Love Don't Change..Odell Beck...

By melaninX_

1.1M 34.3K 13.6K

Danielle has been through hell and back with relationships after finally leaving her ex fiance who was always... More

A|N .
Yass boo Yass
Sequel Posted


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By melaninX_

Odell POV

Me and Jazzy were walking around the zoo having our big brother, little sister time together. I missed my big headed little sister even if she is nosey as hell. We were walking into the section that they kept the monkeys.

"Jazzy it's time to tell you this now.." I said as we walked up to the larger fence.

"Tell me what?" She asked.

"You were adopted, this is you're really family" I pointed to the monkeys that were swinging on the branches.

She punched me in my arm and I laughed.

"Its true! That big monkey right there is you're real dad"i laughed even harder.

"Shut up Junior!" She shook her head.

"I love you baby sis." I pushed her head.

"I love you too ugly." She pushed me.

As we were looking at the monkeys, it was a few other families standing around also.

"Whys that monkey digging in his butt?" A little boy asked.

"He's grabbing his poop son." The father said.


Right before the father could answer his son, the monkey threw a handful of shit at the father which hit him right on his white shirt. Me and Jazzy tried so hard not to laugh at the man.

"Let's move on before we get hit with poop." Jazzy said basically reading my mind.

We left to monkey area and headed over towards the flamingos & shit. Jazzy's phone started buzzing and she quickly texted the person back.

"Only time a girl answers a text message that fast is if it's from a guy or her bestfriend and you told me ya bestfriend got her phone taken sooo who is this nigga?" I said peeking over her shoulder.

"You promise not to tell mom and dad?" She held her pinky finger out.

I wrapped my pinky sound hers and smiled. "I promise."

"Okay..his name is Anthony, we go to school together, we don't have any classes together though since he's a senior but he's really sweet."

"JAZZY!!! HE'S A SENIOR!!!! YOU'RE A DAMN FRESHMAN!!!!" I yelled stopping dead In my tracks.

"It's not that serious Odell, it's just three years." She shrugged.

"I was a senior in highschool ! I know what senior boys think when they look at freshmen girls! call him right now and tell him you can't talk to him anymore!" I was mad as hell, she knew better.

"I'm not doing anything!" She folded her arms.

"I'm you're big brother! You do what I say !" She rolled her eyes.

"Fine..if I break up with Anthony, you gotta break up with Danielle." She smirked.

"HELL NO!!! I love that girl! I wouldn't leave her for nobody!"

"Exactly...Anthony really isn't like most senior boys, we've been dating for a year now. He doesn't care what his friends think, he cares about me.." She said.

"Oh PUH-LEASE!!!!! That nigga don't care about you!!!" I said as we started walking again.

"How would you know!!"

"I used to be him, I know this stuff!!!."

"You don't even know him...." She rolled her eyes. "You sound like Jarvis when he first found out about you and dani."

Danielle POV
Me and Ms.Heather had been everywhere so far! Now we were sitting in the food court of the mall just talking and eating some ice cream we got from McDonalds.

"So how's my son? I hope he's treating you right.." She said.

I swallowed my ice cream."Don't worry raised a great son, he's can have his moments but he treats me good." I smiled.

"That's good ..he really does love you Danielle, I can see it in his eyes when he looks at you"

I smiled and took a lick from my ice cream..

"Odell told me that you and you're mother don't speak"

I sighed. "Yeah..I don't speak to her, I choose not to ." I shrugged.

"Oh ever thought about talking to her?"

"Nope.." I shook my head.

"Let it go.." She sighed .


"Whatever happened with you and you're need to let it go and move on. You only get one mother," She was right, I knew she was

"I know but it's like whenever I see her, I just get so mad and I don't wanna be anywhere near her."

"Well first you need to listen to what she has to say about whatever the situation was...don't talk just listen to whatever it is she has to say."

"Alright...I'll talk to her soon." I sighed.

Ms. Heather was right and I knew she was..I guess I'll talk to my mother, I knew I would have to do it one day so I guess that one say will be sooner than I thought. We left the mall and headed to her house, his dad was home too so I guess today was the day I would be meeting him. When we got there his dad was sitting on the couch with some guy who looked about Odell's age watching ESPN.

"Hey Hun, Hey Kavarah ." Ms. Heather greeted them both.

"Hey Heather." Kavarah hugged Ms.Heather. "Hey you must be ...Gabrielle, right?" He said nervously.


"Actually it's Danielle .."I kinda laughed.

"Oh sorry , well it's nice to meet you Danielle I'm Odell's cousin Kavarah." He hugged me.

"Boy move, get off her." Odell's dad playfully pushed Kavarah.

"It's nice to finally meet my daughter in law, I've heard a lot about you" Odell's dad hugged me

"Good things I hope." I smiled..

"Trust me it was nothing but great things..I'm Odell Beckham Sr, but everyone calls me James, where is Odell and Jazzy?" He asked

"They went to the zoo." I answered.

"Uh Oh.." Kavarah and James said at the same time.

"What?" I said.

"If you go to the zoo with Odell and Jazzy, they literally make fun of each other the whole time just saying that they look like monkeys, giraffes ..anything. Sometimes it leads to serious arguing and Jazzy gets upset." Kavarah shook his head.

I went in the kitchen with Heather and started helping her cook dinner.

"So do you like New York?" She asked me.

"I think I still gotta get used to it but It's alright .."

"We lived in New York for a little bit, I didn't really like it that much either..I think I was just missing home in Louisiana, that was around the time of Hurricane Katrina.." She said as she started chopping onions.

"I was still living with my dad then..I remember praying every night for my brothers..i think I even prayed for my mom."

"Katrina really hit hard, I still remember the look on Jazzy and Odell's face when we came back..seeing all the damage it had done, it was terrible." She shook her head and sighed.

We talked a little bit long as we cooked dinner, eventually we heard a bunch of yelling as the front door opened. Me and Heather walked out the kitchen and saw Odell & Jazzy yelling at eachother.

"Will y'all two shut up!!!" James yelled .


"You said the monkeys were my real family!!!" Jazzy yelled back

"Cut it out!! Y'all do this every single time you go to the zoo." Heather yelled.

Jazzy kicked Odell in his leg and ran off upstairs, they kinda reminded me of how Jarvis and I act. Odell threw the pillow at her and it hit her right in her head.

"STUPID!!!!" Jazzy threw it back at him but he caught it and laughed.

Odell and Kavarah started playing Madden and I went back in the kitchen helping Heather and Jazzy. Once dinner was finished we all sat at the table, it was a bunch of talking but it was mainly Odell,his dad & Kavarah, sometime during dinner my stomach just started hurting for some hurt like hell. I sat my fork down and excuse myself from the table. I went into the bathroom and leaned on the sink, they weren't wen cramps they were like sharp pains that were coming and going every few seconds. After awhile they pretty much stopped.

Odell POV

Later on that night , Danielle was in the bathroom taking a shower but once I heard the water stop running she was in there for awhile..I wasn't too worried about her because she always takes a long time after a shower but this time it took her longer than usually.

" alright in there?" I knocked on the door.. But got no answer.

"Danielle!" I knocked again.

I tried opening the door but it was locked, I slammed myself into the door a few times before it flew open and Danielle was just laying there on the bathroom floor crying...blood was all down her legs and all over her towel.

"Baby what happened!?!?"

"I don't know..." She said lowly as she cried. "It hurts so bad"

"What's hurting?" I asked.

"My 911 please." She cried even harder

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911 like she asked me too, I started getting kinda scared with her...I started crying with her. When the ambulance got to the house the put her on the stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance truck, I held her hand the entire ride to hospital..I wiped her tears and she just stared at me.

"I love you." I kissed her hand.

As more tears rolled down her face she smiled at me and replied. "I love you too"

So many thoughts were running through my head, I just kept praying too myself that she was okay. I was scared, nervous & confused ..all this shit just came outta nowhere! When we got to the hospital they only let me go but so far, I sat down in the waiting room chair and called Jarvis.

Jarvis: Hello?

Me: hey ..Dani's in the hospital ..

Jarvis: WHAT!?!?! What happened!?!?

Me: I don't know, she was bleeding really bad but it was no normal time of the month bleeding this shit was a lot !

Jarvis: Ight I'm on my way.

I also called my mom and dad letting them know what was happening. I put my head in my hands and my right leg started to shake like it always did when I was stressed or worried.

" where is she !?!" Jarvis walked up to me.

"They took her to one of the rooms." I said staring at the floor.

"Just calm down man she'll be Ight." Jeremy sat down next to me.

I didn't really speak at all, my mom and dad came along with Kavarah and Jazzy but I didn't speak much. I just sat there as my right leg shook and my eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"Odell can you stop shaking you're leg...I hate when you do that." Jazzy said held my hand.

She never liked when I did that for some reason, anytime I did it she'd get worried and make me stop.

"Sorry Jazzy..."

"It's okay...she'll be fine, don't worry." She laid her head on my shoulder.

I weakly smiled and sighed, Jazzy fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.. My mom called one of my Aunts to come get her so she wouldn't have to sleep in the waiting room. The hospital doors flew open and banged against the wall making a loud ass boom noise, our heads turned and Angel was running down the hall with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Where is she!?!?" Angel yelled.

"They running test, ." Jarvis said.

"Is she okay ?" Angel questioned.

"We don't know yet just sit down and chill." Jeremy said sighing.

"How do you expect me to chill and my bestfriend is laid up in the hospital!!!" Angel yelled.

"ANGEL!!!...sit down and shut up! I'm not in the mood to hear you're loud ass ! Just sit down and wait like the rest of us!" I said taking a deep breath.

Angel rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth before sitting down in one of the chairs. I was very irritated , & worried ..I didn't wanna hear shit except that doctor telling me my baby was okay. After 20-30 more minutes if waiting the doctor came out ..

"Are you all the family of Danielle Michaels.." The doctors said.

"Yeah that's us." I said.

The doctor flipped through the clipboard and started reading off the paper.

"Good news and Bad news. The good news is that she's gonna be just fine, umm..Has she fell down any stairs or been fighting recently?." He asked..

"Umm yeah, yesterday she was in a fight." Jarvis answered.

"Why what's wrong." Angel asked nervously.

"Did the person happen to kick her or punch her in the stomach?" He asked again.

"I don't know I wasn't there! Why the hell you asking so many questions !?!?!??" I was starting to get irritated!

"Well the bad news is that she had a miscarriage ...the test that we ran don't show any signs of stress, Danielle is a very healthy the fight could've been the only thing to make this happen." The doctor replied.

"But she wasn't throwing up or anything ..." I said.

"Every pregnancy is different. Some woman have nausea, some woman just eat...some women don't even feel anything." He said

I sighed and put my head down...I knew I shouldn't have let her go with Angel!!! Something told me not to let her go!! This is all my fault, this is possibly the first and last chance we'll ever get at having kids. I sat in the chair and put my head in my hands. The doctor said we could see her but I wanted to wait and let everybody else see her.

"Odell I am so sorry , I shouldn't have let her to fight Sherane!" Angel apologized.

"It's Ight Angel.." I sighed

After my parents & Kavarah seen her, they left and headed home. After Angel seen her, he left also and he sat next to me.

"You alright ?" He asked

"It's my fault..if I wouldn't have let her go with Angel none of this bullshit would've happened."

"Don't beat yourself up man..look on the bright side, at least you know it's a chance she can have kids." Jeremy said patting my back.

"Well she keeps asking about you..go see her." Jarvis said standing up.

I stood up from my seat and give then both a head nod. I walked through the double doors and kept walking straight until I reached the end of the hallway where her room was. She had her back to the door and she was laying with the blanket over her face

"Danielle.." I touched her shoulder.

She turned around and stared at me before turning back over. I laid next to her and rubbed her back.

"Can you leave ?" She asked.

"Why?" I looked at her.

"I wanna be alone..." She said straight and forward ..

"No, I'm tired of you always pushing me away like that..I wanna be there for you but all you gon do is tell me you wanna be alone and shit. I'm not leaving this hospital unless you leaving with me. I'll go sit over there on that chair..but I'm not leaving you." I kissed her cheek and walked over to the the chair.

I heard her sigh and she put the blanket over her head , and started flipping through the tv channels..wasn't shit on tv anyway so I turned it off and pulled my phone out . . Those same words kept replaying in my mind , Miscarriage? We could've had a child ... I just hope this doesn't make her depression get worse! That shit wouldn't be good. I checked on her and noticed she was asleep, I laid next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I love you.." I whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.


Danielle POV

I wasn't asleep, I just didn't wanna talk right now.. I felt guilty, it's my fault. I'm the reason we just lost our baby, I know Odell is upset with me too but I know he won't admit it.

"I know you not sleep." He whispered in my ear.

I sighed and turned over so was facing him, he stared at me and started smiling.

"What are you smiling for?" I rolled my eyes.

He gave me a quick kiss on my lips and smiled again. "I love you" he said.

"How can you even love me? I'm the reason we lost our child, that was probably the last chance we'll ever get at having kids! , I'm just not the type of person you need to be with...I got some serious issues that I need to work out with myself, ." I was now in tears..

"Danielle you need to calm down!! It wasn't you're fault, everything happens for a reason baby. Whatever issues you think you need worked out then go ahead, get it worked out but you not doing none of this shit on you're own.." He wiped my tears the bass in his voice and the look he had printed on his face I knew he was serious ..

I shook my head and put my head in my hands.

"No! Odell No! Why do you always do that!?!" I was really irritated.

"Do what?" He asked.

"You never let me just be alone, sometimes I just feel like you're suffocating me!!!! Give me some space, gosh You're starting to annoying me" ..I didn't mean that.

He just stared at me and it instantly felt bad, I really didn't mean to say that, my mouth was just going and I don't know what came over me.

"Odell I'm so sorry baby I didn't.." He cut me off.

"No, it's want some space, you got it babygirl." I knew he was hurting

"Odell wait!" I called after him.

"Wait for what!?!? You said what you felt, I'm suffocating you, I'm starting to annoy you.." He started to walk away, but stopped and turned around to look at me. "By the way, I'm sorry for loving you so much that I don't wanna be away from you, I'm sorry for loving you so much that I don't wanna see you go through something's on you're own!! I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable when all I was trying to do was give you the love and affection you deserve.." He walked out the door and slammed it really hard making me jump a little.


Sorry it's so short but comment what you think !!

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