dedicated to the one i love |...

By eeyorepajamas

30K 563 31

alice everfalls (mystique) was saved in a house fire by shield agents, years later she decides to help the av... More

don't leave me
sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band
you didn't see that coming?
we're not at war, but they are.
pity party
metal man
the african coast
the ball
la vie en rose
cherry chapstick
dream a little dream of me
harry potter
best babysitters
goodnight moon
the perfect team
the sokovia accords
archer's return
new recruit
i hate spiders
the last act

i hope ur ok

1.1K 22 3
By eeyorepajamas

seoul, south korea.

alice opened her eyes and saw herself in a hospital bed surrounded by flowers and balloons that said "get well soon." her eyes trailed to the end of the hospital bed no one other than pietro maximoff sitting there. he was holding her hand.

"pietro? what happened? where's ultron?" she asked. her voice was dry and scratchy.

"well, you almost died, while saving clint. and ultron's gone. forever. it's done."

alice shot up from her position. "woah, take it slow." he said.

"where's clint?"

"i'm right here kid." clint was standing in the doorframe watching her and pietro.

"i'll give you guys some privacy." pietro said getting up from his seat and left the room. clint sat down where pietro sat before.

"glad to see you're okay, alice. the whole team was really worried about you." he said while crossing his legs. "where is everyone?" she asked. "on a mission. wanda, pietro and i decided to stay to see if you'd be awake."

"i still can't believe you're alive. you had like eight gunshot wounds. also i need to thank you for saving my life, i owe you."

"oh, it was no big deal. i just couldn't let the weakest avenger die. just think of it as me saving you from embarrassment." alice joked.

clint chuckled a bit too much. "now that's the alice i know and love." he said while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"i'm gonna tell nat that you're alive and well. also i'll send it dr.cho to check on you."

"yeah that would be nice. i wanna get up and leave this bed forever."

"alice!" wanda yelled while coming into the room. "oh my gosh i'm so glad you're okay. how do you feel?"

"worn out. exhausted. tired." she said while grabbing the glass of water that was placed on the table next to her.

"i'll let you two talk." clint said while leaving the room. wanda took his seat and grabbed alice's hand.

"once you're out of here i'm throwing you a party." wanda said excitedly. alice chuckled lightly.

"so. i noticed pietro was in here."

"yeah, i don't know what he was doing." alice replied and turned her head towards the window.

"i think he likes you, i know he cares about you. i read his mind." wanda said with a slight smirk. alice turned her head very quickly. wanda caught her off guard with her words.

"what?" she said and chuckled.

"don't tell him i told you. he'll kill me!"

"ok. ok. i won't."

"i'm making soup for lunch, my mother's special recipe, i'll let you know when it's done." wanda said and squeezed her hand and stood up and walked out of the room.

an hour later

dr. cho let alice go, she healed very quickly considering she had like 15 bullets in her body. but she was completely healed now.

she found wanda, pietro and clint in dr cho's lab. she told them that she wanted to go back to new york. and she was ready to go back home.


when alice got home to a new environment, the avengers compound she was welcomed to her own room which had a walk in closet, a bathroom, and her own mini fridge.

luckily the room was already furnished so she wouldn't have to worry about buying new furniture. she heard footsteps near her door and opened it before the person was even able to knock on the wood.

"pietro." alice said calmly not expecting him to be there.

"fury wanted me to come and tell you about a mission he wants you to do. with me." pietro said while crossing his arms and making eye contact with alice.

"okay. i'll be out in a few minutes." she nodded and closed the door. she could hear pietro speeding off into the hall.


in the next three minutes, maria hill, pietro maximoff and alice everfalls were in a conference room together discussing the mission they were going to do together.

"this is pierre schultz, he is technically working for shield but actually is selling information to hydra behind our backs. you and pietro and going to his annual ball this evening at his mansion in los angeles." fury explained while showing a photo of the bad guy that they would be looking for on this mission.

"how will we get in without being caught?"

"i'm glad you asked that. alice will disguise herself as this woman." he said pointing to a file of a british woman who was a friend of pierre.

"this is charlotte hoffman, she was supposed to be attending this ball but we got have her in custody, so that this mission would be successful."

"how will pietro get in?" alice asked wondering what would happen if he got noticed.

"you will tell pierre that he is your plus one, a cousin visiting from germany. pietro your fake name will be peter klein." he told alice and pietro the rest of the plan.

"peter klein? seriously, that's the most creative name you could've came up with?" alice exclaimed sarcastically and pietro chuckled.

he rolled his eyes and lead them to the room where charlotte hoffman was being held. alice quickly turned to a human form before entering the room with fury and pietro.

"hello charlotte, this is my good friend mystique. you are gonna speak with her as long as she needs. understand?" fury asked while taking the handcuffs off of charlotte.

alice took a seat at the table where charlotte was sitting at the opposite side of. pietro sat next to alice as well.

"hello charlotte."

"what do you want with me?" charlotte said loudly and banging her hands on the table.

"i just wanna talk. did you know your friend pierre was illegally selling information to a terrorist organization?"

"i don't know a pierre. i don't know what you're talking about." the woman lied.

"i wouldn't waste your time lying. it won't get you anywhere." pietro chimed in.

fury was standing at the door watching the interrogation go on. alice looked over at him and nodded. signaling that she could successfully turn into charlotte. she got enough of her voice so that she could mimic it perfectly.

"goodbye charlotte." alice said goodbye to the woman before getting up, pushing the chair in and walking towards the door where pietro speeded towards it, to open it for alice.


natalie dormer as charlotte hoffman

johnny depp as pierre schultz

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