arrived, now give me food" king said
I finish a three stack and place it infront of him. "And food you will receive" I said getting back to cooking
King then proceeded to stuff his face with pancakes. "This is so good. I want you as my royal cook" king said
"We'll king I enjoy what I do so just call me or come over when you want some" I said
King then finished the last of the pancakes he had. "And I will" king said
Then more footsteps came down. Lucia finished with her burritos and put them all on a plate. It seemed as if a tornado came in seconds as luz ran in took one burrito and two pancakes and ran off. "What was that about" Lucia asked
"Guessing she's late for school" I said
I then go back to cooking the last batch. "Wait don't we have school" Lucia said
I just shrugged. "We can just teleport there" I said
I then proceeded to take my sweet time with my food and Lucia ate some pancakes. We got our stuff together and I looked at myself. I had ripped blue jeans with some converses. Then I had a light purple shirt for abominations and a black flannel. Then to top it off I had my purple beanie on Lucia gave me. I then grab my skateboard and my guitar. "Ready Lucia." I ask
She just lazily nods as she drank some of the whiskey. "Yeah I guess" she said
"You know that's only gonna make you even more tired" I said
"Eh I don't really care" Lucia said drinking more
Wionna out of no where, grab it from her hand, drink the rest and throw it out the window. "Hey I was drinking that" Lucia said
"I wanted some too." I said
"We'll that's enough for the two of y'all. You had enough last night" wionna said
"Ok mom" me and Lucia groaned
I then teleport us to the school and we walk up the steps. As we got to the door we see luz running up and stop at the top breathing hard. "Sup luz" I said
She snapped her head up and looked confused as ever. "How did y'all get here so fast. I started running before y'all even got dressed." Luz said
"A thing called magic" Lucia said
Luz sighed, "why can't you just do that with me so I'm not running every morning to get here" luz ask
"Because I like to see you suffer" I said
"Look I'm sorry for last night but you deserved it" luz said
"Yeah yeah I know now let's just go in" I said
The three of us walk in and luz goes to her friends and me and Lucia walk to our lockers. "So what should we do to annoy bump today" Lucia asked
I hold up my new skateboard. "We'll dear, we will introduce bump to what skateboarding is" I said
Me and Lucia had a evil smirk on our faces Lucia makes a plant spell and placed it on the ground with another glyph. The glyphs glowed and then a skateboard was made.

"Magical skateboard" Lucia said
"Ok I admit that's cool" I said
We then get on our skateboards and roll around school doing tricks on lockers, stairs, rails, even other witches. "Oh man this is to good" I said
We then see bump. "Lucia ready" I asked
She nods and we smile as we roll at him. I do a Ollie and then do a boneless on his head and jump off landing. Lucia then does a kick flip over the head and touches his head with her hand sliding off and landing it. "YEEEAAAAHH" we yell as we quickly roll off before bump gets us.
When we get far enough away we stop and laugh our butts off at the tricks we did. "Oh man his face was priceless" Lucia laughed
"I know right. Especially when I jumped off him" I said
We high five and continue to laugh. Then the door slams open and we look over to see boscha. "Alright everyone can grovel now" Boscha said
There was no one there to grovel for her. "Oden you thinking what I'm thinking" Lucia said
I smile more. "Oh this is why I love you" I said
We get on our skateboards again and roll at Boscha. "Boscha think fast" I said
I then proceeded to do a trey flip over her head, I didn't think I was gonna land it but somehow clutched up and barely made it. I then look back to Lucia making a rail over Boscha out of ice and grinding it while hitting her front wheels on her head and doing a impossible to finish it off. "Oh man that was cool" I said
Boscha was rubbing the top of her head and out of anger punched the ice disintegrating it with a fire fist. "Lucia you see this" I ask pointing at her
"Oh I do noceda" Lucia said
"She thinks she's powerful with that fire and thinks she's menacing" I said
We only laugh. "HEY YOU TWO GOVEL OR GET IT" boscha said holding her fist up
I laugh even more.
I was then behind her. I made a little scratch on her arm. "You want to see what true power is Boscha." I ask
I had a spell circle around my wrist. "How bout I show you what blood magic is" I said
I turn my wrist to the right and her arm dislocated. She was screaming at that point. "Now let me get this straight through your thick skull, I don't care if you threaten me but if you threaten my family I have ever. You will know what power I poses" I said in her ear
I then flick my wrist back to relocate her arm. I put my first finger down to heal the wound. I then walk back to Lucia with my arm pulling her close. "And Boscha word of advice never threaten something a person truly loves. Emotions are powerful in the right hands" Lucia said
We walked off to our classes.

Time skip too the end of the day

I stretch my arm out as the bell screams signifying the final class. "Oh man finally. I can get out of here" I said
"You said it alright. I feel like someone just hit me with a old grudgby ball in the back" Lucia said rubbing the bottom of her spine.
We walk out and go out the main doors of the school. We see luz sitting down alone. "Sup luz what's happening" I ask
"Oh I made a big mistake" luz said
"How did you piss off bump this time" I ask
"No no it's not that, I kinda challenged Boscha to a game of grudgby and I don't have a team anymore since I kinda pushed Gus and Willow to hard. And when I asked amity she got and ran off" luz said
Oh geez why is she still having gay panics we talked about this. Literally from one gay mess to a bi mess. Geez I remember when I was having bi panics when I saw Lucia. Now I'm confident as ever. "Oh don't study her she'll come around trust me" I said
She looked at the time and got up. "Welp it's time I go face Boscha now" luz said
Me and Lucia look at each other. "We'll lil sis how bout me and noceda here be on your team" Lucia asked
Luz only shook her head. "Thanks but I gotta face this alone, she messed with my friends and I can't accept that" luz said
I had a tiny tear in my eye, she's just like me. I wipe away the tear as I put a hand on lucias shoulder. "Yeah I understand, we'll be in the stands if you need us" I said
Luz only nods and hugs the two of us. "Thanks you guys. I love both of y'all" luz said
Gosh she's so cute right now. Must protec "and we love you" we both said
Luz was about to walk off but I put a hand on her shoulder. "But before you go let me teach you a new spell" I said with a smirk
Lucia knew where I was going with this and we smiled.

Time skip again sorry

Me and Lucia where in the stands as we saw luz walk in. Boschas team on the other end. "Where's your team human. You need three to play." Boscha annoyingly said
Luz was about to go full goku on them like I taught her but two new challengers appeared. "We're here" Willow said
Willow walked in. Then look over to boschas side to see amity brush boschas shoulder then go over to luz. "Amity your siding with those losers" Boscha said
Oh damn she spittin fire at her now. "Wow get it I guess babe" I said
I calmed Lucia down and she finally sat down. As the game started they were doing really good. It was a tied game 09:09. Gus was waving his flags furiously as we were waiting in anticipation. The two teams were desperately trying to score as the clock ticked down slowly. Luz caught the ball and Boscha was running at her but amity pushed her out of the way getting tackled. Luz ran back and placed a glyph as Willow ran for it. Then before the two were about to be tackled Willow tripped the glyph to activate and she was flung by the thornvault into the goal scoring the final point. They had won until it went from 9:10 to 999:10. No don't tell me. I look down and see Boscha having a golden smidge in her hand. "Great, Boscha just had to get that" I said
"What happened, they won but then there team got more points" Lucia asked
"They got this thing called a golden smidge. It's a pointless rule that states that if you have that you automatically win" I said
Lucia got angry and was about to yell a few choice of words but I stopped her. "Not now. You can use that on something else" I said
She regrettably sits down with a few muttered curses on the way down. I look over more and see amity hurt. Oh what did Boscha do now. "You know what Lucia never mind. I say we let loose a bit." I say throwing her my bat
She caught it and placed a few glyphs on there. I then handed her another glyph. "Don't put it on the bat. Put it on a cut you see" I said
She nods and she runs down and placed a ice glyph to slide down. I teleport by lightning next to amity. Luz and Willow were around her. "Hey little bean you good" I ask
"Little but hurt by a tackle but I'm fine....wait what's Lucia doing over there" amity said pointing over my shoulder.
I look back to see Lucia dragging Boscha away too her demise. "I-um don't worry about it" I said
"Amity I could carry you to the nurse if you want" luz said
Oh crap that was a mistake. "I-I'm fine. Um who's amity" amity said blushing like a mess
"And scoop" luz said picking her up.
It took a few seconds for amity to register. "Oh wow sports" was all she could say
"Yeah I'm sure you mean sports" I said
Willow laughed as luz didn't know what I was talking about. Stay strong amity she'll get it eventually. The two went away as it was me and Willow now. "Geez the two are hopeless" Willow laughed
"Yeah, I'm surprised luz is that dense to know what amity actually feels for her" I said
"Lucia was dense remember" Willow said
"Eh maybe a little but not as much as little Lucia there" I said
"So what was Lucia doing with Boscha" Willow asked
Oh crap, I forgot there together. Like how are those two together like you got the sweetest little angel like Willow then you got a absolute abomination of anger issues as her girlfriend. "We'll I'll say this, you won't be getting any calls from your girlfriend tonight after she's done" I said
Willow sighs. "Probably should have known. I'll go get the healers while you stop her from being killed" Willow said running for the healers office
"Yeah got it" I said
I teleport to where Lucia is and see Boscha in a bloody mess. "Geez you had to much fun with that glyph." I said
Lucia stuck my bat into the ground. "We'll it's a fun glyph. You should seriously teach me how to use it better so I can at least control where it cuts instead of them becoming.....this" Lucia said pointing to Boscha
I take a closer look and she has cuts on cuts. It's bad I'll say that. "Geez I have to fix all your messes don't I" I ask
I use my blood magic to heal the cuts that could be fatal and some of the other burn marks and ice cuts. "Look Boscha we just had this conversation this morning and your already messing it up. Look this is your last chance, I'm a forgiving guy. Especially since your willows girlfriend. Just don't do this again or I won't stop Lucia next time" I said
Boscha only nods as she passes out.
"We should probably go before bump shows up" Lucia said with my bat on her shoulders.
"Yeah I seriously don't want to make even more problems than I have too" I said
I teleport us away and to the blight manor away from the madness of the day
And for rest that demons shall take by tomorrow

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