The Locker (Completed)

By wattynerdd143

707K 8.3K 649

"Don't...stop" I say between pants. I grip her hips and guide her to my aching manhood once again. I feel her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

41.4K 477 37
By wattynerdd143

Josh's P.O.V.

Why is she home so soon? I watched as her car pulled into her drive way. I'm not a stalker! I just heard a car pull up so I checked. Is she ok? If he hurt her I'll kill him! But on the plus side if their date sucked then I'll have a better chance! I think I'll ask her how the date went when I see her.

(Saturday Night)

Wow I've never been so nervous in my life! I'm pacing back and forth in my room totally sweating like a pig! This is the second shirt I've went through! Pulling off my shirt to get another one I look at the time. "Shit" I mumble to myself. It was 7:23pm! I had to be there at 7:30!! Quickly throwing on my shirt I run out of the door with my keys and my wallet.

I nervously knock on the door, my palms sweating a bit. What feels like ages, the door finally opens. Woah, she's beautiful. My eyes slowly go over her flawless features. Her hair is in a side braid. She's wearing a white beany, and a black sweater, with skin tight white skinny jeans. And dark brown boots that stop just below her knees. Barely any make up, so natural, just the glossy stuff on her juicy lips and the black stuff that girls put on their eye lashes.

"Ahem" I hear her say. I finally come back to reality. "If you take a picture it will last longer" she says with a smirk. I smile "You look beautiful." She looks down at her feet completely blushing. She's so cute when she does that. "You ready?" I ask. She looks up and nods. I lead her to my car and and we drive to the ice rink. "Aren't you gonna be cold? You're only wearing jeans and a shirt." "Nah I'll be fine, I brought my jacket" I tell her. The rest of the drive was silent. A comfortable silence, us both lost in thought.

We walk in and I instantly feel the cold slap my bare ll my jacket on as we walk to pay for our skates, and skate time. "Do you know how to skate?" I ask as we walk towards the rink with our skates on. As soon as we step in she clings to the railing. "Well I'll take that as a no" I laugh. She glares at me "Don't laugh at me." I step on the ice next to her and take her hands off the rail and put them on my shoulders as my hands slide down to her waist. "Don't worry baby, I've got you" she looks up at me. Her big blue eyes bore into mine.  She smiles shyly. Then she surprisingly pulls me in for a tight hug. "Thanks Josh."  

"For what?" 

"Helping me forget about what an awful night I had last night" she smiles weakly. I decided not to ask her about her date last night, if she wants to tell me then she will.

We skate around the rink for awhile. Not once did I let go of her hand. I tried to show her how to skate, haha boy was that funny! She got too scared and just stood there! This is honestly the best date I've ever had! It's not like the other ones where I have to suffer through the whole date just to get laid! I actually enjoyed myself, I really want to do this right. 

Once we are out of the ice rink, we sit down on a bench to take off our skates. "Are you hungry Lila?" I ask.

"A little bit, do you mind if we go grab a bite to eat?" she inquires, while struggling to unlace her skates. I lightly chuckle and quickly pull her onto my lap so I can help her. I hear a little scream leave her mouth as she looks up at me in shock. "Wha-what?..." once she notices I am trying to help her with her skates she relaxes in my arms. I could definitely get used to this...

"Sure, we can see what they have at the cafe?" I suggest, answering to her previous question as I take her skates off. We give them back and put on our regular shoes before we head to the cafe.

"Are you having a good time?" I ask as we slide into a booth with our pretzels and drinks.

"I really am Josh, I hope we can do this again sometime." she says with a gentle smile. My heart just about beats out of my chest when I hear her words, but I contain my excitement with just a simple smile back. 

We soon finish up our, sort of, meal. As we walk out of the cafe I feel her hand lightly graze mine, and she quickly pulls her hand to her side. "Sorry.." she mumbles as she blushes. So fucking adorable. 

I smile at her, trying hard not to laugh at her cuteness. Then, I reach down and take her hand into mine and gently raise it up to my lips giving her a soft kiss. She stares at me wide eyed, as I continue to hold her hand as we walk. "Now before we go back, there is still one last place I would like to take you." I say. She looks at me slightly confused but she goes along with it. I lead her to a mini park lit up with tons of lights that hang from trees all around us. 

We come to a bench and take a seat. I notice she is looking at me sort of like she is expecting me to say something. Well...I do have something to say. I begin my horrible speach, stuttering and fumbling over my words. But finally I am able to ask her to be my girlfriend. I look in her blue orbs and wait for her answer, I can feel my heart beating rapidly....

 A/N: There it is guys! Hope you liked it! Ill upload again soon! xx

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