Dreams (a japan x reader au s...

By kurohondalover

16K 634 529

what would happen if the mysterious man who appeared on your dreams becomes real? what if you have a sudden m... More

Dreams (a japan x reader au story)
He looks familiar..
His name is Kiku?
Papers and events?!!
Maid cafe
a project of two
Red string of fate
The confession
some things are not meant to be

The dream.

1.6K 74 28
By kurohondalover

You were in your way to the canteen, when you bumped into a boy and a girl who were walking hand in hand which caused you to stumble backwards falling on your buttocks, the girl turned around worried then quickly helped you up "s-sorry miss are you OK?." you looked up and noticed she was the girl in a blue ribbon, she was with her brother at the time who just eyed you cautiously without saying a word "y-you're lily right?." you stuttered out while still rubbing your backside, she just nodded then smiled a bit "ehh you're (f/n) right? nice to meet you." she stopped mid-way at her sentence then looked around you "ehh are you alone? why won't you come on the canteen with us right big brother that would be fun." she giggled then nudged her brother at the side, he sighed then crossed her ams looking at you head to toe he was tall you were just the same height like his sister, then finally he spoke like in a forced tune "fine..but she vill pay for herself." you smiled a bit then patted lily in the back "don't worry I'll buy you both food my treat," her eyes sparkled at this her brother seemed to be in a deep thought "sure (f/n) that would be fun, danke." you giggled at her accent then the three of you started walking side by side.

when the three of you already have your food you saw an open table near the stairs,you looked at the two siblings who was snuggling with each other, you giggled at the sight of them, that brought a smile at your face, then with small steps you tapped lily in the shoulder. "hey lily there's an open table there" you pointed at the table that was empty, she nodded and giggled then tugged the sleeve of his brother the three of you walked towards the table, you noticed the three guys going down the stairs, you tried to remember the name of each of them,you furrowed your brows whispering to yourself while walking slowly past them. "isn't that Feliciano..." he looked at you when he heard his name so he just waved and and smiled at you with his eyes closed you just gave him a sweet smile and waved back then he passed by you walking towards the children then there was that tall blonde guy who seems to be watching Feliciano play with the children he then glanced your way with an emotionless gaze then slowly passed by your side, then next you looked up and saw Kiku as he went down the stairs slowly, he noticed you staring that seemed to make him shock, a dark blush quickly made it's way to his cheeks and he averted his gaze he walked fast passing by you and to his group of friends, you crossed your arms then run walked trying to catch up with the siblings.

when you arrived at the table the two of them was still  snuggling with each other then Lily looked at you smiling "hey!!! where have you been (f/n) let's eat already!" she giggled playfully at you, you gave her a simple nod a gentle smile still dancing on your lips your attention was just directed at the siblings who was just playing and cuddling with each other, you giggled then Vash stopped then noticed you "why are you laughing??" he looked at you seriously a slight pink blush was out on his cheek he tried hiding it but failed miserably you gave him a grin the crossed your arms "because you two look cute cuddling with each other" you answered straight a smirk hidden behind your innocent gaze he just disregarded it then switched his attention to lily but she just kept poking your cheeks you took out your lunch box which consists of pasta, this caught Feli's attention so he suddenly glomped you then ranted about pasta his eyes still closed the siblings shocked you jumped at the sudden contact but patted him in the back "sit here feli the more the merrier right?." you laughed a dark blush still swirling in your cheeks Ludwig took notice of this when feli ran to you he nudged kiku on the side signaling him to look at you when he did,he saw you smiling at your new found friends including feli his cheek blushed deep red,you turned around when you sensed being watched you caught him looking at you which made you smile at him, he then quickly averted his sight away covering his mouth, then he looked at Ludwig who just gave him a slight shrug and a smirk.


you just giggled at the sight of them then feliciano keeps asking if he can have some of your pasta and you just nodded then he kissed your cheek after looking at kiku with his eyes closed a childish smile was seen through him when you fed him slowly your lunch "yummy....hmmmm...." he mumbled his mouth full of pasta, then suddenly you were shocked when a blonde guy with glasses draped his arm around your neck unto your shoulder from behind and ate the pasta you were about to put in your mouth ,you were shocked at what he did you saw the two siblings just staring at you with a big question over their heads. then lily just chuckled and then you felt something at your right shoulder there was the face of a guy with a furrowed brow looking at what you were doing that made you blush harder than earlier then you stood up,then burst out rather loudly "y-you can have my lunch i-if you want to I'm done!" you managed to stutter with a reddish face and went upstairs murmuring "i....everyone seems weird wooh."you shook your head then rubbed your temples sighing deeply recalling the events that happened earlier, you walked faster than usual that left them all downstairs lily tried to call you but you didn't heard her so you just went straight up.

you were looking down when you were walking up the stairs but before you completely went up,you saw a shoe stopping you from your tracks a man was standing in front of you, you looked at him head to toes there was a rose in his hand, then he smirked and kissed your hand before giving you the said flower "o mon cherie, here is a pretty flower for a princess like you oui?.",you nodded, then gave him a gentle smile and accepted it then continued walking like nothing happened but you stopped mid way and turned back at him "that was the second rose i received today thanks,Francis." he just winked then continued walking downstairs, you shrugged and continued walking up to the court on the fourth floor and sat on the empty bench and closed your eyes feeling the cold breeze pass through.

you soon fell asleep, images passed in and out through your head,then there it was again the man in a white suit but this time not the same he was sad there he was sitting under a cherry blossom tree, it was dark all round meaning it was night time, you tapped him in the shoulder,he turned around spotting you he just nodded and gave you a fake smile,you just sat beside him no words were spoken but he seems to be in deep thought, his raven black hair swaying with the wind, he looked so peaceful who was he.? he seems strangely familiar..he turned to the side to look at you but you quickly woke up by a shake on your body,you almost slapped at the one who woke you up you blinked a few times and stretched once your sight cleared up you saw it was Matthew he spoke with a soft voice "(f/n) s-sorry for waking you up but it's time for class." you gasped and almost yelled "I'm late?!!!." your eyes widen in shock then you looked at your watch it was already late you grabbed all your things including him, then ran downstairs tripping or stumbling in the process,

You were met with the alfred's group and kiku's group they surrounded you,and suddenly there were no people and matthew was no where to be found and they all turned to.....the man in white?!! everywhere you look it's him they where all grinning their eyes no longer a loving gaze but a killer ones until one closed in holding a sleek katana then charged into you, suddenly you were jolted up from your dream panting and sweatdropping seems like you awoken by the constant shaking of (female friend) she looked at you worried, the boys at front of you looking back, you sighed deeply then facepalmed "i-it was all just a dream..but when did i get here?." you turned to look at your side eyes furrowed in confusion you friend sighed then smiled "you came in with Matthew earlier then sat here then fell asleep immediately seems like you didn't ate earlier." she giggled then patted your back, while you looking at front watching the teacher.

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