Axel's Promise

By AliciaLaBatti

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(This wonderful cover was made by @AnecdoteofAstrina) For Xenia, I will fight; for Xenia, I will die. I prom... More



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By AliciaLaBatti

The three White Doves only got to sleep for a few hours before they were all roused.

The entire Roost began to shake. Axel woke up from a pleasant dream and swiftly bolted to the window; what he saw caused his heart to sink into his stomach. Axel saw a group of giants passing by. The giants looked hungry, so Axel ducked below the windowsill to avoid being spotted by them. Fable came up alongside Axel. 

"Axel? What is Xenia's name is going on?" Fable inquired. 

"Giants...several of them," Axel replied. "Let's try to drive them out before they get to our wolves."

Axel and Fable began to make their way outside, unaware that the wolves and the giants had already engaged in battle. 

Meanwhile, outside the Roost, Lobo and the other wolves growled at the towering giants, their hackles standing straight. Lobo instinctively stepped in front of the pack and pinned his ears flat against his head while showing his snow-white teeth, which were stained with blood. One of the giants looked down at Lobo, raised his club, and growled under his breath.

"Wolf bother me. Wolf must be smashed with club!" the giant said in somewhat broken English. Lobo barked at the giant, not showing fear; after all, he was the pack leader among the three. Chelly and Akari dug their claws into the soil before they rushed toward the giant and bit his massive, muscular legs, which made the giant swing his club down at the wolves, striking Chelly on the withers. Lobo used his powerful hind limbs to jump up and clamp his jaws down onto the giant's arm, then shook his head violently, which tore off chunks of flesh. Finally, the giant grabbed his club with his other hand and proceeded to beat Lobo over the head.

 Axel and Fable reached the door and took their weapons in hand; Serina soon joined them. Fable looked between her two allies.

"When I give the go, we jump out and ambush them, alright?" Fable stated. Both Axel and Serina nodded in agreement. Then, after a few seconds, the three raced outside and began attacking the giants. Axel conjured a shield spell to protect his allies while Fable began to fire arrows at them giants. Serina conjured a massive spear and hurled it at one of the giants. 

 A giantess with a sword stepped between the White Doves and the alpha giant. The giantess grabbed hold of Axel and brought him up to eye level, her eyes as big as minivans. Axel stared daggers into the blue eyes of the giantess before he reared his arm back and forced his staff into her left eye; Axel didn't take too kindly to being picked up by larger creatures with ill intent. The giantess let out a pained groan when the staff pierced her eye. Axel's feathered robe became splattered in crimson blood. Axel quickly conjured a teleportation spell to escape the grip of the giantess.

The wolves soon brought the alpha giant to the ground, and then, with their powerful jaws, they would tear out the giant's organs; heart, lungs, intestines, and all. The giantess swung her sword down onto Lobo, which knocked the black wolf down onto the ground. Chelly clamped her jaws onto the arm of the giantess. 

Akari swiftly came from the right side of the giantess and bit down on her other arm. The two female wolves then pull the arms of the giantess back, dislocating her shoulders with an audible popping sound. 

 The giantess let out a pained roar as her muscles and ligaments were violently ripped and torn in several places. Lobo rolled to his feet and pounced onto the chest of the giantess, allowing his claws to sink into her skin, slicing through her copious layers of fat and muscle. Lobo bit down on the neck of the giantess, tearing out her throat and killing her within seconds. With victory secured, the trinity of wolves howled at their success before lowering their heads to feast on the corpse of the giantess. Axel approached Lobo and patted his wire-hared leg, his blood-soaked hands staining his fur. 

"Good boy, Lobo! You showed that giantess what for!"

"They showed that giantess what for," Serina replied, approaching Axel with a hand on her hip. "My wolf and I would run circles around you and your shaggy mutt, wand boy."

 "Lobo isn't a mutt! He's beautiful!" Axel protested. "He would run circles around Akari!" Axel turned his back to Serina. "A wolf doesn't need a pedigree to be worth anything. Trust me." 

 "Well, apparently, Xenia prefers wolves born from her blood," Serina retorted. 

 "Tell that to Xenia, you coward," Axel replied, balling one of his fists. Serina scoffed before folding her arms.

 "I am not a coward!" Serina protested. "I can defeat Xenia anytime I want! I'll say it to her face!"

"Yea, yea. Do it right now. Get on your knees and pray to Xenia right now!" Axel barked as he continued stroking Lobo's shaggy fur. Serina stepped back and didn't say anything else. Axel chuckled. "That's what I thought, puss pie." Axel turned his back to Serina again. Serina huffed and stormed off to Fable, who was engrossed in a book. 

 "Fable? I didn't like the tone Axel was talking to me in," Serina said. Fable looked up at Serina and shook her head.

 "I overheard the whole conversation, and it seems like you were the one that started it. Cut the shit," Fable replied, authority present in her voice. "Go sit down and shut up. You are nothing but trouble." Fable stuffed her face back into her book. Serina walked away in a huff. Axel looked out toward the mouth of the Red Timber Forest.

"Only Xenia knows of the secrets of the Red Timber Forest. Not even a White Dove can comprehend what lies beneath the leaves and the soil." Axel sat down on the ground and leaned against Lobo's paw. "I heard tales of a great war between Xenia's Wolves and the Shade Felis. It was a battle for supremacy. A bloody one, in fact." Fable looked up from her book and nodded in response to Axel's words. Fable raised her finger.

"The battle was for the Red Timber Forest. Both species wanted to gain leverage by taking over this large piece of land. Xenia's Wolves overpowered them," Fable said. "You know, Xenia owns a wolf of her own. A golden wolf named Felicity. Legend has it that her fur and teeth are pure gold."

 "I can see that. Xenia has the power to make a dragon from a mere pebble," Axel said. Axel moved to sit with Fable. "You know, one day, I want to uncover all of Xenia's secrets. I want to spread the word of her majesty to all those in the dark, and maybe then they will turn to Xenia."

"That would be quite a feat," Fable replied. "Maybe we should try. After all, not all beings of The Shadows are against Xenia; they just haven't got a chance to see her in her glory. Some of these beings are forced to hate Xenia; they will be mercilessly slaughtered if they dare defile." 

 "This is why I despise the ways of The Shadows. Their lord is a lover of control and repression," Axel stated. "I wish they could bask in Xenia's glory."

 "Too bad for the ones that tried," Fable replied. "Those poor souls didn't deserve to be killed for voicing how they feel." Fable stood up. "Hey, we should ride out to Shadow territory to see if we can help in any way."

"Good idea, but we need to tread lightly," Axel stated. "One mistake, and we're as good as a worm on a fish hook. Dead and thrown to the beasts as food." Axel went to the door of the Roost and placed a hand on the silver doorknob. "Let us wait until nightfall to head out."

"Don't be such a wuss, Axel," Serina chimed in. "The Shadows won't do anything to us!"

"Serina, you have a lot of developing to do," Axel replied in a flat tone. "You're arrogant." Axel stepped through the door, then stopped for a moment. "If you need me, I'll be inside."

"I'm not arrogant!" Serina exclaimed before pouting. Serina then stamped her foot, went inside the Roost, and entered her room. Fable chuckled and sat back down. "Fools." 

Axel frustratingly slammed the door of his bedroom and laid down on his bed, staring at the ivory-colored ceiling; God, he wanted to strangle Serina, but he had to keep a tight rein on his emotions. On the other end, Serina was sitting in her room with a pout plastered on her face; she looked like an upset toddler. Fable entered Serina's room. 

"Hey, we need to talk about your behavior," Fable sternly said before leaning against the wall beside her. "You shouldn't be running your mouth."

"Axel is a wuss! The Shadows can't do anything to us! He should know that!" Serina protested. 

"Axel is right, though. We need to tread lightly once we head out. Who knows what lurks in the dark." Fable went to the door. "Well, I'll be out here if you need anything. I'll call you once we're ready." Fable exited the room, leaving Serina to her own devices. Serina huffed, picked out a spherical puzzle, and began playing with it to pass the time. 

In the living room, Fable was reading under a soft, red, ruby light. Fable's eyes glided over each page smoothly and carefully, her brain analyzing each word and decoding its meaning at lightning speed. Fable looked outside, watching as the sun slowly began to sink below the tree line. Fable looked back at her book and continued reading. 

Axel was still lying on his bed, unsure of what to do with himself. Axel turned his head toward the window and watched as the sun slowly began to descend below the horizon. Axel sighed, looked back up at the ceiling, and began to hum to himself quietly. 

The three kept themselves entertained until nightfall eventually came around.  

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