Tomorrow -Link x Revali-

Bởi Shh_its_Kat

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While training to defeat Calamity Ganon, Link builds relationships with the four champions... especially Reva... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Thank You!

Chapter Fifteen

546 20 10
Bởi Shh_its_Kat

Link's POV

In Kakariko Village, I was to fight and train with the Sheikah clan. We spent a few more weeks training together. 

I had more than one motive now. It's not just Revali. Zelda is gone... Mipha is gone... and probably the other two champions, Urbosa and Daruk... 

"Link..." Zelda said, bringing me somewhere private to talk. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked her, worry on my face. 

"I... I must go..." She said, her voice breaking. 

I looked at her confused. "Where...?"

Tears brimmed her eyes. "I left my father and everyone in the castle... they're probably all dead... I must go there, and conceal Ganon in the castle... it's what I must do. I owe them that much. I can't let Ganon kill anyone else." 

My eyes widened. "N-No, you can't... you'll die, Zelda." 

She smiled reassuringly. "I won't die. You'll come to save me, as you always have before."

Tears reach the surface of my eyes. "... I will. Once I get stronger, I'll come for you." 

"You must first go to the Divine Beasts. Get them to help with Ganon. Then, end Ganon once and for all." 

I nodded, determined. "I will. I'll save them all. Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, and Daruk. I promise you that."

Her smile slowly faded. "Oh... um... there's something we've been... holding from you..." 

"What is it...?" 

"Mipha, she... she died in the battle with the Yiga's..." She said, blinking away the tears in her eyes. 

My heart stopped. I swear the whole world stopped in this moment. 

Mipha is gone... because of me... I did this... she was there to save me... and she died... 

"I'm so sorry Link..." 

I'm not sure if Zelda is alive still... but I'm trying my best to get stronger, so I can save everyone. I don't want to make the same mistake like I did with Mipha. I wasn't there to save her. I was weak... but I won't let that happen again. 

I trained with every weapon there was. I touched up on my survival skills, my cooking skills, and many more. This was going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. 

I have to face Ganon. 

I have to face the deaths of my friends... if they didn't survive...

I'm not sure if I'm strong enough to do so... but I have no choice. I need to do this. 

I need to prove my father wrong. I need to prove everyone who didn't believe in me wrong. I need to prove myself wrong. 

I trained and trained until finally the time came. 

I was to go to the divine beasts to save the champions. 

I went to Medoh first. I needed to see Revali. I needed to know if he was still alive. 

Though Medoh was up in the air, flying high in the sky. 

The Rito's told me that Teba was preparing to fight alongside Revali, and that he was ready to leave soon. 

He was at the Flight Range, where the snow blew harshly, making my skin sting as it always did. 

"T-Teba..." I said, tears in my eyes. 

It's been forever since I've seen him... 

He turned to me, his eyes wide. "Link?!" 

He stood, running to me. 

We collided in a hug, and I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. 

"I'm so glad you're alive..." I whispered. 

He tightened his grip around me. "I'm glad you're alive too." 

We pulled away, and he examined me. 

"That arm looks sick on you. You look ready to face anything." He said, resting his wings on his hips. 

I tilted my head up slightly in determination. "I am. I'm going to save everyone." 

He smiled. "I know you will." 

I looked around, my heart aching. I haven't seen this place since the accident... 

"I see you guys fixed the place up..." I said, walking out onto the deck. 

He walked with me, looking around as well. "Yeah, we did."

"You added lights..." I mumbled, touching one. "It's a nice touch." 

"Good for safety." He said, crossing his arms. 

I turned to him. "Teba... I heard you were going to Vah Medoh today." 

He nodded. "I made Revali wait for too long..." 

"Don't worry. I'm going to save him... I just need your assistance in getting up there. Can you help me? I'll do the brunt of the work. I just need you to bring me up." 

He smiled proudly. "Yeah, I can do that. I have the bomb arrows ready. I'm all set to go if you are." 

I looked up at Medoh, taking a deep breath in. "I'm ready..." 

Revali, don't worry, I'm coming for you... 

"Okay... hop on." He said, going to the edge of the deck and leaning down. 

I slowly walked to him, swallowing hard. 

I was nervous, but I was confident in my abilities. I can do this. 

But to be honest... I'm more afraid of what I'm going to find in Medoh... will he be dead... or alive?

I climbed onto his back, steadying myself so I wouldn't fall off. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked, handing me bomb arrows. 

I put them with my other arrows, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "I'm sure." 

With that, he set off, flying high into the air and to Medoh. 

She had a purple barrier around herself, protecting whatever she was hiding inside. 

"We have to break the barrier. Shoot your bomb arrows at the four corners! I'll distract her aim of fire. Be careful, Link!" He yelled as I jumped off, pulling out my paraglider. 

"You too!" I yelled back, heading straight for one of her barriers. 

I let go of the paraglider, taking out my bow and aiming for the corner. Once I felt it was aimed properly, I let it go, watching as it blew up. 

I grabbed my paraglider and headed for the next one, dodging her fire she tried to hit me with. 

I occasionally looked to Teba to make sure he was alive, and luckily he was every time. 

I was down to one more, and as I went for it, a red line aimed at me, and I knew she was coming straight for me. 

"Link, watch out!" Teba yelled, flying to me. "Drop down!" 

I did as told and let go of my paraglider, watching as Teba took the hit to his leg. 

"Teba!" I yelled, grabbing my paraglider. 

"I'm f-fine! Just destroy it!" He yelled.


This last one took more than one bomb arrow to break it, but I did it. It finally broke, and the barrier lifted. 

"We... we did it!" I yelled out, tears reaching my eyes. 

I can finally save Revali... 

"This is where I go... please, Link, be safe..." Teba said, meeting up with me in the air. 

"I will. Thank you, Teba." I said, smiling.

He smiled back, nodding before flying back down. 

I landed onto Medoh, taking deep breaths to steady myself. 

I wasted no time, and headed inside, looking into every room to find him... but I couldn't find him anywhere. 

"R-Revali!" I yelled, my heart pounding with worry. 

I ran outside and onto Medoh's back. There was broken stones and blood strewn across the place. 


There it was, the answer I so desperately wanted... 

Revali's bow laid on the ground, broken and full of blood... his blue champion scarf laid underneath it, stained with dirt. 

My heart pounded loudly in my ears as tears clouded my sight. 

This can't be happening... this isn't real... 

"R-Revali... p-please, stop fooling a-around... I know y-you're out there... h-hiding from me..." I said shakily, grabbing his scarf and holding it close. "Y-You're not... d-dead..." 

I couldn't hold back anymore, and I started to scream, crying and sobbing as I gripped his scarf close to me. 

"No!" I screamed, falling to my knees. "NO! PLEASE NO!" 


There was a loud shriek behind me, causing the ground to shake. 

I turned to see a wind blight Ganon staring down at me. 

"You... y-you did this!" I yelled, shakily standing up to face it. "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED THE ONE I LOVE!" 

Still sobbing and screaming, I rushed to it, wrapping Revali's scarf around my wrist tightly. 

I grabbed my sword, jumping up to meet his floating body. I hit him over and over, but he kept shrieking as he flew up to avoid my hits.

I switched to my bow, using bomb arrows to shoot at his eyes. He seemed greatly affected by this, so I continued to do it, but he started to come at me ten fold. 

He kept shooting at me, and I kept dodging. 

"Here, let me fix that." He said, walking behind me. He rested his wings on my hips. My breath hitched.

"Keep your hips center." He said.

Then he set his hands on my hands, taking my position from behind. "You have the right idea, but you gotta just slightly lift yourself up."

I blushed madly, my heart was racing dramatically, and my breathing was shaky.

I did as told and lifted myself.

"That's better." He said, removing himself from me and walking in front of me.

A shot straight to my shoulder, making me stumble. 

Revali wrapped his wings around me, holding me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and continued to sob violently.

The soft touch of his feathers felt nice against my cold and clammy skin. The feeling of his heart beating calmed me. It reassured me that I wasn't alone. Revali was here with me.

"Just let it all out..." he said softly.

This was a new side of Revali that he didn't let me see before. Maybe it's because our bond is growing. We're getting closer to each other. We're trusting each other more and more.

I fell forward onto my knees, breathing heavily from the pain of my wounds. 

"I'm here for you, Link. I won't ever leave you."

I looked up into the red line that was pointed straight to my face. 


I shut my eyes, falling to my side. 

I looked at the scarf around my wrist and smiled. "Don't w-worry... I-I'll see you... soon..." 

As I waited for the hit that would surely end me, I heard something...


My eyes widened. 

That voice... 

"Link! Get up! Keep fighting!" 

I gasped, sitting up to meet Revali's eyes. 

"Revali!" I yelled, starting to cry all over again. 

He was a light green spirit, standing in the distance looking at me. 

"You have to get up and fight!" 

"I... I can't..." I cried, holding onto my stomach. "I don't w-want to live... without y-you..." 

He smiled. "I'm right here. I told you I wouldn't leave you, remember? I'm not going anywhere. Now, finish him off." 

My heart couldn't take the pain... but I believed him... I must do this... for him... 

I got up, grabbing my shield and blocking the Ganon's beam. 

It kept a continuous stream of it coming at me, and I stood my ground, slowly walking closer and closer to it. My legs were shaking, and my knees were about to give out, but as I met Revali's eyes again, I knew I had to try harder. 

I looked into the Ganon's eye, starting to scream as loud as I could. 

The shield was close to breaking, but I held on, pushing the beam straight into it's eye, sending it flying backwards. 

I dropped my shield, running to the Ganon, sword in hand. 

"Finish him off!" Revali yelled. 

With one final scream, I drove my sword into it's eye, watching as it cried out into pain. It slowly disappeared into nothing, leaving me standing there breathing heavily. 

I dropped to my knees, shutting my eyes with relief. 

"Link... you did it..." 

I looked up to meet Revali's eyes once more. He was standing in front of me, smiling softly. 

"I always knew you could do it." He said, holding his wing out for me. 

I looked down at it, tears yet again brimming the edge. I slowly brought my hand to his wing, gasping once my hand went straight through. 

"N-No..." I cried, slapping a hand over my mouth. 

"It's okay..." Revali whispered, getting onto his knees to face me. "I'm still here..." 

"B-But... you're s-still..." 

"I know..." He said softly. "But I'm still here..." 

"I'm so s-sorry, Revali... I should've been... t-there for you..." I cried, meeting his eyes. "I'm so sorry..." 

He smiled. "It's not your fault. You did everything right, Link. I'm so proud of you." 

I continued to cry. "T-Thank you... for everything..." 

"No... thank you, Link." 

The machine that drove Medoh started glowing, and I knew it was time. 

"Link... there's something I've been meaning to tell you." He said, continuing to smile. 

"W-What is it...?" 

"I love you too... I always have." 

My eyes widened and my lips parted. "Y-You do?" 

He nodded slowly. "Yes, I do. I love you so much..."

I smiled, more tears falling down my cheeks. "I love you too, so much..." 

We stared at each other, the world around us stopping briefly. 

He brought his wing to my face, caressing my cheek. I couldn't feel it, but I could imagine how it would feel if he were actually touching me. 

He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine. 

I shut my eyes, letting out a breath I've been holding. 

A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It felt so good to be with him again.

"I got you something... it's in Hateno Village. When this is all over... please, go there, and find my gift for you." He said, opening his eyes to look into mine. 

I smiled. "O-Okay... thank you..." 

"It's time, Link..." He said, pulling away. "Take my bow and scarf... and defeat Ganon once and for all. I'll be watching over you until you come back, okay?" 

I held back the urge to cry again, and I nodded. "I promise I'll come back to you." 

"I know you will..." 

We both stood, and made our way to the machine. 

"I'll control Medoh... you go save the world." He said, smiling. "Oh, and, take this." 

Suddenly he was throwing something glowing green my way, and it went straight through my chest. 

I gasped, being thrown into the air and landing back down. 

"W-What was... that?!" I breathed, standing back up. 

"It's what I call, Revali's Gale. Maybe you can use it when fighting Ganon." 

I smiled, touching my chest. "I'd be honored." 

He smiled back, standing tall. "I love you, Link." 

"I love you too, Revali." 

I set off to fight the other Ganon's in the Divine Beasts, then, I went for Ganon in the castle.

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