
By loveeagle_

116K 14.5K 7K

© @loveeagle_ ©️ALL CREDITS ARE RESERVED Shivaay Singh Oberoi: A celebrated fashion designer in fashion world... More

[Chapter: 1]
[Chapter: 2]
[Chapter: 3]
[Chapter: 4]
[Chapter: 5]
[Chapter: 6]
[Chapter: 7]
[Chapter: 8]
[Chapter: 9]
[Chapter: 10]
[Chapter: 11]
[Chapter: 12]
[Chapter: 13]
[Chapter: 15]
[Chapter: 16]
[Chapter: 17]
[Chapter: 18]
[Chapter: 19]
[Chapter: 20]
[Chapter: 21]
[Chapter: 22]
[Chapter: 23]
[Chapter: 24]
[Chapter: 25]
[Chapter: 26]
[Chapter: 27]
[Chapter: 28]
[Chapter: 29]
[Chapter: 30]
[Chapter: 31]
[Chapter: 32]
[Chapter: 33]
[Chapter: 34]
[Chapter: 35]
[Chapter: 36]
[Chapter: 37]
[Chapter: 38]
[Chapter: 39]
[Chapter: 40]
[Chapter: 41]
[Chapter: 42]
[Chapter: 43]
[Chapter: 44]
[Chapter: 45]
[Chapter: 46]
[Chapter: 47]
[Chapter: 48]
[Chapter: 49]
[Chapter: 50]
[Chapter: 51]
[Chapter- 52]
[Chapter: 53]
[Chapter: 54]
[Chapter: 55]

[Chapter: 14]

2.2K 268 342
By loveeagle_

A really long update! ;)


Shock would be an understatement. She wasn't even expecting him to confess that he like her and here, the man in front of her whom she adore a lot, is proposing her to become his girlfriend.

She blinked snapping out of her thoughts to see him still looking at her with a small smile.

"Annika if you don't wanna be, it's totally fine. It's just I couldn't control. I like you so much that even the thought of someone else calling you as his scares me. I promise, nothing will change within us. We'll be still good friends", he said holding her palms.

Although he said, he knew he's going to face a heartbreak if she refuses to become his girlfriend. There would be an awkwardness between them which he don't want in any way.

"Ar-are you..sure? I mean I am clumsy, you're clean freak, I am usually late for things, you're punctual. I am unorganised, you're organised, I am messy too at times. You-you'll get tired of me", she shuttered looking at him.

"You'll be the last thing I will get tired of. Let's give us a chance?", he asked again, "be mine", he said softly looking in her eyes.

She could see sincerity, honesty in his eyes. She could see feelings in his eyes which she was not able to understand but they're some strong feeling. She liked him enough to let him go.

"I will be your girlfriend", she said softly and smiled shyly. His face brightened like a kid who got his favourite cake, like a man who got biggest deal of his life, like a lady who made winged eyeliner in one go.

"Really? You're not doing in any pressure na?", he asked with soften eyes. She shook her head and the next minute, she was in his arms.

He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Because of her crop top, her bare waist could feel his warm arms around it sending tingling feelings inside her. She shudder under his touch and wrapped her arms around his back.

"I won't let you regret it Annika. You'll be the happiest person, I will protect you. I promise you", he whispered in her ear.

"I believe you", she closed her eyes making herself comfortable against his neck. His face was on his shoulder, she could feel his warm breath on her skin.

Parting from the hug, she looked at him who was grinning at her. The way his face shines under the light brightness of moon, his skin beside eyes creases as his eyes slightly closes. Subconsciously, a smile came on her face.



"I like you too"

She said smiling at him. He stiffen for a moment and looked at her. She could see his eyes softening. His lips parted while he looked at her entire face, maybe to read if she's having any second thoughts.

"You do?", he asked, surprised. She nodded and held his hands.

"I like you very much. I have been trying to say it since yesterday but wasn't getting courage. I was scared that you'll think I am rushing but here, you surprised me", she ended with small laugh. He chuckled.

"You don't know how much I like you", he said making her blush. He moved closer and rubbed his thumb on her cheeks.

"Your blush just do something to me", he muttered with his eyes on her cheeks. She smiled lowering her face.


"What?", he asked looking at her face. She chuckled shaking head.

"Nothing. You just say so sweet words that I just go gushing over them", she said.

"Gush then", he said huskily lowering his face looking at hers with a teasing smile. She blushed slapping his chest. He held her hand there and pulled her closer.

As she looked up, she saw his eyes moving from her eyes to her cheeks then to her lips.

Is he going to kiss her?

Girls said correct? Omg! My first kiss is going to happen!

Oh Jesus! Do my breath smell good?

She gulped as his face inched more closer to her face. She held his coat lapels looking in his eyes. She could feel his hot breath on her skin. She closed her eyes feeling the proximity.

She frowned as she didn't felt his lips and opened eyes to see him smirking at her.

"Desperate I see", he teased winking. She chuckled blushing and hit on his chest.

"Nothing such, let's go", she said and turned to move only to be pulled back by him. Before she could open her mouth to say something, he placed his lips on hers taking her in their first kiss.

She felt everything she has read in her romantic novels or acted in her movies. Butterflies in tummy, current rushing in her veins as his soft lips touched her plump lips.

He moved his arms around her waist pulling her closer making her snap out and started kissing him back.

He licked the seam of her lips asking her to open up. She teased him by not opening up when he nibbled her lips making her gasp. Taking it as a chance he entered inside her mouth tasting every corner.

She tasted like the chocolate mousse they had after dinner. Their lips moved in sync. He kept pulling her closer while she moved her fingers in his hair. As he saw her getting out of breath, he parted joining their foreheads.

Both opened their eyes, breathing unevenly, their nose tip touching with each other. She had her hands on his nape.

"I- I never thought I would have my first kiss like this", she chuckled. He grinned kissing her nose.

"Your boyfriend is full of surprises, you'll get used to it", he winked and she looked down. The phrase 'boyfriend' felt so alienate to her yet she loved how it sounded.

"Shall we leave? It's 10 and we have shoots tomorrow", she said. He nodded and held her hand kissing her palm. She liked the gesture.

They're going downstairs when she stopped him. He looked at her confused.

"What happened Annika?", he asked concerned as he could see worry lines on her forehead.

"I want to clear some things, Shivaay, I am an actress. I work with many people, I mean many men. In few movies, I need to get closer to them. I-I have never kissed before or got in any sort of intimacy, I swear but intimate scenes are there", she said and held his hand.

She was holding it closer unknowingly having a fear. A fear that how he would react. One thing she has realised about him is, he's a possessive man. He's possessive for the people or things associated with him.

"So Annika?", he asked calmly.

"So..I just want you to know, trust me and believe on me. I believe on one partner. I will always be loyal to you. I will never let you feel insecure or uncomfortable. I promise", she said looking in his eyes. He just smiled and kissed her forehead. She held his arm and closed her eyes.

"I like you knowing all the cons and pros of dating an actress Annika, it doesn't make any difference. I know how your profession is and I also know how you are", he said making her release a shaky breath.

She looked at him with emotional eyes confusing him. He frowned and pulled her closer in his arms.

"What happened? Is something scaring you?", he asked looking in her eyes.

"Shivaay I have been part of this industry since quite few years now. Most of the relationships I have seen ending because of this reason. If she's an actress and friendly with her co-actor, I have seen her partner doubting on her and then, them part..ing away. Vice versa too happens", she gulped.

He sighed understanding her worries. He rubs her arms and pecked her hair. He kept her head on his chest and she gave in, hugging him.

"Okay listen. I agree I am a possessive man. Now that you're my girl, I will be little reluctant when a guy would touch you but.. Until and unless your feelings are just for me, it's only me whose touch affects you, it's only me who's touched you like no other man has, I am cool with it. I trust you Annika and I believe you. We'll make us work", he said and wrapped his arms around her body.

"Promise? I really like you so much Shivaay and I am not strong enough to handle a heartbreak", she whispered.

"I like you more and I promise. We'll understand each other, we'll learn more about each other. It's a long way Annika. We have to make our way to forever, it's just starting. We'll get along. I will never break your heart Annika! It would be the last thing of my life I would ever do", he said hugging her.

She didn't said anything but just hugged him tightly. She can believe him enough on his promises. She had her own insecurities regarding relationship, she don't want to end things with him. She want it forever. He kept pressing small kisses on her hair.

"Am I clear? Never think anything about it, we'll come over everything to stay together. At the end of the day, it will be you and me, together", he said and she nodded on his chest.

"We will", she muttered and parted from him. He removed the hair strands which got stuck to his stubble.

"So we're good?", he asked to which she nodded bringing back her gorgeous smile. He smiled seeing that.

"Now that's the smile of my girlfriend which makes me go weak on knees", he commented making her laugh and chuckle.

After getting down, both met Rose and Alex again. Rose asked Annika to come again to which she promised about, Alex again flirted with Annika making her laugh and as usual, Shivaay frown. Giving a quick hug to couple, both left back to their car.

"Shivaay", she called out as they got inside the car. He hummed wearing his seat belt.

"I was just thinking about something", she said looking at his side. Strapping and igniting the car, he looked at her.

"What is it?", he asked.

"You know, let's not make it official in the public right now. I mean, our lives are anyways not private from media. They know it well. I just wanted to have some privacy in our relationship, it's an intimate thing and I want it to stay such. I don't want interference of media between us, for now at least. But, only if it's okay with you", she said.

"Hmm. I got you. See, personally I have no issues in making it official but I understand your concern. We will keep our relationship private for now. Even I won't like interference of media or make us a public show", he said bringing a wide smile on her face.

"Thank you so much Shivaay", she said to which he leaned giving a quick peck on her forehead.

"Anything for you", he smiled. He leaned back to the seat and made her hair in a ponytail securing with a scrunchie.

"Btw, what about family and friends?", he asked taking a turn.

"Anyways we can't hide from them even if we want. They're like CBI agents, specially girls", Annika rolled her eyes earning a chuckle from Shivaay.

"I think it's okay if they know, anyways they deserve, they practically stay entire time with us", she said.

"Great then. I will tell boys and you'll tell girls or..we'll tell together at Allure?", he asked looking at her for a moment then ahead.

"I think latter would be better. We'll tell together, it's almost 11, girls would have slept", she muttered hoping her friends to be slept and Malika has went to her home.

She's overwhelmed with whatever has happened tonight. She needed sometime to sink everything inside her.

She's finally in a relationship. Okay!!

After sometime, they reached in front of her apartment. It was pitch dark around except for some street lights and few dogs barking. She parked the car at side.

"So..it's almost 12. I think they would have slept", he said tapping fingers on the steering wheel.

"Yeah..so I- will see you tomorrow, at Allure?", she said. He nodded.

"Come soon. I mean by 9, later everyone gets busy", she nodded.

"I know Shivaay. I come at working hours only", she smiled. He nodded looking here and there.

"Okay then, I will take your leave", she said un-buckling the seat belt.

"Come I escort you till lift", he said un-buckling his own.

"No need Shivaay. I can go", she said holding his hand. He sighed and nodded. Leaning over her, he kissed her forehead.

"I really don't want to leave you but.. Okay", she smiled caressing his cheek. He was still leaning over her. She caressed his stubble and gently pecked his lips. The corner of his lips stretched up in smile.

"I will see you tomorrow, soon Shivaay", she muttered. He hummed looking in her eyes.

Parting, she took the bouquet from the back seat with her clutch and got out of the car. She came over his side of window and leaned to it. He rolled down the glass and propped out his face.

"Sleep well and don't think about anything. From today, your happy life starts, I promise", he said caressing her cheek. She nodded holding his hand on her cheek.

"Bye. Take care and drive safe", she said. He nodded.

"Yes ma'am, I will take care and drive safe. Now get inside", she nodded and got inside her apartment campus. She turned back and waved at him going inside. He sighed keeping hand on his heart.

"Annika", he muttered smiling and sighed, driving back to his home.


Slowly unlocking the front door, she opened the door very carefully so that not even a slight noise come. Inserting her head, she scanned the entire living hall. It was silent, only dim light was glowing. Sighing, she walked inside.

"Thank god those two slept", she muttered keeping hand on her chest. Releasing breath, she walked towards her room, tip-toeing on her feet.

She carefully opened the door of her room looking around and got inside closing it immediately to gasp. Malika was sleeping on her bed, wearing a pair of her night dress.

"Fuck! Malika is here only! God, how will I face them. Thank god they're sleeping now but subah toh uthenge na Anu. Kya karegi", she muttered to herself biting her nails.

"I won't wake up till they leave tomorrow. Yes, that would be best", she said to herself and a big smile came on her face. Keeping the bouquet on her study table, she went inside her closet.

Changing into pair of grey shorts and a pink crop top, she slipped silently inside her comforter. Though she was feeling tired, she couldn't help but smile thinking about the entire night.

The way he made her feel good, his every gesture made her feel wanted and special. Their first kiss. She blushed thinking about it. The way his lips moved perfectly against her lips. Despite facing issues in her life, she has always been a happy soul but the happiness she was feeling right now. It was beyond explanation.

Just then she saw Malika turning around. She grabbed her comforter till her chest and slept with a smile on her face.

There, Shivaay sneaked inside the mansion. Everything was silent inside. He silently walked to his room. Changing in his sweatpants and shirt, he lay down on his bed with one arm under his head. A permanent smile was on his face. He's happy to be in a relationship with Annika, she's everything he want. He's excited to see his life ahead with her.


Next morning, Annika felt someone shaking her.

"Annika, uth ja na!", she heard Gauri shouting irritated. She groaned covering her head with her comforter.

"Let me sleep", she whined moving her hands to push away Gauri. She then felt shaking from other side.

"Anu! Get up! We need to know what happened last night", she heard Malika's voice making her snap open her eyes. She then realised the things.

"Uh-umm.. We had just a simple date. Eat, talk, spend time together. What else?", Annika mumbled covering comforter till her face.

"Really? There's bouquet on the table", Gauri said.

"So? If-bo..bouquet is there that doesn't mean something else is there, it was simple sweet gesture of his", Annika said frowning peeping a bit.

"Okay that's fine. Now get up! It's 8, we need to go Allure", Bhavya's voice came this time.

"Guys! Why you all are surrounding me. Go, dress up and leave na. I am feeling light headache so I will come later", she excused and mentally patted herself.

"Really? Show, is it fever?", Gauri tried to slip comforter but Annika stopped.

"NO! I mean if you'll touch me and if.. if I have fever, you'll also catch it. Go girls, I will inform Arnav or Shivaay and come later. Please, I will be fine", Annika said.

"Annika are you sure? We can wait for you", Malika said

"Yup. I will make my egg and veggie soup for you, you'll immediately feel well", Bhavya too added.

"Guys, no! I am good. I just want sleep for sometime. I will be fine, I promise, you all please go", Annika said calmly.

"Okay", came reply from three sides, reluctantly. Annika sighed doing a mini dance inside her mind.

As she heard the door closing, she threw the comforter away and sat down on the bed.

"Thank god! If they would have stayed a while more than I would have spill everything", she sighed keeping hand on her chest. She startled as her phone started ringing.

She took it from side table to see it's Shivaay. A smile came on her face. She picked it up.

"Good morning Shivaay", she wished running fingers in her hair to untangle them.

"Good morning sunshine", he replied from other side making her smile on his endearment.

"It's 8 in morning, aren't you in office?", she asked.

"I am. Why? Can't I call my girlfriend from office?", he asked making her blush.

"You can. I thought you'll be busy in your work", she said.

"Never for you. You just got up?", he asked.

"Yup. Now will freshen up and come at Allure. Girls were not leaving, I gave excuse of headache then they went. If they would have stayed back a minute more, I would have said that you and me are together", she sighed.

"It sounds so good"


"You and me are together, it sounds really good", he whispered. She smiled hearing it.

"It does. You told aunty and uncle about you, or anyone?", she asked.

"Not yet. I somehow excused it from boys. I wanna tell mom and dad, along with you", he said to which she hummed.

"Okay, I will meet you in sometime. Bye", she said.

"Bye, sunshine", he said and kept the call.

Getting out of the bed, she brushed and took a shower. She chose a black and white checked blazer along with double breasted skirt matching it. She was wearing a simple white breast top along with it. She kept her hair open with hooped golden earrings. She felt bold and beautiful in it.

Taking her car keys and mobile along with wallet, she left for Allure.


At Allure,

Shivaay was in his cabin, having his espresso, checking on some mails and designs which has come from Singapore's office.

Just then the door of his cabin opened making him close his eyes. He saw Arnav coming inside with a smirk. Here goes!

"Yes Arnav", he asked still focusing on screen.

"You tell, how was it last night?", he asked sitting on the seat in front of him.

"It was good. Really good. I took her on dinner, we talked, got to know more about each other", he said in casual tone.

"That's all?", Arnav raised his eyebrow.

"Mhm. That's all", he muttered signing some papers. He looked up to see Arnav looking at him intimidatingly. He sighed keeping his pen away.

"Okay, something more happened but, me and Annika wants to tell that together. She's on her way so let's just wait and please don't tell others, specially Malika. She's like newspaper, everyone will know", he muttered last line.

"Don't worry", Arnav chuckled hearing it, "but I am waiting to know it", he smiled and got up.

"That was easy", Shivaay said but saw Arnav turning.

"I am telling Om and Rudy though", he said and winked immediately going out. Shivaay sighed rolling his eyes and went back to his work.

After sometime, he heard a knock on his door and other minute, Annika walked in smiling widely.

"Sorry I am late. Traffic of Mumbai you know", she said sheepishly standing in front of his desk and kept his wallet with keys there.

He was just looking at her. She was looking freaking hot in what she wore. Her honey skin was amply visible. Her waist, her bare legs and her collarbone, everything looked like inviting his touches.

"Shivaay", he snapped out of his dirty thoughts and looked up at her who was looking at him too oblivious from what she was doing to him.

"Yeah. Tell me one thing, how many boys tried on you out in way?", he asked getting up from his seat and buttoned his jacket walking to her. In seconds, she was in his arms. He could feel her bare warm waist.

"How do you know?", she asked blinking. As soon as she entered, couple of boys tried to flirt with her, one almost asked her out for a coffee.

"Baby, just look at you. You look like an eye candy right now. How a man would control", he looked in her chocolate orbs. He leaned and kissed her lips softly.

She blushed on his comment and kept her hands on his chest. She couldn't ignore the way he called her 'baby'. She looked at him.

He was in blue checked formals looking as hot and handsome as always.

As he kissed her, she could smell his after-shave. His tiny beard above his upper lips tickled her skin. She slowly responded it.

"You're looking gorgeous and really hot baby", he muttered as he pulled back. She blushed lowering her eyes.

"You look no less", she mumbled and kissed his cheek.

"Mhm? Well I have match with this beauty", he said nuzzling their nose. She kept hands on his chest pressing it.

"It's your office", she said leaning back.

"Exactly! No one can barge in without permission!", he smirked naughtily.

"Really?", raised her eyebrow chuckling knowing the reality.

"Okay fine. Except those 6 monkeys", he said annoyed.

"I really don't want them to know that we're dating by seeing us kissing", she commented.

"Yeah. Fine, I guess. So shall we go and tell them?", he asked.

"Uh-yeah", she said smiling nervously.

"What happened?", he asked softly caressing her cheek.

"Nothing. Just my anxiousness before doing something", she said.

"Don't worry. Everyone will be happy knowing it", he said placing a quick peck on her forehead. She nodded.

"Why don't you just call them here? I mean outside, there are chances of anyone else hearing. Here it will be only you, me, them and if apart, Sia", she said.

"Fine with me. You make yourself comfortable, I will call them", he said leaving her waist and moved back to his desk. She sat down in front of him checking the schedule of her day, sent by her assistant.


"What happened?"

"Didn't you guys go well together?"

"Didi, bhaiya said something?"

"Ah Finally! Just spill it now"

"I so knew something happened last night"

Voice overlapped each other as soon the six people came inside his cabin, of course without knocking. Suddenly his calm cabin was looking a debatable meeting room.

Annika had to stifle her laugh as she saw a horrified and disbelief on his his face.

"Guys! Guys!", she shouted other time stopping everyone. All eyes were on her.

"I mean, nothing such happened like you think and of course Rudy, your bhaiya didn't do anything", she chuckled.

"Then what's the matter? You two are here alone like this, Shivaay called us asking to come up in hurry", Malika asked.

"Actually we want to say something", he finally said and went to Annika's side. He held her hand and she got up.

He clasped his hands with her and blinked making her release a breath and nod.

"So the thing is- we're dating", Shivaay said calmly. Annika smiled.

There was silence and suddenly a chaos. Girls pulled away Annika from him and hugged her tightly, breaking her bones.

"Guys- I can't breathe", Annika muffled wriggling in their hug. They kept squealing.

"Finally man! We're so happy for you", Om and Arnav took him in a hug which he responded along with a smile.

"Finally my ship is sailing", Rudra whispered yelled squealing.

"It's ours Rudy", came voice from everyone. He pouted.

"Fine! But I made their couple name, remember", he said.

"I was so sure something happened last night. I was having such intuitions", Malika said.

"Exactly! And that fever was a drama, wasn't it?", Gauri pointed out.

"Uh- me and Shivaay wanted to tell along", she said still getting pressed in a hug.

"But we're so happy for both of you" Bhavya said happily. All agreed.

"Okay girls, leave my girl. She's suffocating", Shivaay said pulling Annika away from girls.

"Possessive much", boys commented.

"Of course, I am", he said looking towards Annika. She smiled softly, his arm was wrapped around her waist.

"I am very possessive for my girl", he said looking in her eyes.


Thanks for your votes and comments on the previous chapter. Keep reading, voting and commenting your views. They means a lot to me♥️

Finally Shivika are dating. Now the journey will start of how they fall in love, balance their public and private life.

Precap: when Shivaay see Annika with one of her co-actor.


P.S: there's a look of Shivaay's house and Annika's penthouse she shares with Gauri and Bhavya.

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