Mystery boy (a owl house stor...

By yampariv

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Blights, one of the most esteemed and richest family's of witches in the boiling isles. They have three kids... More

The accident on melancholy hill
The black sheep
Oysters and curses
A human and a chalaca
The meeting of two partys
Blights and snobs
Partying and suprises
Smugleing two humans
Rhinstone eye of a monster
Seven nation army.
beasts and dancing
Birthdays and destruction
Wrath and truth
Waves are rising
The wars inside and out
Fire coming out of a demon
Lots of pain killers and a flower bud
An emperor, a demon, and a stuborn teen with a bat
Revilations and despairs

Everything ends eventualy

26 0 1
By yampariv

(Not this is not the end of the story for it is only the beginning my friends. And new ones for a new character)

The news came out. Everyone on the boiling isles know what my mother and father has done. This puts a smile to my face, I hear a knock at my door. "Talk to me" I said
"Mother and father are holding a press conference and need you there" Edric said
"Thanks little bro. Hey can you do a favor while I'm out" I ask
He comes into my room more. "And what would that be" he asked
I turned to him, my sinister smirk presented. "Oh dearest brother I need you to run a errand for me" I said

Time skip to the conference

Everyone was sitting in there chairs in front of a stage at the main blight factory. I was sitting in a chair on stage while my parents were desperately trying to defend themselves. I look in the crowd to see boschas parents sitting in the back. Our eyes meet and I nod as they return the gesture. "We don't know who got this miss information but we can assure you it isn't true" my mother said
"Why don't you let your son talk since he is the supposed victim here then" one of the reporters said
Then everyone was agreeing. I could see my mother getting a little ticked off. "Yes that seems like a great idea, he can explain how it's all not true" she said
She came up to me as I stood up. She got near my ear and whispered. "Remember what happens if you mess up" she said thinking she had won
I only chuckled. "Oh I won't" I said
I walk to the podium and stand tall on it. My giant scar on my face shining in the light as my void eye glows. "Oden blight is what the news report said was true or false" a reporter asked
It's finally all over. "Why my friends I am a truthful guy, I'm a blight a high stander in society, and as such my parents seeks perfection in my achievements. Which I do and excel. But that's all you see in front of the curtains. A perfect child that will succeed all the way to the emperors coven. But what's behind the curtains you ask. All of the truth, all the verbal assaults, the whips, beatings, testing of creations, and my death. All of those lead back to my parents perfection. So to answer the question everyone is dying to know it is true. If you need more proof my dearest brother ran a errand for me. ED BRING HIM IN" I yell
Ed walks up to the stage with the same guy that killed me and wionna with a lightning strike. Me and the witch were the same height. I look back to my mother to see her face go pale. "Now in a report 4 years ago this exact witch shot off a stray magic blast but the truth was he was hired to kill me. And he succeeded until I came back. Then 5 years before that a stray magic blast was fired and killed wionna park. Also was killed by my parents since they saw her as a distraction to my success. Now witch, answer to the truth. Did my parents hire you to do these things." I said
I used my oracle magic to make him tell the truth. "Yes I did. Your parents hired me twice and paid big money for it" he said
Everyone gasped. "Now you see everyone. The parents of my siblings aren't seeing us as there children no no no. We are just mere stepping stools to a name." I finished
Everyone flocked around asking questions at rapid speed. I pull out a document "Also one more thing. I'm taking the family business for myself and immediately turning it over to the gantalits" I said
My mothers face paled even more. I just look to her. "Oh sweet sweet mother. You had the Chance to keep all of this. All your power status but chose to not swallow your pride and lose it all. Now watch as your world falls apart. So what do you think of that oldalia this is my perfect victory THATS RIGHT I WIN" I yelled
I walk off stage and avoided the reporters with my shadow step. I see boschas parents outside the door waiting on me. I hand them the documents. "There you go. The deed to the business. Hope you enjoy" I said
I then shadow step to the owl house. I use a spell to make a box that's wrapped. Hooty opens his eyes to me. "Oh hi ody how you doing" bird tube asked
"Count your days bird tube your next on the list" I said opening the door.
I see wionna, luz, eda, king, and my girlfriend on the couch watching the sphere showing the press conference. "Liked the show I put on" I asked
They jump when I said something and I felt two people tackle me to the ground. "James Oden noceda blight do you know how worried I was" Lucia said choking me
"Is this flirting or choking your sending mix signals" I said
I felt her grip tighter. "Your literally losing air dumb nuts" luz said
"But she said her name first, did you finally get the wedding documents" I asked
"Still no" Lucia said
Luz and her got off me finally. "Dang but I did get you a gift since I didn't give you cuddles in a while." I gave her a box
She opened it to reveal a knife with her name in Damascus. "What's a knife for" Lucia said
"YEAAAAHHH" Lucia yelled with me as we started running for the door.
She tried to stop us but we were too fast for the old woman's legs. But we were stopped by a wall of plants. I look back to Wionna having a spell circle made. "Wionna I thought you agreed to help us" Lucia whined
"Yeah but unlike you I still want a place to stay" wionna said
"Alright fine. Can you at least put this down so I can take Lucia out on a date finally" I ask
She nods lazily as the wall of plants come down and I open the door. "After you blight" I flirted
"Thanks noceda" Lucia came back with as we walked out the door
"Have a great time" bird tube said in an annoying voice
"Your day will come bird tube I swear" I threatened
Lucia threw the knife right beside lis face nearly missing. "And we will enjoy it" Lucia agreed
Titian why is she hot. We walk to bonesbrough since I had no ideas. "Hey do you got any ideas for what we should do" I ask
"No everything looks like it wants to kill you in the food" Lucia shivered
Then my scroll shows up with it ringing. It said it was Edric. "Huh wonder why Edric is calling this late. *press answer* talk to me Ed (hey Oden guess what I did while I did that errand you wanted) oh no did you buy something on my card I swear (no no it's actually good. You now that new restaurant that opened up) yeah that place has a month wait out (well since I had a friend on the inside I got them to pull a few strings and I made a reservation there since you and Lucia needed to go on a date for once) oh really thanks Ed I owe you man (oh don't worry I have plans I need help with) I feel proud yet worried at the same time but bye" I finished the call
"What was that about" Lucia asked
I picked her up bridal style. "H-hey w-what are you doing blight" Lucia stuttered
She was a blushing mess. "Oh Ed hooked us up and I was gonna teleport us there sooo" I use shadow step and we were in front of the restaurant. "You can put me down now blight" Lucia said
"Hm if you say so" I said I dropped her on the ground
"Ow what was that for" Lucia whined
"You said to drop you and since your my lovely girlfriend I listened" I said
She got up and we headed for the door and I opened it for her as we were at the front. "Reservation for blight" I said
The witch looked down at her list and stopped at a certain part. "Ah yes, a reservation for the private room" she said
Dang Ed hooked us up. "Yep that's the one" Lucia said
She nods and we were leaded to the back of the restaurant where a sign said 'vips only'. We walked in and it was a room to ourselves. A big couch with a table in the center. At the center was a bucket with ice and vodka. "Oh Ed you son of a gun I love you" Lucia said going straight for it
"But not as much as me" I said sitting beside her on the couch.
"You know that though noceda" Lucia said
"And so do you noceda " I came back with
"HA YOU FELL FOR IT YOU AGREED TO NOCEDA" Lucia yelled in victory
I just pour a glass for the two of us. "Yeah yeah your right we're going for noceda. I hated being called a blight anyway" I said
So then we drank to that and we kept talking throughout the night, laughing, smiling, and just having a fun time with each other that we desperately needed. I looked at the time and it was almost sunset. "Dang how long have we been here" I ask
"Pretty long for it to be 6:30" Lucia said
Then one of the workers entered the room. "Sorry for the interruption but if you would like there is a balcony for the two of y'all that has a perfect view of the sunset" the worker said
We looked at each other and nodded. "Thanks we will take you up on that offer" I said
We got up with our drinks and went to said balcony and he was right. There was a view of the ocean and the sun was coming down. "Well what a perfect view this is" Lucia said taking a swig of her drink.
"Yeah just like you" I smirked
She looked at me and snuggled up to me on the seat. "Titian your the best boyfriend I could ever ask for" Lucia said
"And your the best I could get" I said
We were inches away from each others face, everything felt slow as we inched closer and closer. Then we were a centimeter apart from our lips, and then it connected. A kiss that was begging to happen, what felt like a minute felt like months as there was nothing that was in the way. No problems, no more monsters, and my parents are gone from my sight. I felt so free and now I had the world in my hands as we kissed. After about three minutes we broke apart for air, our faces still close. "I love you noceda" I said
"And so do I my big cat" Lucia said moving a piece of hair behind my ear.
We looked at the night sky in beauty as the moon slowly rised. 'Oh what a touching moment. Glad that was your last' I looked around frantic.
I then looked to the table and there he was. Drinking some whiskey, his orange eyes glowing with fury and his jet black hair glowing. His fangs showing in his smirk he had. "Why are you here, you can't do anything" I said
"Oh but I can" he said in a normal voice now. It wasn't in my head
He walked over and picked up the vodka bottle. "I'm as real as you and little noceda there" he said
"W-what are you doing here. TELL ME" I yell as I put Lucia behind me.
"Oh haven't you seen. Your time is up" he said pointing up
I looked up in horror, red glaring on my face as destruction's laughter rings through the night. It was time. The crimson moon was here. "LUCIA RUN RUN NOW TO THE OWL HOUSE" I said
I drew a spell and shadow stepped her away from here. Then made another getting my jacket Willow got me and the scroll I found in wionnas office. "Alright you Damn demon. Today I get out out of me." I said
The golden lines on the jacket glow and I make a fire in one hand and unroll the scroll in the other. I make a spell circle with the blue flames and incite the message on the scroll. "tôi kêu gọi sự tự do của tôi từ bên trong và đuổi linh hồn bạn ra khỏi cơ thể tôi bằng ngọn lửa của chính bạn" I incited and then a blinding light came from the scroll blinding my good eye. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" destruction screamed
When I could see again blue flames were everywhere as almost everything was burning. I get up and I try to use my blue flames as they worked. "Stole his power to. Time to finish him" I said looking around
All I could here was a deep laughter as I could hear metal scraping on the ground. I look behind and there he was,

"Oh how good it feels to be back" he said
He had a sword now. "Oh an ambulance " I said
I Summon his scythe he used, the crimson flames engulfing the blade. My sight returned clear as my eyes glowed red. "But not for me" I said
We ran at each other as blades clashed. I kick him in the knee making him kneel as I swing my blade around and he blocks. I kick him with a flaming foot to the face sending him into a wall. I put the scythe on my shoulder. "Oh how delightful it will be when I drive this blade into you taking everything you have" I smiled
"Oh I'm not too sure about that" he said
He kicked out the wall and raised his blade. His blue flames engulfing his sword. I pop the scythe off my shoulder and block him. "Where's all that you were talking about before" I asked
I then felt something in my back. I look back and he was there with a blade covered in my blood. I look back and it was only an illusion. "There" he said
I swished my blade around my arm and slice him in the chest. "This can go two ways buddy" I said
I coughed a little blood and turned around. I was about to bring my scythe down on him. "Now I end this and make my life good for once" I said
I sound down, it's the end. I've won, my perfect victory I have waited for years. I can finally rest peacefully in my box. "Sorry but you still got to be depressed for a while longer" a new voice said blocking my scythe
I look over and it was the golden guard. "Oh so you've been wussing up to the emperor now Huh old friend" I said
"Doesn't hurt to have connections" he smirked
The golden guard flicked my scythe away from my hands and shot me back with a plant spell. "And good friends he is with the emperor. Still a little edgy in my opinion though" the golden guard said
I got up and I was paused now. "You know what screw this I'm ending this" I said
I opened my hand and two crimson spell circles were over my hands. "Begone with my thunderous rage" I said
The sky turned dark. Thunder could be heard and a lot of it. Purple light shined through the clouds. I turn my wrist and flick down. "For my lightning is absolute. NOW DIE BY THE STORM OF THE TITAIN" I yell
Multiple booms where heard in the clouds and then all at once, multiple bolts of lightning came raining down on the two. Destroying the balcony and sending us into a free fall. One of the spell circles turn golden and a abomination hand caught me and lowered me to the ground. The lightning strikes still came down. I then stop, the two spell circles withering away as I lower my hands. chunks of concrete were everywhere. I look as I see two figures in the dust. When it clears it's them. Badly injured. The golden guards mask cracked in half showing his bright red eyes and scars with some of his clothes ripped. Destruction had multiple cuts and burn marks on him and two of his eyes blinded. "See how it feels destruction. To be blind and not see the full picture. Well I see a clear image of a supposed god badly injured. I have injured you so I know you are touchable with your lies saying your not. And the great golden guard. A mere child in my eyes. Unhinged, childish, and weak. The emperor made a mistake choosing you. I am at the pinacle of my magic capability while near deaths doorstep three times now. So go back to your emperor and show him how much of a failure you are and what mistake he made trusting the both of you for trying to kill me." I said
They both slowly moved and got on the golden guards staff and flew away. "You'll regret this blight" the golden guard said
"Oh child I'm not a blight. " I said
They flew off and I laughed to the sky. I am free and I am powerful. I then fall to my knees from the blood loss. "IM A DAMN NOCEDA WITCH" I yelled
I then pass out and everything goes dark.

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