Wake Up To Reality

Von NaniyoriMo

111K 1.9K 2.4K

Izuku Yagi, a sweet innocent boy who wanted nothing more than to become a hero, but life had other ideas, "Qu... Mehr

Chapter 1: The Offer
Chapter 2: The Yagi' Crisis
Chapter 3: Izuku Uchiha
Chapter 4: Family Misfortune
Chapter 5: Time Flies
Chapter 7: The Cycle Never Ends
Chapter 8: Surprise Attack
Chapter 9: A Stalemate
Chapter 10: A Hollow Victory
Chapter 11: Unravelling The Past
Chapter 12: Festival Build-Up

Chapter 6: The New Norm

8.7K 165 191
Von NaniyoriMo

3rd POV

We now see Izuku standing on a building watching the sun rise on a new day, he was finally done with his nightly patrol and was ready to go home.

Izuku: *sigh* I swear that rabbit makes my job ten times harder than it has to be, it's like she's getting faster every day.

Izuku continued looking at the sunset and gained a frustrated look behind his mask.

Izuku: I've been doing this for three years straight now and I still haven't gotten what I'm after, and I know it's that rabbit's fault, I swear she knows exactly what I want from doing all of this.

Izuku was just about ready to use Kamui to teleport back home when he spotted an armoured truck driving somewhere.

Izuku: That's odd, it's too early in the morning for anyone to be transporting something... I may as well check it out.

He quickly started hopping across buildings in pursuit of the truck. It took at least twenty minutes before the truck reached it's destination, it pulled up in front of a warehouse. Izuku, who was crouching on the edge of a building next to the warehouse, looked at the truck bemused.

Izuku: I swear, if I followed this truck for nothing I'm gonna-

Izuku cut himself off as the doors to the truck opened and four guys with firearms stepped out.

Izuku: ... Heh, this should be fun.

The armed men opened the doors to the wear house and gave the driver the go ahead to drive inside, once the truck was inside, the doors to the warehouse were closed.

Izuku: Hmm, looks like I need to find another way in, I could just phase threw the walls or teleport inside, but that'd run the risk of me being spotted by one of those goons, I'm gonna have to do this quietly if I wanna find out what's in that truck.

Izuku quickly scanned the building and found an open window which seemed to be on an upper floor.

Izuku: Huh, how convenient.

As quietly as he could, Izuku stepped of the building and went into a pencil dive which helped him get through the open window without making a sound. When he made it inside, Izuku positioned himself behind the railing so he wouldn't get caught whilst he spied on them, he took an opportunity to peer over the railing to get a look at the warehouse.

Izuku: 'Hmm, it's just a basic warehouse, nothing out of the ordinary... except for the armed goons and armoured truck in the middle of course'

Goon 1: Alright! Successful transport!

Goon 2: Keep it down moron.

Goon 3: Ahh, finally we got here, I'm ready to hit the sack any minute now.

Goon 4: I'm going for a smoke, any of you wanna join then feel free.

Goon 2: I'm in then.

Goon 4: Alright, then you two stand guard with the driver.

Goon 1: Understood!

The two goons left the building leaving only the other two and the driver.

Izuku: 'Yeah fuck this, I'm done playing around now, I'm gonna find out what's in that truck and go home'

Izuku jumped down in front of the two goons surprising then, but Izuku didn't give them the chance to express their shock as he killed them both with Chidori.

Izuku: Tch, no resistance whatsoever, how pathetic.

Hearing the sound of lighting, the other two goons ran back into the building and pointed their weapons at Izuku.

Goon 4: Hey you! Don't move a muscle or we'll shoot!

Izuku ignored his command and started walking towards them.

Goon 2: Just fucking shoot him!

The goons started shooting at Izuku but the bullets seemed to be phasing through him.

Goon 4: What the-

Izuku didn't let him finish as he swiftly killed the two goons by kicking their heads of their bodies. The driver watched this all play out in horror, he stepped out the truck and put his hands up.

Driver: H-Hey.

Izuku turned around and stared the driver down.

Driver: I-I have no part in whatever they were doing, I just needed some money a-and they needed a good driver-

Izuku: Silence you pest!

The driver quickly went quite as Izuku's voice boomed around the warehouse.

Izuku: You want to live, and I have something you need to do for me, so here's the deal.

Izuku slowly walked up to the driver until he was only a few feet away from him.

Izuku: Once you wake up, I want you to spread these exact words.

Izuku slowly took off his mask until half of his face could be seen.

Izuku: Madara... Is out for blood.

When Izuku uttered those words, he put the driver under a Genjutsu making him fall to the ground.

Izuku: Now, time to see what they have.

Izuku walked to back of truck and opened the doors, revealing something he didn't quite understand.

Izuku: What in the world?

He stepped inside cautiously as he'd never seen anything like this before, which was a surprise considering how intelligent he is. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a case of some sorts hidden away, he went over to it and proceeded to open it slowly, whilst having his Sharingan activated, what he found was a damaged looking costume, it included a slightly torn up white cape, a dark blue bodysuit that had tears littered across it, ruffed up yellow gloves, a thing Izuku could only describe as half a red skirt, and a pair of white boots. He closed the case and decided to check out whatever the weird looking capsule was, he stepped towards it and squinted.

Izuku: A... a woman?

In the capsule, a young, toned looking woman with black hair seemed to be asleep... in all her naked glory.

Izuku: ... I chose this over sleep, why did I choose this over sleep? I just wanted to go home and rest after a hard night of work, but now I'm wanting to help someone again!

Izuku looked at her sleeping figure, and although she was asleep, he could practically hear her pleas for help.

Izuku: ... *sigh* Fine... I'll help you.

He gripped onto the glass separating them and pulled it off, he then put the women over his shoulder and picked up the case with, presumably, her clothes in it.

Izuku: Now, time to go home, Kamui!

Time skip

???: You're not complete.


???: You're not ready.


???: You need to wake up.


???: WAKE UP!

The women Izuku saved shot up from her sleep, panting and sweating.

???: W-what was that?

She looked around for a few seconds and realised something.

???: I'm not dead?

She stood up and walked over to a mirror, once she was in front of it she immediately realised she was naked and covered herself with her hands, but she slowly removed them when she got a better look at herself.

???: 'I... I don't look a day older than the day I 'died' but how?'

After a couple more seconds of gawking at her young looks, she moved away from the mirror and saw a robe with a strange symbol on it.

???: What's the symbol supposed to be, a table tennis racket?

She saw a note attached to the robe and began to read it.

???: "When you're ready, put this on and meet me in the kitchen" Real helpful advice Mr.Unknown.

She threw on the robe and exited the room.

???: Could've at least given me directions to the kitchen-

She heard whistling coming from down the hall and started making her way towards the sound. Once she found her way to the kitchen, she took a look inside and saw Izuku sitting down at a table facing away from her, he appeared to be sewing something.

???: 'Is that my hero suit?'

She began to take notice of the song he was whistling.

???: "You're never fully dressed without a smile"? Must be an old geezer.

He stiffened up and stopped sewing and whistling.

???: 'Shit, I said that out loud' H-hi.

Izuku: Ah, you're awake.

Izuku began to reach for his mask but the women spoke up before he could get it.

???: You don't need to wear that, I'd much rather talk with you face to face than face to mask.

Izuku: Tch, fine then.

Izuku turned around to face the women, she looked slightly shocked by the young looks of him, his voice didn't didn't really match them.

(His voice is eerily similar to Madara's voice)

???: So you're not an old geezer.

Izuku: I can hear you.

???: ... Y'know, for a person who whistles songs about smiling, you don't seem to be doing a lot of it.

Izuku: ... 'I already regret this' I know what's about to happen and just so you know, no matter how many times you try to convince me, my response will always be no.

Nana: Come on~ just a little smile please, it's not that hard y'know, just copy me.

Izuku: Oh... now I recognise you. Nana Shimura, ex number one hero, quirk: Float. Don't know how I forgot.

Nana: I'm glad you know who I am, now about that smile-

Izuku: No, I've got some questions that need to be answered and I have rules that need to be set if you're gonna be staying here.

Nana: Hmph, fine. But I swear, I'll make you smile at some point.

Izuku: Sure you will, now let's discuss.

Time skip

Izuku is back out on his nightly patrol with Miruko chasing him as normal.

Izuku: Could you not keep chasing me, for five minutes?!

Miruko: Hell no! I didn't get to fight you at all yesterday so I'm making sure I get a fight today!

Izuku was getting frustrated and was ready to give in and just fight her, but he spotted someone in alleyway below them, and he could tell that they wanted to be spotted.

Izuku: 'How am I gonna catch up with them AND lose this rabbit... am I seriously gonna have to resort to using that?'

Izuku reached for his mask and pulled it off.

Miruko: 'He took off the mask!'

Izuku's left EMS started to glow slightly brighter, and blood started to trickle from his eye.

Izuku: 'Kuronosu!'

One second he was there, the next he wasn't without warning. Miruko quickly came to a stop on a building.

Miruko: What the hell?! 'Where was the warning?! There was no flicker and no teleporting, he just vanished! Wait... he just vanished' GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!

While Miruko continued to curse, Izuku was slumped against a wall in an alleyway panting.

Izuku: Shit, I'm still not used to using that.

With his thumb, Izuku wiped the blood off and licked it.

Izuku: Well no matter.

He began to chuckle.

Izuku: It's like he said "You know you are alive if you feel the pain".

Footsteps rang around the alleyway and Izuku calmly put his mask back on.

???: Hello, Madara.

Izuku: 'Seems word spread quickly' Hello crusty lips.

???: What the fuck did you just call me?

Izuku: Well you haven't exactly given me your name.

Shigaraki: *sigh* I'm Tomura Shigaraki.

Izuku: Well then Shigaraki, what did you want to talk to me about?

Shigaraki: What makes you think I wanted to talk with you?

Izuku: Believe me Shigaraki, my eyes alone can tell me what you're deepest desires are.

Shigaraki: Fair enough, well I'll tell you what I'm here for. I want you to speak with someone.

Izuku: And who would this "someone" be?

Shigaraki: My master.

Izuku: Hmm, sure, why not?

Shigaraki: 'Well that was simple' Kurogiri!

A purple portal began to materialise as Shigaraki called out the name, he then motioned Izuku to walk through it and so Izuku did just that. Once Izuku walked out the other side of the portal it closed off.

Izuku: Now where is this "master"?

As if on cue, a small light turned on revealing the the face, if you could call it that, of a man with a terrifying aura.

Izuku: You're presence alone screams that of "death".

???: And you don't seem to be afraid, why is that?

Izuku: I guess you could say I'm a cheater of death, so I've become completely numb to the sensation and fear of it.

???: My, my, you have a such a way with words Madara.

Izuku: Let's cut the praising, All For One.

AFO: And apparently very intelligent if you managed to figure out who I am, or maybe someone gave you that information.

Izuku: Let's just move onto why Shigaraki wanted me to have a chat with you.

AFO: Alright, well I'm a little confused, you see, I have a knack for researching people, even if it isn't necessary to do so, but when I heard about you, and when I tried to find info about you, I found nothing.

Izuku: 'I knew that damn rabbit had something to do with this!'

AFO: Yes, it would seem that that Miruko does have something to do with this.

Izuku: Tch, I should've known you'd have a mind reading quirk in your arsenal.

AFO: Well of course I do, it's not exactly a rare quirk, anyways, I was trying to figure out why there was nothing about you, I at first thought you just didn't want to be caught and left little evidence of you behind, but then I thought "why would he then want someone to spread his name" and that's when I figured it out, the reason why there wasn't anything about you and what you wish to gain from being a villain.

Izuku: I'm not usually one for praising, but to figure out those things from two pieces of evidence takes a genius level IQ.

AFO: Thank you for the praises, but I must bring this topic up further, for someone who has the ability to obtain what he wants, you're doing a terrible job of actually getting it.

Izuku: Heh, I'd be lying if I said things are going according to my plan... but beggars can't be choosers, right?

AFO: My my, you are interesting aren't you. But allow me to ask you a question.

Izuku looked at AFO directly where his eyes would be.

AFO: Would you like to join us?

Infinite: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry it's taken this long to get it out, but unfortunately, the week I intended to double down and finish this chapter, I tested positive for covid, so it had to be postponed, anyways, I promise I'll start to get back my rhythm of writing (I felt like my way of writing was a bit wonky in this chapter) and I'll try and start posting a bit more, and with that said, I'll see you next time😁✌🏻


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