Weak Hero: Satellite (Graywol...

By username_whats_that

31.3K 1.4K 448

About 9 years after high school, a washed up Wolf Keum encounters a heavily intoxicated Gray Yeon in the stre... More

Chapter One; Page One
Chapter One; Page Two
Chapter One; Page Three
Chapter One; Page Four
Chapter One; Page five
Chapter One; Page Six
Chapter Two; Page Seven
Chapter Two; Page Eight
Chapter Two; Page Nine
Chapter Two; Page Ten
Chapter Two; Page Eleven
Chapter Two; Page Twelve
Chapter Two; Page Thirteen
Chapter Two; Page Fourteen
Chapter Two; Page Fifteen
Chapter Two; Page sixteen
Chapter Three; Page seventeen
Chapter Three; Page Eighteen
Chapter Three; Page Nineteen
Chapter three; page twenty
Chapter Three; Page twenty two
Chapter Three; page twenty three
Chapter three; page twenty four
Chapter four; page twenty five
Chapter four; page twenty six
Chapter four; page twenty seven
Updated cover for Chapter 4

Chapter three; page twenty one

676 30 7
By username_whats_that

' I'll be at the bar, look for the white leather jacket, I'll see you there '

    The stench was disgusting, the smell of vomit, smoke, and heavy liquor filled his nostrils, and Gray visibly cringed. He’s been on the job for years and yet he still couldn’t get used to the nightclub air. 

    As he waded his way through the throngs of drunkards and party animals on the dancefloor, he felt a hand come up behind him. It slid from his back all the way down to caress his waist, and Gray made a sound of disapproval, immediately slipping away from the stranger's grasp.

It was always like this, some bozo would try to lay their filthy hands on him. It happened so frequently that it’s become one of the few things he was actually used to. 

But wandering hands weren’t enough to stop him from doing his job, so he continued on, pushing through the crowd until the bar was in sight. There were only a couple of people sitting there, and from what he knew, his client had to be one of them. 

It was actually pretty easy to pick him out though - Unlike the others at the bar, he was a young, handsome man who looked to be around Gray's age. Black hair, white leather jacket. According to the text his client sent, this guy seemed to fit the bill. So, in an attempt to subtly get his attention, Gray took the empty barstool right next to him and got his phone out to text him.

‘I’m here.’

Gray sent, patiently waiting for his response.

Hearing the man’s phone begin to vibrate, Gray looked over his shoulder to him, one hundred percent sure that this was the guy he’s looking for- and he was right. Soon after checking his phone, the man locked eyes with Gray and smirked.

Tonight was going to be a long night.

It really didn’t take long for them to get into the action. Just a couple of bottles in, they were already fiercely making out on the bar counter, the man's hands hungrily feeling up Gray's body and Gray was already a goner.

Despite how much alcohol he consumed daily, Gray was still a lightweight drinker. His body couldn’t take more than at least two drinks- but as the night went on it boiled down to five, all paid for by his client as they basked in arousal.

They moved to the washroom for more privacy, Gray, stumbling around and bumping into other party-goers, he couldn’t see anything but lights as he was dragged along by his client.

Once inside, his back was slammed against the closed washroom door, his client leaving a trail of kisses from his lips all the way down to his jaw. Kisses soon became hickeys, and hickeys to just full-on biting. All while Gray’s mind had yet to comprehend what was happening, all he knew was that it felt good, that he liked it.

He was limp against the door, his limbs completely weakened against all the stimulation. 

That was the last thing Gray remembered before waking up face-first on a dingy motel bed. 

Groaning in pain, he flipped himself so his back hit the mattress and turned to face the ceiling. A horrible headache pierced through the crown of his head, and attempting to open his eyes -even just a little bit- made it feel worse. But his head wasn't the only thing that hurt,, his ass was sore from his late night "activities".

Gray felt crusty, as he does every morning after a gig. His bones felt stiff to the mattress and between his legs were dry remains of things that he'd rather not think about so early in the morning. And faintly in the background, he could hear his ringtone resound throughout the cold motel room. 

Sighing, he rolled off of his back and sat up. His fingers pressing into his forehead, massaging it in an attempt to soothe his pounding headache. Looking around, he found that his clothes were strewn all around the motels germ-infested floor, and three ₩50,000 bills were left on the nightstand.

Which was, honestly more than he expected from the client, taking into consideration that his body probably looked even more bruised up now than it was prior to yesterday - The woes of taking up two clients consecutively - although, he couldn’t lie ₩100,000 was a pretty good tip.

But besides his earnings, Gray had other things to think about right now. Like how he still had to stand up and find his vibrating phone which was somewhere amongst his clothes, he wasn’t too happy with the fact that he had to physically move in order to reach it; with the worst hangover of his life no less. 

Contemplating, Gray was truly considering just leaving it like that until it stopped to get more sleep- but that shit was annoying as fuck. His headache was merciless and responded to every little vibration from his phone and he just couldn’t stand it anymore.

And so he stood, semi-limping over to his pants. Gosh, Gray only took a couple of steps but it felt like he had to have walked a mile just to retrieve them from the floor. Lazily reaching into its pocket, he tugged his phone out with two fingers and watched with tired eyes as it unveiled itself.

It was still vibrating, god, how many vibrations will it take for it to stop.

Shaking his head to try and clear his headache, Gray winced in pain as he slowly but surely picked it up by its case. 

    Staring at the screen, he had more than ten call notifications stacked onto eachother, all from his landlord.

    Oh boy.

    You see, his landlord was a ticking time bomb. She was short, hot tempered, and more importantly, impatient. Especially when it came to Gray; for a good reason of course.

To her, he upholds the title of ‘ The Problem Tenant’ Since Gray pays his rent late, and because he also has a local reputation for appearing in the parkinglot drunk, pants-less and all the embarrassing things that comes with having too many drinks at the bar.

He’s gotten complaints from his neighbors more than once- but on the good side, he, himself,  is not exactly proud of his own drunk behaviour.

But he always made sure he had something to make sure that he doesn’t get kicked out of the building, whether that be small things like staying at a hotel when he’s drunk, or begging for mercy from his landlord.

He didn’t want to get kicked out, he had nowhere else to go. 

    So when he had finally picked up his phone after so many calls from his landlord, his heart dropped when he heard what she had to say.

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