Sk8er Boi // Quackity ✔️


220K 6.2K 3.6K

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ A story in which he texts a random number as a dare and meets a famous skater girl. Or Alex mes... Mai multe

Introduction !!
One !!
Two !!
Three !!
Four !!
Five !!
Five pt.2 !!
Six !!
Seven !!
Eight !!
Nine !!
⚠️Important⚠️ please read
Ten !!
Eleven !!
Twelve !!
Thirteen !!
Fourteen !!
Fifteen !!
Sixteen !!
Seventeen !!
Eighteen !!
Nineteen !!
Twenty !!
Twenty-One !!
Twenty-Two !!
Twenty-Four !
Halloween Special

Twenty-Three !

4.3K 139 124


:Omg I'm alive hi, long chapter as an apology so stick around. ALSO GET THE POPCORN AGAIN CAUSE THIS IS GONNA GET ANGSTYYYY:

"You literally broke the server guys." Roux and Charlie started laughing hysterically.

"Good job Charlie, we destroyed the server." Roux saluted to the nonexistent camera as they all continued to speak as the video was over.

"Hey Rou! Saps back, he brought food too so you better hurry your ass or I'm eating it all." Roux glanced at Lydia with a glare as she immediately opened the discord tab frantically.

"Lyd, if you eat my food you're sleeping outside and Sapnap will have the royal treatment while you watch." Lydia chortled and left her room, Roux now hovering over the leave call button.

"Was that Lydia? Tell her I said hi." Roux nodded to herself at Quackitys request as she began to bid her farewells.

"I had a great time playing with you all, hit me up on my socials sometime I'd love to play again! You can find me roasting Quackity and Sapnap under their posts. Cya guys!" Before Quackity could protest she immediately left the VC and turned everything off to go eat.

"Lydia I swear if you-!"

"Oh calm down Rou, I didn't eat your food chill. So how was the game?" Lydia spoke as she bit into her sandwich, Sapnap listening as he bit into his as well.

"We played some mod called Crazy Craft for Tommy's channel. Charlie and I completely destroyed the server to end it in a beautiful masterpiece. Oh and Quackity says hi too." Roux chuckled as she bit into her sandwich. The three kept talking as they walked to the living room to have a more suitable place to talk.

"Hey sap, so I remember how you wanted to live with Dream right?" Lydia started to speak as she slipped the laptop onto her lap.

"Yeah? What about it?" Sapnap questioned, confused.

"Well I love you guys and I know that we all get along, so Lydia and I were thinking about maybe having Dream move in with us or we move to Florida to buy a house there and Dream can move in with us?" Sapnaps face lit up with excitement, he pondered on the thought for a bit before coming to a conclusion in his mind.

"I think that's a great idea, we could eventually get maybe George, Karl and Quackity to move in as well and it'll be a whole roommate thing. I love that idea, we all could be chaotic roommates while Lyd and George wonder why they decided this was a good idea." Lydia laughed at Sapnaps choice of imagination and they all decided to have a call with everyone later.

"Hey guys, we should stream something. I read a tweet from a fan saying I don't post enough so I thought why not make something with you guys, maybe a game of phasmophobia?" Lydia nodded in agreement and attention was turned to roux, who was in deep thought.

"Could i invite a friend? I really think she'd be fun to play with." Roux questioned with a wide smile on her face, Sapnap and Lydia shared a glance before nodding happily.

. .. ...

"Hi chat!" Sapnap smiled as he watched the chat load in, it took a few seconds for him to start as Roux was helping him with the extra pc she bought him since his was still at his house.

She nodded and walked back to her room, she checked up on Lydia on her way back. Once Roux received a smile and thumbs up she returned the gesture and went into her room, shutting the door and plopping down into her chair.

"I'm playing with some people today, don't get to excited cause I'm way better than them." Sapnap chuckled at his joke as Roux gasped.

"Sap the day you're better than me is the day I decide to play Mario Kart calmly." Lydia snorted at Rouxs "introduction".


"Hi chat! It's your favorite creator Roux here, my favorite person Lydia is here too. Sapnap is our guest." Roux chuckled as Lydia was still laughing at Roux cutting off Sapnap.

"Before I was rudely interrupted. We will be playing phasmophobia today, before I get yelled at, we do have a 4th person today chat. We are just waiting for Roux to bring them in." Roux could be heard typing quickly as she hummed in response.

"Okay, hello? Are you here?" Roux questioned, checking discord once again.

"H-Hello? Oh my gosh- hello!" Roux smiled wide as Sapnap and Lydia welcomed the person.

"Go on and introduce yourself to Sapnaps chat, Lia." Sapnap opened discord on a separate monitor, wanting to check who Lia was. Meanwhile Lydia squealed over the mention of the new female.

"It's nice to be here, I'm Lia! I'm a small twitch streamer, I go live every week. I try to be live every other day but things happen. Anyways I won't advertise, it's just an honor to be here!" Lia tried her best to hold her excitement as Roux chuckled.

"Oh! Now I got it, you're that girl we met at the park right? With the weird mom?" Sapnap bluntly questioned, earning a laugh from Lia.

"Yeah, Shes a bit much. Thankfully I live with my dad."

- - -


"IM TRYING, IM TRYING!" Roux screeched as the flashlights started to flicker, Not wanting to die. Sapnap on the other hand, laughed hysterically as he was outside.

"I think we're good- FUCK-" Roux was immediately cut off and there left was Lia and Sapnap.

"You did well Li. Took out the trash." Lia laughed as Roux was rage quitting in the other room, speaking to Lydia as a ghost.

"Chat if you listen close enough you can hear Roux screaming." Lia giggled as she finally made her way back to the van, where she and Sapnap decided on the clues they got.

"Okay so I think it's a Demon-"

"I hope you two lose." Sapnap immediately burst into laughter at the mad Roux who popped into the room and left after.

"Okay let's do that and get on with the game before Roux burns the house down." Lia agreed with Him and they put in the clues and named the ghost a Demon.

"Wrong, it was a Phantom. You suck." Roux mocked as she repeatedly tried to make baskets into the hoop in the lobby area.

"I wish I was streaming cause she literally complained about Sapnap not doing things right for a whole fifteen minutes." Roux went to defend herself when a voice could be heard in the background of a mic.

"Hey guys it was nice playing but my dad needs me." Lia frowned, not wanting to leave just yet.

"That's alright, we can play again soon! Shout out your socials for the little people who want to follow your amazing self." Roux smiled as she opened tabs to follow her on her social media's.

Everyone bid their farewells as Sapnap said goodbye to his stream. The three decided to call for dinner cause they were too lazy and tired to cook, after eating and laugh all 3 bid goodnight.


A few months pass, Roux and Lydia get closer to the members of the smp, and more streamers. Recently Roux and corpse have been playing together, after fans requested. Roux was so busy caught up in future collaborations she didn't seem to remove her birthday was coming up. It was the upcoming Monday, but she was busy planning in her room with a famous YouTuber for a FNAF collab.

"Hey, Rou?" Sapnap knocked on the door as she asked for a second to the person on the other end of her call, and took her headset off to listen.

"Whats up, Sap?" Roux took a glance in his direction, but returned her eyes to her screen. Sapnap squinted his eyes and got a slight glimpse of what seemed to be a schedule and hummed.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to get food with Lyd and I, but I see you're busy. What would you like to eat? We can grab it for you!" Roux smiled at Sapnaps generosity, going to grab her wallet, He stopped her.

"No no! You've worked so hard lately, let me pay. Just tell me what you'd like." After she texted him what she wanted they said their farewells and Sapnap went back to the living room to Lydia.

"Okay, we have to grab her some food, but I still was able to get her to stay here! Let's grab the supplies and last few items and we can decide how to get her out of the house." Sapnap cheered, Lydia nodded and they yelled to Roux making sure she knew they'd be back.

The whole day Lydia and Sapnap spent buying party items and gifts, they had a large party planned for Roux and wanted it to be perfect. She was always overworking with content and scheduling for her videos she never did much. Though she never missed out on time to play with her best friends.

The week consisted of the same thing until it was the day before her birthday. The two best friends left Roux once again, making sure to mention they'd bring her favorite food home. Today Roux wasn't as busy but she had to do a video with skeppy and bad for some kind of puzzle video. Roux being the puzzle lover she is, had to join. After filming Roux just sat in her room, playing games and trying to rid of her Boredom. There was a knock at the door, this confused Roux since it was around 9pm. After closing the fridge and setting down her glass and carton of lemonade, she walked over to the door.


"Hello- Oh! Hey, Callum. What's up?" Roux beamed at the taller male, he gave a weary but forced smile in return.

"Hey. I wanted to know if we could maybe hangout? I've wanted to err.. get to know you?" His request came off as more of a question but Roux was oblivious to it.

"Sure! Come in, Sapnap and Lydia are gone so it's a bit boring anyways." Roux showed him in and led him to the couch where she left him to quickly grab her phone. Callum searched his surroundings and noticed a photo of Roux and her siblings on the wall next to the TV.

"And I'm back! What should we do, Callum?" Roux plopped into the sofa, glancing at the tv and then to Callum. After further discussion they decided to watch a movie, despite Callum not wanting to watch it, Roux played it anyways.

The two were sat side by side as roux pulled her legs into a cross position, Callum taking advantage of her distracted state he stood up to 'get water'. Quietly he tiptoed to the front door and locked it, making sure no one would be able to come in. He grabbed a water bottle for less suspicion and sat next to Roux once again. Roux was so focused on the movie she didn't notice this time he sat closer, his eyes trained on her. This lasted for another 10 minutes before he slowly made his hand lay on her thigh. Immediately roux glanced over at him, confused and uncomfortable.

"Sorry, it was an accident." Roux shot him a weary glance but nodded out of politeness. The movie was about to hit the one hour mark, it being 10 o'clock Callum knew her friends would be home soon. So he placed one hand on her thigh again, but higher. Roux immediately slapped his hand off and moved away, wide eyed.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be Roux, Also stop the lying. I'm here to show you all you need is a man, not both." Rouxs eyes widened even more out of fear, she crawled away from him as much as she could. But before she could stand up he trapped her, and covered her mouth. As he tried to touch her she kneed him in the crotch and stood up, running for the door but also grabbing her phone and dialing 911.

"911, what's your emer-"

"Please send help, quick." Roux whispered, crying at this point.

"There you are, Whore! Who do you think you are?" Roux turned her phone off, keeping the call rolling but her phone screen black to show it was off. Seeing she had her device, Callum snatched it and threw it a few feet away from them.

"Stop! This isn't you! W-why are you doing this to me?" Roux croaked out, tears streaming down her face.

"Your old folk told me you dreamed of dating anyone you saw, so i was sent here to show you the only gender you need is male." Roux pushed him away from her once more, turning to open the door but seeing it was locked she panicked. Callum swung her around and punched her right in the stomach. But once the police sirens were heard he pushed her to the floor, unhinged the locks, and bolted out of the house. Roux was left crying on the floor, reaching for her phone as the operator kept her calm as possible, while Coco played in the background.


2222 words.


The moment has come yes, Callum has finally shown his true colors. If you hated him from the start, good read. 🙏

Now yes, as sad as I am to say this, the book will be ending soon :( but! I have a new book planned for immediately after this so don't you worry! It's gonna be a c!Dream book :) so please support it.

Another thing, Ive been gone for personal reasons! My school messed up my schedule and now it's finally been fixed so I'm back to posting. I'm taking college Pre Calc </3

I hope you all missed me as much as I missed you guys! So I made this chapter as long as I could. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll have the next one up soon, promise!

Till next chapter my loves <3

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