Go Diego Go Returns/Snippets

By I_love_Hamilton_yeet

25K 164 151

If You love Go Diego Go when You were little than Get ready for more, Go Diego Go is back in This story with... More

Season 6, Episode 0 "The new member of The Rescue Family"
Meet Luca August Marquez
Luca meeting the rest of The Family (S6, E0, Pt 2)
Luca meets Friends (S6, E0 Pt 3 and Finale)
"Locked in"
S6, E1 "Baby Jaguar to the Rescue"
When Dad is Home alone with 3 kids
Best Friends Forever (Primos)
When Baby Luca gives Her first haircut
S6, E2 "A Very Bunny Easter" (Happy late Easter πŸ°πŸ‡)
Big Brother & Baby Sister Time (Diego and Luca)
When Diego's Friends are watching Luca are a while
"On The Other Side of The Phone"
"I'm always here for You" (Diego, Luca & Shanti)
How to cheer Up a Upset Luca
"Being Angry in Silence"
The First night with Baby Luca
The First day/Adventure of Luca with Her new Family
Luca's nickname from Family
"The scary cold raining night"
Happy 11th Brithday Alicia!
Luca's Separation Anxiety
"He annyos Me but That's How He tells Me that He's love Me" (Alicia & Diego)
Happy & Sad Facts about Luca August Marquez
Happy Pride Month Everyone!
"It was only just a Dream"
"He lives in You"
"The Beat-Broke Friend" (Diego & Burgin)
"Daddy & Baby Home Alone"
"Luca's First 4th of July"
"Get some rest"
"Unwatch Situation"
What I feel about Go Diego Go & Dora The Explorer
I got My first Vaccine
"Check Up Day"
"A Sick Diego"
"You are all what Matters to Me"
"Never take anything from Strangers at Nighttime"
"Broken Leg?!"
Song for "Go Diego Go"
"Trapped in Car" (Nico & Sabrina)
I got My Second Vaccine
Happy late 16th Anniversary To "Go Diego Go"
"You protect The City and I'll protect The Rainforest" (Dora & Diego)
"At The Beach" πŸ– (Diego, Alicia, Luca, Sabrina & Nico)
"Keep Your Head Up and Don't get dragged down by Her..." (Nico & Sabrina)
Meme Time with Dora The Explorer & Go Diego Go
"Let's Dance All The Way" (Diego X Sammy) (Dora and The Lost City of Gold)
"The Lesser You eat, The Weaker You get" (Sabrina & Diego)
"I have This Friend" (Daisy & Diego)
"His special Talent"
Meme Time with Go Diego Go & Dora Tne Explorer (Part 2) (Mostly Texting lol)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 1)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 2)
"Therapist Talk" (The Marquez Family) (Part 3)
"Miracle of The Fourth Season"
Butterfly Watching πŸ¦‹ (Y/N X Diego) (Female Reader) ❀
"Secretly Best Friends" (Diego & Camilo) (Go Diego Go X Encanto)
"Waving For You" (Diego X Injured Reader)
You're Special To Me (Male/Female Reader X Neko Diego & Neko Dora)
"Buried in snow" (Nico, Sabrina and Diego)
Dora's Friends meet The Animal Rescuer Family
"The New Addition To The Family"
"Their Little Prince" (The Birth of Diego)
"The Death of The One Cause The Pain"
"The Prince's Blessing Power" (Baby Diego's Secret Power)
My Top Favorites Nick Jr & Disney Jr Shows
My Top Favorites Nick Jr & Disney Jr shows (Part 2)
"Beat Up The Bullies" (Dora & Diego)
"Lost, Panic, Pain" (Daisy, Alicia & Diego)
"Where 🎡Calma🎡 originally came from"
"Cover Up The Wounds" (Diego and The rest of The Family)
"Rest Your Head" (Diego & Sabrina)
"Revenge is like an evil plan" (Diego, Timothy, Sabrina & Nico)
"Ghost or Spirit, We'll shall always go after You" (Dora, Alicia & Diego)
"You belong to Us now" (Yandere Marquez Family x Child Reader)
"A Secret Until Now" (Big Sister Sabrina X 4 year old child reader)
(REMAKE): The Newest Member of The Rescue Family"
"Papa Diego" (Diego, Alicia and Baby Jaguar)
"Babysitter Sisters" (Daisy, Alicia & Diego)
"Two Cousins and One school " (Diego & Dora)
"It's not a toy, It's Osito" (Dora, Diego & Alicia)
"He's always here" (Dora & Diego)
"A family to go home too" (Adult Diego & Adult Friends X child reader)
"A troubling blizzard" (Diego, Sabrina & Nico)
"Having a sleepover with horror movies" (The MΓ‘rquez kids)
"All hail Our new hero!" (The future of Luca)
"Birthday prank..." (Diego's 8th birthday)

"The Two Cousins & The Lying Fox" (Dora, Diego & Swiper)

221 1 0
By I_love_Hamilton_yeet

Diego's POV:

"Psst! Primo! Why are We in Mr. Ronald's Garden, Again?" Asked Dora

I looked at Her.

"Shh" I Hushed Dora.

I sneaked over to The wall, Behind The Wall is Mr. Ronald's Garden and Home, I saw that Dora followed behind Me.

"Because, The reason Why We are doing This, Remember when Abuelo food was stolen?" I Whispered

"Yeah?" Asked Dora

"Well, It HAS to be Mr. Ronald because He is always so jealous over Our Abuelo greatest farm food and They are so Delicioso, So I am not just gonna stand by and watch Him take all of Abuelo's Food!" I Whispered

"But Abuelo can grow more, right?" Asked Dora

"Not good enough, Prima! I'm getting those food back weather Mr. Ronald likes it or not, Are You with Me?" I Asked and I reached out My hand.

Dora smiled as I reached out My hand, Dora put Her hand on Mine.

"Your My Cousin, We're Family, We know There are rules about that and We will always help eachother out if one of Them are in trouble" Said Dora.

I smiled and We both giggled Softly.

"But, How are We suppose to get inside?" Asked Dora.

I looked around and I noticed a huge Rabbit's hole and I smiled.

"This way" I Said and I hold My Cousin's hand and We both jogged slowly over to The Rabbit's Hole.

The Hole was pretty big for Us to climb in, So We went into The Hole and Follow where It would lead Us too.

I poke My head out from The Hole and I saw that We were inside of The Garden, I smiled and I slowly crawled out of The Hole and I looked around and I nodded that No one was around, So That Means, Mr. Ronald is nowhere to be found in His Garden.

"The coast is Clear, Prima!" I Said and Dora crawled out of The Hole and We both wipe off of The dirt was on Our clothes from crawling in The Hole.

I take a good look around and I realized that Mr. Ronald had food in garden growing already, So I don't understand Why He would take Abuelo's Food.

"So, We are only here to get Abuelo's food back, Right?" Asked Dora

"Right" I Said

"Well, In That case" Said Dora and She looked into Her Backpack and I saw that She pulled out Two Hats with Rabbit ears on it.

"Abuela made These Hats for Us and She added These Bunny Ears because They're cute" Said Dora and I giggled.

I put The Brown Bunny Rabbit Hat on My Head and Dora put Her Bunny Rabbit on.

"Do You know where The food might be?" Asked Dora

"Yes, But We have to get pass...The Cat..." I Said

"Aww" Said Dora and I looked at Her.

"Yeah...His Cat isn't nice...So I just wanna put that out there for You, Prima" I Said

"So, We gotta watched out for His Cat Too?" Asked Dora

"Don't worry, Mr. Ronald took His Cat to The Vet a few minutes ago, They won't be back for long" I Said.

"At Least, That's good" Said Dora and I nodded My head.

"Come on" I Said.

The Two of Us ran over to The Steps that's where The Entrance of The Two Gates was blocking Mr. Ronald's Home.

So I jumped over The Gate and I pulled The Gate Open and Dora ran over to Me, I looked around and I noticed that-

"Look, Abuelo's food!" I Said.

We ran over to a Table that Abuelo's food was in a bowl, The Bowls was filled with Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Carrots, Apples, Brussel Sprouts, Peas, Beans, Bananas and Oranges.

I started to eat The Strawberries but than Dora hit Me on My arm.

"What?" I Asked

"We are giving These back to Abuelo, Right?" Asked Dora

"Oh Yeah, Sorry, I forgot about that" I Said laughing a little.

I poured all of The Vegetables in My Rescue Pack while Dora poured all of The Fruit in Her Backpack.

"Hey, How come I get Vegetables and You get Fruit?" I Asked.

Dora just shrugged.

"Hey, Should We take some of Mr. Ronald's food for Payback?" I Asked

Dora hit Me on My shoulder again

"Don't be like that! We know better, We don't take something that doesn't belong to Us" Said Dora

"So? It's Okay for You and Boots to sneak onto Fox's hill and Take all of Swiper's Blueberries?" I Asked

"That's because, Swiper didn't want to share Them, It's not like We had a choice" Said Dora

"But You still could've asked" I Said

"Do You really think that Swiper would share? No, The Answer is No and Plus There was a Bear who loves Berries, Was chasing Us" Said Dora but than There was a sound of Someone grunting.

"Wait, Shh, There's someone out here...with Us" I Said.

I grabbed Dora's hand and I slowly followed The Sound of Someone grunting and than We saw-

"Swiper?" We Both Asked and We looked at eachother.

I saw that Swiper's Foot was stuck in The Fence and It was stuck pretty good There.

"What are You doing here?" Asked Dora

"Well, What does it look like? I'm Hunting! I'm a Fox!" Said Swiper

"Hunting for what?" I Asked

"Hunt to Swipe Things! Like Your Stuff!" Said Swiper.

Swiper Tried to grab Us but We jumped back and We ran back a little and-

"Ow! My Paw!" Cried Swiper

"You wanna look out for that Fencing, It's pretty tricky" Said Dora

I walked a little closer to get a closer look and His Foot was pretty stuck good in The Fence.

"Wow, The Fence got You good in There" I Said

"Oh, Will You stop talking You little Kid, Your Cousin and Her Monkey Friend took all of My Blueberries!" Said Swiper

"The only reason We did it, Because You wouldn't share and You swipe Everything from Us" Said Dora

"Well, Tell Your Loud Monkey Friend to stop being so loud all The Time!" Said Swiper

"Hey, Watch it, Fox!" I Said

I heard a whistling tone and than I saw-

"Oh No! He's back Early, Mr. Ronald!" I Whispered and I looked back at Swiper.

"Well, It was a nice talk to You, Swiper, But Me and Dora have to get going" I Said

"But-" Said Dora but-

"Come on" I Said and I started to walked away.

"Wait, Dora, Diego, Please don't leave, Mr. Ronald hates Foxs, Mr. Ronald will do more than catch Me!" Said Swiper.

But I continue to walk and-

"You're- You know, You're Father wouldn't leave Me out there" Said Swiper

I stop dead in My tracks and-

"W-What did You say?" I Asked

"I said: You're own Father wouldn't leave Me out there, He had helped Me, That's What a Real Animal Rescuer would do" Said Swiper

I sigh and...

I can't even think and believe that I am going to help Swiper with This.

I walked over.

"If Me and Dora help You, Do You promise that You won't try to Swipe any of Our Stuff?" I Asked

"No, But I'll give You a Headstart" Said Swiper.

Both Me and Dora Rolled Our eyes and We started to walked away and-

"Sorry! Sorry! Okay, Okay, I'll keep My word, I won't try to Swipe anything that belongs to You, Fox's Honor" Said Swiper and He raise His Right Paw.

"Just Please Hurry get Me out of Here!" Said Swiper.

I walked over to where Swiper's Paw was stuck in The Fence, I took out My Fence Cutter and-

"Try not to move" I Said and I cut The Fence with The Cutter and I gently pulled Swiper's Paw and He started to stand Up.

"Way a go, Diego!" Dora Whispered Yelled.

Dora walked over to Me and We Both looked around to see where Mr. Ronald is.

"Hehe...How Pacific These Cousins are...I'm getting some Payback for stealing My Blueberries and
Rule.1, Never turn Your Back on a Fox..."

"Ow! My Paw!" Swiper Cried.

Both Me and Dora hushed Him.

"If You want to get out of Here! You gotta keep Your mouth shut, Swiper!" I Whisperd

"Let's go!" I Whispered.

Dora helped Swiper to walk and I lead The Way.

We Both walked back behind The Shed and Dora gently put Swiper down and Swiper sit down and I put through My Pocket and I had a little Ribbon and I gently tied it on Swiper's Paw.

"What's going on here?!"

Mr. Ronald grumbled and-

"Oh No! I know You are in Somewhere, You little Twerps!"

I looked around and I saw a long and thick Stick, I gave it to Swiper and He gently stand Up while holding His Standing Stick.

"I can sense You, You Tiny Twerps!"

I gasped.

"Mr. Ronald!" I Whispered.

"You Two Have to Help Me Please!" Cried Swiper

"If You do than I'll give You all of My Blueberries, I promise!" Said Swiper

"I'm gonna get You, Twerps!"

"Seriously?" I Asked

Swiper nodded His head.

"Okay Fine, Deal" I Said

"Come on" Said Dora.

Both Me and Dora was walking fast quickly and Quietly and I looked back and Swiper wasn't really keeping Up.

"Swiper, Pick Up The Paste, Hurry, Or Both Me and Dora will become a Punching Bag and You'll end Up a Fur Hat" I Said.


We've been trying to get Swiper down All of The Rabbit Holes but Some of Them, Swiper was too Big to Fit and The Bigger Holes were just creeping Swiper out, Which I Honestly don't understand because He lives in a Hole.

Now, Both Me and Dora are trying to lift Swiper Up to The Fence but-

"A little higher or I'll be stuck in This Garden with The Two of You forever!" Said Swiper.

"Stop Complaining, You Big Fox Baby" I Said

"Diego, Be Nice" Said Dora

"No Thanks, I much rather be a-" I Said But-


"AHH! CAT!" Both Me and Dora Yelled and We Both Yelled.

Both Me and Dora kept on Running away from The Cat and-

"Wait, Why are We running from a Cat?!" Asked Dora

"He's not nice!" I Said.

We Both continue to run but than We stop at a Dead End and The Cat was mowing loud and The Cat was hissing at Us but than I saw that Swiper was sneaking Up on The Cat with a Toy in His Paw, Swiper Throw The Toy far from Us and The Cat chased The Ball away from Us.

"Ha, Foolish Cat!" Said Swiper.

"Good Move, Swiper" I Said.

Dora was about to hug Swiper but than I pulled Her away and-

"Wait a second! Why did You help Us?" I Asked

"I didn't want to help You, Animal Boy, I still need Your help to get out of here, You know!" Said Swiper

"I don't know Swiper, Me and Dora need to get going" I Said and-

"Diego, We can't leave Swiper Here, We know better, And You're an Animal Rescuer, You should help all of The animals, Especially Swiper" Said Dora

"Please Primo, Do it for Me" Said Dora

Dora was giving Me The Puppy Eyes and I sigh.

"Okay, Okay, I'm doing it for Dora because She is My Family and My Family is important" I Said.


We walked closer and closer to The Fence of The Entrance, Both Me and Dora smiled at eachother.

"Oh Thank You, Sweet, Sweet Freedom!" Said Swiper

"Before We do This, Remember what You Promise" I Said

"Yes! I know! The Blueberries and I'll never ever swipe anything from You or Your Friends or Family ever again, Fox's Honor" Said Swiper

But than Mr. Ronald was walking passed Us and We hide and than We saw that The Entrance was blocked By Mr. Ronald's Hose and Tool Box.

"Stay here, Prima" I Whispered.

I tiptoed over to The Hose, I gently picked Up and I put The hose a little close to Mr. Ronald's boot.

I started to run and I followed The Hose back to where The Leather of The Hose.

'You have to move faster than ever before Diego, Really Fast'

I saw The Water running through The Hose and I ran as fast as I can back, I grabbed The Hose and I put it in Mr. Ronald's Boot and I ran back over to Both Dora and Swiper.

"The Hell?! Help! I'm being water!"

I saw Mr. Ronald ran back over to His Home and I looked at Swiper.

"What are You even waiting for? Let's go!" I Said

Both Me and Dora walked over to The Fence and We looked around to see if Anyone else is watching Us, We listen as Swiper was climbing over The Fence But Than We heard a-

"I can't wait to get My hands on You, You little Brats!"


We turn around and-

"You're a smart One" Sais Swiper but when We turn around to look at Swiper.

"But Not smart enough" Said Swiper and He chuckled

"No! Open it!" I Said and-

"You know what You're Father also would've done? He would've never trusted a Fox, Especially Me" Said Swiper

"You lied to Us!" Said Dora

"Swiper, I can't believe You!" Said Dora and She looked like She is about to cry.

"Well, That's What You get for taking all of My Blueberries, Ha! Ha!" Said Swiper

"Oh, I can't wait to see what You're Reaction if Mr. Ronald catches You!" Said Swiper and He walked away while laughing.

"Ha! I Got You now! You're gonna be mine now!"

"Oh No!" Both Me and Dora Said

Mr. Ronald was getting closer and closer, So Both Me and Dora sprinted passed Mr. Ronald.


We Botb continue to Sprinted away.

"Not today, You won't" I Said under My breathe.

I saw The Cat's Toy and I grabbed The Toy and I throwed it at Mr. Ronald and He catches The Toy and The Cat pounced on Mr. Ronald and-


We ran into a Corner and We saw a Big Hole for Both Me and Dora to put, So We climbed into The Hole and We made it out.


We made it out and We brush off The Dirt on Our Clothes, Face and Hair. Dora had a little bit a dirt on Her, So I gently brush off The dirt on Her Hair and Dora giggled Softly.

"I can't believe that Those Two Cousins fell for The Old Fox's Honor Line, They must be very dumb" Said Swiper

I smiled was on My face because AI had a plan for Swiper.

I looked at Dora.

"Go and Hide because I had a little plan" I Said.

Dora nodded Her head and She quickly and Quietly ran away and I climbed back into The Tunnel.

"YES, IM OUT!" I Cheered.

"The Boy who can talk to animals? Ugh I should have know that He would've get away with His Cousin" Said Swiper.

I heard footsteps was coming over to Me, I smiled and-

"Swiper, Help Me Please! I'm stuck inside of The Tunnel!" I Fake Cried and-

"Oh, I help You all right, I'll help watching You begging for Help!" Said Swiper

I smiled as Swiper was looking closer in The Tunnel, I started to spray Swiper with The Hose. I laughed as Swiper was getting wet, I pop out of The Hole and I triple knot The Hose on Swiper's Paw.

Both Me and Dora ran over to Eachother and We hugged eachother tightly and-

"Wait, Dora, Please Help Me" Said Swiper but-

"We should've known better than Trusting a Lying Fox, Adios Swiper, We are going Home!" Said Dora and We ran away.


(Skip Time)

We ran back to Abuelo's Farm and We put all of The Stolen Food on The table.

"You got My Stolen food back, I can't believe it" Said Abuelo

Both Me and Dora smiled.

"You can always count on Us to return something that DOES belong to You" I Said and Both Me and Dora High Five Eachother.

"Misión cumplida!" We Both Cheered and We chuckled and We laughed and We hugged eachother.

  (The End)

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