The Space Between Us (WAYHAUG...

By wrenlo

3.1K 179 21

The future is not so different... We still need love, a purpose, a reason to stay alive. Commander Haught nee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 9

113 6 5
By wrenlo

Nicole sat holding the edge of the bed. "I can't feel my legs."

"It's normal," Waverly replied.

"How? Seriously, how?"

"The pulse? Or, what I did to you?"

"There's a difference?"

Waverly looked over at Nicole. So much to learn. "OK, this is a pulse."

Waverly swung her legs off the bed, moving towards Nicole. She took her hand, feeling the resistance.

"Can you explain without showing me."

"Too much?"

"Too much? My whole body orgasmed. Definitely, definitely too much. I need a drink."

Nicole went to stand, legs buckling. Waverly catching her as she went down.

"Perhaps we'll go easy on pulsing." Waverly said, as she helped Nicole back on the bed.

They changed, taking their time, enjoying the moment. Together. No idiots, no enemy, just them. They chose a quiet place to eat. Stories shared of their lives before they met. Nicole sat listening attentively to Waverly as she recounted adventures on Keplar.

How she and Wynonna were trapped in a cave, an angry bear dog outside. How they lit a fire to scare it away, not wanting to kill it. Admittedly, it was only Waverly who was against harming the animal, Wynonna more than happy to dispatch the growling cur.

How she climbed the mountain near their settlement. Losing her way. Wynonna coming to her rescue. The two spending the night huddled together near the top for warmth, waiting till first light to descend. Their mother sobbing on their return.

How she and Willa would go fishing. She stopped in mid-sentence, not wanting to revisit the memory.

"I didn't know you had another sister."

"She left one day. We never saw her again."

Nicole rubbed Waverly's arm. "Were you close?"

"Not as close as I am with Wynonna. Willa nearly killed me."


"It was an accident. She didn't mean to. She was trying to kill Wynonna."


Waverly shot Nicole a look. "Wynonna's not as bad as her reputation. OK, her reputation is pretty bad, but she's nice when you get to know her. Very protective of me. Since Willa."

"I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me. If she's anything like you, I'll love her."

Waverly blushed. She wondered if Nicole knew what she had revealed. Could the pulse still be working through her? She seemed far more open.

"Enough about me. What about you?"

"Not much to say. Only child. Not spoilt. Definitely not spoilt. My mother wanted me to know the value of things."

"Where did you grow up?"

"The city. An apartment near mine. My mother still lives there. Haven't been back."

"Have you always lived in that city?"

"Pretty much. I went to Luyten for a year before the military. That's where I met Shae. Same maths course."


"I thought it was love. It wasn't. What about you? Any lovers I should know about?"

"I've lusted after a few people. You may have been one of them."

"Tell me more."

"You spoke once at the military base. I was at the back."

"The spotty kid who kept asking questions?"

"No. The one making eyes at you the whole time. And, for the record, I never had spots."

"Good to know."

They finished their meal. Both knowing the time was approaching when they would be back in their room. Nicole took Waverly's hand, walking slowly to the elevator. She turned just before they entered.

"I know we hardly know each other. And, I'm not sure where this will go. I just want you to know I'm ready if you are."

"I am. No pulsing."

"Definitely, no pulsing."

...---... ...---... ...---...

The Legion commanders read Doc's report on the mission. They were increasingly worried Svane would soon be unstoppable. From other reports sent back, there was growing unrest in the new colonies. Those inclined to follow Svane. Those who felt the Union had not done enough to support them. Protect them. It was true, the Union had pulled back. It had enough problems of its own.

Social inequality. Food shortages. Rising crime. Civil unrest in parts of Gideon. A prolonged tribal war on Mars. New worlds dealing with old problems.

Rebels ambushing Union ships was just another problem to add to the list. Manageable at first, enough resources diverted to see off Svane's gangs of pirates. They kept coming. More and more attacks. More strategic. More successful. By the time Elderman Haught was killed the Union accepted it had a serious problem on its hands. Legion would have to cut the serpent's head off if it was to contain this.

Doc's observations confirmed their worst fears. Svane wanted a fight. A big fight. Big enough to weaken the Union sufficiently for him to take over. The new leader in a galaxy he would control. His way. He had seen how the Union cared little for those beyond the five planets. Perfect leverage for Svane, telling those ready and willing to listen how he intended to give them a better life. He gave them hope. False hope. Happy to lie to poor, misguided souls, get them to send their sons and daughters to do Svane's dirty work.

The youth Nicole had seen lying motionless on the ground during the rescue of the crew. Her shock at someone so young involved in a fight. Barely in their teens. Such a waste. For what? The promise of a better life for their family. Not realising the promise made by a serpent's tongue was empty.


Svane cared little for those who died for him. At most, he was amused someone would do his bidding. His cold, clinical mind more interested in the mechanics of such a devotion than the person willing to carry out his orders. Dispassionate. Cruel. Heartless. Able to charm those like Willa into believing he had a heart. He didn't. His mother realised this when he had her executed.

Legion needed to call a Gathering. Begin the process of organising its military might in preparation for a fight it had to win. Their plans for how to accomplish this not yet finalised. But, the need for everyone to be ready crucial. It sent out the message. Everyone was to meet in three days.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Waverly opened the door to their room. Nicole stood behind her. Soft lighting came on as they entered. The sound of visitors still enjoying themselves in the pools below echoing around their room. Waverly moved to close the door to the balcony. Silence. Nicole was standing in the doorway. The look on her face suggesting she didn't know what her next move should be.

Commander Haught had vanished. In her place was soft Nicole. Waverly thought it endearing how vulnerable she appeared in that moment. She returned to the door, gently taking Nicole's hand, leading her into the room. She brought her lips to Nicole's. She could feel her shaking.

"Hey, it's OK. Let's cuddle. See what happens."

Nicole nodded. She looked at each bed in turn, unsure which one to use. Waverly moved them to hers. She lay down, making room for Nicole. It was a tight squeeze, side by side. Waverly had an idea. She brought her leg over Nicole's body, straddling her. Laying on top, she began to kiss a path down Nicole's neck. The soft moans telling her Nicole approved. Her hands went to Nicole's hair, brushing it back. Lips meeting. Intensifying.

Waverly could feel Nicole's hands pulling her top, finding entry. Moving across her back. Navigating a path. Exploring. Seeking out contours. Hands lifting her top. Exposing her upper body. Brushing against a nipple, sending a shockwave through her. Caressing. Learning what brought pleasure.

Breathing picking up.

Nicole's top removed, Waverly bent down, taking her time to enjoy the sensation of arousing her new lover. Confidence growing, she lifted herself off Nicole, the loss of contact gaining a concerned look from Nicole. She smiled when she saw Waverly removing the remainder of her clothing. She fumbled to get hers off, Waverly assisting in the final tug. Returning to the bed, Nicole attempted to move Waverly so she was below her, failing in the process. Nearly sending the two tumbling out of bed. Waverly realised what Nicole wanted, taking Nicole's hands, pulling her up.

They stood in the middle of the room, unable to let go of each other. Waverly felt Nicole's hand move down her body, resting on her hip, finding the path to where it most wanted to go. Waverly gasped as she felt its destination, parting her legs slightly to allow Nicole easier access. She held on, her breathing faster than ever. She couldn't hold back, the rush of energy taking her over the edge quicker than she expected. A deep moan left her lips, as she buried her head into Nicole's shoulder. The moment, both had been moving towards, now arrived.

She gazed into Nicole's eyes. Whatever happened between them, wherever this relationship went, she would always have this moment. This perfect moment. Nothing could ever top it. Complete. She brought her lips to Nicole's to let her know how much she meant to her. Nicole could feel the love Waverly was sending her way. Her emotions got the better of her. This beautiful, perfect Andherei woman had opened her heart. The space between her and Waverly closed.

Waverly had entered her heart.

Nicole danced them back towards the bed, pulling the cover back, lying down, waiting for Waverly to join her. They spent the rest of the night taking turns. Generous. Wave upon wave of pleasure. Neither wanting to stop. Morning came. Nicole was in the throes of her most intense orgasm, without being pulsed. Her increasing moans telling Waverly she was doing everything right.

They lay sleeping in each other's arms. No desire to do anything apart from be together. Nicole felt her ID bracelet vibrate. A message. She attempted to extract herself from under Waverly, an action which caused Waverly to hold on even tighter. She shook Waverly to get her to move.

"Waves, I need to check my messages. Can you release me?"

"No. Stay. I order you to stay right here Commander Haught."

Nicole laughed. Waverly was cheeky, if nothing else. "OK, but can I just check one message. It might be important."


Waverly rolled off Nicole, finding herself wedged in the corner of the bed. Nicole got up, searching for her coms tablet. She had seen it the night before. Clothes lay scattered around the room, half-emptied bags on the floor. A trip hazard if either of them had got up during the night. She eventually found it under her jacket, opening the most recent message.

It was from Legion.

...---... ...---... ...---...

Their short stay on AquaLuna over, they made their way to the departure gate. Nicole had informed Waverly of Legion's request. Two more days together. Nicole's invite to stay at her apartment gladly accepted. Time moved too fast. They wanted more, knowing when they were back on the ship they would have to pretend they were nothing to each other.

The morning of the gathering arrived. Nicole put on her uniform, Waverly admiring how sexy she looked. Waverly needed to return to the base to retrieve hers. They held each other for one last time.

Everyone was assembled to hear the announcement by Legion. Wynonna had messaged Waverly to say they would meet afterwards. Waverly spotted her as she entered the Great Hall, desperate to run over and give her sister a hug. Nicole sat several rows behind, talking with another commander. Chrissy tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hello stranger. Mind if I join you."

Waverly grabbed her friend, hugging her with all her strength. "I've missed you so much."

"That's Dolls talking to Haught."

They both looked over at the pair, deep in conversation. Wynonna looked bored. She spotted Waverly, emitting an ear-piercing whistle to get her attention. Everyone stared at Wynonna, as Waverly glared at her sister, desperately wanting the floor to swallow her. Nicole looked over at Waverly, then Wynonna, then back to Waverly. Her eyes lingering longer than was wise.

"What's it like under Haught?" Chrissy asked.

Waverly spluttered a response. "Fine. Good. Hardly see her. Always busy."

"You humped her yet?"

"No, absolutely not. Not even thought about it. Her. Too busy. Very busy. So busy. Lots to do. So much to do."

Chrissy gave Waverly a knowing look. "You have haven't you?"

"Chrissy, please. No. We'd be kicked out of the military."

"You have. I can tell. You're only this flustered when you're keeping something back. So, spill."

"I can't. I never. Can we talk about something else?"

Chrissy chuckled. "Oh Waverly, Waverly, Waverly. Only you. I promise I won't tell a soul. Good for you though."

Waverly sat down red faced, wishing she was anywhere but in that hall. She could see Nicole looking over once more. Smiling. Waverly lowered her gaze. This was going to be a lot harder than she realised.

A senior commander stood, moving to the front to address the gathering. The chatter died. Eyes fixed on the person waiting to speak.

"We believe the time has come to put a stop to the rebels attacking our ships. We are preparing a strategy for a coordinated response. One that will ensure the survival of the Union. One that we will all have to take part in."

The commander paused, the next part difficult for her. "The fight will be hard. A long way from here. It will mean some of you do not return. But, it is a fight we need to win. For the future of the Union. Mission details will be sent shortly."

The commander moved away from the voice amplifier. The gathering remained silent. Each contemplating what they had heard. What they had been called to do. After a few moments, the chatter resumed. Waverly saw Wynonna approaching. She waited with Chrissy as her sister pushed her way through the crowd leaving the hall.

"How's my baby sister? Still alive I see."

"I managed to damage one ship and a craft."

"Good girl. I'm proud of you. Heard from mother?"

"Yes. Can you please send her a message. She keeps asking me. She's worried about you."

"I will. I promise. So where's your commander?"

Waverly looked around. Nicole was also making her way over with Dolls. Wynonna took one look at Nicole and burst out laughing.

"Oh, Waverly. You haven't? With your commander. So proud of you."

"Wynonna, please. Can everyone stop discussing my love life in public. It's private."

"No it's not. She's lit up like a huge sign. Every Andherei in the room can see she's been pulsed."

"Once. OK. Only once."

Nicole approached. "Commander Earp, we meet at last. Your sister is on my ship."

Wynonna grinned at Nicole. "I can see. So, tell me Commander Haught, how was she?"

"Saved my life. Can't thank her enough."

"I'm sure you'll find a way."

Waverly had her head down. Too embarrassed to look at anyone. Wynonna hugged Waverly, whispering in her ear. "She's lovely. Look after yourself. Tell mother I love her."

And with that Wynonna sauntered off into the crowd, thumping another commander on the back as she made her way out. Commander Dolls stood behind Nicole. She introduced him to Waverly, explaining they were old friends. Chrissy and Dolls left together, leaving Waverly and Nicole alone.

"Your sister seemed happy."

"She knows."

"What? You told her?"

"Of course not. Andherei can see when someone has been pulsed."

"Great. Perfect. We're fucked."

"It's fine. She won't say anything."

"Are you sure?"

"She's hardly going to out her own sister."

Nicole looked worried. As much as she didn't want to remain in the military, she didn't want this to be the reason to bring her career to an end. To bring shame on Waverly. It was possible, the military might turn a blind eye to Nicole, given her family. It was a completely different matter for Waverly. She would be booted out.

Nicole needed to protect her.

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